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Everything posted by Marie

  1. I think that certain frequencies tap into certain areas of the other side. The original experiments with Meeks seem to do this as well. They would find frequencies to communicate with certain individuals, but at some point those same frequencies no longer worked (described as that individual moving up into another area). Those frequencies generate tones as well, if I'm thinking and understanding correctly. What works at one point, will need to be adjusted in the future as those on the other side are constantly adjusting, learning and moving as well. This is my understanding but I may be incorrect.
  2. There was another time, as usual, I was out with friends enjoying live music. We were taking pictures, having a great time. During some moments when we were taking pictures, random overwhelming and devastating news hit me. We would treasure these specific pictures because one of us was going to pass and it was our last time with this person. These specific pictures would mean the world to all of us. I was extremely upset and overwhelmed. I'm not someone that takes things lightly. I tried to figure out which one of us wasn't going to be here. I wanted so desperately to know who, warn them, get more specific info to stop it.... I just couldn't get any more info. I didn't want to freak everyone out either. Then I thought maybe I couldn't figure that all out because I wasn't meant to. Unfortunately, before the next event, as the evening began, we all started getting phone calls about an accident and one of our closest friends didn't make it. I still feel frustrated that there wasn't specific info that I could have shared to help prevent this tragedy. It was devastating and a huge loss for all of us. I do know, from my experience, that our loved ones are never gone... they do continue on, watch over us and help us as we permit. There's no easy way to receive or process this type of news.
  3. How many of us have received messages about something that's to come? To not drive a certain way that you normally go every day? Messages about little to big things? I get messages about many things. Once, while driving, an idea of an auto accident just popped into my mind involving me. I thought, well that's a strange thought. I've never been in an accident, I hope I would handle it okay. After another minute or two, nothing happened and I didn't think of it again. The next day I was having a terrible time getting ready for an event I was managing that week. I could have skipped it that day. Each time I thought, okay fine, I won't go, everything went smoothly. Every time I would think that I really should go, things would start going wrong again. Really knowing better but deciding to ignore all these messages, I went anyway. Late, but I was going. On my way, the exact area an idea of an accident had popped up, (which I didn't realize until later), I was hit purposefully. The officers told me it was called a Pittman maneuver to cause you to spin. Well, as I had wondered, they also told me that I handled it well and didn't lose control of my vehicle. Luckily, no major injury occurred and it was yet another time I had to learn the hard way to listen. Today I'm much better from all these kinds of things and I will listen. I no longer have to understand why I should or shouldn't do something, I just listen.
  4. One good story for me is that I had asked my brother (who had passed when we were much younger, but who I continued to talk with and sense when he was around) and my spirit guides to help me find a good life partner. I listed all the characteristics I'd need to have a successful match. I was struggling, thought I'd be alone forever (and I had accepted that), but really wanted a true partner. I knew he didn't exist but I asked anyway. Skipping many details and fast forwarding several months, I was struggling with my health again. I was tired of struggling and dealing with these health issues. I had gone to bed with a massive migraine and just was feeling very low and lost. A few minutes later, my partner came into the room and asked if I had put a picture in his back pocket. We had been out with friends that evening for many hours. The picture he had in his hand was my favorite picture of my brother and me together that was in a completely different city at that time. I knew it was both my brother confirming that I had found the right partner I had asked for and assuring me that everything was going to be okay. He brought this man into my life. 20 years later today, I have that same partner. I'm guessing there were other signs prior to this night with the picture, but when I don't feel well (health wise), I'm not paying attention. This definitely got my attention and made me feel so much better
  5. So I've seen spirits since I was very young. I remember having conversations with my mom and realizing she couldn't see them (from about 4yrs and up). It was normal for me. One of my favorites... As an adult, my partner and I were walking around our property with our dogs. I saw a man standing on our porch and turn around and walk inside. My husband made me wait outside once we got up to the house so he could deal with the intruder. He found no one there. As time went on I would see him closer (in physical distance). He would be in the other room and the same room as me quite often. Seeing him up close I realized he was here but not the same here as you and me. I could tell he was looking out for us, watching over things. One night he woke me up demanding I blow out a candle still burning on the night stand ("You blow that out NOW, as he was pointing at me and then the candle repeatedly). I figured something might have happened and that's why he woke me up and was so demanding until I did it. One day this spirit was pacing in the next room. Every time he'd go by, my husband would look up. I finally asked, "why do you keep looking up and over there?" He replied, "I don't know, I just keep seeing a white flash going back and forth." I said, "let me tell you what I see" and I described everything I'd learned about him (the spirit), what he looked like, how he spoke, clothes he was wearing with a weird hat I'd never seen before. My husband went into another room and several minutes later came back with a picture of the man I was seeing (same weird hat and all that was in my description of him). Turned out, it was his grandfather that was buried on the property. We hadn't been together long and I had no idea his grandfather was buried there until that moment. It all made sense and I understood that had been his property and his family was there, he was continuing to watch over things. I like it when I get these confirmations of who I'm seeing and why. It's normal for me but so unusual for others that haven't experienced these things.
  6. .I've experienced similar to the first description (like quick silver but without the fluid feeling) and also goosebumps in a certain area or all over with an extra chilly feeling to it. I've also felt like someone was grabbing me (had it happen on my hip, arm, and shoulders on different occasions) where I thought someone was there. The last feeling, I don't actually see anyone, just sense them after.
  7. I can also learn and assist with all the YouTube list needs. I'm a quick typist, enjoy proofreading, and organizing:)
  8. I'd like to caption YouTube videos. I'll need to verify the use of the software listed, but I'd be happy to do this.
  9. A little background: I've seen and communicated with spirits from a very young age into adulthood. I've learned from them that we do continue on once we leave our bodies and get the impression that we're here to experience and learn certain things. They also can help us when we're open to their help. A few years ago I joined a paranormal team and we're very careful, safe, and respectful in our interactions. I was very excited to learn about the Spiricom and the possibility of using equipment to have full real time conversations. It seems the more common equipment being used only allows for small answers and occasional sentences. Everything is energy. I've sensed it, paid attention to it, and it's served me well. I also receive messages from insignificant things up to major things that I've learned to listen to. I tend to be stubborn and too logical, so some things I have to learn the hard way. I'm excited to be here, help where I can, learn from others, and hear about others experiences, successful interactions and more.
  10. The options presented are very reasonable and offer a way for everyone to participate. What about grant options? I know they're time consuming to research, but to become a non profit, it could be worthwhile to research that aspect. The costs of obtaining a non profit seem high to me, but that could be based off of the area filed.
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