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Status Updates posted by Karyn

  1. Welcome to Varanormal Jon.  Happy to see you have joined in and are adding to the information we need to collect to keep our field alive and growing.  I too am a aficionada of evp and ITC.  But as often happens other "work" keeps me from indulging my passions. It sounds as if you also live on a rich terrain for your passion.  Welcome and do keep us informed.   Karyn

    1. Jon Almada

      Jon Almada

      Hi Karyn - Very nice to make your acquaintance! I am enjoying Varanormal and will be glad to learn from all of you. I'm entering into research on other aspects of ITC that go beyond EVP for my second book I am writing and will be pushing the boundaries this coming year. My first book is very close to completion, in final edits, and will be out in early 2023.
      Yes on rich terrain - I live 9 miles from where the 49'er gold rush began in Coloma, California in 1848. El Dorado county is part of the "Mother Lode" country, and I live in some very haunted country.
      Absolutely agree on work, but as I am retired now, writing and investigating are my work! I am so glad to be out of the spacecraft propulsion business. I did my 30 years and it was time to move on. -- Jon

    2. Karyn


      Hi Jon,

      I look forward to your book.  The sad part is that most people have kept this type of information to themselves for fear of ruining their reputation.  Oh by the way I am used to US- centric viewpoints.  I have found in my rather longish life that few from the US travel outside so they tend to have of course only one view. No offense taken, I just wanted to let you know that different countries may have other ways to search.

      Yes, getting back to knowledge of what we accept it is really only tentatively coming out of the woodwork peoples "hidden history".  Mostly it has happened due to high profile people having nde's.

      Few Americans know that Lincoln was a spiritist and one could argue to some degree was a medium.  Few still know that the oration for his funeral was delivered by non other than Emily Hardinge Britten.  People still argue today that they did not have seances in the white house.  Of course most know that Nancy Reagan would do nothing until she daily consulted with "the afterlife".

      Even one of our sayings makes sense when you hear how it came about.  To get into a funk, came about because even though he knew he was being untruthful I think it was about Emily French he lied to keep his reputation.

      I applaud your work not for the faint hearted but oh so needed.  I would advise you to have a look at the works of N. Riley Heagerty or the website of Victor Zammit which is massive and historically based.  https://victorzammit.com/

      Glad to have you on board.



    3. Jon Almada

      Jon Almada

      Hi Karyn - Oh yes on the other ways to search. I've done extensive research on some of these folks, like Raudive, Dion Fortune, and many others who lives have touched aspects of EVP and ITC. Finding details of their final passing and burials could be hard to locate and I found a lot by using Google website translation to search foreign sites as well. It's been a labor of love to find much of this for my research. I'm having a heck of a time finding more on what happened with Marcello Bacci. I know he died recently, but there is nary a word about the circumstances and place of his burial. I do plan to cover him in great detail in my second book.
      LOL on worrying about reputation. I was an information scientist for a lot of years in the aerospace business and I could care less what the conformists think. Being retired makes it all that much easier to say what I really think. The way I see it, the ITC pioneers went through far harder stuff than we ever have, so the least we can do is to be as up-front about our views as we can be and honor their work in doing so.
      I had known about Lincoln and Mary Todd with their Spiritualism connections, but never have looked into in depth. I will likely put some effort into following that up in book 2. Yes on the Reagans... I was a teen when Reagan came into office and remember the field day the Press had with Nancy's metaphysical leanings. Never mind that most of the Press have metaphysical lives as well that they keep secret.
      I will look at N. Riley Heagerty. I have used Victor's site in references for my current book and he is truly one of a kind. I will say this: Even though I've been recording EVP for better than 15 years, when I started this book last year, I had NO idea how little I knew. It has been a humbling experience to dive into all of this.
      Appreciate your kind reply and will be a regular here! - Jon

  2. Welcome to Varanormal Charles.  Please feel free to comment on anything of interest to you and perhaps introduce yourself and your interests to other members,  Welcome again.  Karyn

    1. Charles Trueblood

      Charles Trueblood

      I've been trying to post a video with no luck. Here it is. I have no idea what it is. (It's not lightning.) Thx


    2. Karyn


      Your video is showing fine here Charles, where did you wish to put it.  I think you are correct it looks like lightening.  Great capture, hard little fellas to get a good shot.  Well done, try and put it where you wanted it as you have succeeded here.  If you still have problems get back to me.  Cheers Karyn

    3. Karyn


      I was so intrigued by your email I checked it out on a science page.  Initially I too thought lightening does not go from ground up but it appears to be normal.

      Does lightning strike from the sky down, or the ground up? The answer is both. Cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning comes from the sky down, but the part you see comes from the ground up. A typical cloud-to-ground flash lowers a path of negative electricity (that we cannot see) towards the ground in a series of spurts.


      Does lightning strike from the sky down, or the ground up?

      The answer is both. Cloud-to-ground lightning comes from the sky down, but the part you see comes from the ground up. A typical cloud-to-ground flash lowers a path of negative electricity (that we cannot see) towards the ground in a series of spurts. Objects on the ground generally have a positive charge. Since opposites attract, an upward streamer is sent out from the object about to be struck. When these two paths meet, a return stroke zips back up to the sky. It is the return stroke that produces the visible flash, but it all happens so fast - in about one-millionth of a second - so the human eye doesn't see the actual formation of the stroke.

      Source: National Severe Storms Laboratory

      So I can say I have learned something important today.  Thank you.

  3. Welcome to Varanormal, kdawg528, have a browse around your site and when you feel it applicable introduce yourself and begin interacting with other people.  Karyn

    1. Kevin Himes

      Kevin Himes

      Thanks Karyn! Not sure why the "kdawg528" is given, I didn't sign up with that name at all...lol. My name is Kevin, and it's always great to be involved in real ITC research and interactions with others in the field. Bless

      Kevin Himes

    2. Karyn


      lol, how positively weird, oh well it is in the right place to be not normal I guess.

      I have attached a screenshot of what I saw and responded to  AND in any event you are most welcome.  Being a gemini I am used to dealing with "personalities that I show" so why not for others.

      Screenshot (200).png

    3. Karyn


      sorry forgot the second screen was on


      Screenshot (200).png

  4. Welcome to Varanormal, Paranormal Reason we trust you will find your way around and feel free to contribute to you site.  Karyn

    1. Paranormal Reason

      Paranormal Reason

      Thank you for the welcome Karyn.

      I wasn't around much yesterday, but I hope to spend some time here this afternoon browsing the forums.

      I was recommended to your site by a contact on Twitter - We've some experience with the I.T.C. world and certain devices, but limited experience with video feedback loop (or similar), so the Spiricam program is of interest and, we look forward to working with it.

      Kind Regards
      Mark D.

    2. Michael Lee

      Michael Lee


      Thanks for finding this. I did a little research (what do they say, a little knowledge is a bad thing) and "HEUR" means heuristic, or the malware detector is suspicious, but it doesn't know for sure. That is, it's not an exact match to any known malware.

      My program is written in Python, which means it uses a lot of support libraries from other authors. All of the packages, were installed from either Ananconda's main channel or their "experimental" channel conda-forge. Anaconda's developer (Continuum.io) is a commercial entity, so they must have some incentive not to allow malware to pass through their archives. 

      I've used Anaconda/Python at work without incident for several years, but you never know. So, I'll leave it up to the user to decide. I can only assure you that my code has no ill intent.


    3. Paranormal Reason

      Paranormal Reason

      Hi Michael, thanks for replying.

      That's how I read the situation too, hence the false flag reference.

      Happy to continue installing (and my journey), just thought it safe to check.

      Thank you again.

      Kind Regards
      Mark D.

  5. Welcome to Varanormal Rosamina.  We hope that there will be many areas you are interested in and we encourage you to introduce yourself and make comments.  Tell us what interests you in the Introduce yourself, again Welcome Rosamina.   Blessings Karyn

    1. Rosamina


      Hi Karyn,

      thank you very much for the welcome. Unfortunately, my English is very bad, so I have to have everything translated by Google. A performance will therefore be difficult to read for the other members.

      Greetings Rosamina🙂

    2. Karyn



      Lol, I tell you anything but English I would share would be very bad.  I live with Google translator.  🙂



    3. Rosamina


      Hi Karyn, that comforts me a lot now! *smile* Wish you a nice day, best regards Rosamina

  6. Welcome Nick T to Varanormal a forum for you to join in on the subjects that interest like minded people.  Please feel free to introduce yourself and your interests.  Karyn

    1. Nick T

      Nick T

      Hello Karyn,

      Thank you and it’s awesome to be around like minded community. I look forward to sharing and growing with this group. Is there options for membership growth paid/unpaid to further my contributions to Varanormal? Wishing you and your family good health and safety during these interesting times.

      Best Regards,



    2. Karyn


      Hello Nick, At this stage the only thing we would love to see is interaction on forum topics.  Any suggestions of topics is welcome.  The site is free as are the streams.  We welcome participation.  Blessings to you and yours, Karyn.

  7. Welcome to Varanormal Clecio.  There is much on the site of interest, we trust you will enjoy and join in.  You may like to introduce yourself and let us know your interests.  Again, Welcome.  Karyn

    1. Clecio


      hello there Karyn, thanks for the welcome!


    2. Clecio


      Karyn, in the coming days I will fullfil my profile.


  8. Welcome to Varanormal Annabelle.  Feel free to introduce yourself and your interests to members here.  Welcome again.  Karyn

    1. Annabelle


      bonjour à tous, voilà maintenant plusieurs années que je m'intéresses à la TCI et que j'aime exploré ce domaine.

    2. Karyn


      Hello everyone, I have been interested in ICT for several years now and have enjoyed exploring this area.
  9. On behalf of the board and members may I warmly welcome you Fernando to Varanormal.  Karyn

    1. Andres Ramos

      Andres Ramos

      Yes, welcome Fernando!

    2. Fernando Luis Cacciola Carballal

      Fernando Luis Cacciola Carballal

      Welcome Indeed! From one Fernando to another 😄

  10. Hi Ayesha, Feel free to join in and tell us your interests.  Karyn

    1. Ayesha


      Hello love,

      Thank you so much. I came across your website just recently through facebook group. 

      I am Ayesha from India. I have been into paranormal researching for the last two decades and also have been a spiritual mentor, healer, author and TedX speaker.

      I do have a following in facebook as well as a website revolutionoflight.com

      I have always been intensely interested and researched many methods of communicating with spirit and validate the said results with my spiritual abilities.

      I would be very happy to be part of this community and contribute in any way possible along the way.

      Once again, thank you and I am humbled.

    2. Karyn


      Would love to hear some of your many ways of communicating, do you use mechanical devices or is it more mediumistic.  Karyn


  11. Welcome to Varanormal Cabreizo, we are heartened to learn that you wish to join in, and please feel very free to do so,  You may even like to introduce yourself a bit.


    Bienvenido a Varanormal Cabreizo, nos alienta saber que desea unirse, y siéntase libre de hacerlo, incluso puede presentarse un poco.
    1. Cabrerizo


      Gracias por tu bienvenida, karyn. Confío en poder aportar mis experiencias en materia de transcomunicación instrumental, para que juntos podamos avanzar en los contactos con el "mundo siguiente ". Resido en Madrid (España) y me gustaría que el Foro en español pueda estimularse de manera activa con mis aportaciones. Saludos a todos y todas.

      Thank you for your welcome, Karyn. I trust to be able to share my experiencias over ITC, in order to avance, joint with you all, in the contactos with the "following world".

      I am living in Madrid (Spain), and I would like that the Spanish Forum could be stimulated with my contributions. Greetings to everyone.


    2. Christine Brooks

      Christine Brooks

      Greetings Cabrerizo,


      Mucho gusto!

      (Im just learning Spanish 🙂 )

      There is so much good information here!

      I have found it quite fascinating.


  12. After listening to your work, I would suggest that you  print in I

    International Other Languages

    sub forum Forum for Spanish language

    I also do not think it would harm to have a copy of it in the general forum

    Forum under
    The Paranormal Corner
    sub forum Share your Paranormal Stories

    I hope that helps.  Blessings Karyn

    1. Cabrerizo


      Thanks for your suggestion. I think that you mean my Report. There is an Spanish version on the Spanish Forum. I will try to share it on The sub Forum "Share your Paranormal Stories". Greetings. 

    2. Karyn




  13. Karyn

    Sorry his name is Paul Hamden and he has written in the UFO part of the forum and no doubt elsewhere but you have a start there.


    1. Karyn


      Tom, If you would like to go to the calendar on the front page you will see more information on him and Syann.

  14. Greetings Sternenvater, and welcome to Varanormal. Please feel free to join in on any topic.  Perhaps you may like to introduce yourself and let us know your interests.  We are delighted you have found us and have you here.  Karyn

    Grüße Starfatherund willkommen bei Varanormal. Bitte zögern Sie nicht, zu jedem Thema mitzumachen.   Vielleicht möchten Sie sich vorstellen und uns Ihre Interessen mitteilen.   Wir freuen uns, dass Sie zu uns gefunden haben und Sie hier haben.   Karin

    1. Sternenvater


      Dankeschön. Ich muß mich auch noch etwas vertrauter mit der Struktur dieses Forums machen.

  15. Welcome to Varanormal jasonwaler.  Please feel free to contribute as you wish, we encourage the sharing of information.  Blessings Karyn


    1. Andres Ramos

      Andres Ramos

      Yes, welcome Jason. Feel free to take a look at what catches your interest and ask us anything you want.

  16. Welcome to Varanormal Dr Santosh. K. M, we are happy to have you here and look forward to your input into the activities on site.  We cover a broad range of topics some of which may be enhanced by your NDE.  Thank you for sharing.  Again welcome Karyn

    1. Dr. Santosh. K. M

      Dr. Santosh. K. M

      Thank you Karyn. I would contribute my level  best to this site. This is a best platform to interact people who have same interest on topic like NDE & Afterlife. Thank you once again.

      Best wishes.

  17. Welcome to Varanormal Chris.  We trust you will enjoy the site and will join in as you see fit.  Karyn.

    1. Chris


      Thank you Karyn!

  18. Karyn

    Welcome to Varanormal Tom, feel free to enjoy the exploration, join in, introduce yourself and tell us your interests.  Karyn

    1. Tom


      Hi Karyn!

  19. Welcome to Varanormal Allelive.  Karyn


    1. allelive


      grazie bellissimo sito complimenti


  20. Welcome to Varanormal cellardoor19.

    1. cellardoor19


      Thank you!

      I've been looking for a recent website that addresses topics such as afterlife, ITC and couldn't find it until this morning and that almost happened accidentally.

      My name is Caterina and I'm a student from Rome, Italy

  21. Happy Birthday Vladimir, may the following year bring to you all your needs, and a couple of wants for good measure, happy birthday.  Karyn and the Varanormal Team.

    1. Karyn


      Happy Birthday Vladimir, may your upcoming year be filled with joy and love.  Karyn & Varanormal team, 2022



  22. Welcome to Varanormal Brigitte, when you have found your bearings and looked around we would love to hear from you. Again welcome, Karyn

    1. Andres Ramos

      Andres Ramos

      Yes, a warm welcome also from my side Brigitte!

  23. Welcome to Varanormal Christian, may you find much to enjoy, we look forward to hearing from you once you are settled.  Blessings Karyn

    1. Christian Barragan

      Christian Barragan

      Thank you very much Karyn for that warm welcome.  Congratulations to everyone for this amazing space. Happy to have found this site and your amazing work. Ill reach out soon. Thank you.  " m )

  24. Karyn

    Welcome to Varanormal zip, we are glad you have found us, enjoy and join in to your new site.  Karyn


    1. zip


      hi ya karyn thanx and bright blessings to u😀

  25. Welcome to Varanormal Adara, we hope you enjoy our offerings feel free to join in, Karyn.


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