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Everything posted by Karyn

  1. "Time, space, and patience are the channels through which a person with a finite mind becomes aware of the infinite."  ECRL 3161-1
  2. October 2021 Dear Readers, It’s been said there are two times of the year: October and waiting for October; and, it always comes just in time to energize life anew ~ similar to the rush we feel in spring, only better! I had planned something entirely different for the Angel Talk column, but the Angels had something else in mind. (Nothing new there!) I must admit they are always right on with their message. You see, I was tired from all that went on this last year with the pandemic and the fallout, and I wasn’t even aware how weary I’d become. You, too? Life was stagnant and nothing was working well. As I sat down to write my column, I had no idea at first what the angels were driving at, but then, voila! Hit the reset button! ~ just like we do when our devices aren’t working properly. So, I present to you an issue dedicated to rebooting! Stop over-thinking and just let go (as Safire Rose says on page 5). Have some fun! Be a silly squirrel! Halloween is a perfect time to change the mask, lighten up, and laugh a little! Laugh a lot! It’s truly magical, just like the ideas I curated for you in this issue. P.S. And who knew Mary Todd Lincoln was into seances? ~ Nancy, Publisher October inspirations Inspirations for Healing Body, Mind, Spirit, Heart & Home 3 Events at Golden Light Healing Retreat Center 4 Angel Talk: Stressed? Hit the Reset Button 6 Book Overview: The Spirits of Ouija 7 True Colors ~ A Poem by JA Dioguardi 8-11 Mary Todd Lincoln and the Occult: Seances in the Red Room 12 Squirrels |Composting Life by Kathleen Jacoby 13 Astrology of LIBRA by Barry Kerr 14 Creative Corner - Pat Gullett 15 Practicing Mindfulness with Beverly Brunelle 16 October ~ A Sacred Journey Within by Lori Andrus 17 Ad: Lori Andrus' Crystal Shaman School 18-19 Rooted Remedies by Gigi Stafne 20 Potpourri | Subscribe to The Inner Voice 21 Beginning Communication with Spirit by Stacy Schuerman 22 Ad: Lux Eterna Healing with Ann Ruane 23 Ad: Essential Feng Shui® Consultations 24 Moving into the 5th Dimension by Lynn Schuster 25 Ad: Lynn Schuster Animal Communicator 26 Free Spirit Crystals: Featuring WANDS October comes in the nick-of-time ~ to energize life anew bringing with it a bit of fun and magic. The articles in this issue are exactly the medicine we collectively need right now to reboot, lighten up and laugh a little. It's all inside this issue! Also featuring: "Mary Todd Lincoln and the Occult." ~ who knew she was into seances? Enjoy the issue! Nancy, Publisher www.theinnervoicemagazine.com P.S. • Please share the link! ~or forward this Mail Chimp letter to your friends on Social Media. Let's go viral! • LIKE us on Facebook: "The Inner Voice" and join the conversation! • It's FREE to SUBSCRIBE! However, we appreciate donations (in any amount) to help offset our publishing and website expenses. Click here: https://www.paypal.me/theinnervoice Thank you!!
  3. Free Online Event Beyond the Veil Summit October 11-15, 2021 RSVP HERE for FREE During the Beyond the Veil Summit, you’ll hear illuminating insights from myself and 30 medical professionals, researchers, those who’ve tasted death and come back from it, and experts who can communicate with those who have crossed over (and can teach you how to do the same). Let their remarkable stories and guidance touch your heart, heal your wounds, enlighten you, enfold you with comfort, and ultimately draw you toward living fully in each moment for the rest of your life — knowing that beyond your current human experience is a celestial realm where peace, love, and beauty reign. Here’s some of what our brilliant teachers will be sharing with you… Leading near-death experience authority Dr. Raymond Moody shares a composite picture of God based on the countless NDE stories he’s heard over the years. Suzanne Giesemann shows you how to overcome your fear of death and accept that your soul is eternal — so you can live lucidly as both fully human and fully divine, and feel greater joy, freedom, and peace. Rob Schwartz shares stories of pre-birth planning and explains the 5 main reasons why we plan our greatest challenges before we’re born. We hope you will enjoy this wonderful offering! Raymond Moody & Lisa Smartt ©2021 Life After Life Institute | Asheville, North Carolina 28803
  4. In these lively and often witty essays, Dr. Kenneth Ring, best known for his pioneering work on near-death experiences, reveals his talents as a Kenny-come-lately humorist and would-be man of letters. Now in his mid-80s, this book shows he has lost none of his verve for writing on a range of subjects as diverse as they are entertaining. But quite apart from his gift for the droll phrase, the reader will find that Ring also touches on and often goes into depth on serious topics, such as dealing with the COVID pandemic, the right-to-die movement, and the epidemic of loneliness. He also spends some time describing how he became interested in near-death experiences, his explorations with psychedelic drugs, and his one extraordinary and mind-blowing reading from a medium. A lifelong lover of classical music, Reflections in a Glass Eye contains three sparkling and hilarious essays on composers, musicians, and their patrons. The book ends with some touching and moving accounts of Ring's remarkable love life, which will give the reader a sense of how rich and wondrous has been the life of the author. You are in for a treat with this book. Now read it. About the AuthorKenneth Ring, PhD is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Connecticut, the author of five books on near-death experiences (NDEs), including his bestselling Lessons from the Light, and cofounder and first president of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS).
  5. Life After Life Blog Digest October 2021 Your Soul’s Plan: Learning To Listen By Robert Schwartz May 7, 2003. I remember that day well, because it was the day on which my life changed, the day that launched me on the path to writing the book Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born. I was 40 at the time, working as a self-employed marketing and communications consultant and feeling profoundly unfulfilled with my life. I often had the feeling that if I were to fall off the face of the Earth, none of my clients would notice. They would simply plug someone else into my role and continue along. Yet, at the same time I had a feeling that there was a higher purpose to my life. I just didn’t know what it was. And so, in my search for that higher calling, Shared Death Experiences: A Reader’s Account We want to share an account from one of our readers on the different encounters he has had with losing members of his family and the extraordinary experiences that came with them. We thank him for allowing us to pass his account on to you and hope you’ll enjoy his insight and the humanity and hope contained within. Dennis Beck – Shared Death Experiences I have put together my thoughts and experiences. I have written this in more of a journal style, so I can also share it with my family. I’m including some statements related to my faith because this has had such a profound impact on my beliefs of an afterlife. I am interested in sharing this with my children and grandchildren to hopefully help them at future stages in their lives when this kind of strength will be necessary. This has been quite helpful for me to write down and I’m happy to share it with all of you. The Long History of Near-Death Experiences By Sandy Coghlan The following post is from Sandy Coghlan’s blog “Heaven Knows…” and is reposted with permission. The original can be viewed HERE. “Those who report nde’s are just parroting what they’ve already read or heard.” WAIT!!! Before you jump through my computer screen, that’s not what I believe! But it was. Once. Near-death experiences became such a familiar concept after Life After Life was published in 1975, that these days, phrases like heavenly tunnels, life reviews and beings of light roll of most tongues with ease. It’s tempting to agree with the skeptics and assume that those who say they had an ‘nde’ were already familiar with the concept. OK, but what about before 1975? Did people have near-death experiences before these accounts were gathered, labelled, catalogued, examined, and subsequently published as a best-selling book? You betchya! Soul Plans with Alicia Young By Alicia Young Welcome to our new monthly column on pre-birth Soul Plans by Alicia Young. We believe you’ll find her a welcome voice on Dr. Moody’s blog. Enjoy! Thank you for joining me here. By way of introduction, I am an author and journalist who had a spiritually transformative experience (STE). In short, I left my body and met the soul of a little boy, ‘Bobby’, who was lovingly determined to send a message to his grieving mother; I was no more than a go-between. I was permitted to observe one of Bobby’s pre-birth Soul Plan sessions, in which he engaged his parents, and chose his birth order for his upcoming life. I came to realize that earlier spiritual experiences had been preparing me to be accept this. This experience upended my life and prompted me to ultimately move from the headspace of news to the heartspace of Soul Plans. I wish I could tell you it was a clean and clear transition; in fact, I kept the experience hidden for years as I feared it would end my career (sometimes, courage is incremental!). I will be drawing on my personal journey to the Other Side; in addition, I will reference thought leaders and other metaphysical writers. I present this column in a spirit of service, and in the hope of furthering the conversation around our human experience as souls. Available Now In his new book, Dr. Raymond Moody looks at God and how his personal understanding of the Creator has changed over the course of his life and research into near-death experiences. Dr. Moody organizes his insights about God into 12 simple but profound ideas and walks us through them using stories and examples from his own life and from accounts of encounters with God in the hereafter. He looks at our society's beliefs about God, how religion can both help and hinder our relationships with the Divine, and how we can bring Source into our lives with a new understanding that transcends all limits. God Is Bigger Than the Bible is available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback. For more information click HERE. Also available is a treat from Kenneth Ring, PhD who is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Connecticut, the author of five books on near-death experiences (NDEs), including his bestselling Lessons from the Light, and cofounder and first president of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS). In these lively and often witty essays, Dr. Ring, best known for his pioneering work on near-death experiences, reveals his talents as a Kenny-come-lately humorist and would-be man of letters. Now in his mid-80s, Ring also touches on and goes into depth on serious topics, such as dealing with the COVID pandemic, the right-to-die movement, and the epidemic of loneliness. He also describes how he became interested in near-death experiences, and his explorations with psychedelic drugs. Reflections in a Glass Eye is available on Amazon in paperback. For more information click HERE. Further readings can be obtained through https://lifeafterlife.com/blog/
  6. "Dreams are wonderful, yet those only dreamed do not happen. Faith without works is dead."  ECRL 361-4
  7. Welcome to Varanormal MariaH.  We hope you will find many items of interest to you  and that when you are ready join in, welcome again.  Karyn

  8. "Then I noticed that the landscape was gradually becoming familiar. It seemed as if I had been here before. I remembered what was on the other side of the mountains. Then with a sudden burst of joy, I realized that this was my real home! Back on earth I had been a visitor, a misfit, and a homesick stranger. With a sigh of relief, I said to myself, “Thank God I’m back again. This time I’ll stay!” Arthur Yensen This week's Friday Afterlife Report is now online at www.victorzammit.com/October1st2021

    Welcome to Varanormal Kelly, we believe you will find much to interest you here. Karyn









  10. My guess is that people think shock tactics work, but if one is already committed to the cause it can become unbearable watching. AT the very least there should be warnings. I know it is hard to change the culture that animals are there for our amusement and abuse (I well remember the dentist in the US who trophied his killings of rare animals), and I have seen photos of women standing by their killing which to me beggars belief as we are supposed to the the nurturers of the world, but it seems somethings wrong when a woman kills an elephant and thinks nothing of it. I am glad they have found a die that renders their tusks usuable. It is a pity that the world has to endure these people, and while Anabela has her heart in the right place it is a tactic more suited to the masses rather than ones facebook friends.
  11. https://www.amazon.com/Electronic-Contact-Dead-What-Voices-ebook/dp/B0748D8X8D/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2IM8YZB0JGWWG&dchild=1&keywords=anabela+cardoso&qid=1632906701&sprefix=Anabela%2Caps%2C366&sr=8-2 https://www.amazon.com/Journal-nº25-Issue-Anabela-Cardoso/dp/B086PVRMDB/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2IM8YZB0JGWWG&dchild=1&keywords=anabela+cardoso&qid=1632906792&sprefix=Anabela%2Caps%2C366&sr=8-3 https://www.amazon.com/Journal-nº46-Issue-Anabela-Cardoso-ebook/dp/B0852Q5W7H/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=anabela+cardoso&qid=1632906871&s=digital-text&sr=1-3 I am sure there was a further book, and all the journals appear to be free
  12. Let us just say Kevin the images once seen cannot be unseen. I hated to have to drop her but I would plummet from the displays of cruelty and despite me trying hard to suppress them I could not. I went to Thailand on the year my daughter would be having a gap year. We were planning a world trip of volunteering at various places. I did the gibbon sanctury, but was either the wrong time for my grief or I was wound up like a tight spring. So I did not do the trip anyway I would have had to have more finance behind me as the project had 4 yours of no saving because I lost my job the same year Emma transitioned.
  13. ‌ "Seek that which is best in those you meet every day. Live peace and harmony within, and you will bring peace and harmony to those you meet."  ECRL 281-56
  14. Me too, she was a friend on my facebook, and as much as I love her work I could not keep her as a friend. She is passionate about animals as I am. I think I prefer animals to humans and her posts were like a bullet to my heart. The images were designed to shock and I asked her not to post to me these images that I think like her and have the utmost respect for the planet and our animals, however she persisted in doing it and since I never knew what they contained it was too distressing to me and a couple of my friends. Apart from that she is amazing and I think I have all her books. I am sure I have also interviewed her.
  15. I love the way he speaks, such an incredible voice. I had absolutely no trouble in identifying him in a seance when he came through to Sonia Rinaldi and told her he would impress upon her a schematic for her light bridge. Something about capacitors. Hope I spelt that right.
  16. Glimpses of Another World, Impressions and Reflections of an EVP Operator is Anabela Cardoso’s third work. Following on from Electronic Voices: Contact with Another Dimension? and Electronic Contact with the Dead: What do the Voices Tell Us? in this book the author shares her thoughts and ruminations on Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC), the phenomena whereby allegedly deceased communicators relay messages and images to the living via radio equipment, televisions, computers, phones and other electronic devices. It’s a subject Anabela has devoted her life to in recent decades. The communication is both fascinating and mysterious and the wisdom meted out by higher dimension human and nonhuman intelligences is profound. Glimpses of Another World is a memoir and a how-to-do ITC manual rolled into one and essential reading for those pondering the possibility of an afterlife. About the author A former member of the SPR, Dr. Cardoso’s long-standing interest in questions related to life and death led her to start experimenting with ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) in 1998. The quantity and quality of her results, obtained under controlled conditions both through the EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) and the DRV (Direct Radio Voices) methods, have convinced her, in spite of the sensitivity of her professional position, to place them in the public domain. In 2000 Dr. Cardoso founded the ITC Journal, of which she remains Editor-in-Chief. The ITC Journal is published in English, and has an Editorial Board of internationally recognised scientists and researchers of the paranormal. Dr. Cardoso is a regular contributor to the Journal and to other international psychical research publications and has given invited presentations on ITC and her work in the USA, Brazil and many European countries. Samples of Dr. Cardoso’s ITC results can be found at http://www.itcjournal.org. You can find videos of Anabela on Youtube.
  17. BACK IN PRINT! with a Foreword by Anabela Cardoso In 2021, the 50th anniversary of the first publication of Breakthrough, “What happens after physical death?” is still the big question concerning the nature of existence. In his groundbreaking work psychologist, Konstantin Raudive experimented using a communication method known as Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP), whereby deceased communicators appear to send messages and images via computers, radios, televisions and other electronic devices. In 1959 Swedish artist and filmmaker Friedrich Jurgenson was making a tape recording and during playback he discovered what sounded like a human voice on the tape. He put it down to faulty equipment but when he searched other tapes, he found more voices, which seemed to be messages from his dead mother. Jurgenson recounted the experience in a book titled Voices from Space. The book impressed Raudive and subsequently he and Jurgenson collaborated for a time and encountered more voices. After a difference of opinion, Raudive undertook his own research amassing a collection of thousands of voice recordings and in 1968 his work was published in German under the title, Unhörbares Wird Hörbar (The Inaudible Becomes Audible). In 1969 after being approached at the Frankfurt Book Fair, British publisher Colin Smythe asked his colleague Peter Bander to assess Raudive’s book with a view to publishing it in English, and, unbeknown to Bander, did his own experiments with positive results. Since that time Jurgenson and Raudive’s experiments have been replicated thousands of times by researchers and enthusiasts all over the world and Breakthrough remains a classic in the genre. The communicators overriding message? “WE ARE NOT DEAD!” About the author Born in Latvia, Konstantin Raudive Ph.D. (1909-1974) was a noted European psychologist and philosopher who lived in Sweden and Germany after the end of World War II. The author of six books including two novels, Raudive’s name is known to both literary and scientific communities.
  18. A Mediumship Mystery: Who’s Sarah? Posted on 27 September 2021, 8:31 When, in 1939, Charles J. Seymour, a British journalist, undertook an investigation of mediums, he expected to expose “the quackery” in the field. As it turned out, however, he discovered that there were genuine mediums and ended up writing about them rather than the fakes. One of the more interesting cases discussed by Seymour in his 1949 book, Behind the Seen, involved a woman named Sarah. The first time it came through was on July 24, 1939 at a public sitting with a medium named Miller, who said a woman named Sarah was there for him. Seymour responded that he could not think of anyone named Sarah in the spirit world. He reasoned that Sarah is a pretty common name and that it could have been an attempt by the medium to simply fish for a name. However, the name came through again and again with different mediums, 15 in all. On August 3, 1939, he had a private sitting with medium Maude Bateman, who said, “I get for you the name Sarah.” On October 1, 1939, medium Eileen Blaschke said, “Sarah is here. She is helping you with your work, and I feel, has had a great influence on you for spiritual matters all your life.” At a public meeting on June 9, 1940, Grace Cooke said, “I have a message from Sarah. She tells me that she has been close to you and has watched your progress all your life, and has noted with great satisfaction the efforts you have made. She had no children of her own, but her wish was that she could have had a boy. This is a very beautiful spirit, and she sends you a great deal of affection.” The skeptic will ask why Sarah simply didn’t give her last name or her exact relationship with Seymour. Seymour also wondered about that and eventually came to understand that most mediums, at least the clairvoyant types, rely on symbolic pictures for names. In another book, he explained how the medium struggled to get a not so common name through. In that case, the medium’s spirit control said she was being shown rice, but the name was not Rice. She was shown more rice and even more rice, before the sitter realized that it was his old friend, Maurice (More-Rice). Generally, mediums report symbols for more common names, but most surnames are more difficult to symbolize. The clairaudient medium might hear the name, but it depends much on the degree of development by the medium. “Sarah comes to greet you,” said a Miss Herbert at public meeting on December 22, 1940. “She has a beautiful face; very fine eyes.” “Sarah sends her love to you,” said medium Ethel Moss at a Sunday service on January 12, 1941. She is a very sweet young person with blue-grey eyes.” More than two years later, on May 11, 1943, in a private sitting, Mary Burge said, “A Sarah, who says ‘They used to call me Sally…’ A good soul…in spirit a long time.” Still, Seymour shook his head. The name Sally meant nothing to him, either. “A Sarah for you, a very sweet lady,” said Eveline Canon at a public meeting on May 13, 1943. “Sarah is very much in your environment. You get ‘hunches’ with her help,” said Olive Rutherford at a Sunday service on June 5, 1943. At a public meeting on February 19, 1944, Gertrude Rayner provided Seymour with a series of names, all of which he recognized except for Sarah and one other. Sometime during 1943, Seymour had a sitting with the famous direct-voice medium Leslie Flint, but his record of that sitting were destroyed when a bomb fell near his home and did some damage to part of it, including the records from that sitting. As Seymour recalled it, however, it was a group sitting and the first voice to speak said, “I am Sarah,” first very softly, then more audibly. Seymour remained silent and no one else in the room claimed the name. Flint’s control, “Mickey” then spoke and said, “This is for the man by the fireplace.” As Seymour was sitting by the fireplace, he said that he accepted the name. The woman’s voice in spirit then said, “I used to be called Sally. I have been with you many years, doing my best to help you.” Seymour replied that he did not know a Sarah or a Sally. The voice then responded: “You would not know me, dear. I am your great aunt, on your mother’s side.” Seymour now had a connection, but everybody on that side of his family had passed on and he had no easy way of confirming the actual existence of this great aunt. However, at a sitting with Rose Harley on February 24, 1944, the names Sarah and Alice were given. Harley said that Sarah was in spirit, but she wasn’t sure about Alice. “I do not know…this condition…I feel it means that the person has either passed on fairly recently or is still on the earth plane but is nearing the journey’s end,” Harley explained. “I am certain about Sarah, though. She is in spirit, and has been so a long time.” Seymour recognized the name Alice as one of his mother’s sisters, but he had not heard from her in many years and assumed that she also had passed on. About two weeks later, he happened upon the wife of a deceased cousin and asked her about his Aunt Alice. She informed him that his Aunt Alice was still alive and in her 80s, and provided him with her address. Seymour then contacted Aunt Alice and was informed that her mother had four siblings, Mary, Joseph, Fanny, and Sarah. She said she had never met Sarah, because she had died before she was born, at about age 17. Seymour continued his investigation of mediums and the name Sarah was given three additional times. “Mr. Sceptic, what do you make of it?” he asked. “I hope you won’t push telepathy at me here – a matter of fifteen mediums mentally searching around London for Aunt Alice, and then reading her mind when they found her and extracting from it the thought that Sarah, born 90-odd years ago, would have liked to make friends with me, had she lived.” Still, Seymour struggled with the problem of getting names. He wondered why some mediums could get other facts about the person but not names. He understood the problem with clairvoyants trying to interpret pictographic symbols such as that with “more rice” being Maurice, and he understood that that clairaudient mediums can sometimes hear the name. He encountered a clairaudient-type medium saying, “C-C-Copper,” but it did not immediately dawn on him that the name she was trying to get through was “Cooper,” which sounds more like “Cowper” in the particular dialect of the medium. I recall John Edward, the clairvoyant who had a TV program some years ago, saying that he saw a picture of St. George when the communicator was trying to get that name through. My most recent book, No One Really Dies, deals with this problem in Chapter 3. When Sir William Barrett communicated with his widow through the mediumship of Gladys Osborne Leonard, he explained that it was much easier for him to get ideas through by thought impressions than simple names or words. Lady Barrett had wondered why he identified himself as William, when she knew him as Will and why he called her Florrie, when he knew her as Flo. He explained that it was a matter of being able to get certain names through a medium easier than other names. Much depended on the development of the medium. In 1917, Charles Drayton Thomas, a psychical researcher, began sitting with Mrs. Leonard. He quickly made contact with his father, John D. Thomas, and his sister, Etta, receiving much veridical information proving their identities. However, he wondered why they had such difficulty in giving their names and the names of others. “It became evident that the giving of a name involved the overcoming of some obstacle, and that usually the difficulty, whatever it might be, was too serious to permit of success,” Thomas recorded. “There is unquestionably a difficulty in transmitting names through trance mediums, though some give them more successfully than do others.” Thomas’s father explained that if he wanted to give the name of a man named Meadow, he might try to insert the idea of a green field, connecting it with the idea of the man himself. When the father tried to get the name Jerusalem through the medium, it came out “Zion” instead. His sister said she could not get her husband’s name, Whitfield, through the medium. “I can feel it, but I cannot say it,” Etta said. The best she could do was get the medium’s control, Feda, to say “Wh—, Whi—-, Wht—.” Thomas noticed that Feda could more easily catch a first syllable than the whole name, but sometimes she would catch only the first letter, which he understood was pictured for her by the communicator. When one communicating entity tried to get the word “Greek” through, Feda struggled with “G—, Gre—, Grek, Greg, Greeg.” Thomas further observed that when Feda had latitude in the selection of words, e.g., Zion for Jerusalem, communication was easier. However, when it came to proper names, this alternative was not always possible. The discarnate Thomas also told his son that when he entered the conditions of a sitting his memory would divide into its former earthly conditions of conscious and subconscious. Thus, the same forgetfulness he might have had when in the flesh with regard to names and other things still existed on his side of the veil. Table-tilting is a more accurate method of getting names, Drayton Thomas pointed out, as the communicator can dispense with the control and, assuming enough psychic energy, can direct the tilting himself, i.e., so many tilts for each letter of the alphabet or a tilt for the proper letter when the sitter recites the alphabet. But this method is much slower and cumbrous. As Seymour might have suggested, the skeptics can laugh when a particular medium can’t a name or gets a wrong name, but it only goes to show their ignorance of the subject matter. Michael Tymn is the author of The Afterlife Revealed: What Happens After We Die, Resurrecting Leonora Piper: How Science Discovered the Afterlife, and Dead Men Talking: Afterlife Communication from World War I. His latest book, No One Really Dies: 25 Reasons to Believe in an Afterlife is published by White Crow book
  19. NELLYE MAYE TAYLOR: Native American Spiritualist Nellye Maye Taylor was born about 1907 in Oklahoma. She was the daughter of a Native American woman who lived on the reservation and a black father. Like most Native American children at the time, she was sent to a “boarding school.” The aim of these schools was to to “assimilate” tribal members into mainstream Protestant America. The reformers thought it was necessary to “civilize Indian people” and make them accept white men’s ways. Any natural spiritual talents that would have been accepted by Nellye’s indigenous ancestors were squashed by her teachers. Nellye did attend some college to become a foreign missionary, but she did not complete that education. By 1933 she joined the National Colored Spiritualist Association of Churches. A year later she married Horace Greeley Beecher Taylor. Horace was known as Peg Leg Taylor due to his amputated foot. Legend has it that he died defending Black Wall Street during the Tulsa Oklahoma race massacre in 1921. He did defend Black Wall Street, but he didn’t die there. Thirty years his junior, Nellye became his third wife in 1934. Nellye and Horace moved to Phoenix, Arizona sometime before 1940. From 1942 -1946, she advertised as being a Billet Reader and Trance Medium whose spirit guide was called Great Eagle. Obviously upset that Spiritualism had split into white and black organizations, she befriended Reverend Edwin W. Ford, a Phoenix Spiritualist who was a member of the National Spiritualist Association of Churches. With Ford’s mentorship, She and Horace opened the Taylor Memorial Interracial Spiritualist Church, both becoming pastors. Ford later became pastor of Harmony Chapel in 1950. Nellye was an activist. She was not only a member of the National Colored Spiritualist Association of Churches; at one point she was Vice-president. She ran to be a state representative and was a member of the Urban League and NAACP. Once a year she held a ten-day intensive series of classes on metaphysics and spiritualism. In the 1940s, she also had a regular column, “Sunshine,” in The Arizona Sun, in which she commented on the racial, political, and economic challenges faced by people of color. She also wrote a column called the “Westside Social Roundup” in the 1950s. When she died in 1997, she left an indelible mark on both the Phoenix community and Spiritualism.
  20. Welcome to Varanormal 51244.  Karyn

  21. "You who are encased in matter, do not yet comprehend beauty as it can be. You have not seen our light, colour, scenery, trees, birds, rivers, streams, mountains, flowers and yet your world fears death...There are no words to compare the life in your world of matter with the life in the world of spirit. We who are "dead" and know so much more of life than you do". Silver Birch This week's Friday Afterlife Report is now online at www.victorzammit.com/September24th2021
  22. Welcome 888Coins, take yur time to explore the site, and when you are ready dive in, welcome again.  Karyn,


  23. Welcome to Varanormal, kdawg528, have a browse around your site and when you feel it applicable introduce yourself and begin interacting with other people.  Karyn

    1. Kevin Himes

      Kevin Himes

      Thanks Karyn! Not sure why the "kdawg528" is given, I didn't sign up with that name at all...lol. My name is Kevin, and it's always great to be involved in real ITC research and interactions with others in the field. Bless

      Kevin Himes

    2. Karyn


      lol, how positively weird, oh well it is in the right place to be not normal I guess.

      I have attached a screenshot of what I saw and responded to  AND in any event you are most welcome.  Being a gemini I am used to dealing with "personalities that I show" so why not for others.

      Screenshot (200).png

    3. Karyn


      sorry forgot the second screen was on


      Screenshot (200).png

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