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Everything posted by Karyn

  1. LEARNING FROM THE VOICES WITH DR. ANABELA CARDOSO A former Portuguese diplomat, Dr. Cardoso is the author of Electronic Contact with the Dead: What the Voices Tell Us, and Glimpses of Another World: Impressions and Reflections of an EVP Operator. She talks about what she has learned over the past two decades from her two-way conversations with anomalous voices. She describes how the voices are produced, the collective organization of those on the other side, what they say about their bodies, and also the meaning of suffering. She compares the information she has received directly with that reported by others in the literature of Instrumental Transcommunication and Spiritualism. Dr. Cardoso will be doing a live stream with Jeffrey Mishlove on Sunday 29th August at 1 p.m. US Eastern time.
  2. Welcome to Varanormal conley Karyn

  3. Welcome to Varanormal Trisad Arman Ovi.   Karyn

  4. Welcome to Varanormal Ruel, we hope you will enjoy meandering our site and joining in when you are ready.  Karyn

  5. In this in-depth, 90-minute interview, Rick Archer of "Buddha at the Gas Pump" (BatGap) engages Julie Beischel, PhD, Director of Research at the Windbridge Research Center, in discussions about a myriad of topics including how she got started in mediumship research, evidence from her research demonstrating the survival of consciousness---of both humans and animals---after physical death, the relevance of afterlife topics in mental and medical healthcare, the limitations for using EEG to study mediumship, and her advice for people interested in getting a mediumship reading. Dr. Beischel also discusses the fear of death, the Windbridge Certified Research Medium certification procedure, the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences and disease burden in mediums, mental and physical mediumship, paradoxical lucidity, and mediumship in law enforcement. BatGap interviews can include people experiencing spiritual awakenings or researchers who have "contributed significantly to the understanding and experience of spiritual awakenings." We are pleased to share our research with this new audience which includes more than 50,000 subscribers.View the video above or at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iY2k9krCI9A
  6. Coming Soon: 2021 Afterlife Symposium Starting September 21st, we'll be sharing new videos with you each week from the Windbridge Research Center 2021 Afterlife Symposium. The Symposium was 11 sessions with 11 contributors including Center team members discussing research findings and clinical applications, and having candid conversations with mediums, experiencers, and scholars. Stay tuned to your email! In November, we'll return to our once-per-month email schedule.
  7. Welcome to Varanormal Robert, we are happy you have found us.  Karyn

    1. Robert


      Thanks :

       I have a link here of a recording of a spirit box session I had where I ask the spirits, where they live and they clearly reply. The funny part is that I actually recorded this while driving on the freeway. Also thee messages continue if you play this short clip in reverse and it's amazing like the others I have


  8. Welcome to Varanormal Loulou, Karyn

  9. "Choose freedom, rather than money. It will make more harmonious conditions; though there may be periods when anxieties will arise. But freedom is worth it all."  (ECRL 989-2)
  10. Dear Karyn, Inner-Ease is a state of active calm that creates a deeper sense of connection to the wisdom and guidance from our heart’s intuitive suggestions. New Video, Ease – An "Active Calm" State of Being In this short video, we will be giving you the steps to the Inner‑Ease™ Technique which helps to bring calm and balance into your mental and emotional nature, resulting in clearer discernment in your choices and reasoning capacity – and is especially helpful during pressured decisions or other stressful challenges. Give the Inner-Ease Technique a try if you like and experience the benefits and reduced stress in your own life. Sara Childre, President, HeartMath Institute HeartMath Institute https://www2.heartmath.org/img/spacer.gif 14700 West Park Ave., Boulder Creek, California 95006 (831) 338-8500 | www.heartmath.org
  11. "On any question that arises, ask your mental self - get the answer, yes or no. Rest on that. Do not act immediately (if you want to develop intuitive influences). Then, in meditation or prayer, when looking within yourself, ask - is this yes or no? The answer is intuitive development."  (ECRL 282-4)
  12. Yes it appears there is so much going on. Sadly though organisations are not adapting their costs to the new circumstances. I can understand the high costs of conferences to attend in person as speakers costs need to be covered as they have to travel but charging high prices in an environment where no-one leaves their stations (home or work) I cannot accept. Delivering information in this environment that we now find ourselves in pre and post covid is cheap but some organisations I note do not reflect this in their registration costs.
  13. Karyn

    Welcome to Varanormal John, feel free to join in your new community.   Karyn

  14. One of the leading scientists of his day, 1688, he wrote 150 works in seventeen sciences. At the University of Uppsala he studied Greek, Latin and several other European languages. Swedenborg was a very highly gifted clairvoyant who spent more than twenty years investigating the afterlife. He recorded that he was able to make contact with intelligences from the afterlife, writing several books about the afterlife.
  15. I recognised capacitors {dont know if that is the correct spelling.} He may have said electrical specifically.
  16. Yes I got heaps on Krisp but hey I have a great appreciation for you clever people. I was at the seance in which Konstatine Raudive told Sonia that she needed capacitators. He said he would impress upon her what she needs. She apologised for not getting things right and not doing enough and he said "my dear you are doing more than enough." Pretty obvious to people why a humble non rich person has been doing this for years using what was at hand for modifications, and she produced a great deal of work in this area and yet people are flocking to a silver tongued crew who have got no-where in over ten years. That have the very best equipment but has not released any worthwhile results.
  17. To access all the above https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5702631352?pwd=ZjRBRys0TS9mZWNWNmRZOC9YQloyUT09
  18. Saturday, August 21st 2021/ Sunday, August 22nd !!!!!! New Group !!!!! - Spiritist Teachings When we did a recent survey of what Zoom groups people would like, a very popular suggestion was Brazilian Spiritism, Kardec and Chico Xavier. Fortunately, Ana Castro from Texas has started a free Zoom group meeting on Saturdays at 3 pm Central time. This coming Saturday the guest will be our good friend Luis Sergio Marotta. Just click this link to join. Pacific time and Arizona - Saturday 1 pm Eastern time - Saturday 4 pm Sydney time - Sunday 6 am Check time in your city
  19. True. It is such a shame that their formatting does not lend itself to easily replicate without a tremendous amount of work from myself.
  20. Physical Mediumship Fact or Fiction2.docx https://0.academia-photos.com/65603129/21710108/21029855/s65_susan.barnes.jpg Susan Barnes 2019, Spiritualist National Union Publication Date: 2019 Publication Name: Spiritualist National Union Since the first public demonstration of Mediumship in 1849, mediums have been accused of fraudulent behavior. Today the debate continues as the SNU set guidelines for physical séances to protect the reputation of their establishments. Additionally, the Internet continues the discussion through blogs, YouTube, and websites. Although, there will always be skeptics, the role of Spiritualism in contemporary physical mediumship tends to be neglected as materialism overshadows spirituality. The need to make a living can turn physical mediums into “mixed mediums,” where part of their séance is real and part magic trick. This thesis explores physical mediumship from the Seven Principles, the foundation of Spiritualist philosophy, to examine its truth or falsity. read more: https://www.academia.edu/38574877/Physical_Mediumship_Fact_or_Fiction2_docx?email_work_card=reading-history
  21. Galileo Commission European Symposium Towards a Self-Reflexive, Interdisciplinary Science of Consciousness Epidaurus, October 2021 Dear Karyn, https://hostedimages-cdn.aweber-static.com/MTQ5MjA3NA==/optimized/261a8893f43b49699580d402fed98558.jpeg After this period of lockdown, it is with more than usual pleasure that we are inviting you to attend the first European Galileo Commission Symposium at the appropriately named Aristotelis Hotel in Epidaurus, the sacred sanctuary of Asclepius with its famous incubation portal, a gateway to healing dreams and visions – so necessary for our time. https://hostedimages-cdn.aweber-static.com/MTQ5MjA3NA==/optimized/faf95716916f4693a9c88e0d598dbec7.jpeg Here you can find an outline of what we propose. The symposium will take place from Friday October 1- Sunday October 3 (3 nights, leave on Monday morning). You can anticipate spending the Thursday and Monday nights in Athens. The coach will leave from Athens after breakfast on the Friday and return on the Monday night. As for previous SMN Continental meetings such as that held in Aegina in 2013, we are anticipating a group of between 20 and 30 (maximum). Before we firm things up with the hotel and coach company, we are inviting you to send us an initial expression of interest below so that we assess whether there is in fact sufficient interest to hold a physical meeting. I should add that Greece is one of the safest countries in terms of the current situation. In addition to the hotel, transport and site visits costs mentioned in the attachment, you should count on the cost of dinners (there may be sufficient in terms of snacks in the hotel so that lunches are not necessary). Then there will be a conference registration fee of £75 payable to the Scientific and Medical Network on booking. Those who express interest will receive further details by Monday 30 August if we are going ahead. Express Interest Background The background to our symposium is the Galileo Commission Report, which explored many of the historical, social, political, psychological and philosophical constraints on widening the epistemological and ontological basis for a future science of consciousness. https://hostedimages-cdn.aweber-static.com/MTQ5MjA3NA==/optimized/ea15f0ec734644c2a082e2e4d17c5603.png A small meeting held in November 2019 as well as subsequent community presentations by Dr Joan Walton, Dr Athena Potari and Dr Vasilieios Basios have highlighted the corresponding career constraints on individual academics and scientists who would like to contribute to an expanded model of reality that does justice to both scientific theories and spiritual insights, outer and inner perspectives, quantitative analysis and qualitative synthesis, experimental and experiential practices. https://hostedimages-cdn.aweber-static.com/MTQ5MjA3NA==/original/80ac982e6700400aa6e14ef79e4bd90a.png A paper published in Paradigm Explorer 128 – A Galileo Moment - provides a constructive starting point for our Bohmian dialogue both in terms of process and planning/outcomes. We will not be inviting any keynote presentations from your existing positions but we will rather structure the meeting in an atmosphere of mutual trust and openness as a symposium of like-minds and hearts in a spirit of co-creative participation and exploration. This will maximise the possibilities in the field we create together for the arising of mutual openings out of diversity, for synchronicities, harmonics and resonances, and maybe even a few aha moments and breakthroughs. In this sacred place, we will open up a space for you to dream bold new possibilities into being in a time of global crisis. We will be integrating local site visits and of course congenial dinners in local tavernas into the overall structure of the weekend. On Saturday and Sunday evenings we will host a one-hour online reflective session as a further iteration of our process. With every good wish, https://hostedimages-cdn.aweber-static.com/MTQ5MjA3NA==/original/b49e4b687f9c4ec7a48c838608f01777.jpeg David Lorimer Programme Director
  22. https://r20.rs6.net/on.jsp?ca=10fa4172-6f51-43c4-bd32-85ff6f82152e&a=1101799883933&c=975c7b30-2c38-11e6-98a6-d4ae52843dc7&ch=977ab190-2c38-11e6-98a6-d4ae52843dc7 https://files.constantcontact.com/d9404688001/f88801b4-72d6-473f-a02f-681d59d6c9f2.jpg "These times spent in silent communion together each day, radiating out to individuals and world situations, do help tremendously. Every positive loving thought falls on fertile ground and in time will germinate and grow and flourish. So never feel for a moment you are wasting time when you spend time radiating out in the silence; simply know that a tremendous work is being done and that you are helping to lift a soul or a situation into the light by your action." Eileen Caddy This week's Friday Afterlife Report is now online at www.victorzammit.com/August20th2021 https://imgssl.constantcontact.com/letters/images/sys/S.gif https://imgssl.constantcontact.com/letters/images/sys/S.gif ‌ https://imgssl.constantcontact.com/letters/images/sys/S.gif https://imgssl.constantcontact.com/letters/images/sys/S.gif www.victorzammit.com https://imgssl.constantcontact.com/galileo/images/templates/Galileo-SocialMedia/facebook-visit-gray-circle.png‌ https://imgssl.constantcontact.com/galileo/images/templates/Galileo-SocialMedia/twitter-visit-gray-circle.png‌ https://imgssl.constantcontact.com/galileo/images/templates/Galileo-SocialMedia/pinterest-visit-gray-circle.png‌
  23. "Keep an even mental balance. DON'T worry! It is easy to say "Don't worry," but how may a person prevent it? By keeping control of one's mind, not only through self will but by keeping occupied in doing something for others."  (ECRL 646-1)
  24. Chris would you like me to go ahead and refer you to the group and you and the group leader can work out if it is a match.  Perhaps you may find that an opportunity may be available or perhaps she will stick to her must be able to blend with spirit statements.  Happy to do what suits you.  Also given that they meet on a weeknight in Australian EST (Brisbane) that would make it probably daytime in your area (a guess) so you would need to find a way to blacken an area to sit in as with most seances they sit in the dark.  That was the biggest hurdle for me when I wanted to join a circle.

    Also there is a circle in the US that is looking for members and are accepting people.  I could refer you to them, I do not think you get a notice of my zoom meetings.  

    Either way let me know.


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