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  • Andres Ramos

    Basic setup in Audacity for ITC

    By Andres Ramos

    Audacity is a perfect tool for ITC. If you use it consequently like I am doing since years for ITC you don't want to miss it anymore. To get Audacity you first need to download it here. After installation you can make some basic setups I will show you now and that are optimized for ITC. I configured Audacity mainly along with its usage, thus everything I found out as best practice is empirically found.   First go to Edit->Preferences:   Another menu with lots of tabs
  • Fernando Luis Cacciola Carballal

    Epistemological considerations on the metaphysical and spiritualist discourse on this blog

    By Fernando Luis Cacciola Carballal

    There is a variety of metaphysical and spiritualist material on this blog, and, naturally, metaphysical/spiritualist propositions are not scientific. The fundamental feature of a scientific propositions is that they are highly dependable. Science doesn't pretend to hold the ultimate truth, only the truest that we can possibly get at ay given moment. But for all practical purposes, the closest we can get to the truth is essentially as good as the actual, ultimate truth itself. But the w

Personal commentary on the Theosophical concept of “Second Death” – Part II

In Part I, I described the spiritual fractions (and particles), how they make up the matter in the world, and how this and other material (and semi-material) Universes are the vehicle for their evolution, with us, unit spirits, just tagging along on the last second (metaphorically speaking). In this second part I will describe the nature of our etheric body and how does it relates to our incarnation. I strongly recommend that you first read about the Epistemological considerations on t

Personal commentary on the Theosophical concept of “Second Death” – Part I

Recently, @Andres Ramos, one of our Researchers here at Varanormal, brought up in a private conversation the subject of the so-called "Second Death" within the Theosophical doctrine, and I thought of writing a blog post on the subject. To put this commentary in context, you might want to read up on the discussion subject, for example, here, and here. But in short and simple terms, this second death refers to a death in Astral Plane, there in the afterlife (not here, hence the term second),

Epistemological considerations on the metaphysical and spiritualist discourse on this blog

There is a variety of metaphysical and spiritualist material on this blog, and, naturally, metaphysical/spiritualist propositions are not scientific. The fundamental feature of a scientific propositions is that they are highly dependable. Science doesn't pretend to hold the ultimate truth, only the truest that we can possibly get at ay given moment. But for all practical purposes, the closest we can get to the truth is essentially as good as the actual, ultimate truth itself. But the w

Before I introduce another steampunk method, let me hypothesize some ITC principles

I will introduce some new "steampunk" or acoustic ITC methods in the next post.  But first I want to share with you some theories I have about audio ITC. To me, reception of spirit / interdimensional signals has at least three components: 1) Sensitivity to the signal 2) Resonant modes of the detector 3) Driving energy Sensitivity means that whatever spirits can use to communicate with us, like virtual photons, wavefunction selection, or whatever, our devices can pic

Michael Lee

Michael Lee in Methods

Machine Learning-based Voice ITC Translator Software now available

Since early 2019, I have been working on software to extract voices from physical noise/signals. My earliest attempts used other people's software, mainly an algorithm called "spectral subtraction." in a ReaFir noise reduction plugin. This converts the noise into the frequency spectrum, where slight imprints of voice can be discovered and emphasized. We now enter the year 2022 - Spectral subtraction is still a very valuable tool, but it is only the beginning of a process I've developed for

Michael Lee

Michael Lee in Methods

FPGA design: Noise - activated musical square waves

I've tried a variety of FPGA "designs." The one I'm sharing now produces musical tones similar to the white keys on a piano for six octaves. The tones are simple square waves which probably sound most like 8-bit video games from the 90's. The spacing of the tones use something called the just intonation temperament. Instead of powers of (1/12), just intonation uses simple fractions that are actually more in tune with each other. The downside of just intonation is that you can't easily chang

Michael Lee

Michael Lee in Methods

VISPRE Unit-3 (more steampunk)

Ongoing work of another VISPRE Unit only made with electromechanical components. It is more a study instead of a real working ITC device. I could find out that it is possible to generate speech rhythms without electronics getting involved which was a very interesting insight for me.   VISPRE Unit- 3.mp4  

Andres Ramos

Andres Ramos in steampunk itc

Cardboard tube working as variable resonator

A nice expewriment from today was an idea coming from discussions with Jeff about applying cardboard tubes as bandpass resonators for human speech. It was a very simple setup. I took a piece of cardboard tube, put in a buzzer into one end (working on a steady frequency), covered this end with one hand and with the other hand I opened and closed the upper end of the tube in a random manner. Basically the results are promising ic combined with random excitation of the buzzer. Unbenannt

Andres Ramos

Andres Ramos in steampunk itc

Going Steampunk: Fan Excited Guitar Strings

A lot of the ITC work I do, I try to keep it all electronic. I like to use microphone amps, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), software defined radios (SDRs), and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). However, I have explored a few mechanical noises sources in the past including dragging a microphone across a wood table and some plastic crumpling (following Andres Ramos' efforts). Let's just say I was recently inspired by the heavens to look at mechanic vibrations again. Also, some of m

Michael Lee

Michael Lee in Methods

Buzzer EVP

I did another interesting experiment today. I used my Spica chaos electronic circuit and attached an electric buzzer to it. A buzzer mainly behaves like the oscillating relay in my VISPRE device. By tuning the chaos pattern and the current through the buzzer I could make it emitt snaring sounds with speech rhythms. VID_20211127_180322.mp4 I could record and export some fairly good voices. Geh an Weihnachten.mp3   Geh danach in weisse Nacht.mp3   In Reichstag gehen.mp3

Andres Ramos

Andres Ramos in ITC

Rotating steel ball and diaphragm

Today I finished a prototype where I incorporated all the findings and conclusions I gained from my previous experiments. VID_20211120_170126.mp4   A steel ball is mounted to the rotating shaft of a gear motor. The motor is controlled by the SPICA circuit. The ball is pressed against the diaphragm on a tube. The tube is closed and a microphone picks up the signal from the inside of the tube. The signal is post processed online with the lingua device. I also implemented a h

Andres Ramos

Andres Ramos in ITC

The power of diaphragms

In summer 2021 I started ITC experiments with devices that incorporated rather electromechanical principles instead of electronics. There still was some electronic in use but mainly I transferred the mechanical vibrations of an oscillating relay via a mechanical spring to a diaphragm in a cardboard tube. I called this design the VISPRE The results were pretty good. As ot turned out the whole system acted like the emulation of a human larynx and pharynx. I decided to extend my expe

Andres Ramos

Andres Ramos in ITC

Paper: Synthesizing Mechanical Voices (With Transcript)

Hello everyone. In this short paper I'd like to outline the basis of experiments I refer to as "Synthetic." By synthetic I'm indicating that energy can be conformed in such a way as to produce conditions which allow configurations of technical devices.  Currently these devices are created with the intent of communicating with other planes of existence. There will be practical applications also. In 2016 while mixing sound using advanced and complex techniques, I began to hear full sente

Clear Voice!!

Very amazing result that came up more as a byproduct today. I was tinkering around with WavePad, not because I intended to do a serious ITC session but just to learn more about WavePad itself. As I wrote in my main blog I discontinued working with Audacity for certain reasons. I was checking the amazing video export function in WavePad where you can export an audio track in real time animation with it's sound. As I checked the result I suddenly heared a crystal clear voice. In fact it was s

Andres Ramos

Andres Ramos in itc

Graphite - Oil experiments

Another thing I wanted to try out was the sound of carbon particles immersed in oil. The oild adds better insulation of the carbon particles to the compound and I expected the sound to be more calm. So I prepared another glass vessel, drilled holes for thumbtack electrodes I glued in, filled it with graphite powder and added Ballistol oil, a high quality oil that is not gummying. In fact the sound was more steady an calm. With 40V DC bias at the cell I got a nice smooth noise signal with a

Andres Ramos

Andres Ramos in itc

Analysis of Ron's Audio

I analyzed the audio track of the video that Ron made. Very interesting stuff! I compred it to the source file he made and the voices he gained in his video are NOT on the original file. Thus they were realtime voices manifesting during the session he made. Absolutely stunning. I extracted 11 exports from the audio track. The voice was pretty clear but the conent was confusing. Thus I put it here without my interpretation and everyone might try what he/she is going to perceive. Export#

Andres Ramos

Andres Ramos in itc

Thumbtack CCR

In my ongoing research to manufacture my own CCRs I again experimented with epoxy glue mixed with graphite. This time I wanted to achieve lower resistance values and I mixed in a lot of graphite. I placed the 'blob' between two thumbtacks I used as electrodes. The resistance value is around 13 KOhm now. I placed this new component into my circuit and recorded the signal. A lot of crackling noise was in and some fairly good pk modulation. Here is the raw audio:Sample Thumbta

Andres Ramos

Andres Ramos in itc

Using Carbon Sound in Live Sessions

Ron did a great job by using the audio file I generated from the "Graphite Goo" circuit (graphite poweder immersed in demineralized water) for a live ITC session. returned it into stereo, reversed one channel and then let it run in the background while asking questions. He made a video from it and I extracted the audio track from it to upload it here. Ron's audio: Ron Graphite-Goo-Reversed.mp3 I will analyse the audio this evening and put the results here into the blog Thank you v

Andres Ramos

Andres Ramos in itc

Transcript from 2021-19-07

Date: 2021-19-07 Source: Graphite-Water noise circuit Original text Merkel...Jetzt bekommt sie Angst schon. Und sie muss abgelenkt sein. Jetzt kommt Bewegung. Jetzt ist der Gipfel, jetzt kippt sie um. Und der nächste ist schon von der Liste zu sehen. Und dann packt sie jetzt der Ärger. Das fordert die exakt. Das muss sie jetzt schwer tragen. Tote und Verletzte. Wer ergreift sie tot? Du berätst. Du verletzt hier keinen. Was schimpft sie denn nun..Glückwunsch. Hab wieder Luft.

Transscript from 2021-06-07

Date: 2021-06-07 Source: Gained from Carbon Composition Resistor noise circuit on stream 4. Original text Du hast ein Volk mit Verräter. Können wieder testen. Wäre doch der Frieden gekommen, der ist nicht zu retten. Wären wir bloß. Und sie kamen, oh Schreck! Und wir wollen es wissen ohne Test. Jahwe..Kommt nur   Translated text   You have a people with traitors. Can test again. If only peace had come, it cannot be saved. If only we had. And they came, oh horror

Singing In The Moment - Falling Like Meteors

Over time I have noticed when I begin to be "taken over" by an unknown force of creativity. First it was one song, then another, then another, and on it went for years. And years. Now it's 16 or so more years later and I figured I would share some of these 50+ "songs". Not sure why, as these posts are certain to evoke more criticism than anything else. Yet, I challenge the status quo. If I am afraid of showing myself as I am behind closed doors, then why worry about even attempting to be on

Keith J. Clark

Keith J. Clark in Channeling

Thoughts Are Dimensions

What if every thought we have is in another dimension. And each time we think a thought we create multiple copies. Multiple universes. Infinite universes. Every time we think the SAME thought we are creating many copies of that universe. And once there are enough copies in enough universes they begin to resonate off each other. They start to layer, one upon another. Like the reflections in a singer's microphone feeding back into the speaker. The most dominant thoughts win. The most repeatedly

Keith J. Clark

Keith J. Clark in Channeling

Machine Learning / AI for ITC: A Quick Explanation of Stream 8

My First Forays into Direct Continuous Voice As mentioned previously in my blog, I evolved to direct voice after I noticed that the phonetic samples were getting slightly modified by spirit voices. I reasoned that it should be possible to extract voices directly from a stream of electronically created noise (e.g., radio static). I don’t know the full history of getting continuous (not just occasional) voices from noise, but it turned out that around the time I started this venture a fe

Michael Lee

Michael Lee in Methods

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