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Andres Ramos

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Everything posted by Andres Ramos

  1. Take a look at this very interesting website from Estelle Roberts about mediumship https://www.insightsfromspirit.com/
  2. This interesting article can be downloaded here: http://iapsop.com/ssoc/1931__anonymous___exposure_of_h_dennis_bradley.pdf
  3. This ebook can be downloaded here: http://www.unariunwisdom.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Testimony-of-Light-by-Helen-Greaves.pdf
  4. This ebook can be downloaded here: https://archive.org/details/spiritintercour01mckegoog/page/n7/mode/2up
  5. This free ebook can be downloaded here: https://archive.org/details/deadgone00poll
  6. John Hardaker provides ebooks on his website covering spiritual philosophy. Ebooks can be downloaded:http://www.jhardaker.plus.com/pdf/pdf.html
  7. A very nice webside dealing with spirituality and the afterlife also providing vntage ebooks from Emanuel Swedenborg and more authors. Free ebooks can be downloaded here: https://lifeonotherworlds.com/online-books-and-more/
  8. Welcome to VARANORMAL Andrea! Be sure your contribution with whatever you want to participate in is honestly appreciated. Karyn already told you a well proven protocol to share your results. I just want to add that of course you maybe have your own way to do EVP sessions. For example, I never ask any questions since I started to feel the spirits rather want me to listen. Anyway, feel free to ask us any question you want and take your time to go through the content of all the forums and subforums. We hope our material will fuel your imagination! Andrés
  9. I am very confident that these free spiritual communities will grow a lot and play a major role for the spiritual evolution of all mankind in the future.
  10. The online books library contains a section with material about spirituality and afterlife. Free ebooks can be downloaded here: https://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/browse?type=lcsubc&key=Spiritualism&c=x
  11. The website of "New birth" is dedicated to those of who search for meanings - the meaning of life, the meaning of death, the meaning of God, and how to reconcile all this to what we may have learned over the years from the established religions and spiritual paths. Free ebooks can be downloaded here: https://new-birth.net/other-stuff/books-we-love/books-on-life-after-death/
  12. PSychicScience is a website to test your psychic ability, astrology, divination, psychic games, personality evolvement and paranormal research. Free ebooks can be downloaded here: https://psychicscience.org/ebooks
  13. Ghostcircle is a a web site devoted to studying and producing physical mediumship phenomena from a scientific point of view. Free downloadable ebooks can be found here: https://www.ghostcircle.com/free-ebooks/
  14. Jonathan, this is an amazing progress! Not only that the information channel seems to become more stable, moreover it is touching how you get in closer contact with your dad, coming near to some kind of daily talking as if he would sit right beneath you. I am very pleased about your experiences! What you told about those moments when you fall asleep is very interesting. I just read that IOTC experimenters reported that the psychic state of being near sleep can boost the ITC performance a lot. Maybe you could check this state of mind more proactively and do your sessions when you are about to fall asleep. We all could benefit from your results. Would it be possible to ask your dad or the other person you are in contact with, if they can explain why the LINGER brings better results or if they have some proposals what could be improved? It would be thrilling if we could come into some kind of cooperation regarding the developmemt of our devices. Your samples are quite loud and clear and I can confirm that they are becoming better in quality. Please keep me posted about your proceedings since I am very enthusiastic about your success!
  15. Very good Chris. I wish you days full of enlightenment.
  16. Yes, maybe there is a fixed team on the other side to support you. This comes often if you are doing ITC sessions regularly.
  17. Hi Chris. This is a rather complicated question with various facets to consider. Basically I believe that sound and light are merely physical qualities. In my understanding everything that originates from the hereafter is thought. It's said that everything in our world is made from thought gone through different levels of condensation and growing density. Thoughts may materialize in our world as different forms of energy e.g. sounds or light. Physically both can be reflected by a mirror even without suspecting any paranormal action going on behind. Nevertheless your question touches a very fascinating topic and that is if there is sound hidden in light. I spent many years with the investigation of hidden modulation in light even before I engaged with the paranormal. My last experiment related to this subject is here. Maybe you want to take a look?
  18. Here we will post a continuously updated list of free ebooks and texts related to Instrumental Transcommunication and afterlife science. Ghostcircle A very professional website dealing with the paranormal and having a focus on afterlife topics. The have a section with free ebooks to download https://www.ghostcircle.com/free-ebooks/
  19. You are deserving our enthusiasm and gratefulness, Keith. This is the only way we can give you a reward for what you did for mankind and us here at VARANORMAL. You are inspiring and encouraging us to move on.
  20. In our hotel where we have stayed was a nice pool on the sun terrace. In the rim going around the pool there were drain holes for the water cycle. The water going through the holes made weird sounds that resembled fundamental parts of human voices. I recorded that sound and processed it with reverb, speech filter, and soectral substraction based on an audio noise sample. The results are interesting. Water Water2.mp3 The voices are distorted but very strong in modulation. Their characteristics remind me of my experiments with graphite coherers.
  21. You could also try to route environmental sound through the crystal bridge like the sound of wind or flowing water.
  22. Currently I am on vacation on the Canary islands and I'm taking the time to check out the features my smartphone provides to record ITC sessions. The following excerpts are from a recording made around noon on the balcony of our apartment. I used the background noise from the streets as support for the spirits and gained a lot of good samples. Start-Recorder taped the signals 32KHz wave. The file was post processed in Wavepad by normalization, reverb (occasionally), 250Hz high pass (6dB roll off) and 20% auto Spectra substraction. This soundslike a far cry Far cry.mp3 "Verpasst" -> "Missed" Verpasst.mp3 "Wir kommen" -> "We're coming" Wir kommen.mp3 "Speak Eric!" Speak Erik.mp3 "Behandlung" -> "Treatment" Verhandlung.mp3 The spirits previously announced that in my vacation my body would undergo a change necessary to perform due to my spiritual evolvement. This really took place and was not very pleasant but useful.
  23. I got some good results by using my Xiaomi Note 10 smartphone with an external microphone for recording and post processing. For recording I used the app "Smart Recorder" because you can set the microphone level with it and operation is very simple. For post processing I use NCH Wavepad.
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