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Everything posted by Marie

  1. @Mike I wasn't able to get any responses at other locations. I've tested and attempted many times. I'm still continuing to try but our investigations slowed down due to the reopening of our business. We were just discussing a possible investigation soon. The microphone is for others to utilize and in an attempt, for me, to capture and hear others in real time vs using a recorder and having to playback to hear what was said. So far my recorder is capturing but nothing yet utilizing this new setup, except the music sounds/ tones at my home.
  2. @Keith J. Clark I haven't clipped any yet. I'm going to test more and see what happens at another location too. All the files are several minutes long and I need to cut them into shareable smaller clips.
  3. Thank you for the info, @Michael BrandelBrandel I think most of us realize we don't need any equipment or anything elaborate. Some thing started us each on our journey. It is wonderful for anyone that opens up communications with the higher planes and other side. It definitely broadens our awareness and, for some, really can shake up their belief system. I was reminded the other day that my experiences and outlook are different from most. Where many might be frightened of the same experiences, I get intrigued and want to find out more:) It's great that you received confirmation and support from the other side. Many of our group here on Varanormal receive confirmations of their work as well. It's great validation and support from that side on the work each are doing. We all play our role, so to speak:) As we all collectively can collaborate together, we can help others who don't yet know how to communicate with the other side and higher planes.
  4. So far, I've done a few different sessions. I had a learning curve adjusting volume levels on both (microphone and my setup) and then other minor adjustments on various levels on my device (room size, tone, and a few others). What's interesting so far is I'm not getting words or speech, but instead tones coming through. At first, of course, I thought this was feedback. Then I realized it only happens in response to my questions. When I attempted to talk and duplicate the feedback, it didn't occur. Only when I asked questions. My last couple sessions sounded like music tones coming through, I found this very intriguing and different than what I had expected. Very pleasant tones too. I'm going to continue to test and I'm excited to see what happens at different times and then to try out different locations. I also realized that these tones may be infact the other side also learning my setup. I'll share results. I've been using my digital recorder, but thinking of setting up a camera to show it as well. I have a sound activated light bar and it's pretty cool to see that move with the tones too:)
  5. It is interesting the various methods and results on each type of method. I recently experienced voices coming through while I was on phone calls and zoom meetings. It happened back to back but once I was ready to record it, it hasn't happened again yet. It also may depend on our own vibrations and energy as well, as to what comes through. Can you tell us in English what was being said? I looked for captions but couldn't find an option on the videos. I apologize if I missed it, but I am curious what was said about your laser system. We have German speaking members on the website, but unfortunately, I'm not one of them:)
  6. Welcome to the Varanormal community! There's a lot of great info throughout and I've learned a lot from the team here. There are lots of experiments going on from various members and we all definitely learn from each other.
  7. Such a great and well done video!!!! So much great info. Thank you for putting this together, doing such a great job with it, and sharing it with us!
  8. Yes and please keep us posted with your results! We all learn from each other in here:) I've learned a lot and continue to as well. Check out all the parts about ITC and communications. So much great info and projects in the works:)
  9. Andrés, I completely agree. I told my friends inquiring about it that those portals need to be shut down now. If the legends are true there's got to be a way to reverse it and use it for positive and good. Or just transform the property completely. Spiritual work is exactly what's needed!
  10. Oh and definitely on the weather aspect - when there's more energy in an environment, it helps them come through too. We love thunderstorms because they can increase activity. Also the same for streams, lakes, rivers, areas with energetic rock naturally nearby. Limestone comes to mind but there are others
  11. I can agree with everything you've found so far and it's all in alignment with what I've experienced as well. In responses, most seem to hear us as I've asked the same question (if they can see us) and mostly received the same response - they can hear us. I've also experienced them having conversations on the side about us or just random with each other, not necessarily intended for us to hear. It does appear on playback that they both can sometimes anticipate the question and do repeat responses in threes, with the third being the loudest. In the moment it's difficult to know if we heard what we think we heard, so they work with our equipment capabilities to get the intended messages to come through more clearly. Dogs are more receptive then most humans:) I do not believe most of these experiences are negative, demonic, or evil (it can happen but it's extremely rare and only in locations where conditions tried to connect to something with evil intentions could that be even possible). These words are used often to scare off, as you mentioned, or because it's a response others before got excited about (learned behavior based off experience). It's interesting that the numbers are added together in responses and could be one way to find those preferred frequencies that work better. Much of our Varanormal team are working on software, programs, and coding to attempt to communicate better and more clearly. It's also interesting that some responses are in reverse order, like city names. I haven't experienced this but it makes sense if we realize they're attempting to communicate with their own methods, energy, and possibly even their technology where they are. I've got some new equipment I'm hoping to get better responses with and will keep track of the information as I go. I've simplified my approach but will use everything I have available to see if any combination or any specific thing makes a difference:) I'll share results.
  12. This was such an interesting investigation to watch. So many things happening in one location and one general location that includes the surrounding properties as well. I also believe that it's all a matter of energy and then so much more with this location. If even half of what they've shown is true, this is one area I have no desire to experience. That last statement is based off of George Napp that did a documentary called the Hunt for the Skinwalker (also available on Amazon). He has years worth of documentation. After seeing information he shared, there's some very scary, foreign to me, stuff that I have no desire to experience (portals with crazy looking creatures crawling out - nope, no thanks). There is such a thing as good and bad energy. I'll experience all the good any day, but I don't allow the bad. The scientists there got radiation poisoning, brain tumors, all kinds of crazy stuff happening to their bodies (and their scientific equipment). Plus community members get very sick and aren't sure why. It could be genetics, but if it's the location then that extra area should be shut down (close all the portals and shut it down). It's a whole other topic to discuss why certain things there are happening. A friend of mine is doing a lot of research on this place and we've all been taking about it recently. Definitely interesting.
  13. In a certain locations, you see patterns. In general it does seem to take a while for voices to become clear - learning to use what we have available. Locations have been a huge factor for me over the years, some being far more active than others. Some believe certain times to be more active, but I find there's no difference except elimination of outside noise or interference. I haven't kept track of those things you're asking, but there are definitely locations and patterns that emerge at those locations. It depends if anyone has used the devices you're using or attempted to communicate and attempted to get responses. I've also found that's also a big difference in residual energy that's left over from certain people or events vs being able to actively and intelligently communicate. What have you noticed or experienced?
  14. Absolutely, I will share anything I get! We have lots of batteries here and I understand about customs. I can't express enough how excited I am that you offered to do this and then to see it, know it'll be on its way soon - it's all very special, in my opinion, and makes this so much better as a team effort. I've talked about this before, but we all put love and energy and intention into the things we create. Having something that you've built here with us and then connecting it to what I've put together makes it a million times better in every way:)
  15. @Andres Ramos Oh this is so great! I understand about the connecting cables to be careful on how to plug and unplug the connections (thank you so much for this extra step and adding these connections for me), the feet on the bottom make so much good sense about helping prevent excess vibration, and the white background noise is perfect! I'm really excited to test this out for quite a while, in various locations, times, and making adjustments on my device to see if any of those adjustments may help as well. I didn't even mention that blue is my favorite color so that is an added bonus for me to see that beautiful blue in your video. I'm excited and I know I must be patient for shipping times and then also possibly once I start testing and testing with all the various adjustments connected to my device too. Thank you again! I'll watch for your email.
  16. @Andres Ramos Thank you so much! I'll watch for your email:)
  17. Awesome! Yes, I already have that cable:) I'm really excited to get this and work with it. Thank you so much @Andres Ramos
  18. Andrés, thank you so much for this idea and then creating this one for me! I'm really excited to test this out and use it with my device too!
  19. @Andres Ramos That's perfect. If you're on a computer, can you send me a message or even an email (that I could respond to from my phone) and we'll work out details of shipping, etc once you're ready. The reason my other microphones were usb connections was for my original intent to do recordings of my own voice (for voiceover work and singing) and that was so available at that time,but now I have another use. I'm very happy with a pyle usb connected microphone for the originally intended use, but unable to convert it for this purpose.
  20. I've been running tests with an inexpensive video camera and digital voice recorder (Olympus brand that I'm very happy with) as I'd like to be able to move with whatever I'm using (to different locations vs stationary). It's interesting what each will pick up vs the other. I also use wavepad on my computer to play back files. I'd like to hook up a storage device, maybe within the device I'm using, to use an SD card to record the results directly, but I'm not there just yet.
  21. @Andres Ramos I'm having trouble sending a message with my phone at the moment, so I'll ask here. How easy would it be to add the wiring and 6.35mm plug? Or, I may be able to use a separate connecting cord from the microphone to the pedal, but I would need to know the type of connection the microphone has to see if this is an option.
  22. Hi Andrés, I would love to test your microphone with my device. I'll happily pay you for it as well and we can discuss that. It's more complicated than simply hooking it up. Yours may work perfectly for this but it depends on how it would connect. I need it to route through the first pedal with a 1/4 inch 6.35mm connection plug going into the pedal. I'll attach a picture. It's interesting how complicated it is on what's designed to be an input vs output. I've learned the hard way that certain components, like the microphone, need to have their own power source built in. I've yet to find a replacement camera microphone with it's own power source (battery - rechargable for the camera mic that worked). So far I've only found microphones that hook onto a person's shirt (used for interviews) that have their own power supply and I don't know if those would work or what their sensitivity is like. All of my other microphones are designed to plug into a computer where the usb plug provides both power to the microphone and allows it to be an input to work. We found work arounds to get the microphones to connect via 6.5mm plug, but because we couldn't get power to the microphones we have (all designed in the original wiring of the usb connection) they wouldn't work. Andrés, I'll send you a message and we can talk about the details, connections, etc.
  23. Thank you! I'll definitely look into a mic preamp. With the room size and tone adjustments, that's helped as well. I'm really hoping to get some results using the microphone. We're actually going to test it in another location tomorrow, so I'm excited to see if anything comes through and how well. It's also interesting to test it compared to other devices and methods. I'll share if we get anything good and any adjustments needed as we go. I appreciate your feedback so far. I was going to wait until tested and obtained good results, but hopefully they're coming.
  24. I'll also add, it was easier (for me) to get these components already assembled vs building each connection myself. If this turns out to work, then it could be worth it to build each one into a more compact unit. I'd also like to remove and adjust certain aspects to test any differences with each. Currently where each adjustment is set worked really well for plugging in different voice software (I can plug my phone directly into the first pedal and now also the video camera microphone). Each item is really small. The amplifier box itself is only about 7 inches wide, so it's a small portable unit. Easy to move around. I have attempted something similar before with a much larger amplifier, but wanted something that was more portable and be able to adjust more settings.
  25. Hi Yes, so there are currently two pedals. The order they're connected : first one is for setting the volume so it isn't too loud and adjust the tone (also to mute the entire connection), the second one has echo, delay, and reverse (reverse is very helpful when using software that has voices or words as only what comes through as words or sentences cannot be from the software if it's in reverse), then finally the amplifier itself, which has many adjustments (overall volume, more tone, room size, sound distortion and sound clarity). Currently anything I plug into it will plug into the first pedal to route through for all of those adjustments. I'm feeling a push to get another pedal, which is for noise gate suppression. This might help clear any background noise if I continue with software vs just a microphone.
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