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Clear Voice!!

Andres Ramos


Very amazing result that came up more as a byproduct today. I was tinkering around with WavePad, not because I intended to do a serious ITC session but just to learn more about WavePad itself. As I wrote in my main blog I discontinued working with Audacity for certain reasons.

I was checking the amazing video export function in WavePad where you can export an audio track in real time animation with it's sound. As I checked the result I suddenly heared a crystal clear voice. In fact it was so clear that first I thought my wife had spoken to me. But then I saw the waveform in the video and could identify and play it back again an again.

The voice is at video position 12s. I cut the video to repeat the crucial sequence two times.

Here is the video:

The voice says something that sounds like "Most" or "Mose" in english or maybe "Maus" in german. Voice: Most.mp3

This type of voices I only know as direct microphone voices but I had used no microphones.



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I had the same thought but the voice is already in the original recording. It's the same phenomenon like the voice saying "Jenny" you discovered in my previous clip. It has a characteristic that is different. Generally the voices in the carbon clips are distorted and spiky. You have to make them intelligible by applying reverb and filters. The other voices are very clear, like gained with a microphoneand in fact I remember those voices ONLY from my experiments with direct voices where I used a condenser electret microphone with a self designed preamplifier.

But here the crucial question comes up again; if we record direct microphone voices, do they really com THROUGH the microphone or are they using another way? It's strange since I had planned to do investigations on direct microphone voices before the carbon thing came up again.

If we are suggesting that natural sounding voices can manifest without a microphone the question arises how they do that? I am hypothesizing that this is the point where Hodowanec comes into play again. What if they are coming in through a capacitor?



The capacitor C2 is a polarized cap like Hodowanec used them and it is in the feedback network of the OpAmp. Thus electrical fluctuations in the capacitor will scale up at the output of the OpAmp. With P1 set to a low value you almost have the Hodowanec circuit here.


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Yes I see, a good idea. What I have done today was to connect the + input of the OpAmp directly to the middle of the power supply with no signal input for the OpAmp. Then I looked for pk modulation. In a 2nd run I enlarged the capacitor upt to 2200uF. In both cases I had no pk modulation. To be sure I need to make longer test runs of course.


Have a good night, Jeff!

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