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Andres Ramos

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Everything posted by Andres Ramos

  1. Yes it seems so. You're all using the desktop version ?
  2. I just get this menu function in the edit menu.
  3. I have WavePad on my smartphone but can't find this function there.
  4. Absolutely! I am always stressing people to document what they're doing at least in a way that anyone else has a chance to repeat what they did. This is a minimum approach for scientific structure in our work we really should adopt.
  5. Then you're on the right track. Perfect!
  6. Hi Sharon and thank you for sharing those intimate experiences with us. From my point of view it isn't common for an average person to experience what you did just from harboring anger. However the fact that you had those experiences means you have a distinctive access to the spiritual world. Basically this is wonderful and opens up lots of amazing possibilities! However everything comes to price. You need to learn the basic rules of mental hygiene. That does not mean you must suppress your emotions, that'll be totally wrong. It means you have to work yourself through your emotions, accept them, also the dark ones and make peace with them. It's also called "Shadow work" and comprises the path of spiritual healing you need to go and if you do you will be guided by your inner self in the end. Everyone has to find his own way for himself. What I can recommend are the YT videos of Teal Swan, they helped me a lot! Try to look at it in a relaxed way. As long as you don't deal with dark forces intentionally everything is OK. Dark forces are nurtured by fear and hate. If you find love in your life and yourself they have no chance against you. Try not to be scared and be sure we all have our place and role in this amazing plan that's going on. Don't hesitate to reach out for us if you need help!
  7. Excellent Lance. Maybe you could provide a more detailed explanation of what you did in WavePad. If I understand you correctly then WavePad is randomizing the sequences?
  8. Well not directly. I'm doing my sessions in a very neutral way. Generally I don't ask questions and just listen. Occasionally J heard voices telling me they are suffering. Some telling they are burning, there is darkness around them, they were mourning over things gone bad in their life's. Some felt imprisoned. But I never caught messages from deceased entities directly addressing their call for help to me. On the other hand some of them told me they're grateful for what I did for them and I was wondering what they meant. I think our work is a help in general for those beings.
  9. Hallo Joshua. Ganz toll, dass wir nun einen so sprachbegabtes Mitglied hier im Forum haben! Ich denke wir werden gut zusammen arbeiten.
  10. Hi Cindy! Thanks for contributing in this community. You already have a lot of experience. I also had the honor to start my way in ITC with help from Tom Butler and he allowed me yo publish some of my early reports on ATransC.
  11. Hello Lance, so you have an impressive paranormal 'curriculum vitae'. It's always good to have such experienced veterans here on the community!
  12. Welcome Sharon! Good to have a sensitive persons here in the forum. Helps us to balance out the technical parts. Could be helpful if you would reflect your experience of energy in this community back to us.
  13. Hello Paul. We are happy for you to be with us! What you told us is typical for a spiritual initiation and path. It's an awakening process that takes us with it, revealing hidden knowledge we carry in our subconscious minds Be sure this is important as it is good! We hope we can help you improving your skills and benefitting from them in this community.
  14. Yeah, very good Paul! It is not uncommon to catch those voices on recordings, we are just not trained to recognize them. Last week I sorted old videos from a holiday trip my wife and me made to Tunesia, about 10 years ago when I was far away from ITC and spirituality. The first video I started was a shot at the airport in Hamburg with lots of voices in the background. At one position the background voices faded a bit and a spirit voice came through. They are always there and talking to us. We just have to learn to listen.
  15. I couldn't decode the message either. Can you be sure that these are no voices from other visitors?
  16. Interesting Paul. I heared a name and then "call!", at least this is what I suspect to hear. The vocoder-like sound in the background comes from a spectral substraction denoising I assume?
  17. Anabela is one of the most heartwarming and friendly persons I ever came to know. She also published her new book "Glimpses of another world" "Glimpses of another world"
  18. Following your comments I realized I mixed-in some recordings that actually do belong to a different technique. At least "Das ist meine Liebe im Märchen" and "Ich bin Svenja Bürre" were obtained by mylar foil crumpling and are not direct microphone voices. I apologize for that confusion. The sample you suspected to be stray radio interference in fact was the audio stream from a radio news speaker. I recorded it with a microphone and later found out that the speech content has changed from what i had heard from the radio loudspeaker directly.
  19. Hey Jim. If the bulb was not completely broken but damaged enough just to become a fragile unstable system that easily could be thrown from off into on state and vice versa, this could very well explain the described phenomenon. Spirits use energy. The amount of energy they can manifest in our world generally is very limited. This is the reason why instable systems are an open door for spirits. They take only little energy to flip from on state into another. The Varanormal team faced those effects countless times and this is also the reason why noise with it's fragile uncertainty is a good medium for ITC as well.
  20. Thanks Karyn. I always wonder that Steiner still is so popular outside germany and Switzerland where he had put the focus of his work. On telegram I found a group that just came together of young british people studying Steiners books. Seems you already realized some if hus ideas regarding farming and nutrition. I was deeply entangled with anthroposophy more than a decade and my first wife and father in law were strongly engaged in the anthroposophy community. Sadly in that time I wasn’t able to adopt Steiners teachings even I tried hard. I guess it somehow was above my horizon but I still value his work as groundbreaking.
  21. I'm sorry for this setback Kim and that I made you waste your time. It was also frustrating for me. That's why it is so important to question ourselves over and over again.
  22. The video was quite interesting. A gorgeous device he built! Very cool. Obviously he switches 4 different diodes by hand and they are completely enclosed in an aluminium box, well protected against stray radio waves. He uses a very high reverse bias voltage up to 200V but normally operates the diodes with 60V-80V. That means the diodes are running in avalanche mode. Similar to the coherer effect. He has a lot of dials on the frontpanel. From the audio in the video it seems that one knob is a dial for noise gating. The rest seem to be filters and the DSP settings. Nothing new in general but a cool "everything in a box" system. The sound of his device is the typical germanium crackling noise I know very well.
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