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Everything posted by Karyn

  1. oops my apologies no 7 should be 6. My apologies. There is nothing after no 6, and I am reading 1-3 across so 4,5,6 is the bottom line. I will correct that error by an edit.
  2. No 2, no 3, no 4 and 6 I can pick some words. I actually heard some English in 4 quite strongly and distinct... while some of the language in 6 is unknown to me there does appear to be distinct voices (what I hear only small part in English is "and I am making some..."
  3. "To bring hope, to bring cheer, to bring joy, yes to bring a smile again to those whose face and heart are bathed in tears and in woe, is but making that divine love shine - shine - in your own soul!"  ECRL 987-4
  4. Rob Blackburn Every Wednesday, Northern Hemisphere with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan. Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes; the group has been going for some time, and members are experiencing phenomena. This is a long-term commitment. Times: Pacific and Arizona time 6 pm Wednesday Mountain Daylight time 7 pm Wednesday Central Daylight time 8 pm Wednesday New York time 9 pm Wednesday Sydney/Melbourne 11 am Thursday New Zealand 1 pm Thursday Check time in your city Contact: Rob Blackburn (rkblack@mtco.com) or Craig Hogan (r.craig.hogan@afterlifeinstitute.org) before joining the group. Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/4381898190
  5. Dr Susan Barnes We are meeting to create spirit art with messages. No art experience is required. Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday Northern Hemisphere Times: Pacific Daylight Time 6 pm Tuesday Phoenix time 6 pm Tuesday Mountain Daylight Time 7 pm Tuesday Central Daylight Time 8 pm Tuesday Eastern Daylight Time (New York) 9 pm Tuesday London 2 am Wednesday Sydney/Melbourne 11 am Wednesday New Zealand 1 pm Wednesday Check time in your city Coordinator: Dr Susan B. Barnes, CSNU susanbbarnes@gmail.com Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/8738817733
  6. Debra Martin People share what is happening in our world, how we are dealing with issues, holding each other’s hands, we bring in laughter and love. To bring in laughter each week, one person shares a joke. This person receives a few messages from a loved one they choose to connect with on the Other Side. Debra Martin always ends the gathering with a mini healing meditation. Times: NOTE 1 hour earlier starting time Pacific Daylight time 3 pm Tuesday Phoenix 3 pm Tuesday Mountain daylight time (Denver) 4 pm Central time 5 pm Tuesday Eastern time 6 pm Tuesday London 11 pm Tuesday Melbourne/Sydney 8 am Wednesday New Zealand 10 am Wednesday Check time in your city Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87968366796 EMAIL: Via a form on her website to avoid spam:https://www.goldenmiracles.com/contact.php
  7. A small group meets every two weeks - to share and explore the meaning of their dreams. Times Pacific Daylight Time 2 pm Monday Phoenix 2 pm Monday Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) 3 pm Monday Central Daylight Time 4 pm Monday Eastern Daylight Time 5 pm Monday London 10 pm Monday Rome 11 pm Monday Sydney/Melbourne 7 am Tuesday New Zealand 9 am Tuesday Check the time in your city. Email: Kim at kmrainbow57@yahoo.com Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/7595442928
  8. Once we know that the afterlife exists, what next? Professor Christina Zaccarina In 2012 Professor Cristina Zaccarini experienced heartbreaking and crippling losses that led her to seek knowledge about the continuity of life. She visited mediums and researched afterlife communication. This was the beginning of her journey, as the love of her partner led her to become more aware of the importance of love and compassion for all humans. Times: Pacific Daylight Time 2 pm Sunday Phoenix 2 pm Sunday Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) 3 pm Sunday Central Daylight time 4 pm Sunday Eastern Daylight time 5 pm Sunday London 10 pm Sunday Amsterdam 11 pm Sunday Sydney/Melbourne 7 am Monday New Zealand 9 am Monday Check the time for your city Co-ordinators: karynjarvie@ozemail.com.au and wendyzammit@gmail.com https://zoom.us/j/7595442928 As our security requirement, we ask that you have your video turned on until we have ‘met’ and welcomed you. You may turn it off if your connection is weak but speakers enjoy seeing their audience. Participants do not appear in the edited video.
  9. "...healing of the physical without the change in the mental and spiritual aspects brings little real help to the individuals in the end."  Edgar Cayce reading 4016-1
  10. Welcome to Varanormal August.  We sure do encourage our members to share their interests and works.

    I understand that from your contact so far that you do have a stable of established written works of not only yourself, but also publish works of other authors.  We do try to keep our members updated and we have featured Riley's books in several areas of the site.  

    May I suggest that you post any books in a relevant section.  For example physical mediumship which Riley Heagerty specialises in is in Past and Current Physical Mediums.

    Feel free to post about any books you choose to in a section that is relevant to the contents of the book.  An informative post is always welcome.   Welcome again, Karyn.

  11. Welcome to Varanormal stewabe67.  Please feel free to introduce yourself and your interests, there is much to explore.  Greetings Karyn

  12. Hi Kevin, It took me awhile to work it out but you go to SETTINGS WHEEL click on SUBTITLES then select AUTO-TRANSLATE (I think that German is ticked but change that to auto translate. You will then get a drop down list of languages select LANGUAGE. Blessings Karyn
  13. “I am not interested in what you say your religion is... I am only interested in what compassion you reveal to those in pain, how well you listen, what truth you live by, what gentleness you show, what love you convey and above all, what service you render. These are the qualities of an evolved soul and the only things that truly matter.” White Feather (https://www.whitefeatherspirit.com/) This week's Friday Afterlife Report is now online at https://www.victorzammit.com/August19th2022
  14. English sub titles are available through the settings, thank you for posting this Rosamina.
  15. A Spirit Explains Ectoplasm Posted on 15 August 2022, 8:01 In the February 1905 issue of “The Annals of Psychical Science,” Ernest Bozzano, an Italian psychical researcher, offers an article titled “A Defence of William Stainton Moses.” It is in response to comments made by Frank Podmore, the resident skeptic of the Society for Psychical Research, relative to the mediumship of Moses. Podmore’s theory was that the “spirit lights” frequently reported around Moses were produced with bottles of phosphorized oil hidden on or about him. He claimed that Moses (below) had pretty much indicted himself by writing about a mishap that occurred during September 1873, as it suggested that a bottle had accidentally been broken. The charges against Moses were made by Podmore in his book Modern Spiritualism, published in 1904, some 12 years after Moses’s death. He draws from Moses’s own written account of the incident, which reads, “Suddenly there arose from below me, apparently under the table, or near the floor, right under my own nose, a cloud of luminous smoke, just like phosphorus. It fumed up in great clouds, until I seemed to be on fire, and rushed from the room in a panic. I was fairly frightened, and could not tell what was happening. I rushed to the door and opened it, and so to the front door. My hands seemed to be ablaze and left their impress on the door and handles. It blazed for a while after I had touched it, but soon went out, and no smell or trace remained. … There seemed to be no end of smoke. It smelled distinctly phosphoric, but the smell evaporated as soon as I got out of the room into the air.” The “clouds of luminous smoke” were likely what later came to be called ectoplasm. Researchers reported it coming in various forms from vaporish to a thick milky-like substance. Around the same time, Sir William Crookes, a renowned chemist, observed it with medium D. D. Home and referred to it as “psychic force,” a name given to it by lawyer Serjeant Cox, a fellow psychical researcher. Podmore was not present, only Dr. Stanhope Speer, Moses’s friend, but Podmore jumped to the conclusion that Moses mishandled a bottle of phosphorus, causing it to break. “Now this is what Mr. Podmore does,” Bozzano explains, “... he makes extracts of phrases where the phenomenon is insufficiently described, detaches the case, thus presenting it to the reader in a state of isolation, and makes a few brief comments on it – which, as usual, resolve themselves into cutting insinuations.” Bozzano further wondered why Moses bothered to write about it if it was a trick gone astray or why Dr. Speer made no mention of broken glass, etc. Moses mentioned it because he was given an explanation the next day by a spirit communicator. It is not clear which spirit was communicating, but apparently it was Rector or Mentor from the Imperator group of 49 spirits. By means of automatic writing, Moses asked the spirit what the phosphoric smoke the previous day was all about. Here is part of the dialogue that took place: Spirit: “We are scarcely able to write. The shock has destroyed your passivity. It was an accident. The envelope in which is contained the substance which we gather from the bodies of the sitters was accidentally destroyed, and hence the escape into outer air, and the smoke which terrified you. It was owing to a new operator (spirit operator) being engaged on the experiment. We regret the shock to you.” Moses: “I was extremely alarmed. It was just like phosphorus.” Spirit: “No, but similar. We told you when first we began to make the lights that they were attended with some risk; and that with unfavourable conditions they would be smoky and of a reddish yellow hue.” Moses: “Yes, I know. But not that they would make a smoke and scene like that.” Spirit: “Nor would they, save by accident. The envelope was destroyed by mischance, and the substance which we had gathered escaped.” Moses: “What substance?” Spirit: “That which we draw from the bodily organisms of the sitters. We had a large supply, seeing that neither of you had sustained any drain of late.” Moses: “You draw it from our bodies – from all?” Spirit: “From both of you. You are both helpful in this, both. But not from all people. From some the substance cannot be safely drawn, lest we diminish the life principle too much.” Moses: “Robust men give it off?” Spirit: “Yes, in greater proportion. It is the sudden loss of it and the shock that so startled you that caused the feeling of weakness and depression.” Moses: “It seemed to come from the side of the table.” Spirit: “From the darkened space between the sitters. We gathered it between you in the midst. Could you have seen with spirit eyes you would have discovered threads of light, joined to your bodies and leading to the space where the substance was being collected. These lines of light were ducts leading to our receptacle.” Moses: “From what part of my body?” Spirit: “From many; from the nerve centers and from the spine.” Moses: “What is this substance?” Spirit: “In simple words, it is that which give to your bodies vitality and energy. It is the life principle.” Moses: Very like sublimated phosphorus? Spirit: “No body that does not contain a large portion of what you call phosphorus is serviceable to us for objective manifestations. This is invariable. There are other qualities of which you do not know, and which not all spirits can tell, but this is invariable in mediums for physical manifestations.” On another occasion, Imperator, the chief of the band of 49, which included Rector and Mentor, communicated: “We have a higher form of what is known to you as electricity, and it is by that means we are enabled to manifest, and that Mentor shows his globe of light. He bring with him the nucleus, as we told you.” At a sitting on September 11, 1873, Maria Speer, the wife of Dr. Speer, recorded: “... the next evening we sat again in perfect darkness, which Mentor took advantage of, as he showed lights almost as soon as we were seated. He then controlled the medium (Moses), talking to us about the lights as he showed them. At first they were very small. This, he said, was the nucleus of light he had brought with him, a small amount of what we should call electricity. This nucleus lasted all the time, and from the circle he gathered more light around it, and kept it alive by contact with the medium. At one time, the light was as bright as a torch. Mentor moved it about all over the table and above our heads with the greatest rapidity.” On August 10, 1873, Dr. Speer recorded that Mentor said he would show his hand. “A large, very bright light then came up as before, casting a great reflection on the oilcloth, came up as before in front of me; inside of it appeared the hand of Mentor, as distinct as it can well be conceived. ‘You see! You see!’ said he, ‘that is my hand; now I move my fingers,’ and he continued to move his fingers about freely, just in front of my face. I thanked him for his consideration.” Everyone who knew Moses, an Anglican priest, spoke of his honesty and integrity, especially Frederic Myers. Moreover, it seems highly unlikely that Moses would have carried on such imposture with his friends for over ten years. Podmore implied that all of Moses’ seances were in the dark, but Bozzano pointed out that many of them were in lighted conditions. This was confirmed by Dr. and Mrs. Speer and others. Bozzano’s article also refers to other phenomena observed by Dr. and Mrs. Speer, as well as their adult son, Charlton Speer, a professional musician. Charlton reported on strange music about them with no visible instruments. He described it as something like “the soft tone of a clarinet gradually increasing in intensity until it rivaled the sound of a trumpet, and then by degrees diminishing to the original subdued note of the clarinet, until it eventually died away in a long drawn-out melancholy wail. This is a very inefficient description of this really extraordinary sound, but as I have in the whole course of my experience never heard anything at all like it, it is impossible to give to those who have not heard it a more accurate idea of what it was like.” On July 13, 1874, Dr. Speer reported: We had last night an admirable specimen of zither playing, for a length of time. The performer (we don’t know his name yet) actually performed what is called a free prelude; that is to say, a short unbarred composition. The whole thing was most marvelous, for there is no zither in our house, and it is an instrument that cannot be mistaken.” Dr. Speer further stated that they “ascertained that the sounds were in truth evidence of the presence of individuals purporting to have long since departed from earth life.” Michael Tymn is the author of The Afterlife Revealed: What Happens After We Die, Resurrecting Leonora Piper: How Science Discovered the Afterlife, and Dead Men Talking: Afterlife Communication from World War I. His latest book, No One Really Dies: 25 Reasons to Believe in an Afterlife is published by White Crow books.
  16. This month’s Add Heart Podcast is a conversation with guest Lynne McTaggart and host Deborah Rozman, Ph.D., President of HeartMath Inc. The Add Heart Podcast theme for August will focus on Collective Intention. The Power of Collective Intention In this episode, award-winning journalist and author, Lynne McTaggart and our host, Deborah Rozman, talk about collective intention and Lynne’s research in this area. At this time in history, there is an amazing opportunity for groups of people to harness the power of collective intention to create sustainable change that can help humanity and our planet. Currently, society is mired in many outdated paradigms that no longer fit today’s world. Many societal structures are falling apart, and polarization between groups and inflamed biases have become more intense. The power of collective intention is not a new concept, yet we are reminded through examples that Lynne shares of how small groups throughout history have created significant changes that helped to improve and heal people’s lives. Lynne shares her transformative results from bringing small groups of people with different beliefs and opposing views together to hear each other more deeply and to focus on an altruistic collective intention they all can agree on. Based on her research and HeartMath Institute’s research on collective heart coherence, Deborah and Lynne discuss how the new paradigms needed now for humanity to learn to get along with each other could very well come from small groups empowering a collective altruistic intention. This episode closes with a heart-focused meditation that walks listeners through HeartMath’s Shift and Lift™ Technique. This heart-based practice facilitates groups and teams in deeper listening to the hearts of each other. Listen now
  17. William J. Peters, share his research into Shared Death Experiences. William is a practicing grief and bereavement therapist, the founder of the Shared Crossings Project and director of its Research Initiative. He has spent decades studying end-of-life experiences and is recognized as a global leader in the field of shared death studies. He has recently released "At Heaven’s Door" filled with powerful tales of people who share their spouses' or children’s entry into the afterlife. He can be contacted through his webpage https://www.sharedcrossing.com/contact
  18. Macy Afterlife: The Beacon ITC Gem 17: Avoiding Dark Forces in Spirit Work Posted on 2010 August 20 by Mark Macy Important: The purpose of this article is to provide tips for pursuing spiritual research safely, not to stir up fear about ITC. As many wise men and women have said in many ways down through the ages, the only thing to fear, is fear itself. – Mark Macy – – – Editor’s note: The Luxembourg couple started getting historic spirit contacts in the mid-1980s. In 1987, for example, the spirit of the late 19th-Century chemist Henri Sainte-Claire de Ville showed up on their TV set and spoke to them through their radio. (Click here to see and hear those contacts.) But as the contacts proliferated over the course of several months, eventually the couple began to hear troubled voices with troubling messages. Soon the negative contacts began to proliferate, stirring up their lives badly and taking a toll on their health. What they learned over the years can be a good lesson for anyone involved in spiritual pursuits… particularly ITC research, which seems to have a large opposing force on other side. What attracted the dark forces into their work? Why are those forces opposed to ITC research? How exactly are spiritual seekers and researchers affected by those forces? How do they protect themselves? Well, for lots of answers, here’s their story, woven together from several articles that appeared in their CETL Infonews between 1987 and 1990, which Hans Heckmann translated into English and I edited and published: – – – Begin CETL Report – – – What opens the way to negative spirits? For a year the Luxembourg team welcomed other researchers and interested people into their small apartment/lab to observe their contacts and investigate their findings. People showed up with greater frequency. The team organized public meetings in the evenings, their phone never stopped ringing, and hundreds of letters for the Technician began to pile up. People became annoyed if they did not get quick answers to their questions. By the fall of 1987 the Luxembourg researchers were drained of energy from overwork. This weakening in the ranks allowed an infiltration by dark forces. The negative spirit group that elbowed its way into the Luxembourg experiments and forced the spiritside collaborators out, were intent on suppressing ITC development.* They succeeded for a time, as the earthside team decided to suspend their experiments for a few weeks in order to rest and recuperate. Not all negative entities are low-level spirits. People on Earth as well as in spirit can become negative due to various shortcomings, producing harmful vibrations in several dimensions. Just as some people on Earth detest friendship and unity, there are spiritual beings who fight efforts to build a bridge of love and unity among dimensions. These entities, who shun the Light, are often called dark forces. They allegedly are responsible for accidents, job problems, conflicts among family members and friends, and even cases of illness, insanity, and premature death. Maggy wrote: “Many people’s conception of the “beyond” is frightening. When the human mind becomes poisoned through fear and cruelty, it actually gives strength to the existence of the lowest astral levels which feed on these emotions. Human spirit in connection with higher forces is shaping the physical and spiritual levels of being. If many people knew how much the power of our minds and thoughts can influence the spiritual dimensions, they would change their way of thinking. We can start early by avoiding malicious thoughts and intentions and by recognizing the causes of our aggression. This will reduce the chances of survival of the lowest Astral levels and the dark forces. The beings of Light are waiting to give support to people who oppose the enemies of Peace, Harmony and Justice. So as not to make us feel patronized, the members of Timestream tell us repeatedly that their present abode is no place of sadness. Neither should our earth life consist only of self sacrifice and drudgery. A failure of unification among ITC researchers is no reason to lose courage.” The ethereal being Technician shed some light on the situation too: “You on Earth can never totally turn them away. You will at times be confronted by these negative forces. Evil takes the shape of people who open themselves to the negative. You may experience the negative effects through no fault of your own. In time these effects will diminish as the positive side gains strength.” How can you protect yourself? The main defense against these dark forces is positive thinking and prayerful requests for protection by higher Light beings. Most researchers start every session asking forces of Light for protection and assistance. With mutual trust about a common goal, a group produces positive energy and becomes immune from negative energy. The Technician: “You only have to entrust yourself into your spirit guardian’s protection and immediately you will be under him like you are under a shield.” With time and experience researchers learn to detect negative forces quickly and withdraw from them. They avoid large public ITC activities where negativity can abound. Negative influences can be shut out completely only when there is trust and unity in a group, and it is easier to achieve that among a small group. The struggle between Light and dark forces continues in other dimensions. Siding with the Light means aspiring to virtues and doing good service with a pure heart. ITC researchers can attract negative as well as positive help from the other side. One negative researcher can upset the balance among a small group of researchers, opening a door to dark forces. Group experiments are safe only when all members feel united in the pursuit of common goals. The nature of darkness. After closing down the Luxembourg operation due to presence of dark forces and reopening months later, the team learned that the negative forces were able to imitate their spiritside collaborators. Their ultimate goal was the suppression of all ITC activity on Earth. The experimenters became ill and faced a variety of difficulties, all tests of faith. “Further development of ITC exchanges seems to depend upon whether man is willing to undergo these tests (of unity and trust to overcome the darkness),” Maggy said. During the Fall of 1987, a wave of negativity seemed to sweep the world. Many ITC researchers everywhere grew ill as confusion, uncertainty, suspicion and fear reigned supreme. The Luxembourg team not only were hit hard by “Group 2105”, but they soon heard from researchers in the US and throughout Europe who had suffered similar problems during the months of October, November and December. There seems to be a large contingent of negative spirits who wish to see chaos and conflict prevail on Earth. We can see that aspect of human nature even here on Earth. – – – End CETL Report – – – Notes: * Those disrupting spirits called themselves Group 2105… and after 20 years of thinking about those contacts in Luxembourg, I believe that spirit group was from our future, trying to establish a field of possibilities for humanity today that would lead to the future they wished to see unfold. ITC research apparently stood in their way of that. ** Since writing the above article I’ve figured out quite a bit more about this situation. For one thing, the spirit group didn’t call itself 2105, but 2109. That was a typo on my part. Sorry. Also, I no longer think it was a group “from our future,” but just a spirit group with dubious intentions, as I explain my a more recent (February 2018) article.
  19. Macy Afterlife: The Beacon ITC Gem 16: Life on the Other Side Posted on 2010 August 17 by Mark Macy Editor’s note: The beauty of ITC is that, under the right conditions, information can come through into our world virtually pure—unfiltered by the mind of a psychic medium. I found two articles today in the old archives of the Luxembourg experiments that give what I consider to be an unsurpassed glimpse of the afterlife… that is, unsurpassed in terms of reliability. Here’s a description of the world that Swejen found after she died, as did many of her friends and colleagues who share that world… Along the River are comfortably furnished houses. Residents come from several planets and include gnomes, giants and dwarfs. About 60 billion humanoids live here. Sexuality is an option for compatible couples wishing it. Residents can eat and drink synthesized (created from thought) food. There are animal species unknown on Earth, including brightly colored birds and butterflies. The temperature is very mild. The River is located on a planet called Marduk with three suns, so it is never completely dark. It orbits one sun and receives light from two other nearby stars. A single, large river flows 100 million kilometers across the entire planet, the deepest spot in the river being 17,000 meters, the widest spot 3,700 meters. The planet and its Riverine communities were all created by human minds, yet is as much a reality to its spiritual residents as our Earth is to us. Vegetation ranges from microscopic algae to giant trees. Many buildings are made of wood. People arrive here with the same psychological and emotional nature they had when they died, although shortcomings and imbalances can be overcome through rapid learning. Children arriving on the astral planes are nurtured by loved ones who already live there. The children grow and develop to age 25-30. Almost everyone arrives here with false hopes and expectations, some because of lack of spiritual understanding, others because of their religious teachers who had a very incomplete view of this world. Many here (in the mid-Astral planes) led a good life on Earth but were not perfect. People who occasionally lie are not bad as long as they do not hurt anyone else with their deception. People who are unjust out of ignorance. or because they act in haste, are not bad people. There are many here who never sent a person from their door because he was lower on the social ladder, had different political views or another religion. Some of them ask themselves, “Why am I sharing this planet with cheats, adulterers, liars, thieves, and those who indulged in excesses and were disloyal?!” They know that these other souls cannot harm them, but they are terribly upset and disappointed that they must be here, among them, rather than in a promised land. — Swejen Salter
  20. Macy Afterlife: The Beacon ITC Gem 15: The Nature of Spirit Posted on 2010 August 11 by Mark Macy Editor’s note: For this entry I’ve gathered together and edited into an article several observations by the Luxembourg researcher Maggy, that give some important clues into the nature of the spirit worlds and our spiritual make-up… based on contacts she received between 1988 and 1992. – – – Begin CETL Report – – – There are few answers that can interpret the physics of the spirit world with the help of earthside physics. There are no answers that will satisfy the “logic” of earthside science. Many scientists on the other side are very familiar with our physics but are unable to express their spirit world physics in a manner that would satisfy us and that we could fully understand. Some things we can explain, though, thanks to our knowledge of radio frequencies: There is a nonterrestrial, nonphysical form of energy that can be called cosmic light, soul energy, thought energy, chi, etc… and this living energy is what manifests all universes everywhere. Worlds of different vibratory rate interpenetrate without affecting each other, like two radio signals occupying the same room at the same time, or like two automobiles occupying the same parking space at different times. Distances between spiritual beings are not spatial distances. Rather they are determined by the maximum vibratory rate or frequency to which an entity can adjust. As people move “upward” from the middle to the higher astral planes, their astral bodies become lighter, subtler, and of higher-frequency substance. When they reach the rapid vibrations of the mental-causal planes, their astral bodies disappear. The mental body is not really a body at all, as we understand it, and can be described as a glowing mass of energy. Some people who advance into the mental-causal planes lose their interest in the affairs of Earth and move onto bigger realities. Other people return frequently to the astral planes, donning astral bodies as they descend, so that they can be involved in Earthly projects such as ITC. Besides the physical, astral and mental bodies and the soul, there are several other bodies that cannot be described because our languages have not been equipped with the terminology yet. All information about our personal life styles, our attitudes toward other people, animals and plants, and our behavior can be monitored and recorded on spiritside equipment. This forms a picture of the person and helps determine the extent to which the person can be assisted spiritually. Some thoughts and actions that seem insignificant here are considered very important in spirit, such as kindness or cruelty to small animals. – – – End CETL Report – – –
  21. Macy Afterlife: The Beacon ITC Gem 14: How Humans, Spirits and Angels See God Posted on 2010 August 4 by Mark Macy Editor’s note: Today we look at the concept of God from several different views. Maggy is the Luxembourg ITC researcher who began receiving miraculous communications from her spirit friends in the late 1980s. Her view of God, as the ultimate focus of spiritual pursuit, centers around her evolving understanding of the purpose of ITC, and her efforts to sustain a clear contact field, which made her ITC miracles possible. Swejen is Maggy’s principle spirit communicator, the manager of the Timestream spirit group located on what she has described as the third level of spiritual existence, also called the mid-astral planes. It’s a spiritual world (non-material, but with familiar forms and structures composed of energies and consciousness) much like our own physical world, where many people from Earth awaken after they die. Swejen had been a scientist on an Earth-like physical world before her death and had carried her scientific predisposition into the next life… so her view of God has evolved to a large degree out of her scientific understanding. Technician and Ishkumar are two of seven ethereal beings who say they’ve been following our world for thousands of years. It’s The Seven who had the power and purpose to open and sustain the miraculous ITC bridge between Maggy (and her INIT colleagues here on Earth such as myself) and our spirit friends, up until around the year 2000, when our group came apart. During my ITC research as a member of INIT, I found that the ethereal view of God (and of most other issues) is more far reliable than the understanding of people on Earth… and of people who have died and gotten settled into a paradise existence, who seem to have a view of things slightly elevated over earthly understanding, but still far removed from ethereal wisdom. – – – From the archives of CETL and INIT – – – Earthly perspectives. In 1988, early in her experiments, Maggy wrote: “The final decision for the road to Light, which is God, means separation from people who avoid spiritual development and want to remain neutral. “We (she and her husband Jules) used to share the opinion of many, that once we had a breakthrough in clear, two-way communication (with our spirit friends), our goal (as ITC researchers) had been reached. In time we realized that we are only at the beginning. A new phase of ITC begins when the door into other dimensions is opened. “We have come to a point where participation in ITC again demands changes. The harmony and tune-ability among participating and associated people have to contribute more favorably to future communications. Our contacts in the spiritual world indicate a net of positive energy which is slowly spreading over and among like-minded experimenters. Our scientists refer to it as morphogenetic fields. “The spiritual search should be our main goal in ITC, not curiosity and sensationalism. The God principle in our spiritual development should attract us more than the contact with our loved ones…. Prayers and thanksgiving seem to open doors. The less we demand, the more we receive. “Certain individuals who do not project a spiritual appearance are praised by the other side for their spiritual development. “The spiritside allows for human mistakes, but finds hypocrisy displeasing.” Astral perspectives. In 1991, Maggy received this contact from her spirit friend Swejen, via telephone: God, the Principal, the Creator or whatever else you wish to call him is everywhere. He is in the universe and the universe is in Him. However, the Universe and therefore God are two entities. (The states of) being and non-being. Matter and nonmatter. Scientists have often tried to explain what matter is and I believe I can spare myself another explanation. Nonmatter is not to be compared to anti-matter but is really what we describe as soul or spirit. Every living creature, even an amoeba or a bacillus, has a soul….” Ethereal perspectives. In 1992, Maggy got this message during a phone conversation with Technician, the first of The Seven to make contact: The contacts of spirit beings with earth is only a partial aspect of ITC. They should serve as proof that you will live forever and have a higher calling. Ethereal beings in finer realms are not particularly interested in contacts between dimensions, but they support it because they can bring man closer to the realization of eternal life and the principle or being that you call God, Yahweh or Nirvana. In 1996, our INIT group received this message from Ishkumar, another of The Seven. The message simply “manifested itself” as a file in the computer of Maggy, our Luxembourg member: Many of you have a false impression about us. Unfortunately this is often the case with your mediums, who recognize only part of us. Also, there are a great number of people who claim to have a direct connection to God, Jaweh or Jehovah. Some ITC experimenters believe this. It is not correct. Many Earth people mistakenly perceive God as a person or an individual entity. God is not a person, but the highest principle of life, as well as the absolute reality. He, or IT, is the absolute unity and the absolute, unlimited and all-encompassing Universe. As a limitless entity, the universe can never be one of the creative individuals who are numerous in the cosmos. Nor is it tenable that there is a single Son of God for the entire cosmos. Jesus Christ, today a part of Pescator, has never described himself as such. Since God, ultimately, is everything, and everything is God, it makes no difference which religion you belong to. There is only one universal truth which can be found through the path of decency. For those who follow eternal principles, the doors to freedom are open. Signed, Ishkumar – – – End of the archival report – – – (That final message from Ishkumar was documented in the 1996/03 issue of our Contact! journal. Click here to view that issue.)
  22. Macy Afterlife: The Beacon ITC Gem 13: How the Luxembourg Miracle Began Posted on 2010 July 25 by Mark Macy Editor’s note: In 1992 my colleague Hans Heckmann and I flew to Europe to meet a couple in Luxembourg who were reporting spirit contacts of historic proportion. Maggy, a schoolteacher, and Jules, a civil servant, had been living a quiet life together near the forests and farms just south of the capital. That changed in 1983, when they had watched the popular TV program “Unbelievable Stories.” The host, Rainer Holbe, was featuring the work of Hans-Otto Koenig, a German acoustic engineer involved in spirit communication through technology. Koenig set up his equipment under close supervision of the station engineers. One of the engineers asked if a voice could come through in direct reply to a question, and a voice quickly replied, We hear your voice. Otto Koenig makes wireless contact with the dead. Stunned, Rainer Holbe addressed the millions of listeners across Europe, “I tell you, dear Listeners of Radio Luxembourg, and I swear by the life of my children, that nothing has been manipulated. There are no tricks. It is a voice, and we do not know from where it comes.” The Station issued an official statement afterwards: Every step of the program was carefully supervised. Staff and engineers were convinced that the voices were paranormal. That 1983 TV show stirred a karmic chord deep inside the Luxembourg couple… who would learn later, through their own, even more miraculous spirit communication channels, that they had been immersed in a transcommunication project together in another lifetime, thousands of years earlier! That’s when I had the good fortune to meet the couple and begin translating their reports into English… after they had established contact with the Timestream spirit group and began getting life-changing contacts. One of the first articles I wrote about the couple was about their early breakthroughs. – – – – My Report for CETL – – – – Maggy began experimenting with a tape recorder in June 1985. Within a week she received her first voice contacts. Jules suggested experimenting in the country to eliminate the chance of voices boiling over from phone lines, nearby conversations, etc. Taking pains to be sure she was not picking up radio or TV broadcasts, Maggy was again successful. With this experience and with knowledge gained from leading researchers (and especially the work done by the late Konstantin Raudive), Maggy and Jules decided to open the doors to the spirit world wider than they’d been opened before. In late 1985 they started meeting with others, and soon hosted weekly recording sessions. With a strong hunch that a dedicated researcher such as Raudive would try to help out from the spirit world if given the chance, the group each week would welcome the spirit of Dr. Raudive. They picked up numerous random voices, and then one day they thought they could recognize Raudive’s deep voice among the other faint replies. As time passed, the group’s efforts succeeded in building a contact field between themselves and Konstantin Raudive, and the deep voice (which was indeed his) became persistent in their meetings. After adding some new equipment — a TV set, two radios, a field generator, and two ultraviolet lamps — in the Spring of 1986, the voice boomed out clearly, Here it is summer, always summer! One day in August Jules and Maggy were listening to their small clock-radio, the music stopped, a rushing sound swept through the speaker, then a deep voice full of joy and satisfaction boomed out over the speakers: This is Konstantin Raudive. Soon it will work everywhere! The couple didn’t get much sleep that night. After this the doors opened wider and wider. Deceased relatives and friends reported in frequently. Dr. Raudive spoke at every recording session. The TV and both radios all started to put out strange noises occasionally. The radios even tuned themselves occasionally to an optimum dial setting. Soft voices would instruct the team to tune into the Eurosignal (a radio frequency found only in Europe which carries a steady signal 24 hours a day) and leave the dials alone. Sometimes the more sensitive group members would feel inexplicably compelled to adjust the equipment with no voice instruction. It soon became apparent to everyone in the group that influence from the spiritual dimensions upon our lives is far greater than most people think. One day a new voice joined the sessions, a high-pitched, computer-like voice that seemed almost too perfect and synthesized to be of human origin. It turned out to be an ethereal being who was “assigned” to Earth to help establish a new phase of interdimensional communication for us. The being would eventually describe his role as a gatekeeper, protecting and sustaining the communication bridge. He told the couple that he (like other ethereals) has no name, but they could call him “Technician,” since that was his role in the project. The Technician soon became the spiritside manager of the operation, providing a countdown to stabilize conditions at the beginning of each contact, followed by the statement: Contact for the Eurosignal Bridge. During one session the group asked a question about God, and the Technician’s high-pitched voice broke in: Please address this question to me. Maggy asked, “Who are you?” We are what we are. It is difficult to explain to you but I am not an energy being, not a light being. I was never human, never an animal, and was never incarnate. Neither am I God! You know the picture of two children walking across a bridge. Behind them is a being that protects them. This is what I am to you but without wings. If you insist on giving me a name, call me Technician. – – – – End of my Report for CETL – – – – This weekend (2010 July 25) I have dug through my files to find all of those early Luxembourg reports, and I plan to start posting them online in the coming weeks. (Click here to see their future home among the ITC journals I also have been posting.) Meanwhile, my next few posts on this blog will be about the nature of God, or the source or principle, from the perspective of our spirit friends, especially the Technician and other ethereals.
  23. Macy Afterlife: The Beacon ITC Gem 12: Friedrich Juergenson Makes Contact Posted on 2010 July 1 by Mark Macy Editor’s note: This contact arrived in Luxembourg on April 28, 1992, a few months before my first meeting with the couple at the ITC receiving station CETL. Fascinating story here. Friedrich Juergenson was perhaps the best-known spirit voice pioneer… regarded by many as the father of EVP. After his death in 1987 he apparently moved to finer levels of the astral realm, but was invited “down” to the Timestream spirit group to participate in the ITC project. Timestream had decided to send images and messages of Juergenson to CETL, since he had been a prominent researcher in lifetime. In this message, he announces Timestream’s plan to send a picture of him along with the three suns of Marduk. (To see those historic pictures, which came through Stations Luxembourg and Rivenich (Germany), click here.) – – – – CETL Report – – – – Early in 1992 Swejen informed us that F. Juergenson was planning to contact us. We waited. On April 28 an unfamiliar voice announced: Spiritside: Greetings to you. This is Friedrich Juergenson. The voice was intelligible but soft. During the greeting the voice changed and became more distinct. I recognized the well known researcher by the intonation of his voice. Earthside: Mr. Juergenson, greetings to you, too! It is nice of you to talk to us. Spiritside: You know, I always wanted to avoid a situation in which people create a cult around me, yet it apparently happened. Earthside: I understand and will pass on your feelings about it. Spiritside: I am coming through here to tell you that a great gathering is planned for tomorrow. Decisions will be made about what to put through to you next. I shall meet two ladies — Swejen Salter and Elise K. Homes — but also many others who will decide on a picture that shows me during lifetime. The three suns of Marduk will be recognizable in the background. The picture will probably arrive at Mr. Homes’ home. Also an audio contact is planned. Earthside: A picture with three suns. I can understand you well. I regret that the answering device was not set for recording. I would have liked to record your voice to demonstrate it. People would have liked it. Unfortunately, it is too late for that. Spiritside: You mean the sounds you wanted to record? Earthside: Yes, but I must have pushed the wrong button. I do not understand why it is not recording. I’ll write everything down. Spiritside: I shall give you another contact soon which you can record and I shall then speak to the people, I shall also speak about another subject but for now will only say one sentence: “Mr. K. Did not act according to my ideas.” Earthside: Yes, I know. The Technician and Swejen said you are now residing in higher levels and are not a human being anymore as we understand it. Spiritside: Yes, I am in higher levels. I have become for you part of what mankind used to call “Gods.” – – – – End of CETL Report – – – – Notes: At the time of this contact, the CETL couple were collaborating closely with researcher Adolf Homes of Germany, and each station had its own spirit group working with it—Timestream working with the Luxembourg couple, Centrale working with Mr Homes. Swejen Salter was the director of the Timestream spirit group, and Elise Karoline Homes was with Centrale. Elise was the mother of Adolf, but she’d died when he was just a baby… so Adolf had grown up with a yearning to somehow reconnect with the mother he’d never known. ITC made that connection possible. Elise had moved on to finer realms of spirit and had forgotten completely about her life experiences on Earth. Our ethereal friends, The Seven, located her, reminded her of her Earth lifetime, told her of her son Adolf who was involved in ITC, and invited her to help out. She accepted the invitation, and her picture appeared one morning on Adolf’s television during one of his experiments! Timestream and Centrale arranged for several “cross-contacts,” in which similar images and/or messages would be sent to both earthside stations simultaneously. This picture of Juergenson was one such cross-contact. As I explain in my book, The Project, and also on some youtube videos (click here to view the videos), the Earth was inhabited long, long ago by superhuman, god-like beings from the planet Eden, or Marduk. When the Edenites destroyed their world with advanced technologies, colonists on Earth became stranded here. They eventually created modern humans, through genetic engineering. So the many legends of gods and Titans are based in truth. Apparently those god-like humans still exist in the finer levels of the spirit realms… and many of us on Earth join with them after we die. (I leave for Montreal tomorrow to attend the annual IIIHS conference, where I’ll be giving a presentation on ITC and a workshop on Science and the Study of Maya. This will probably be my last public speaking, as I can share a lot more through my writing, especially this blog. In any case, this will be my last post here for a week or so.)
  24. Macy Afterlife: The Beacon ITC Gem 11: The End of Reincarnation Posted on 2010 June 21 by Mark Macy Editor’s Note: It was a magical time for the researchers at the CETL lab for instrumental transcommunication in Luxembourg in the late 1980s and early 90s. A high-tech rapport with a group of deceased humans, including the spirit of the famous English explorer Sir Richard Francis Burton (click here for his bio), was made possible by a cluster of seven ethereal beings. One of the ethereals told the researchers that although he and the other ethereals don’t really have names, per se, they could call him “Technician,” since that described his role in facilitating and protecting the incredible communication bridge that was opening up for the couple. He was a sort of gatekeeper between Earth and positive astral realms of spirit. Under the protection of Technician and The Seven, the spirit group, calling themselves Timestream, were chatting with the Luxembourg couple on their phone, talking through their radios, showing themselves and their world in brief flashes on the couple’s TV screen, and even planting images and lengthy messages on their desktop computer. On various occasions the Technician himself communicated with Maggy, the main CETL researcher. Here are a couple of reports from those early years in Luxembourg, closing out this series on reincarnation. – – – CETL Report, 1989 – – – Technician: Reincarnation exists. There are parallel worlds. Mankind evolves in a forever moving wheel of life. Some have arrived at a point of development that allows them a better understanding. Reincarnation means progression forward, not backward. Animals too are subject to the cycle of incarnation. A person does not reincarnate in an animal body. Important earth personalities are being born again as simple people if they used their previous life only to exploit others. There is a purpose for sickness and infirmity. Do not judge the fate of other people. If we feel it is important enough to let you know why some people are being tested this way, we will do so. It is only appropriate to advise and help some people, while others do not want to be helped. Those individuals have selected a life of suffering for their incarnation. – – – CETL Report, 1991 – – – Technician, referring to Richard Francis Burton: When a man has experienced all facets of earthly life, grief, joy, happiness, pain, suffering and exhaustion, when all search for knowledge has been satisfied and he has explored all corners of the Earth, when the wheel of life comes to a halt after many incarnations, then the time has come to look for new horizons. At this point, reincarnation ends. – – – End of CETL Report – – – Note: It was an honor and privilege for me to become a part of that miraculous other-worldly bridge once I began collaborating with the CETL researchers in the early 1990s, publishing English translations of their reports in a series of papers. It was because of that rapport, and the establishment of INIT in 1995 (click here for background), that I began to receive phone calls from our spirit friends (click here for samples of those phone calls). The messages about reincarnation radically changed my view of the afterlife. MM
  25. ITC Gem 10: How Some People Reincarnate Posted on 2010 June 16 by Mark Macy Editor’s note: There’s a lot of debate about reincarnation. In this report by CETL of Luxembourg in 1992, we see how the process actually happens on the spiritside… at least among our friends at Timestream. – – – CETL Report – – – On Jan. 14, 1992, Swejen Salter, the head of Timestream Spirit Group, described how some people in spirit experience the process of reincarnating. Earthside: Swejen, you told me the people in your world live similarly to people on earth. They have a body as we do but have no diseases or complaints and enjoy a pleasant existence. They live together with relatives or with people to whom they are attracted. Surely, their departure from their friends must be difficult when they return to earth for a new existence? Do people decide themselves how and when they incarnate? Spiritside: In many cases, people decide themselves. In some cases they are also being told by higher beings. Nobody is forced to return. To many, the process is like an inner voice that reminds them of their duties and lessons that are still waiting for them on earth. They may delay these tasks for many years but know they cannot avoid them forever. Many people depend on being reminded of their duties by spiritually more evolved beings who tell them when the time has come to go back to earth. They need superior guiding spirits. Others do not like to be reminded of their task. They need neither spirit guides nor other people to tell them what to do. For such spirits there is an inner voice that tells them what they still have to finish on earth. Whether a spirit guide or an inner voice reminds them is unimportant. The results are always the same. Earthside: What comes next when they make up their minds. Are there special locations for reembodiment? Spiritside: When a person of our group has finally decided on reincarnation, higher beings consult with each other about his thoughts and wishes which led him to this decision. When higher beings have consented to a new reincarnation or have motivated a being for such a decision, the person is led to a special building provided for reincarnations. Earthside: That reminds me a little of dying on our side. Describe the procedure for me, please. Does the person concerned take leave from close spiritual sisters or brothers? Spiritside: The procedure is similar to people’s arrival here, only this time it is a going back. The person is again placed in what looks like a tub. His body, which on this level usually takes on an average age of 25-30 years, begins to change and becomes increasingly younger and smaller. It returns to the state of a child and then to a baby and finally to a small cell. By the time the body has become a cell, it is no longer present here among us. The cell has meanwhile arrived in the female body of a human being. Earthside: What makes possible the return process from body to cell on your side, is it done with the help of technical equipment? Spiritside: Yes, the process takes place with the help of apparatuses. Earthside: How do people incarnate who have no technical equipment? Spiritside: With the help of incantations and prayers. Earthside: So, this is how we all have come back. That is hard to imagine. The soul of the being is therefore in the cell as soon as the cell has developed in the female body? Spiritside: Yes, at the moment the body disappears for us, the conception has taken place on earth, and the soul is in the cell. – – – End of CETL Report – – – Note: Some research has found that the soul might be able to enter the cell, or fetus, anytime between conception and birth, so perhaps “the jury is still out” on the issue of exactly when reincarnation occurs.
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