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Andres Ramos

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Everything posted by Andres Ramos

  1. I think currently your work on spirit video is unique.
  2. Funny idea. A thought came to my mind that water soaked up by a sponge would yield into electrical irregularities if you would route a current through it. I made a quick setup with two graphite electrodes in a soldering sponge. An OpAmp was used to amplify the signal. I got a strong noise rich in impulses. Voices in it which sound totally oversaturated. See the strong impulse blocks shooting out from the ground noise level. Voices are of poor legibility but very strong. Track Export.mp3 I am hypothesizing that all semi conducting media in granular form with irregular contact points, are forming an extremely sensitive but highly nonlinear transfer function between the hereafter and the physical realm. If we assume something like modulated energy coming from the spirits, this signal seems to push against an interdimensional border. This border could be flexible. If the signal amplitude energy pushes against it, maybe it becomes deformed and at uncertain trigger point becomes disrupted. For a short moment the barrier opens a hole like in a flexible plastic diaphragm and releases the ethereal amplitude maximum as an energy impulse into the physical realm. After this injection of energy the diaphragm closes again. The amplitude information gets more or less completely lost in this transformation process. This is the reason why the voices are extremely distorted. Only the maximum parts of the spirit amplitude make it through the barrier and are converted into spikes. The spike levels are only loosely related to the original spirit amplitude. Could this be a first thought for an ITC impulse model?
  3. Just took the time to listen. There are really more voices in it that I thought it would. As always I hear the voices a little different. I hear "Für Andrés da" -> "Here for Andrés". The second clip in the sample is thrilling. Sounds like a very low bumping voice overlayed by screaming voices.
  4. Thats amazing! Especially the "There build aural optical" is very clear. Keith said they often talk about photons as carriers of information. In the meantime I did the LED pulse experiment. This is how a cycle looks like. The first third is the sugnal in the ON phase of the LED. It's a swing in dominated by a sharp hissing sound. On phase LED:On-Phase.mp3 The second big impulse indicates the OFF phase of the LED. The LDR impedance is running up it's curve here. It shows a short period dominated by spikes. In this sequence you can hear voices after paulstretching. However in the following sample is not processed. Thus you can hear just the spikes. Then you can see that the signal level is rising again linearity. This is not the LDR but the automatic gain control I implemented. OFF phase LED: Off-Phase.mp3 Complete cycle:Pulse cycle.mp3 Off-Phase.mp3 Pulse cycle.mp3 So basically our thoughts were right. However the results are not very impressive so far. I now will let the device run by night. Results generally sre better then
  5. Thanks Jeff! You're ideas are quite right. In fact I've been doing what you proposed in my first experiments. I glued the LDR together with an LED to the ends of a small black plastic tube. The original idea was to measure the noise level of the LDR depending on the LED current. Maybe it turns out that this is the ideal setup especially for optical feedback. The only reason I'm currently using an open loop for feedback is that the experimenter can add influence in the kind of controlled interference like CFLs or smartphone displays. We'll see what comes out but it's interesting you had the same idea that I had. I think this is community spirit! The pulsating LED is something mandatory to investigate in my eyes. I don't know if you had the same experience, it's somehow more a gut feeling but I noticed that the best voices came through when something "changes" in the receiving system or environment. This also matches my observations that most voices come through directly after starting the recording session. Maybe it's that "change" that punches a temporary hole into the interdimensional borders.
  6. I agree very much with what you said. Especially the depolarization is something I noticed a lot. One question from my side to quantization. If I understand you correctly the problem with quantization is that e.g. in a noise signal quantized with 16 bit and a spirit modulation that is very low the spirit signals will go through a quantization of only 1..4 bits. This accounts for every kind of signal hiding in the noise because it's level is much smaller compared to the noise level. Is this correct?
  7. Hi everyone, I made some progress with the LDR-ITC receiver. This is how it looks like now. The LDR is contained in an aluminium cube that serves as a base and faraday cage. I use a rock crystal as an diffuser. VID_20210321_103938.mp4 VID_20210321_111308.mp4 I packed my proceedings in the format of a small podcast. LDR-ITC Proceedings 2021-03-25.mp3
  8. Yes Jeff. I share your experiences on every level. This is the weird thing behind ITC or maybe behind everything that catches you so deeply that you start to make your way into it. In the beginning it's a thrilling phenomenon, weird, spooky, totally off mainstream and you feel a little special to be part of this hidden community dealing with such odd stuff. However while walking along this new path, longing for finding out what is working behind this phenomenon you are collecting completely different insights. You find out the importance of being kind and humble, you encounter your deficencies in quite brutal ways, you find yourself entangled with hereafter beings in love, you are beginning to doubt a worldview based on duality, you're walking through the deep dark valleys of you own mind, sometimes you're going through hell and fires, sometimes you're climbing mountains and are granted a view on it all. In the end you find yourself in everything and everything in yourself and you remember you started by asking where those voices in the noise came from. That's my thing with ITC. It's not only a phenomenon, it's a story, a story about you and all the rest.
  9. Yeah the attitude of the experimenter is a tricky thing. I had my first success when I have put myself in a strict neutrale position, still being self critical. However the boost that made the connection so much better came when I established an emotional connection with the hereafter when I realized that those entities on the other side are like a family to me. From that moment on you can't maintain a neutral position anymore, or could you sustain a neutral position with your eife and son? This moment put something straight for me. ITC in the first place is personal evolving a spiritual life. It's not me job to convince people. I am willing to give them any help they need if they decide to make up their own way into spirituality. However it's not my job to convince a sceptic who's rejecting what we're doing anyway. I don't feel the need to explain ITC to people lolling on their sofa, scratching their genitals and saying, "Oohgay, no try to prove it to to me, that ITC thing!" Sorry, not my job! The problem with sceptics is they don't want to give up to one of the core fallacies of mainstream science, that the experimenter is disentangled from the experiment even though Heisenberg proved them wrong long ago. They see ITC as an effect like magnetism, something depending on a smart technical setup they can measure. The secret wish behind their attitude is they want to drag ITC into the realm of quantum mechanics and thus bypassing spirituality. Their call for scientific rigor partially is correct but applying the full strength of mainstream science to ITC destroys the fragile connection with the hereafter that basically is not founded on techniques but on love. Thus the "mood" of the experimenter is much more important than anyone would think. By the way, negative emotions not just can disrupt your connection but bring you into contact with entities you don't wanna invite for dinner certainly. Nevertheless we will try to pursue the quest for the ideal receptor but I think what really changes and evolves is us. Regarding your question for groups, I personally had contacts to technicians and got some messages from Swejen Salter. She seems to coordinate transmissions between us and the hereafter as a kind of spiritual scientist. However I rarely had definitely contact with groups that identified themselves as so.
  10. 1. No. I got very clear microphone voices but only audible after playing back the recording. Thus it was no online discussion. 2. Not in the rigor your requirement is formulated. Our experience is that the experimenters perception is not to be disentangled from the phenomenon. That means everyone hears at least slightly something different. From that point of view your requirement #2 is not applicable. 3. Yes. Weil ich sie liebte.mp3 "Weil ich sie liebte" -> "Because I loved her" 4. Yes.Andres leider abschalten.mp3 "Andrés, leider abschalten" -> "Andrés, sorry need to switch off" Ich bin Svenja Bürre.mp3 "Ich bin Svenja Bürre" -> "I am Svenja Bürre" Und ich bin Darko.mp3 "Und ich bin Darko" -> "And I am Darko" 5. Yes. 01-aa ist tot.mp3 "o1-AA ist tot" -> "01-AA is dead" 6. One of my experiments turned out that way, yes. It sounded like an EVP but had no speech content. Have no sample available currently. Maybe on another computer. Must look. Wir sind da.mp3
  11. Certainly not. Those old diodes are nice noisy beasts and the setups with them are rather simple to get some usable noise from.
  12. I had the first expectations. However after trying it with a laser pointer I could see the beam wasn't scattered and it came out of the water even without being widened.
  13. Thanks for the praise Jeff. The carbon dust receiver basically is a coherer and I did lots of experiments with different sorts of particles like nickel-, aluminum-, copper- and iron-filings as well as carbon in the form of graphite powder. You may want to read this: https://my.hidrive.com/lnk/NnghAjgj
  14. Impressing! Would it be possible to use a macro lens to obtain a higher resolution?
  15. An nice bunch of pretty interesting information and this thread really is fascinating. If you want to gather a group for experiments with combined consciousness you can look for members here at Varanormal. Following the experience of our core team it doesn't really matter where the members are located. PSI fields are non local as far as we know. Y
  16. OK what we can see is the germanium substrate and a rather primitive contact screw sealed into a plexiglas housing. The coils seem not to be handmade. They're more looking like solenoids from 230VAC AC relays. This could be a hint that an exact specification of the coils is not crucial. Everything is fixed with a kind of silicon glue in the housing. I still have doubts about the efficacy of the coils. They might work as pick-up coils for interference or magnetic induction or they might do nothing at all.
  17. I completely agree with you Jeff. You said exactly the things we observed in our experiments. The kind of "noise" source is predominating the characteristics of the voices. I got clicking voices from clicking sound, rough voices from rough coherer noise, a.s.o. Maybe this is the reason why the quality of voices gained from white noise isn't good per se even we think it's the ideal entropy source since it contains all frequencies needed with equal levels. But white noise has NO voice characteristics! One of the best results I ever had was by crumpling mylar foil. This process doesn't produce voices directly but it generates streams of impulses thar are mimicking speech patterns. That was something I discovered as I was deliberately listening to the soft crackling of mylar when you crumple it slowly. The impulses are not equally spaced but come out in bursts like phonems. After applying Paulstretching in Audacity the impulses were turned into intelligible speech. I think the reason why this works so well is that we need to give them something as close to speech as possible but still not being speech, a speech form without content.
  18. Referring to the statement that the TDC was a gizmo for the spirits I can say that in our work here we noticed that the kind of technology we are using in our experiments isn't the major factor of success. A that techniques bring up the same quality of results in average. However there are situations when a device suddenly produces exceptional results but this can happen with every device in ever technique. The conclusion is that the device isn't the crucial factor. This might be the grade of spiritual evolvement of the experimenter or even more a group of them. I think we are much more than the users of a device.
  19. Basically not a bad idea Karyn. I still have 2GHz radio scanners from my ham radio time.
  20. Michael Lee is our guru for signal processing using machine learning. His development is far away of anything else we know so far. However even this ist not the ultimate key for everything. The truth is that we have a big toolbox of means to improve spirit signals depending on the technique used. This starts with filtering processes, going over software noise gating, denoising and ending in esoteric algorithms like Paulstretch. Every tool just improves a particular characteristic of a signal, not all. I think this really is the point. Spirit signals can be very inhomogeneous. It's hard to cover all those characteristics with one tool.
  21. From the viewpoint of quantum mechanics there is an interdimendional border between the hereafter and the physical realm. This border likely is leaking energy maybe in both directions. When particles are popping out of quantum noise this could be the manifestation of creational forces here in our world. Tesla tried to tap zero point energy from the other dimension. As far as I know his coils were always part of the design for those devices. The tesla coil is not just producing high voltage, it's a high tension resonance phenomenon more like a loud electric tone. I assume that his setup could puncture the border between the dimensions temporarily and this could also improve spirit connection. A fascinating idea is to modulate this high tension with tones or our own voices and see what happens.
  22. In any case it would require a very long and stable connection to the spirits as the character speed will be very slow.
  23. I had the same problems especially because I did not understand the function of the coils. But I made some experiments with a piece of pure germanium from Ebay. When I was routing a small current through the screw and the GE it generated pink noise. I got a mix of croaky voices jumping out of an agile noise signal full of cracks, bursts and spikes. Intelligibility of the voices was rather bad.
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