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Everything posted by Marie

  1. I really enjoyed tonight's Live Broadcast! Really loved hearing from Michael, playing recordings, getting participation from many that were watching live. We heard a lot during the last segment. I'd love to watch it and listen again:) Lots of great information throughout!
  2. Added to my list as well Thank you! I'm interested to see what the author says compared to my own experiences.
  3. My EVP work is very different than my day to day... They are both a form of communication but some EVP work will catch residual (repeating events or impressions of events) or communication with spirit that choses to remain but can interact, see you, hear you, communicate with you now. With capturing EVPs, I'm looking to see what's in that space, if an impression or if able to interact, and then help those that want or need help.
  4. Paul, this one is really good too! Is this the same Cathderal? I'm wondering if it's the same child voice throughout the recordings. It's amazing you caught that so clearly inside a coat pocket. That's really great and definitely there. Have you been able to find any history on the Cathedral? Who spent the most time there, any tragedies, any children that lived there (maybe strange questions, but knowing history can help find clues of what and why spirits are consistently there)
  5. I agree with Karyn! Keep posting! This site is still new and more and more people will find it and begin participating. It is more active now than when it first began and will become increasingly so:) Hang in there. Many of us will see, respond, and work together here. You're among friends and like-minded people here
  6. Paul, these are great! Were you able to replicate the banging sounds to figure out what they could be? I would test things in the space to see if we could find the source and replicate each noise. Do you also have video recordings to see if you spot any movement or shadows? I'd love to see them too, if you do. What do you hear with the voices? Voices.mp3 .. I hear a younger voice, sounds like "I need one..." another word ... then what sounds like "religion" Voices3... I hear a deep whisper "Help me" and then a female or younger voice after, but I can't quite make out what's being said These are really good recordings! You're definitely doing great work and catching some amazing things! Bravo!
  7. Hi, Paul. Yes, I too have worked with EVPs until finding this site and learning more. I have seen spirits from a very young age and into the present time. I can feel energies of both people here with us and spirits that are also present. I have really only used simple equipment. Voice recorder, camera, and some other equipment of fellow investigators. I investigate old buildings and places of interest for fellow investigators. My husband and I moved to an area four years ago with history and spirits everywhere, so it makes it easy to investigate. I joined a local team in order to help others experience things I experience. Having many things happen since I was young, it's been a positive interaction for me. I have had spirits guide me, give me messages, and send other people into my life. It is normal for me to have them all around most times. Learning from the team here on this site, I've learned there are other ways to communicate and other devices and software other team members have had great successes with. My husband and I are looking into ways we can utilize some of this to advance our recordings and communication with local spirits. If you look up and watch the latest Varanormal Live Experiment, it is very interesting. These will be happening every week. I'm really learning a lot from the team here:) I wouldn't worry about those who do not believe your EVPs are real, many of us doing similar work experience similar things. The more we can all work and learn from each other, the more will we all help to prove these things we know to be true. I'll look for your uploads:) I just recently downloaded WavePad and Krisp, but haven't had enough time with either to really get familiar yet.
  8. Sharon, I do similar things... I will, at times, provide a different positive outlook to any given situation someone discusses in person. I've always been prone to look at the positives in any situation. Maybe because we feel the energy, so we offer a different approach to help the other person:) Not everyone wants that help or input, but sometimes it helps:) Other times they may just want to vent. This is definitely a safe space here. So many can relate in various ways. We have a lot already and growing in every area.
  9. Really enjoying learning about all the different experiments, devices, and experiences of others here within our Varanormal community:)

    Recently I took a couple little road trips, just to get away and get a break. I began seeing spirits again as I was more relaxed and open to them. I wasn't looking for them or expecting them, but I always find the more at peace I am, the more I experience and recognize messages, see spirits, and can communicate with all those (spirits, Angels, Guides) around me. 

    This past year and a half or so has been so stressful for many reasons and I'm finding my ways back to myself, my relaxed state, my taking care of my health state, and eventually to reopen my local business:) I'm not sure of everything that lies ahead, but I'm excited to see others having amazing experiences, experiments, and progress! It's exciting stuff:)

  10. Hello, Paul. I'm late to your post, but wanted to say I love how your experiences began... I too have a jack russell, wonderful little dogs:) I now have three Jack russell mixes and they are such a great breed! Capturing voices, conversations, and the feeling of them being in another dimension are also some experiences I have had. There are so many unknowns and it's great to have so many of us working to capture evidence to share. What type of software do you like using to help clean up recordings? I'm learning about some through other members here and beginning to try some. I'm interested in what you've found to work well too:)
  11. I'm late to your post, but welcome to our amazing community:) I can relate as I experience the emotions and physical issues of others. Somehow I'm able to provide others with great positive energy and it helps me knowing I'm able to do that. You're definitely in the right place for finding like minded individuals with an array of talents and interests:) For me, energy is everywhere and very important in every situation (likely because I feel it too) and our intent and focus can help in many areas.
  12. Welcome, Ceci. So sorry for your loss. We all find our way through them as we can. The scary stuff isn't for me either and seems very over used, especially for ratings on various types of networks. Many things we may view as scary, but in my experience, it's usually a lack of understanding:) I've tried lots of apps for android but can't really speak to how accurate or real any are. I continue to try different methods, but none are as true as our own experiences, feelings, and intuition:)
  13. I had to use my phone as my laptop downloads work in a more complicated manner. I can hear speaking but it'll take me a few more tries to see if I can make it out. I am hearing something about being ready, but can't make out the rest yet.
  14. Ah yes, that sounds perfect! I'm so glad you figured it out:) Some things are so tough to figure out, but usually our first gut instinct is correct. I tend to overthink and over analyze so that's where I was coming from.
  15. I finally had the chance to go in and watch this one. Really good stuff I think both science has come a long way and so many individuals understand these things better than many years prior. What a better time we will live in once we have an understanding as a whole that animals feel as much as we do and deserve so much better care, love, and attention. As a Vegan, I'm proud of all the good information on these topics.
  16. Wow! This is really interesting and good information. All of it makes sense and I like that they have science to back it up. The intentions study was very interesting and something I think many of us have known for a while. Intentions in anything we do are so very important. We really do shape the world we live in. It makes sense that they had a difficult time finding 13 participants that did not believe, have experience with, or have any known family members that experienced psychic abilities. It's good, to me, that most people have had at least some thing happen where they experience at least one psychic event. I also really love that the cost of experiments has gone down dramatically. It puts more within our reach as a whole. There's a lot of good info in this video. Thank you, Karyn, for sharing! I love that science is proving things that many of us know are true. Many non-believers just haven't yet had the experiences that tell them otherwise, yet:)
  17. That sounds quite scary, but also - anything unknown is scary most of the time. What does your gut tell you about this experience? Without second guessing, usually our first feeling or instinct is correct. I hope you're able to get the answers you need soon.
  18. Thank you for sharing this, Karyn! I really enjoyed reading it and I signed up too
  19. Greetings, Domitilla. Wow! I've never seen such images until joining this group. I love learning and seeing results. Do you know or recognize the people in the images? I completely agree that with any medium we use, it absolutely depends on, what you said above, " the researcher's mediumistic abilities are fundamental to obtaining important results". I've found that I tend to get more results when I am present during investigations (when a group gets together for recording proof of spirits present in any area). I also can sense where their energy is and what type of energy it is. Thank you for sharing and welcome!
  20. For me, more like a high charged energy field. With exception of the times I thought someone was there... those were physical and felt just the same as another human.
  21. It's tough to make out anything on my end. It actually sounds like a microphone under water, with the last longer clip having movement and higher tones added in. I hear coughing on the last two, but guessing that was one of you in the room. With some equipment it can take a little while for our ears to tune in and make things out. What do you hear in these clips?
  22. Andres, no, I've never been frightened. I've always had the impressions of it all being positive. There are times when the unknown or misunderstood can seem scary, but I've never taken them that way. Over the years I've learned of prayers and sage to cleanse each other and spaces. I've never felt the need for using those things myself, but do not see any harm in a little extra protection Now, I will say, I do believe negative energies exist, but in a different form. I've only had one encounter with one of those and I made it very clear that it was unwelcome and demanded it to leave my home. Since that experience, I will only light white candles. My dog actually spotted that one before I did and I was very proud of him. He stood between me and it until it left. That was, of non-human origin though, and completely different than all of my other experiences. I do also believe from my experience, that, in general, people need to be very careful what they try to contact, dabble in, play with, etc. All of my experiences have been ones that have just happened vs using any method to make them happen. Even when investigating any place with activity, I allow any spirits that want to communicate to do so in a positive and loving way. I use my senses first and then hope the equipment may help. Equipment can enhance the ability to communicate and that's what I'm currently looking most forward to. To see if there is equipment that enables easier and clearer communication.
  23. I've found lower tones to be more receptive, but that could have been just my experience at that one time. It could have also been a coincidence. I'm not as technical as you, Andres, but I think this is worth exploring. What works for one may not work for another (both on this side as we, the experimenters, and them on the other). I'm going to be putting together some equipment of my own in the near future and running some experiments and trials as well:) It's definitely very interesting!
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