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About this blog

This is a blog about my ongoing research about the paranormal properties of carbon. In the last years I thoroughly investigated the use of carbon particles and their ability to produce noise and receive spirit voices. More than once I thought this quest has come to an end and I started something new. Nevertheless always incidents came up that led me back to carbon. Finally I got a message from the spirits, brought to me from another person, I should continue my reserches with carbon, it would turn out as very important some day.

Carbon is a very special element. Electrically it is a semiconductor. Under certain conditions it emitts strong noise that seems to be bound to quantum tunneling effects. Chemically carbon and silicon are very similar and show almost the same bonding facilities. Biologically carbon is the central building block of life that is based on organic chemistry whre carbon is the crucial element. It comes in the soft form of graphite and the hardness of diamants. While carbon itself is not very agile it can bond to various other elements, forming an immeasurable number of substances.

This blog is a continuation of my thread "Carbon Again" you find here: Carbon Again!

Entries in this blog

Clear Voice!!

Very amazing result that came up more as a byproduct today. I was tinkering around with WavePad, not because I intended to do a serious ITC session but just to learn more about WavePad itself. As I wrote in my main blog I discontinued working with Audacity for certain reasons. I was checking the amazing video export function in WavePad where you can export an audio track in real time animation with it's sound. As I checked the result I suddenly heared a crystal clear voice. In fact it was s

Andres Ramos

Andres Ramos in itc

Graphite - Oil experiments

Another thing I wanted to try out was the sound of carbon particles immersed in oil. The oild adds better insulation of the carbon particles to the compound and I expected the sound to be more calm. So I prepared another glass vessel, drilled holes for thumbtack electrodes I glued in, filled it with graphite powder and added Ballistol oil, a high quality oil that is not gummying. In fact the sound was more steady an calm. With 40V DC bias at the cell I got a nice smooth noise signal with a

Andres Ramos

Andres Ramos in itc

Analysis of Ron's Audio

I analyzed the audio track of the video that Ron made. Very interesting stuff! I compred it to the source file he made and the voices he gained in his video are NOT on the original file. Thus they were realtime voices manifesting during the session he made. Absolutely stunning. I extracted 11 exports from the audio track. The voice was pretty clear but the conent was confusing. Thus I put it here without my interpretation and everyone might try what he/she is going to perceive. Export#

Andres Ramos

Andres Ramos in itc

Thumbtack CCR

In my ongoing research to manufacture my own CCRs I again experimented with epoxy glue mixed with graphite. This time I wanted to achieve lower resistance values and I mixed in a lot of graphite. I placed the 'blob' between two thumbtacks I used as electrodes. The resistance value is around 13 KOhm now. I placed this new component into my circuit and recorded the signal. A lot of crackling noise was in and some fairly good pk modulation. Here is the raw audio:Sample Thumbta

Andres Ramos

Andres Ramos in itc

Using Carbon Sound in Live Sessions

Ron did a great job by using the audio file I generated from the "Graphite Goo" circuit (graphite poweder immersed in demineralized water) for a live ITC session. returned it into stereo, reversed one channel and then let it run in the background while asking questions. He made a video from it and I extracted the audio track from it to upload it here. Ron's audio: Ron Graphite-Goo-Reversed.mp3 I will analyse the audio this evening and put the results here into the blog Thank you v

Andres Ramos

Andres Ramos in itc

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