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EVP Post Filtering with Krisp - Don't do it unless...

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I have recently returned from the Helping Parents Heal Conference in Phoenix, which was the 2nd conference put on by this group that helps grieving parents.  I attended to support my sister who had lost a son a few years ago.  I had the idea to capture  a couple of short recordings on my cell phone of 900 parents chatting in the large meeting room while waiting for the Keynote speaker to begin.  I was hoping to record EVPs from the children in spirit who I felt certain were all present.  I have been experimenting with EVPs as a form of physical mediumship, and even though I didn't prepare for this as such, I thought I would still record the children.

There was a blending of all of the parents' voices, sounding more like a rumble, and some barely noticeable music (Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Iz) playing in the background.

When I returned home I listened to one of the recordings.  I could hear, "we're here", 7 times in varying quality and a couple of names but most too difficult to discern without a trained ear and using  headphones/earbuds.  Just that, would be a wonderful gift to post for the parents on the conference FB page, but there is no point unless they can hear it themselves.  I needed to try to cancel the noise.  Using Audacity noise canceling was  not my first choice because, well, the  noise is made up of voices and I don't want to cancel the voices.  So I played the track in Audacity while recording  another track using the Krisp microphone.  Upon review of the newly filtered track, I found that everything I had documented had been replaced by new spirit voices of their own agenda.  I wondered what would happen if I took the same raw, unfiltered track and again ran it through the Krisp microphone, and I ended up with all new spirit voices, none of which seem to have anything to do with the children, they just took over.  This was new information to me, but some of you may already know this.  When you run Krisp for after filtering, you run the risk of adding additional voices or completely overwriting your original unfiltered recording.  I have a feeling that I could keep running the same original unfiltered file through Krisp and would keep ending up with new voice imprints.  You may like this, I do not!

Just for the heck of it, I've attached a couple to the original unfiltered (noisy) "we're here" responses. I'm wondering if any of you can hear it.  Please use your headphones/earbuds.  Thanks!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Andrea. What you described is very common. I would like to generalize what you said if you allow me. 

Due to my experienced spirit voices manifest if an audio signal goes through a substantial structural change. Now this is a bit complicated to grasp but I will try to give you an example. If you change the volume of a signal it becomes lower or louder but the characteristic stays the same. It doesn't sound different.

Now imagine the signal becomes overdriven or clipped. You will experience then that it sounds different, the characteristic has changed. That is exactly the point where spirits get their foot into the door frame.

Krisp is an artificial intelligence algorithm that tries to guess the most likely interpretation from a distorted signal -in your case the mumbling crowd at the video meeting. So this way, Krisp can be seen as a transformation that changes a signal dramatically itself. Moreover the results from Krisp are clear voices what makes it even more impressive.

Keith and I did some experience in the past with Krisp and it gave very good results but these merely independent from the input Krisp was processing. So Krisp itsel was the door for the spirits.

Nevertheless the results regarding the contents were very earthbound so to speak. They seemed to come from a rather low dimension. For this reason I abandoned the use of Krisp.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Andres,

Your information above brings up a lot of thoughts as I go back and apply it to my experiences, thank you for the information.

You mentioned that in your experience, using Krisp (I'm assuming for after-processing) was a double edge sword so to speak.  I believe I've had similar experiences with lower dimension content.  Without giving the content too much energy, I'll just say the voices were clear and intelligent, but were playing on my fears.  I try not to be, but it does bother me.  Understanding how these voices come in afterwords during the second recording through Krisp helps me. 

I don't want to toss Krisp out because of the positive reasons you mentioned.  I have an idea.  I follow a structure in preparing for a session and part of that is to clearly state my intention in writing being very specific, and I also write a prayer.  For the most part, I seem to be successful at taking control of the sessions' content by doing this.  But, I've never thought to do it when running a second recording through Krisp, or when recording sounds of nature for later use as background noise.  I'll test it and let you know.

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22 hours ago, ALF said:

Hello Andres,

Your information above brings up a lot of thoughts as I go back and apply it to my experiences, thank you for the information.

You mentioned that in your experience, using Krisp (I'm assuming for after-processing) was a double edge sword so to speak.  I believe I've had similar experiences with lower dimension content.  Without giving the content too much energy, I'll just say the voices were clear and intelligent, but were playing on my fears.  I try not to be, but it does bother me.  Understanding how these voices come in afterwords during the second recording through Krisp helps me. 

I don't want to toss Krisp out because of the positive reasons you mentioned.  I have an idea.  I follow a structure in preparing for a session and part of that is to clearly state my intention in writing being very specific, and I also write a prayer.  For the most part, I seem to be successful at taking control of the sessions' content by doing this.  But, I've never thought to do it when running a second recording through Krisp, or when recording sounds of nature for later use as background noise.  I'll test it and let you know.

Yes, a good idea Andrea. Having found a method that is working good but opens a channel to rather low vibrating entities, does not necessarily mean you have to abandon this method. As always, everything depends on your decisions and capabilities. If you find a way to protect yourself, everything is open for you. I myself feel very much protected by lots of spirits who are my spiritual family. As I was a kid I was driven by fear and had lots of unpleasant encounters with dark entities even I did not follow a spiritual path yet in that time. Today I are rarely feel their attacks and if this occurs I'm strong enough to kick them out. Moreover I feel just a short hit and then they seemed to be blown away. I know my spiritual army then comes to the rescue stabbing and turning around their bayonets in the backside of the dark entities.😉


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If I may, I would like to back up Andre’s replies, ALF, and Andres. Lower entities will, from my research, enter quickly when we have not protected ourselves. I have not ever encountered such behaviour. One only has to listen to some of the inappropriate goadings of spirit that humans engage in and hear the resultant rude, swearing and downright nil respect from both sides displayed on YouTube. Of course, I am not implying or saying that is what you were doing. Communicating with spirit needs to be very respectful and reverential; otherwise, chaos will rule.


They are more like the naughty kids in the classroom, but one needs to accept that some live for whatever reason in the lower level of the astral. We know that higher spirit workers help some in the lower astral and are always there to help them. However, they must want to change. Armed with that knowledge and the knowledge that transitioning to the next part of our journey does not mean we know everything.  


It has been said before and needs to be remembered that we are no different the day after we transition to the day before we transitioned.


This is the reason we are solid on recommending protection. Andres has mentioned this, but I would like to take it one step further and give some ideas on protecting yourself in your dealings with spirit. It is more a just in case you are unaware of some ideas to do centring/grounding and create the sacred space.


The first thing to know is that your guides/spirit team will not interrupt unless you ask them to intervene.


Before you go into a “session”, it is most wise to sit in silence and ground yourself. This can be done in many ways, from meditation, moving through your body and cleansing. Some people like to go through their chakras to highly structured but meaningful rituals. When you sit in silence before you start, make it known that you would appreciate your team’s presence and will shortly be moving into your “activity”. You may smudge with sage, have an uplifting mantra, or any ways to protect yourself. However, it would be best if you always asked for “only those who communicate with you to do so for the highest good”.


Before doing any recordings or any work with spirit, we suggest you open and close the “portal”. Should any untoward vocalisations occur, you may ask your spirit team to remove them. They cannot do it without your asking as we have free will, and they protect that, or you may choose to shut the session down.  


I am taking the following from Student Handouts of an EVP course I used to run.


EVP Safety

Remember you are energy working with energy

  • NEVER do EVPs when you are depressed or low in mood
  • NEVER do EVPs if you are feeling fearful

                              If you have imbibed in alcohol or drugs

                              To the point where it is becoming an obsession, isolating you, or other negative behaviours

  • Hold only positive thoughts, attitudes, and loving feelings. Communication with those in spirit is a serious, loving exchange of energy. There is no room for sensationalists and troublemaking persons seeking souls with mischievous intent.
  • Set standards, do not permit swearing, and always conduct your sessions with respectful reverence for the process.

Though I have never experienced negative behaviours such as swearing, name-calling, or being told to do things, I understand that can happen. It would be best if you remembered that you are in control at all times.

  • Do not do something /anything because an entity told you to do something. If you begin to feel uncomfortable, stop recording, ask the entity to leave, and ask for assistance from your guides.
  • Remember to do your finished grounding exercise and your thankfulness prayer to all who were helpful.
  • It is important to remember that what you give, you get, so I cannot state enough the importance of your thoughts and your intent, and to be respectful and grateful.


General Overview

When doing EVPs, there is an overall process, I guess that is what one would call it, that has three stages

1) Preparing for the session,

2) Session, and

3) Post Session.

Preparing for the Session

  • Create an atmosphere – it is essential when communicating with those in the spirit realm that one has as positive, happy outlook as possible. There should be no disharmony in yourself; your thoughts should be free from negativity, confusion, anger or other negative emotions. You need to realise that those who are successful with EVPs prepare themselves many hours before the “event”.  

Having a light meal beforehand is recommended; a heavy meal makes one tired, and no meal is as distracting as one can get hungry. 

  • Energy is wasted with the two extremes.
  • A definite no-no is alcohol or drugs.
  • Spend your time before each session carefully, directing your thoughts to the person you wish to communicate with. Although, this does not guarantee that the person you want to make contact with is the person who will come through. You cannot demand or command those in the spirit realm. You will increase your chances by speaking as if you were planning with both on the earthside.
  • Be aware that this whole process is not instant. Many factors contribute to the success of EVPs. Some of these factors are your learning a new skill, developing EVP hearing ears, the capabilities of the people in spirit, what the person in spirit is doing, willingness to communicate, the relationship, and atmospheric conditions to name a few variables. There may be many more, which is why we suggest you document them. (Elsewhere on the site, we are looking for input from you, our members, into what can be included in EVP documentation.)


Some people believe that EVPs should be at a set time, e.g. 3 am Monday and Friday and that it is not to be deviated from for any reason. I can only give my personal opinion. I do not think it matters. I find I have better results if I do my EVP not long after waking; however, as far as I am aware, there is little data to indicate that a set time works better than any time. (This is another reason we are looking for a structural document for people to use. We can pin down what works for us better)


Ham radio operators, for instance, favour the 3-7 am time. It is up to you, and to some degree, to those in the spirit realm. Your respectful intent is the most critical aspect, not time.


The Session

This is our actual recording.

  • Start every session with three things called the three Ps. Protection, prayer and permission. That is pretty self-explanatory. 


Protection Methods

  • Each session begins with a grounding exercise that formulates your protection. There are many grounding exercises. The one I use is to visualise a shaft of pure white light coming to me from the cosmos and entering through my head, circulating my body, sweeping each part of my body and then the light proceeds to the earth’s core. I then have the white light come up from the centre of the earth through my body again and exit to continue to the cosmos. Some people allow the white light to exit them from their fingers and feet, but I like the shaft of light to come down and go back the same way. You do whatever grounding exercise is proper for you. A walk-in silence in nature, focusing on your breath, is also a great way to get grounded. Okay, that is your protection p covered.


  • This part of our session is to say a prayer. Prayer is simply a true, dedicated statement of intent not meant in the religious sense, but it is integral to setting the respectful intention. It is the time and place to thank all guides in advance to include anything important to you. Your prayer is where you put what you are doing out and ask respectfully for a successful outcome. Everyone has different prayers, but you are mostly demonstrating respect and formally beginning the session.


  • It is important to remember to be respectful with clear intent and create an atmosphere conducive to good outcomes. You cannot demand or command anyone in the realm of the spirit, so of course, you need permission. You can set the intent by saying who you are and whom you would like to communicate with and asking if that person is available. Express your gratitude frequently.


Post Session

It is vital to close the session formally. You need to finish with a prayer of thanks, of gratitude and do your grounding exercise again. Journal your experience, the experience, and any factors you think may impact the session. Journal also your mood.


Then you should completely clear your work area, wipe the desk and then reposition yourself for whatever you do in that area. For example, I would put away any papers. Move my monitor and clean under my keyboard and the rest of the table. 


Wiping is primarily symbolic, but it signifies the session is over for you and those in the spirit realm. 


Closing down is as important as an opening. You do not want any hitchhikers coming in on an open channel.


I appreciate this is a long answer, but we have many people at various stages of interaction. When I was asked to develop a training program, I found very little written on ethics and protection.

I trust members will find my response useful, and do please add any of your ideas or indeed what do you do before working with spirit.

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Karyn, thank you.

This comprehensive information is very useful and an important reference for anyone working with EVP, and also serves as a good reminder.

My pre-session process that I use when working from home has a basic outline, though my words/thoughts that make up each section within the outline continues to evolve.  I'm working with Audacity for recording & review.  So when I am working from home I follow a process.  I have been reckless when recording outside of the house and will need to adapt a similar practice.

0.  I decide on the length of the session upfront, as well has the noise source.  

1.  I imagine cleansing with white light & grounding into the earth.

2. Mentally say an invocation/prayer, and request any special spiritual helpers I'd like to be present.

3. Raise and expand my energy.

4. I open my laptop and type an overall intention which is usually the same for several sessions in a row, and after that a specific intention for this session.  If I'm extending any specific invitations, I type them there.  Under that I type a greeting.  After that I type out several questions that I intend to ask that will fit into my set timeframe while still allowing some time between them for answers.  Finally, I type a closing by thanking them. 

At that point, I'm ready to begin the session process.

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