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Everything posted by Karyn

  1. VIDEO FOUR: The role of noise (II) In this presentation Anabela Cardoso continues her exposé about the role of noise in the EVP work. She emphasises the importance of not allowing normal radio emissions to taint the recording by using them as acoustic background support. The use of human voice as noise source, although conducive to positive results because the electronic voices use the “raw material” existent in the environment, is not advisable. The results cannot be shown to a serious audience and they may also provoke acoustic delusions in the EVP operator since it is very easy to mistake a normal sentence extant in the background acoustic support for an anomalous sentence. To avoid the danger of pareidolia, or acoustic delusion, she recommends pre-recording the radios emissions or the streaming that the ITC operator wishes to use in his or her EVP experiments and when the operator thinks that there is an anomalous inclusion, he or she can always check the pre-recorded noise source. She mentions the broad-band radio that she used in her experiments. The text by Carlos Fernández (https://lasvocesdelmasalla.blogspot.com/) on how to modify a radio to receive broad band is published in the ITC Journal and free of cost in the website: www.itcjournal.org The use of a log to write down all the noises produced during the EVP experiment is highly useful. Anabela finishes by announcing the remarkable EVPs obtained by the French operator Marc Montlahuc from the deceased Father François Brune who passed away last January. See: https://www.facebook.com/100013113061...
  2. VIDEO THREE. The role of noise in EVP In this third video Anabela Cardoso speaks about the role of noise in EVP. The subject had already been touched in Video ONE but here it is analysed in more detail. Noise appears to be an important element in the formation of the anomalous electronic voices. This point has been put forward by different researchers who studied the subject in depth. This was the case of Dr. Engineer Carlo Trajna, himself a successful ITC operator and a respected researcher of the electronic voices. The Italian scientist performed numerous tests that amply demonstrate the postulate (See: Cardoso, A. Electronic voices, Contact with Another Dimension?, 2010). https://www.amazon.es/Electronic-Voic... In a two year study of the EVP, Dr Cardoso directed a series of tests under conditions controlled to the highest possible level and the conclusions of the report ‘A Two-Year Investigation of the Allegedly Anomalous Electronic Voices or EVP’, published in NeuroQuantology, September 2012, issue 10, number 3, fully corroborate the theory, now tested under scientific scrutiny. See: https://www.neuroquantology.com/index... Anabela describes several sources of background noise which can be selected by the potential operators emphasizing, nevertheless, that personal choice must prevail in this area. Syntony between the communicators of another dimension, the ITC operator on the Earth and the equipment should develop. This is the ideal requirement for positive results in the EVP experiments. In the video Anabela explains why radio noise is her favourite acoustic support for EVP. It not only contains a vast array of frequencies but may also be propitious for the communicators to start the Direct Radio Voices (DRV), which may allow for a dialogue. The great pioneer of the electronic voices, Friedrich Jürgenson, had already been advised by his communicators to “use the radio” in his experiments. See: https://archive.org/details/Jurgenson... Dr. Raudive, who followed him and initiated the scientific study of the EVP, also used radio static noise, the so-called white noise, in his tests. See: https://www.amazon.com/Breakthrough-a... Noise has been the reason why sceptics and ill-informed or ill-intentioned parapsychologists have attacked and denigrated the phenomenon. Anabela played a sample of her own EVP voices of years ago and demonstrated that noise cannot be taken for voices as sceptics have the habit of doing. Samples of Rio do Tempo voices can be heard at: www.itcjournal.org The subject of Noise will continue to be discussed in the next offer of Anabela Cardoso’s videos.
  3. VIDEO TWO François Brune, a life at the service of God In this second video Anabela Cardoso pays homage and says good-bye to Father Dr François Brune, the French theologian, writer and psychical researcher who much contributed to the spreading of the ‘good news of grace’ has he used to call ITC and EVP, the electronic communication with the dead. She describes her first encounter and her contacts with this man of God who on the 16th of January lived ‘the happiest day of his life, the day of his death’ as he used to say. François Brune wrote more than thirty books, most of them translated into different languages but none in English because the English publishers did not bother to translate any of his wonderful books, which range from mysticism to the lives of the saints, to Jesus Christ’s teachings, to ITC. This is certainly a pity for readers in the English-speaking world and a great failure in getting valuable information on the so-called paranormal events, which Father Brune personally witnessed throughout the world. Some of his books include: Les morts nous parlent Tome I ; Les morts nous parlent Tome II ; Christ Et Karma: La Reconciliation?; Les miracles et autres prodiges ; Mes entretiens avec les morts ; Le nouveau mystère du Vatican (Le Chronovisor) ; La Vierge de l’Egypte ; La Vierge du Mexique ou le miracle le plus spectaculaire de Marie ; Les miracles et autres prodiges; Les Morts Nous Aiment; A l’Écoute de l’Au-delà (with Prof. Rémy Chauvin). But undoubtedly his most famous book is Les Morts Nous Parlent, a best-seller translated into many languages, including Russian, about ITC. Several of his articles and interviews are published in English in the ITC Journal (www.itcjournal.org). Father Brune also came to an International Conference on the Survival of Death organized by the ITC Journal years ago (See Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Survival of Physical Death with Special Reference to Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) (www.itcjournal.org). His life focused on Jesus Christ’s teachings and ethics and he was a severe critic of the present day Catholic Church. Exactly because of his love for, and respect of, original Christianity principles, at the last times of his life he renounced the Catholic faith and adopted the Orthodox one. He was buried in Paris in a beautiful ceremony at the Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, which can be watched at: https://www.facebook.com/jeanmichel.g... by initiative of his friend Jean-Michel Grandsire, the director of the magazine ParaSciences (http://jmgeditions.fr/index.php). On this beautiful and sad occasion I, Anabela, tell François Brune what he used to tell me at the end of our meetings when we said good-bye, ‘À toujours chère Anabela!’ It is my turn to tell him with gratitude and love: “À toujours cher François!”. We love you.
  4. Number One of a series on EVP practice by Anabela Cardoso In this first video Anabela Cardoso describes the basic requirements to start a personal experimentation to attempt the contact through electronic means with the next world where our deceased loved ones tell us they go on living. The basic method is commonly called EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena).
  5. Karyn

    Welcome to Varanormal Muse.

  6. Welcome to Varanormal Tawr00a.

  7. Welcome to Varanormal cellardoor19.

    1. cellardoor19


      Thank you!

      I've been looking for a recent website that addresses topics such as afterlife, ITC and couldn't find it until this morning and that almost happened accidentally.

      My name is Caterina and I'm a student from Rome, Italy

  8. Phillip R. Wyatt explains the ancient form of divination called "Water Scrying" and shares his techniques for capturing spirit images. Phillip is s an experienced paranormal researcher with a special interest and extensive background in the study of ITC. His books, The Art Of Spirit, and The Artful Spirits, are collections of thought-provoking Spirit Images he has captured.
  9. Dr. R.Craig Hogan shared experiences of ordinary people having experiences of direct contact with their loved ones in the afterlife using various methods including Repair and Reattachment Grief Therapy, Induced After Death Connection, EVP and ITC, physical mediumship and after-death contacts. His claim is that personal experience is the best proof of the afterlife and everyone is able to have such experiences if they put in the time and energy.
  10. Dr. Jeff O' Driscoll, Emergency Physician, shares some of his experiences of afterlife contact in his hospital emergency room that deepened his understanding of the connection between life and death and the reality of the afterlife. Dr. Jeff is the author of a wonderful book called 'Not Yet' which details his experience in more detail. His website is www.jeffodriscoll.com
  11. NOT A PHYSICAL MEDIUM BUT WE HAVE NO PLACE FOR HISTORICAL FIGURES - IN THIS CASE A TRANCE MEDIUM, AUTHOR, SPIRITUALIST, PUBLISHER FOUNDER OF HARBINGER OF LIGHT - AUSTRALIA'S SPIRITUAL NEWSPAPER William Henry Terry (1836-1913), shopkeeper and spiritualist, was born at Islington, London, son of Thomas Charles Terry (d.1876), manager of the Wood Paving Co., and his wife Martha Ann, née Smith. He came to Melbourne in 1853 with his father, a brother and a sister. In 1855 the family opened a general store at Flemington on the road to the goldfields. Terry and his father were interested in at least four drapery shops around Melbourne between 1859 and 1866, with no marked success. Like his father, who had been a follower of W. J. Fox, Terry was a free-thinking Unitarian. In the late 1850s the Terrys took up spiritualism, and at Berigny's and Crookes's circles William discovered that he possessed mediumistic skills. When spiritualism burgeoned in Victoria, Terry and his father forsook drapery selling in 1869 for full-time mediumistic work, and early next year William set up in Russell Street, Melbourne, as spiritualist bookseller, medium, trance and magnetic healer, and clairvoyant herbalist. His busy shop became the headquarters of the movement. In September 1870 he launched under 'direct spiritual injunction' the Harbinger of Light, which became the Australasian organ of the faith. Terry edited the Harbinger until his retirement in 1905, and wrote much of its staple of reports of spiritual phenomena and advocacy of vegetarianism and temperance until he sold the paper in 1907. Steadfast, evidently sincere, and mild in public, Terry was an ideal spokesman for his often absurd and embattled co-devotees. Within the movement he was constructive and hard working. He founded the Progressive Lyceum (children's Sunday school) in 1872 and taught there until 1889. He sponsored tours by celebrated mediums including Dr Slade and Dr Peebles. The Victorian Association of Progressive Spiritualists (later the Victorian Association of Spiritualists), which he helped establish in 1870, depended upon his administrative and financial acumen for its survival. Terry was elected an honorary member of the British National Association of Spiritualists and in March 1880 became an inaugural fellow and councillor of the Theosophical Society in Australia. In 1893-94 he visited the United States of America as representative of the Australian spiritualist movement. Terry had married Martha Robinson on 7 December 1858. The union was unhappy and he finally obtained a judicial separation in 1874, with custody of eight of their nine children. Aged 77, he died at Malvern, Victoria, on 27 October 1913, and was buried in Melbourne cemetery. Citation details F. B. Smith, 'Terry, William Henry (1836–1913)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, https://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/terry-william-henry-4704/text7797, published first in hardcopy 1976, accessed online 19 January 2022. This article was published in hardcopy in Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 6, (Melbourne University Press), 1976
  12. "Attunement, atonement, and at-onement are ONE – just as the inner self is that portion of the infinite. The self-will or personality is ever in conflict with the infinite within when there is the lack of what may be called stamina, faith, patience, or what not. Yet each individual, each soul, knows within when it is in an at-onement." ECRL 2174-3
  13. Welcome to Varanormal TalulahBelle, feel free to introduce yourself and tell us your interests, I am sure you will find much information here and if there is something you would like to see us jump into please ask us.  Welcome again & Blessings Karyn

  14. “We can say, with great certainty and evidence, consciousness survives the physical body. That’s the most important finding. And we have been able to establish this with an objective verification”. Professor Dr. Oliver Lazar (Dusseldorf) This week's Friday Afterlife Report is now online at https://www.victorzammit.com/January14th2022
  15. Welcome to Varanormal maddestmike.  We are sure you will find much of interest to you and in time perhaps you would like to join in to any of the topics we have.  Feel free to introduce yourself as well and tell us what your interests are.  Again, welcome.  Blessings Karyn

  16. I have been so busy sprinkling the web with the appeal and now the Friday report for this week. I have not had time to do anything else so far but I will get around to Mark although he does not know me I have followed him quite some time now, but I do want to wish them well personally. Thanks Steve, I am glad you were able to reach out and make contact with Mark. I am sure he would have appreciated the contact. Having your house and memories, bits and pieces disappear without a trace would knock anyone. Okay yes, they are only material items but they are the things that aided him to help others so they also have soul impacts. He and his wife will continue to feel the effects for many years to come. It might be the memory of a favoured photo, anything in fact can come out of nowhere.
  17. "All work and no play is as bad as all play with no work."
  18. Sunday, January 9 "We grow in grace, in knowledge, in understanding of spiritual laws as we apply gentleness, kindness, patience, longsuffering, to those we meet day by day."  ECRL 1469-1
  19. Topic 1 - SLiDS Group Meetings will be back on Jan 15th 2022 Karedc’s Books reading meetings Schedule will be the same: on Saturdays’ @ 3 PM CST The idea is to keep our book readings intercalated with lecturers Open to everyone and free of any charge Link to Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5702631352?pwd=ZjRBRys0TS9mZWNWNmRZOC9YQloyUT09 ID: 570 263 1352 Passcode: 24wfTy - Topic 2 - New Group Study - In the Domain of Mediumship – Studying the Mediumship Mechanisms This group will be focused on equipping those interested in forming/ developing Circle Meetings. This study will also be based on Kardec’s teachings and tips . The exact day is yet to be determined, but each module will probably be 2 hours long. The last Module will be in person (Houston, Tx) and will take about one weekend. First day to revisit concepts and part of the theory. Second day will be reserved for actual Meeting Circles. Open to 14 people max and will be free of any charge. Module #1 - Basic Principles from The Medium’s Book – Allan Kardec When: March, 2022 Where: Online Module #2 - The Spirits - Identifying the Spirit Intentions & Nature When: April, 2022 Where: Online Module #3 - The Medium – Education & Preparation from Physical & Emotional Standpoint; Moral Conduct of the Medium When: May, 2022 Where: Online Module #4 - The Circle Meeting - Goals, Medium & Channeling Conduct; Real Life Examples from the book In the Domain of Mediumship When: June, 2022 Where: Online Final - Workshop – Theory & Practices When: July, 2022 Where: Houston, In person - Topic 3 - SLiDS is preparing an Audiobook - Emmanuel This is a book from Chico Xavier that describes facts from Emmanuel, Chico’s spiritual guide, including his past lives. According to Chico, Emanuel was supposed to reincarnate in Sao Paulo, a few years before his transition to the Spiritual realm. And Chico would then be his Spiritual guide. Translation being done by Ana, Luis, and Craig Hogan. This is a free Portuguese to English translation and will be distributed only to SLiDS group members – since we are studying Kardec’s books and Emanuel tackles a lot of topics from Kardec’s teachings.
  20. Welcome to Varanormal Gaynor, may you find much to learn and explore and do feel free to join in.  Blessings Karyn  on behalf of the Board and teams.

  21. We desire to uplift the weak and the fallen, give strength to the helpless. We desire to rid your world of starvation, illness and sickness. We desire to abolish all foul slums and evil habitations that are a pestilence and a blot on your world. We desire to bring light to those who are in darkness knowledge to those who are ignorant. We desire to lift mankind up, to free him from slavery of mind, body and soul". A Voice in the Wilderness - Further Teachings from Silver Birch". This week's Friday Afterlife Report is now online at https://victorzammit.com/January7th2022/
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