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Andres Ramos

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Everything posted by Andres Ramos

  1. Wow Chris, I definitely can confirm this! Especially the human face in the middle of the last picture you discovered. The strange thing is that the pictures are composed in a very strange way. You can recombine the elements to new objects, faces and persons. Isn't it strange that this visual representation offers the viewer the same degree of personal perception as we are used to from audio transcommunication?
  2. Yes there are. I had a simple thought based on your idea. I could use a tube with a second diaphragm somewhere in the middle. Not really a diaphragm but more a loosely fixed piece of paper fitting into the tube. By blowing some air into the tube the diaphragm will flutter in the stream of air and thus closing and opening the connection to the second half of the tube randomly. The resonance frequency would follow accordingly.
  3. This is a really cool and crazy idea the same time, Jeff! The tube Arrangement reminds me of the old radial engines they used for those WW1 aircraft. This really fuels my ideas. Thank you Jeff!
  4. Thank you so much Jeff! Sometimes I feel like the crazy inventor Gyro Gearloose.
  5. Yes Jeff. I think that clearly was Michaels point. I could construct a cardboard lid at the tube end that opens the tube more or less like the choke in a carburetor, controlled by a motor with another spica.
  6. Punk always stays punk! Hm, could be quote from Johnny Rotten from the Sex pistols, I guess.
  7. A very good idea! A mechanically tuned bandpass.
  8. Vegan ML sauce for ectoplasm burritos. Black friday offer with 30% off;
  9. Sometimes I think spirits can affect even real humans very effectively but this is another story. Your right, a guitar string acts as a very sharp resonating band pass. Apart from special guitar grips causing flageolets the frequency is rather constant.
  10. Today I spent some time with putting different cardboards tubes over the randomly snaring buzzer in order to check the creation of formants. Suddenly I got a very glottal sounding noise like "Aaaaaa" and I realized it came from a piece of cardboard touching loosely the vibrating buzzer. Thus it was a direct transmission of noise through dense matter and not air. I modified the setup and conveyed the buzzer vibrations through a steel needle to a diaphragm fixed to the tube. VID_20211128_150821.mp4 There are a lot of parameters to play with like the chaos pattern of the NE555 circuit and the current through the buzzer. There are literally endless modes possible. Still way to go.
  11. Very cool experiment Michael and the voices are very good! I can confirm all your samples. Did you extract them from the humming noise you showed at the beginning? Seems we are moving towards an emulation of a larynx and maybe pharynx. It could be useful to add some fluctuation to the stream of air like a small piece of paper fixed to the housing of the blower and moving in the stream of air.
  12. I love it! Can't wait for some audios from your setup.
  13. Now wait! Are you applying the vibration of a blower to the strings of a guitar? How cool ist that?
  14. I did another interesting experiment today. I used my Spica chaos electronic circuit and attached an electric buzzer to it. A buzzer mainly behaves like the oscillating relay in my VISPRE device. By tuning the chaos pattern and the current through the buzzer I could make it emitt snaring sounds with speech rhythms. VID_20211127_180322.mp4 I could record and export some fairly good voices. Geh an Weihnachten.mp3 Geh danach in weisse Nacht.mp3 In Reichstag gehen.mp3 Videos.mp3 The setup is not the prototype of a working device, I see it more as a research project where I learned something from. The buzzer is a mechanical device that is able to self oscillate because of positive feedback. If you excite it with random patterns mimicking speech in a way that self oscillation is short before to start, the tiniest energy fluctuation will kick in self oscillation with an exponentially rising signal ramp. In case of the buzzer it starts to snare. It's this fragile state where pk modulation may control this transitional point of operation. The second thing is an acoustical bandpass forming formants from the impulses. The voices I posted here still are sub optimum in terms of spectral composition. I am thinking of a set of tubes with different lengths and volumes resonating on the base frequencies of the human pharynx.
  15. Hi Chris, I have no idea where this weird domain you showed came from. I used a pdf creator tool I bought for this form and I don't get any warnings in the download. So it's safe but thanks for the hint. I will try to find out where this issue comes from.
  16. Is the physical universe independent from us, or is it created by our minds, as suggested by scientist Robert Lanza? A new study claims networks of observers are responsible for determining physical reality. The scientists propose that observers generate the structures of time and space. The paper could help yield insights into the God Equation, which attempts to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity. https://bigthink.com/thinking/is-human-consciousness-creating-reality/#Echobox=1637907423
  17. I processed the results a bit more with increased pitch and decreased speed. When I set the noise gating threshold in the ML to the maximum that still produces results I get one voice like this. ML 2021-11-24_processed-Type-1.mp3 With lower noise gating i get this type of signal with better voice characteristic but also sometimes with voices stacked on each other. ML 2021-11-24_processed-Type-2.mp3 I tried Krisp for processing but it killed the whole signal, as usual. I think only Steve knows the Voodoo to tame Krisp.
  18. Mr. Petreus, I guess. Yes pass me over that stuff.
  19. Today I tried Michael Lee's ML algorithm with my prototype and I was impressed. Generally the intelligibility is not satisfying yet but it sounds like real speech with tone characteristics and patterns. I recorded a 18m session were I continously optimized the ML parameters and the settings of my device. A lot of short fragments in German could be heard. Maybe you want to browse through it. Recording from 2021-11-24 ML 2021-11-24.mp3
  20. Merci beaucoup Alain pour tes interprétations. C'est merveilleux de voir que notre propre psychisme fait partie intégrante du processus de perception. Nous remarquons toujours que des personnes différentes entendent des choses différentes parce qu'elles parlent des langues différentes, mais que malgré cela, les messages ont souvent un sens.
  21. Merci beaucoup Alain, Ci-dessous, j'ai quelques images modifiées. Elles sont toutes en allemand. Andrés Und dennoch machen wir Probleme.mp3 "Und dennoch machen wir Probleme" ->"Et pourtant, nous créons des problèmes" Und Henning mag alle.mp3 "Und Henning mag alle" -> "Et Henning aime tout le monde" Und machst jetzt Getriebe.mp3 "Und du machst jetzt Getriebe" -> "Et tu fais quelque chose avec une boîte de vitesse maintenant"" Im Garten.mp3 "Im Garten"-> "Dans le jardin"
  22. Today I finished a prototype where I incorporated all the findings and conclusions I gained from my previous experiments. VID_20211120_170126.mp4 A steel ball is mounted to the rotating shaft of a gear motor. The motor is controlled by the SPICA circuit. The ball is pressed against the diaphragm on a tube. The tube is closed and a microphone picks up the signal from the inside of the tube. The signal is post processed online with the lingua device. I also implemented a hardware reverb module but it doesn't add much to the signal quality.
  23. I can confirm what Jeff said. Very often they are immediately reflecting what I'm doing. Today I made experiments with a device utilizing the noise from the gears of a motor and immediately they said, "Now you're doing something with gears"
  24. In summer 2021 I started ITC experiments with devices that incorporated rather electromechanical principles instead of electronics. There still was some electronic in use but mainly I transferred the mechanical vibrations of an oscillating relay via a mechanical spring to a diaphragm in a cardboard tube. I called this design the VISPRE The results were pretty good. As ot turned out the whole system acted like the emulation of a human larynx and pharynx. I decided to extend my experiments on more mechanically based methods to generate vibrations to be transferred to a diaphragm. My latest design was using a small slow turning motor with a spring and a ball mounted to the shaft. The acting of the slow turning ball pressed against the diaphragm generated voice patterns. A problem was that the noise from the gears contaminated the signal. Most amazingly after a while I found out that this noise gave much better results than the original signal. To gain more entropy I combined the motor with the SPICA circuit. As I found out the Lingua speech processor gave very interesting results after picking up the sound signal from the inside of the tube. The voices have a very characteristic sound. All are in German. Alle lieben Menschen.mp3 Alleine sind sie schon vorbeigekommen.mp3 Bringt noch arme Würstchen.mp3 Dann habt ihr den Lenin.mp3 Ich bin der Arzt - Schwüli.mp3 Im Garten.mp3 Mehrere starben Risiko.mp3 Und dennoch machen wir Probleme.mp3
  25. Yes Mark. Communication will become stronger and clearer since we are working on it from both sides simultaneously. My experience is that there are research groups in the hereafter developing communication methods the same way we do. Basically we are supporting each other.
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