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Everything posted by Karyn

  1. until
    Practical Metaphysics - an exciting group on the 2nd and 4th week of the month for anyone interested This week we will look at working with guides. Times Pacific time 6 p.m. Thursday Phoenix time 7 p.m. Thursday Central time 8 p.m. Thursday New York time 9 p.m. Thursday Brisbane 12 noon Friday Sydney/Melbourne 1 p.m. Friday New Zealand 3 p.m. Friday For more information email zeta_events@hotmail.com Check time in your city. https://zoom.us/j/7595442928.
  2. until
    Thursday March 10th 2022 / Friday March 11th Australia Pet Communication Group with Gretchen Bickert2nd Thursday of the month at 1 p.m. Arizona time.Next meeting Thursday 10th March 2022California 12 noon Thursday Arizona 1 p.m. Thursday Illinois 2 p.m. Thursday New York 3 p.m. Thursday Sydney, Australia AEST 7 a.m. Friday Auckland, New Zealand 9 a.m. NZST FridayCheck time in your cityContact Gretchen: ursus88@gmail.comhttps://zoom.us/j/7595442928
  3. until
    We are meeting to create spirit art with messages.No art experience required.Every 2nd and 4th TuesdayTimes:Pacific time 6 p.m. TuesdayPhoenix time 7 p.m. TuesdayCentral time 8 p.m. TuesdayNew York time 9 p.m. TuesdaySydney/Melbourne 1 p.m. WednesdayNew Zealand 3 p.m. Wednesdayhttps://zoom.us/j/8738817733Check time in your city.Coordinator: Dr. Susan B. Barnes, CSNU susanbbarnes@gmail.com
  4. until
    First Monday of the month at 9 p.m. Eastern time. Receiving distant healing or sending distant healing to another. Every meeting will include a guided healing meditation and prayer and directing healing energy to those in need. Times:Los Angeles 6 p.m.Phoenix, 7 p.m.Chicago 8 p.m.New York 9 p.m.Melbourne/Sydney 1 p.m. TuesdayCheck time in your cityhttp://zoom.us/j/8700196553
  5. until
    Dream Circle with Kim ParkerA small group meets every two weeks to share and explore the meaning of their dreams.Times:Los Angeles 12 noon MondayPhoenix 1 p.m. MondayChicago 2 p.m. MondayNew York 3 p.m. MondayLondon 8 p.m. MondayRome 9 p.m. MondayMelbourne/Sydney 7 a.m. TuesdayNew Zealand 9 a.m. TuesdayCheck the time in your city.Email: Kim at kmrainbow57@yahoo.comhttps://zoom.us/j/7595442928
  6. until
    Sunday March 6th 2022 / Monday March 7th AustraliaGlobal Gathering. Guest speaker Professor Dr. Eckhard Kruse will talk about his research into physical mediumship using modern technology. Times:Los Angeles 12 noon SundayPhoenix 1 p.m. SundayChicago 2 p.m. SundayNew York 3 p.m. SundayLondon 8 p.m. SundayRome 9 p.m. SundaySydney/Melbourne 7 a.m. MondayNew Zealand 9 a.m. MondayCheck the time for your cityCo-ordinators: karynjarvie@ozemail.com.au and wendyzammit@gmail.comhttps://zoom.us/j/7595442928
  7. "Do not mourn because the caterpillar has become a beauteous butterfly. Do not weep because the cage has been opened and the bird has been set free. Rejoice, and know that the enfranchised soul has found liberty and that, if you would but unfold the powers that the Great Spirit has given you, you could share some of the new beauty and joy which is theirs". Silver Birch Anthology p. 97. This week's Friday Afterlife report is now online at https://www.victorzammit.com/March4th2022
  8. The Saga of Ectoplasm Posted on 28 February 2022, 9:58 No, ectoplasm has not been debunked by materialistic science. It is true that we don’t hear much about it these days, primarily because the few mediums producing it are aware of the scorn heaped upon genuine mediums of the past by scientists intent on ruling out spirit involvement, by hook or by crook, and are therefore reluctant to subject themselves to scientific inquiry. At the same time, few scientists dare show any interest in the subject matter, lest they be laughed out of their professions. One of the very few exceptions is Michel Granger, (below) a French-Canadian chemical engineer with a doctorate in physical chemistry, who has been studying the subject for the past 40 years and whose book, in French, La Saga de L’Ectoplasme, was released last year (with two volumes to follow). “I have endeavored to examine the facts, as amazing as they were, in a critical and objective way,” Granger states, “sorting out the true from the false, noting the degree of credibility of the facts reported and thus constituting a veritable encyclopedia of this mythical substance that has been called ectoplasm with all the questions it raises scientifically and psychically.” Granger If we are to believe the debunkers and skeptics, ectoplasm is nothing more than cheesecloth stuffed into one or more of the cavities of the body and then extruded at an opportune time, the sole purpose being to dupe those present. However, it is difficult to believe that some of the most eminent men of science, who observed it, examined it, tested it, and proclaimed it real, could have been fooled over and over again, especially under laboratory conditions. It is equally difficult to believe that cheesecloth can be extruded from the ears, nose, and pores of the body, as sometimes reported. “It is a whitish substance that creeps as if alive, with damp, cold, protoplasmic extensions that are transformed under the eyes of the experimenters into a hand, fingers, a head, or even into an entire figure,” explained Dr. Charles Richet, the Nobel Prize-winning French scientist who popularized the name, ectoplasm, first given to it by Dr. Julian Ochorowicz from his research with medium Eusapia Palladino. Prior to his own investigation, Richet was one of many who scoffed at the reports by Sir William Crookes, a renowned British chemist who observed it on a number of occasions during the 1870s. “I avow with shame that I was among the willfully blind,” Richet wrote in dedicating his 1923 book, Thirty Years of Psychical Research, to Crookes, commending him for his courage and insight. I recently put some questions to Dr. Granger by email. He kindly responded. Have you observed ectoplasm? If so, have your observations been the same as those of Richet? Yes, I have observed ectoplasm during a spiritualist séance in Britain. It was the 18th March 2006 during a séance held at Coberhill, in Scarborough, in presence of the friends of the medium Stewart Alexander. The séance took place in complete darkness. During a spot lighting, I saw something whitish around the medium’s neck. It had no movement. It was very impressive. I also touched a materialized hand which came to stand above a red light box next to me. It was said to be the hand of Walter Stinson, Stewart’s guide, who had been the brother of American medium Margery Crandon. He died in 1911. The hand was warm and mobile like a normal human hand. One thing is certain: this hand could not have been Stewart’s, because he was seated very far from me, immobilized on his armchair with plastic bracelets. Yes, what I saw can be compared to what Professor Richet observed. Except what he saw in Algiers with the ghost Bien Boa who, I believe, was a fabricated puppet. It is my understanding that Professor Richet observed Bien Boa on several occasions and also reported that he clearly saw the materialization of Bien Boa sink into the floor. Do you really think he could have been tricked on numerous occasions? Also, Eva C. was the same medium he studied with Dr. Gustave Geley on countless occasions. Are you suggesting that she tricked Richet in those early sittings involving Bien Boa, but that the phenomena were genuine in the later sittings with Geley, Flammarion and others? Yes, I think Professor Richet was abused in Algiers. Bien Boa was obviously a puppet made in the dark with a coarse material which made it seem that he was sinking into the ground while his support was lying on the ground and then recovered in one way or another. Bien Boa’s complete materializations speak for themselves, they are so gross. I cannot understand how Professor Richet could allow himself to be deceived. Certain ectoplasmic phenomena with the same medium and Mrs. Bisson could have been authentic with Geley and Flammarion, but at the beginning stage only, the solid forms being made with unfolded images. Marthe Béraud, alias Eva C., was a very controversial physical medium who was able, occasionally, to produce ectoplasmic outlines with difficulty. The ectoplasm produced by many mediums, including D. D. Home, is said to have been more vaporish and not visible to the naked eye. Can you account for the difference between the thick, milky ectoplasm and the vaporish type? According to my investigation, the ectoplasm first manifests itself by something invisible to the naked eye, simply detectable by infrared radiation, as recorded by Doctor Eugene Osty in tests with the medium Rudi Schneider at the International Metapsychic Institute of Paris in 1930, then becomes cloudy, and gradually solidifies. Already in 1874, vaporous hands and children were materialized with D. D. Home. Katie King was materialized with Florence Cook that same year. There were others, such as Leonor, in 1908 and Rosalie in 1937. The problem is that these different phases of mediumistic materializations have not been observed chronologically in the history of ectoplasm. Most of the research has been aimed at ruling out fraud. The materialization can be instantaneous or progressive according to the psychic force of the moment of the medium. Your investigation seems to have been one more of the recorded research rather than by your direct observation. Do I understand that correctly? As I said I have only witnessed the appearance of ectoplasm once and my conclusion is that it exists. I am convinced that what I observed with Stewart Alexander was genuine and not some trick. However, the numerous testimonies by many credible witnesses under more favorable conditions cannot be discounted. Is ectoplasm subject to chemical analysis? If so, what are the results of such analysis? Some analyses have been carried out (with the ectoplasm of Eva C. in 1911, Stanislawa P. in 1916, and O. Schlag in 1931), but not enough to determine what the ectoplasm is made of. The analyses proved to be inconclusive. Since it leaves the medium in gaseous (pores) or semi-gaseous (natural orifices) form and returns there (dematerialization – no scalpel has detected ectoplasm in the human body) – it cannot be classified in any of the categories of natural material. Most often the analysis has shown not its nature but the residues of “pollution” that it had carried with it and which remain after its dematerialization. Ectoplasm has a limited lifespan. Only the Frenchman, Geley, thought he could stabilize it one day in order to be able to study it better. Alas, his premature death in a plane crash did not allow him to carry out his project. Did the name “teleplasm” precede “ectoplasm”? No, I think it’s the same, to designate something unknown and amazing. Teleplasm was mainly used in Germany and Scandinavia. But also by H. Price and G. H. Hamilton, in Winnipeg (1950). Is Od or Odic Force the same thing as ectoplasm and teleplasm? Yes, the Od, released by the odic force, can be considered as a form of “nascent” ectoplasm. It is one of the explanations which could apply to the formation of the ectoplasm when it passes from its gaseous form to its solid form. What is the purpose of ectoplasm? Ectoplasm is the means by which ghosts – perhaps the dead – have utilized to show themselves to us by covering themselves with it to allow us to visualize their silhouettes partially or completely – To better make themselves known to us. Scole’s experiment in England was intended to demonstrate that materializations do not need ectoplasm to manifest. The result was not up to the challenge, unfortunately. As I interpret the research carried out by Richet, Geley, and others, most materializations were imperfect or incomplete because either the medium did not have the power required to complete them or because the materializing spirit (assuming spirits were involved) lacked in its ability to properly visualize them and mold them to perfection. Thus, we have some materializations that appear more like dolls or puppets than humans, as if asking a person to draw a picture of himself. Is that your interpretation? I think rather that the success of the ectoplasmic forms depended more or less on the psychic strength of the medium, but also on the atmosphere that reigned around the séance – of the trust one places in the medium to exercise his extraordinary power of exteriorization and of the respect one owes him. As for the coarse forms, they result in my opinion from an inability of the medium to assert the materializing faculty, or indeed, sometimes when it is possible, from more or less successful non-paranormal simulations. Exceptional paranormal experiences are unfortunately not reproducible at will. This is precisely the problem that parapsychology comes up against in order to enter the corpus of traditional sciences. Why don’t we hear much about ectoplasm today? Because the mediums capable of exteriorizing it are extremely rare. And because the methods of control (infrared cameras) give the medium no chance of being able to catch up with a failing faculty with a nudge, as it would be looked upon as fraudulent. These cameras force the medium into a constant ectoplasmic output, which has never been seen from most psychic paranormal phenomena. This is also why official science has always refused to study them or recognize them. The pressure to perform might inhibit the medium’s extraordinary ability and end in failure, resulting in claims of cheating and fraud. Please summarize your conclusions as the existence and origin of ectoplasm. My investigation over more than 40 years has convinced me that the ectoplasmic phenomenon exists. And this despite a compilation of counterfeits and “fabrications” that have discredited it with psychic researchers. I think it is a psychic faculty limited to a small minority of “white crows,” who no longer have the sacred fire required to demonstrate their ability to the whole world, preferring to reserve it for a few – some of their friends, especially in English home circles. As with Stewart Alexander, the few mediums with the ability to produce ectoplasm are reluctant to demonstrate as they suspect that the researcher is intent on finding fraud or some materialist explanation. The medium is often a fragile and delicate being and the failure of many scientists to consider this prevents any real progress in the study of ectoplasm. Is ectoplasm evidence of a spirit world? The questions I have about the phenomenon remain numerous, especially concerning the spiritistic nature. Is it proof of survival after death – the deceased still wandering for a longer or shorter time in a parallel reality and being able to emerge from it thanks to this prodigy called ectoplasm – or is it a purely bio-ideoplastic implemented from information drawn from the minds of the living by the mediums? In the experience I had in March 2006, I was deeply disappointed as no deceased friend or relative materialized for me that day. There were spirit messages in the late 1800s indicating that the spirit world pulled back in their efforts to reach the physical world because of the abuse and misunderstandings relative to the phenomena. Do you give any credence to such messages? No, I believe that the spirit world, if it exists, ignores the abuses and misunderstandings of phenomena. It manifests itself to those who deserve this great happiness to know that we do not disappear body and soul after death. Some are deemed worthy of this priceless gift. Others don’t. Unfortunately, I deplore that after a lifetime of studying this subject, I am still one of the excluded. I can’t explain why. This reflection is also a long part of the end of volume one of my investigation. Michael Tymn is the author of The Afterlife Revealed: What Happens After We Die, Resurrecting Leonora Piper: How Science Discovered the Afterlife, and Dead Men Talking: Afterlife Communication from World War I. His latest book, No One Really Dies: 25 Reasons to Believe in an Afterlife is published by White Crow books.
  9. "Each individual constantly meets self. There are no coincidences, or accidents, that arise in the meeting of people or individuals."  Edgar Cayce reading 2074-1
  10. Note: This is the final article in the Philosophy series. A pulled-apart look at the entire omniverse, showing Earth and a person to illustrate the nested structure of everything, with the source at its center. (An ancient “Acambaro” figurine inset shows a human grappling with a dinosaur.) It explores the role of ITC* during an “apocalypse”—a time when hidden truths are revealed in preparation for a planetary housecleaning. If you’ve been reading this Philosophy series, then you have a pretty good idea of what (I believe) some of those hidden truths are (thanks to ITC contacts): The source (God, Allah, Brahman, the principle…) is at the center of everything, emitting vitality, truth, and The source (God, Allah, Brahman, the principle…) is at the center of everything, emitting vitality, truth, and goodness in the form of life-energy that creates and nourishes everything in countless free-will universes (fine, white circles in the diagram)— all divisible into 7 arbitrary levels—with our spiritual roots at level 3, where most people from Earth awaken in paradise surroundings after they die, and with our material universe and our planet Earth residing out here at level 1, in the dense fringes of the omniverse, where Earth’s win-lose symbiotic relationships (especially predation and competition) refract the life-energy into troubled thoughtforms, which cast a dark, spiritual shadow around the world that started to develop some 250 million years ago, when our giant, superhuman ancestors from Eden—by then marooned on Earth—had to contend with dinosaurs. *ITC, or instrumental transcommunication, is the use of technology to get information (voices, images, text…) from the spirit worlds directly through our TVs, radios, computers, and other technical instruments. It requires a bridge, or “contact field,” that’s enabled and protected by finer beings. An ITC bridge can only work when the mental vibrations of those present at both ends of the bridge (between level 1 and level 3) are in complete harmony and when their aims and intentions are pure. (read more… ) That lingering shadow around the Earth—a repository of angst, anger, and unbridled desire—is apparently one reason for the periodic apocalypse. It’s a time to recycle the emotional debris. And ITC plays a role in the process by revealing some key timeless truths (like the items in the list), as higher beings explain below. ITC and the Apocalypse This is a message that the Luxembourg members of our INIT group (Maggy Fischbach and Jules Harsch) received from The Seven ethereal beings who facilitated our ITC bridge: We have often given you the real purpose of ITC contacts: Mankind at the end time should be led back to the principle. Light and darkness shall unite and form a whole again. What people experience now is not the actual beginning of the apocalypse, but only the first symptoms of it. Before opposites can be united, the strength of unity among ITC people must increase and come from a pure heart. (explore more such messages… ) That message was received as computer text in the 1990s. As best I can figure, it means that finer beings look at ITC as an effective means to reveal important truths to humanity today, as we approach the end of the “Second Epoch” (which they said began in Babylon many thousands of years ago) Now, 30 years after the message, the symptoms seem to be getting worse. Signs of the Apocalypse Picture courtesy of NOAA. A world report by the IPCC** came out last week that paints the gloomiest picture yet for the planet. Climate breakdown is causing irreversible impacts everywhere, including: Droughts, floods, heatwaves, fires, and other extreme weather, Melting of the ice caps and glaciers, Chronic flooding of coastal areas and low-lying islands, Food and water shortages, Mass die-offs of species and ecosystems—from insects and fish to coral reefs and forests, Reduced oxygen in the world, as struggling forests can’t absorb enough carbon dioxide, Conditions like these are affecting every inhabited region of the planet, and half of the world population (some 3.5 billion people) live in highly vulnerable places. **The report was released on February 27, 2022, by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and was summarized in The Guardian. Worst of ourselves. Then there are the indirect effects of those conditions. Mainly, the dwindling supply of inhabitable land, water, and other resources can bring out the worst in human nature—competition and predation—causing a sharp spike in wars, subterfuge, and crime. As “light and darkness unite to form a whole,” polarized groups can become malicious and spiteful. Lies and hatred can become as popular as truth and love. Best of ourselves. But we don’t have to give in to our dark aspects. As the ethereals told us, we can choose the path of unity and light: “Mankind at the end time should be led back to the principle. Light and darkness shall unite and form a whole again…. Before opposites can be united, the strength of unity… must increase and come from a pure heart.” If we take that message to heart, we can begin to see the big picture, which can give us peace of mind as we tap into the best of human nature, even while the world is unraveling around us. Choosing the best. In practical terms, we can learn to foster conscious contact with the source (or “principle”) within us. That connection opens us up to vast networks of light workers throughout heaven and earth who can work behind the scenes—choreographing, synchronizing, and giving us support in trying times. One good way to make conscious contact is through heart meditation. For centuries mystics in the Far East have called the heart “the seat of the soul,” so when we move our awareness from the head to the heart, healthy changes can take place… physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and socially. Most important: By feeling one with the source, we can learn to observe life’s dramas from a place of peace. When we think of people embroiled in the drama—not just loved ones, but also “enemies” or “adversaries”—we can look through the drama to see the perfect light that resides within them, from a place of love. That can alleviate stress in our relationships while defusing a bit of tension in the world. That, I believe, is the first step to finding “strength of unity from a pure heart”… especially in apocalyptic times like these. Feel your perfect oneness with the source and let it take over your life. . I’ve written about the End Time from slightly different perspectives in several previous articles: One in 2019, One in 2014, and One in 2012. But I think this latest one covers the subject more succinctly. — MM https://macyafterlife.com/ Macey Afterlife The Beacon .
  11. Thank You! (Another Philosophy Sidebar) Posted on 2022 January 16 by Mark Macy Note: There’s been a sudden increase in subscribers and readers since I posted the previous article about the fire that destroyed our neighborhood. I’d like to start by mentioning to the newcomers that new articles will still be coming in the future, but maybe not as often for the next few months. But, then, most of the articles here are as “fresh” as when they were first posted on the site, since it’s not a site that follows news, fashions, and trends. I’d recommend that now and then you might read an article, starting with the most recent articles in this Philosophy series, starting with #12, then 11, 10, 9, and so on… until your interest wanes (maybe about the time you get to the “Humor” article https://s0.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-smileys/twemoji/2/svg/1f642.svg ).Then just search through the table of contents to find something of interest. The most recent articles are listed on the right side of every page. (If you’re on a mobile device you might need to select “desktop site” from the 3 dots at the top right of the page, in order to see the list of recent posts.) Meanwhile, welcome to this website. In the past two weeks Regina and I have been deeply moved by the kindness and generosity of hundreds of friends, family, readers, afterlife researchers, and strangers. (The friends definitely include you—Jason & Kim—and the crucial support you gave us in a particularly difficult time.) Since the fire, we’ve gotten so much unexpected help from people that Regina and I feel like James Stewart and Donna Reed at the end of It’s a Wonderful Life… when they’d lost everything, then friends came to the rescue. (The video clip is a bit of an exaggeration in our case, but we thought it was funny and moving, and it does reflect our feeling of being surrounded by friends and loved ones.) Regina reminded me this morning that “detaching from material things”—a main theme of the previous article—is just half the mission of a life on Earth. The other half is “being present in the moment” and having gratitude for the moment. That’s become clear to me in the past two weeks. So this is just a brief message to you all: We love and appreciate (and thank) you more than you know. Mark & Regina
  12. (Note: Our house burned down in the “Marshall fire” last week (12/30/2021), along with the rest of the neighborhood. Until things get settled, new articles might be delayed. Meanwhile, here’s what’s been happening with Regina and me during the past week….) This is our neighborhood last year (below). Our house is tucked away in the trees at the start and end of the video clip (courtesy of googlemaps): Here (below) is our homesite after the fire (courtesy of our neighbor, who managed to get on-site the following morning, despite the lockdown, and snap a few pictures): https://macyafterlife.files.wordpress.com/2022/01/13b-ourhouseafterfire-newyearsday.jpg?w=480 In the past couple of months we’ve had two unprecedented, hurricane-force winds sweep down from the Rockies, through Boulder, and across dry fields and grasslands… kicking up thick dust clouds that sandblasted our home 10 miles to the east. Being on a hilltop, our house was buffeted relentlessly in the 100-mph gusts. The second windstorm, last week, brought an added surprise. A small fire got out of control in the countryside south of Boulder, turning it into a raging inferno that swept across the dry fields and grasslands and destroyed rural homes as it moved toward our town (Louisville) and our neighboring town (Superior). The thick squall of dust, smoke and ash indicated that something apocalyptic was heading our way. As our house filled up with smoke, my first thought was to sit it out in the basement, where the smoke hadn’t reached (I didn’t know the magnitude of the fire at the time). Regina insisted we grab our personal papers and files (which we’d gathered together and put into a plastic tub in the basement just a few months earlier), throw them in the car along with an overnight bag, and head out. It didn’t take much to convince me. By then, emergency vehicles with sirens were moving through the neighborhood with loudspeakers demanding we all leave immediately. I ran out, flagged down a police car, and was told to join the queue of cars heading out of town. A big fire was imminent. And here’s how it all happened…. When we moved into that house many years ago, it seemed like paradise. Regina had her desk upstairs facing the Rockies to the west and overlooking Harper Lake across the street to the north. We took frequent walks around the lake and through the rich, grassy open space to the west. It was always in the back of my mind that our hilltop refuge would be safe from flooding, but we’d be vulnerable to heavy winds that could do real damage to the neighborhood. (I’ve always ruminated on best-case and worst-case scenarios to keep things in perspective.) But the fire was a complete surprise! Anyway, we drove straight east through clogged streets for a few miles (it took an hour and a half) and checked into a Hampton Inn, certain that we’d return home in the morning. But as we watched the news on TV that night, it became more and more apparent that our house might not be there in the morning. Well, long story short, our entire neighborhood burned down. Regina and I are thankful for our spiritual understanding that’s been growing in recent decades—the idea that the only reality is in the source at the center of everything (including you and us and everyone and everything else) where nothing is ever disturbed, while the Earth and all of its structures, rough dynamics, and dramas are just fleeting and illusory. That’s something we consider to be a basic truth, but it certainly hit home for us that day. Our “illusion” disappeared, literally, overnight. For the first day or two I looked at our situation philosophically, even with humor— In recent years I’d been fretting more and more about the task of downsizing and decluttering. (When joking cousin Jim heard about the fire, he said with a chuckle, “There are easier ways to downsize, you know.” I laughed and replied, “I know, but it seems like the more we meditate, the more we seem to shape reality with our thoughts,” and we laughed some more.) Friend Clyde asked what he and his partner Janice could do to help in this difficult time, and I said, “You probably shouldn’t invite us over; we might never leave.” We laughed. As days passed, reality slowly set in. Or, more accurately, we had to move reality to the back burner in order to deal with the illusion. Where we’re going to live. (with friends for a week or two, then a rented, furnished apartment) Insurance—great gift, small curse. (We’re fully insured, fortunately, but insurers need to know structural details and a complete list of everything that’s not part of the house, its value, and when we got it… “If you can imagine turning the house upside down and shaking it, everything that drops or rattles needs to be inventoried”) How long to rebuild the neighborhood. (considering the scope of the damage—a thousand homes destroyed—a couple of years, at least) Temporary address changes to be shared with dozens of friends and businesses as we move around… Closing accounts for newspaper, waste disposal, lawn guys, tree guys, landline phone service (it took a full day of phone calls and emails to finally close our Centurylink account for our landline; lots of companies seem desperate to hold onto customers during the technology revolution)… Getting food, clothes, Internet… toothpaste, soap, razors, and other toiletries… kitchen stuff, bedroom stuff… Replacing jewelry, tools, extension cords, printer, TV…. And the irreplaceable stuff—family photos, memorabilia, my 40 years of afterlife research that includes hundreds of spirit face photos and cassette tapes of spirit voices coming through phone and radio… all lost. (Fortunately most of my research stuff is in on my websites, so copies can be salvaged, while family history now consists mostly of memories.) As I write this, it all seems overwhelming, but as long as we keep anchored in the reality of the situation—that the inner light can never be disturbed—Regina and I know that we’ll get through all of this external drama. Why? Because, like everyone else, that’s our lifetime mission: Get through Earth’s drama, learn from it, and help others through it. . Anyway, rest assured that Regina and I are fine. Our worldly stuff is gone, but in the bigger picture, all of that stuff is inconsequential. Even our lives here on Earth are fleeting. It’s our place in the grand, eternal scheme of the omniverse that’s all-important, not our place at 1021 Willow. I took some extra time to write this article because I’ll probably be using some of the information in the next article on my macyafterife website… about “Apocalpyse: Revelation”. Writing about our mini apocalypse gave me the chance (and incentive) to start writing the bigger piece. https://s0.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-smileys/twemoji/2/svg/1f609.svg
  13. Life After Life Blog Digest March 2022 Enjoy spring's abundance! Every month we seek out the best research, stories, and other thought-provoking writing to enlighten, inspire, and entertain. We hope this month's selections help your curiosity bloom! Raymond Moody’s Interview with IANDS Israel We’re thrilled to share with you the video of an interview by IANDS (the International Association for Near-Death Studies) Israel chapter with Lisa Smartt and Dr. Raymond Moody! One of the interviewers is IANDS Israel founder Hila Baruch, whose own powerful near-death experience she spoke about in an IANDS interview you can watch HERE. Enjoy! Kenneth Ring’s New NDE Career Part 1 By Dr. Kenneth Ring I am – or perhaps I should say, I was – a retired NDE researcher. I began my work interviewing NDErs in 1977 and eventually published my first book, Life at Death, describing my findings in 1980. I continued my research, lecturing and writing on NDEs until about the time I reached the age of sixty-five around the turn of the millennium. At that point, having authored four more books on NDEs and countless articles on the subject, I accepted a figurative golden handshake for my labors and, having by then returned to my native California, decided to devote myself life out in the pastures. I figured there were other things I wanted to do, apart from loafing, than continuing to prattle on about NDEs. I was tired of being interviewed by breathless TV hosts who would always be asking me the same questions, such as, “So, Dr. Ring, what is it like to die?” One time, in bored exasperation, I simply slid off my chair. At least that got a laugh. Looking Back at Afterlife Afterlife is a documentary from 2017 that explores the question -- What happens when we die? A revealing film featuring noted researchers Raymond Moody, MD, PhD; and Jeffrey Long, MD, as well as emotionally charged interviews with people who have crossed the threshold of death and returned to tell their story. It is available on Amazon. Soul Plans and Difficult Lessons By Alicia Young Since your OBE to the Other Side, have you experienced anything like it again? I have experienced only glimpses, such as a searing intensity of love or an especially deep sense of peace that surpassed the ‘norm’. These moments were fleeting, but nonetheless powerful and I am very grateful. I liken it to discerning a floral note of beautiful perfume in the air; it’s intoxicating and stops you in your tracks, and then it’s gone. I might be reading something or watching a movie, and the most unexpected thing will trigger a memory of that experience. And it is always sensory, rather than simply recalling an image. I have experienced only glimpses, such as a searing intensity of love or an especially deep sense of peace that surpassed the ‘norm’. These moments were fleeting, but nonetheless powerful and I am very grateful. I liken it to discerning a floral note of beautiful perfume in the air; it’s intoxicating and stops you in your tracks, and then it’s gone. I might be reading something or watching a movie, and the most unexpected thing will trigger a memory of that experience. And it is always sensory, rather than simply recalling an image. I was recently on a train to the city and felt unconditional love for every person on board. I paused to think about each individual I could see. I held space for the harried young mother, and the student listening to music, and the dozing tradesman, who each have their own dreams and joys, heartaches, and challenges. The universe loves us equally Coming Soon Saturday March 12, 2022 - 10am PST, 1pm EST, 6pm UK FREE LIVE WEBINAR How the Shared Death Experience Changes Everything A rare opportunity to learn from and talk with two pioneers in the field - Dr. Raymond Moody and William Peters - about the incredible shared death experience. You won't want to miss this! Sign Up! Available Now In his new book, Dr. Raymond Moody looks at God and how his personal understanding of the Creator has changed over the course of his life and research into near-death experiences. Dr. Moody organizes his insights about God into 12 simple but profound ideas and walks us through them using stories and examples from his own life and from accounts of encounters with God in the hereafter. He looks at our society's beliefs about God, how religion can both help and hinder our relationships with the Divine, and how we can bring Source into our lives with a new understanding that transcends all limits. God Is Bigger Than the Bible is available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback. For more information click HERE. For more information visit https://lifeafterlife.com/
  14. Doc Neal” Rzepkowski M.D. has been a professional medium as well as a physician for 40+ years has a long history of involvement in physical mediumship and in Native American sweat lodges and sun dances. In this video he talks with Inge Crosson from the Wallacia Development Centre about a series of seances he recently organised for physical medium Gary Mannion. You can contact Neal at docneal@mac.com.
  15. Gary Mannion is a physical medium and healer whose mediumship has been tested extensively by German scientist Professor Eckhart Kruse. Gary goes into trance to allow Abraham, his healing guide, to answer your questions about health, healing, and all things afterlife. The session is chaired by Inge Crosson of the Wallacia Development Centre.
  16. Welcome to Varanormal Operator RT.   Karyn and the team,

  17. Welcome to Varanormal BrandiM32, we are happy you have found us.  Please feel free to participate and let us know what interests you.   Karyn

  18. "No effort for good is lost, no attempt to help is futile. Never be weary in your well-doing, never be disappointed if you do not see results. Just go on and know that every attempt to serve automatically calls to your aid beings from our world who will lend their aid to your labour. You never work alone. Always you are surrounded by the host of the shining ones whose arms will support you no matter what the circumstances arise." Guidance from Silver Birch p.64 This week's Friday Afterlife report is now online at https://www.victorzammit.com/February25th20222
  19. “I am not interested in what you say your religion is... I am only interested in what compassion you reveal to those in pain, how well you listen, what truth you live by, what gentleness you show, what love you convey and above all, what service you render. These are the qualities of an evolved soul and the only things that truly matter.” White Feather This week's Friday Afterlife Report is now online at www.victorzammit.com/February18th2022
  20. https://www.academia.edu/20555558/A_Biopsychosocial_Approach_to_Creative_Dissociation_Remarks_on_a_Case_of_Mediumistic_Painting?email_work_card=thumbnail Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., is formerly the Alan Watts Professor of Psychology at Saybrook University, Oakland, California. He is the recipient of the American Psychological Association's Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Development of International Psychology and Life Career Awards from the Society for Humanistic Psychology, the International Association for the Study of Dreams, and the Parapsychological Association. He is a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, the Society for the Study of Religion, the Society for the Study of Sexuality, and four divisions of the American Psychological Association. He is the co-author of Demystifying Shamans and Their World, The Voice of Rolling Thunder, Extraordinary Dreams, and Personal Mythology. He is the co-editor of Varieties of Anomalous Experience: Examining the Scientific Evidence. He has authored or co-authored over 1400 published papers, articles, book chapters, and reviews.less
  21. Awesome work there Andres. I have not read all of it as of yet, thank you for the wonderful detail you go into, to make this a viable outcome for the future.
  22. Karyn

    Welcome to Varanormal Timo.  Perhaps you would like to go to the introduce section and introduce yourself for other members to quickly get to know you. We are glad you have found us.  Karyn

  23. Welcome to Varanormal Harley.  Karyn

  24. Welcome to Varanormal earthship777.   Karyn

    1. earthship777


      Thank you Karyn

  25. “As far as service goes, it can take the form of a million things. To do service, you don’t have to be a doctor working in the slums for free, or become a social worker. Your position in life and what you do doesn’t matter as much as how you do what you do.” Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross This week's Friday Afterlife Report is now online at https://www.victorzammit.com/February11th2022
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