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Keith J. Clark

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Keith J. Clark last won the day on March 29

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About Keith J. Clark

  • Birthday 09/07/1976

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  1. Hi Sharon, thank you for sharing! In this case I'm unable to see what you're referencing.
  2. Thanks for posting Steve! I had to chuckle at the "spirits have failed us". Actually, it is humanity that has failed us! Keith
  3. Hello Keith, how are you? Give me a tip, how can I get Spektrocom to work on the Linux system? and what is the latest version of it? thank you

    1. Arizona EVP

      Arizona EVP

      Greetings Maciel,

      I have no experience with Linux but I did find this recent article:




      Good Luck,


  4. Olá Samuel, entendo seus motivos para manter as informações confidenciais e já estive na mesma situação. Por razões de segurança, remova o seu número de telefone (este é um fórum público). Eu não gostaria de ver você recebendo muito spam como eu! Que tal eu te enviar uma mensagem privada. Obrigado, Keith Hello Samuel, I understand your reasons for keeping the information confidential and I have been in the same situation. For safety reasons please remove your phone number (this is a public forum). I would not want to see you receive a lot of spam like I do! How about I send you a private message. Thank you, Keith
  5. Hi Samuel, thank you for sharing with us. It seems you have been working with spirit for a long time. In this post you indicated: "I'm looking for partners to improve my devices." However, you do not provide any details on your devices at all. May I ask how you hope to have partners help improve your devices without any information? Or are you referring to partners in spirit? Thanks! Keith
  6. Hi Lora, I believe I answered this with you since you made this post. The live stream uses 2 computers. Whenever there is a power outage, or a loss of wifi (reboot modem, router, etc) the stream reconnects but the audio doesn't. I leave it this way because: a. the computer will stay running longer without a reboot b. it's more stable dividing the work among 2 computers Anyone can feel free to contact me on any of the social media platforms, or by email keith at idigitalmedium dot com. Since 2008 it has taken many hundreds of hours of work keeping this stream alive. If we had monetary resources that were sufficient I'd be happy to have the audio and video running from the same computer Thanks, Keith
  7. Hi Caterina, yes - it is not unusual to hear words that sound similar to your own voice - especially if you are conducting traditional evp where you record in open air. Spirit is sometimes able to use recent or future energy from your own voice, store it, and try to speak using it. Or...it could be someone in your family, which would also explain a similar voice if it's a mother, grandmother, aunt, etc. Keith
  8. False statement. Karyn had the IT role of site administrator - except that she didn't do any site admin - which presented itself as a risk once it was clear she was abusing her authority. Her site user role was changed to moderator. Currently, she is now banned.
  9. Here's the original information on this stream: https://idigitalmedium.com/spiritron-c/
  10. Hi Mike, regarding the MIDI experiment - usually the people who have the knowledge of certain technologies apply that knowledge to ITC experiments. This means in most cases there simply aren't enough technical people to fulfill every request - particularly as everyone has their own competing schedules and goals. I would suggest maybe sketching out how you see this experiment going, and then see if others have input Keith
  11. Hi Andres, that's pretty cool. I've often wondered the same...where is the energy being drawn from.
  12. Hi @Michael Brandel, the video links are broken. Would you happen to have new links? Thanks! Keith
  13. Andres I think you're onto something. I don't think it was a one-off. Strongly encourage you to keep going. Good stuff!!
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