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Everything posted by GISMO5367

  1. Thank you Jeff once again for interesting and thought -provoking information. I appreciate your professional skills when sharing information and practical experiences. Related to our correspondence and your previous post, please give me an answer to the following questions: Which kind of "device" you would recommend at the moment ( based on your 40 years' experience) for novice Varanormal members, if they plan to build one by themselves. Operating conditions of this device should fulfil the following criteria: (1) The device should be operational also for solo users in order to produce enough energy ( no team required) and for EVP only (that is enough) (2) The device should work like a crystal radio (without electricity, radio signal and any other self made energy source) (3) The goal is to get that level of EVP-messages you and Andres Ramos and some other Varanormal members have been able to produce in their last message attachmets. I think these questions are really useful in order to avoid vasting our time, energy and molney for useless and doomed efforts. (4) Has anybody -as far as you know - built a working Germaniun (TDC) receptor since the termination of The Scole Experiment and how are the results ? If you have a recommendation for a specific device, please kindly provide also its circuit diagram and other specifications ( if the device is something different you have already presented on Varanormal web site ). GISMO5367
  2. Hi CanadaKim and thank you very much for your comments! Nice to meet people in the same age group +/- ( I am 67 ) . Axctually I try to build - together with a radio -and electrical engineer, here in Finlad , just an exact copy of the device nominated "The Germaniun (TDC) receptor". Recently we had a long lasting conversation on Varanormal web site related to this topic, as you can see. It seems, that more sophisticated and more modern devices are in the focus at the moment and people's intertests are scattered concerning different methods used in ITC and EVP research, which is really good. Dt Jeffers and Andres Ramos have helped me markedly in my strivings to develop a working device. I am still interested in experimenting with the TDC receptor because (1) At the moment nobody knows exactly how it works. Regardless of that it is possibly functioning "in right hands" ? (2) Dr. Jeffers thinks ( please see his comments before, which I fully agree). (3) I think The Scole Expreriment was a breakthrough in the history of Spiritism and physical mediumship and there is no reason to assume that it was a hoax or that the phenomena were not genuine ( the experiment was witnessed by several prominent scientists and SPR members) (4) Maybe the results obtained using the germanium receptor were dependent also on the members of the Scole group and the support of their "spirit team" - not the device in itself. (5) Because the the germanium receptor considerably improved the communication, I plan to experiment with that with different setups and strictly follow the guidelines given. Please check our web site: Audio-Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) -> TOPIC: The Germanium Receptor Model -> My (GISMO5367) Message 8.3.2021 + Attaced PDF document "Instructions from the Scole Group" -> And there: "... Then he (Professor Ellison) realised he was reinventing the crystal detector from the early days of radio and designing a rectifier , which allows the current to pass in only one direction. He asked the communicator (non-human transdimensional being) whether a modern, more reliable silicon diode would be better. The (spirit) team informed him that the device was not to be used as a diode and should be made exactly as described. All new ideas, support and comments are welcome ! (GISMO5367)
  3. Thank you Jeff and Andres for your wise comments leading us towards the light and insight of the positive side of reality. I also hope and pray that all of us who are meeting entities from the astral plane don’t cofront interdimensional beings whose intentions are not honest and who - in the worst scenario - try to cheat us and don’t work for our best, especially thinking our spiritual development. That is why it is very important to find out who are the entities behind words and sentences in electronic voice messages. According to the basic theory of Spiritism, ( See for example A Kardec: The Spirits Book) -> https://cei-spiritistcouncil.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/The-Spirits-Book.pdf there exist entities, whom we really don’t want to invite for dinner, as Andres says. But before invitatation we need to know them first - whatever they are. And in any case all of them are the result of evolution. Generally I am not a supporter of dualism, which, I think, is a human made illusion like the concepts of time and ”self”. According to several reports, Spirits and interdimensional beings are often unable to comprise the passage of time. This has been proved in electronic voice messages and also by trance mediums. The opposite pair ”God” and ”Evil” is similar. There is a long grey area between these two opposites and most people (whom I know), are neither god not bad but something between. Very much depends on their living conditions, intelligence/stupidity, ethical code and bad/good luck. Unfortunately, many very nice, really ”good”, and kind-hearted” people might have a terrible fate without any reason . This is incomprehensible even if we consider ”The Law of Karma”. There is also no reason to assume that when we move to the afterlife our personalities change straightaway. In The Scole Experiment some interdimensional beings introduce themselves as ”aliens” and one of them (nominated ”blue”) is a good example of that and his/her video image is a prototype of an alien. Very probably The Scole Experiment was terminated by some of these "bad" entities or some other negative forces. Please, see extract from the PDF-document I uploaded earlier [ ”The Last days of The Scole Experiment]: ”… Your experimental work with your spirit team has created a vortex or doorway. It’s this vortex that has attracted experimenters from your future. This means that every time your spiritual energies are together and you try to re-establish communication with your team, the future experimenters try to make their own link to your time. This interference cannot be allowed to continue …” It is silly to assume that man /a human being is the pinnacle of creation and it is very probable, that more evolved beings exist, but all of them are not necessarily beneficial: https://www.amazon.com/Witnessed-Story-Brooklyn-Bridge-Abductions/dp/0671569155 https://www.amazon.com/Abduction-Encounters-Aliens-John-Mack-ebook/dp/B0030AF5D4 https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/stephen-hawking-controversial-physics-black-holes-bets-science Finally I have here a scenario : Astronomers estimate that the sun has about 7 billion to 8 billion years left before it sputters out and dies. Humanity may be long gone by then, or perhaps we'll have already colonized another planet. I think climate change and global accelerating ecocatastrophe on planet earth is already out of control and before any astronomical incidents human race becomes extinct and this happens quite soon. What shall we do and where to grab? -> Alpha Centauri is the closest star system and closest planetary system to Earth's Solar System at 4.37 light-years. We are unable to reach that ever in our physical body. But there is data supporting the theory that human consciousness has no boundaries. I think, that is the only way to find out a new habitable and untouched exoplanet and settle there. This is the main reason why I consider ITC and research work related to that so important! I uploaded some time ago a YouTube video ”Alien Interview” on Varanormal web site (Ufology). It is considered as a ”hoax”, but the words of the alien being represented in this video are worth contemplating and the original story is possibly something more/different than what we can see in Aristo Menis Tsirbas’ version of this video. The original caption for this video claimed the following: "Extraordinary Project Blue Book file film of Alien interviewed in 1964. Subject was named 'EBE-3' and was held captive for 5 days. Subject disappeared from Government records on date of this event." As at August 2016, one copy of the video on Youtube had approximately 0.5 million views and one copy of this video on Facebook has now got over 3 million views, having been shared 143,058 times. Whitley Strieber (author of the book "Communion") wrote an article about this video on 21 August 2016 entitled "Profound Wisdom from an 'Alien Video' by Whitley Strieber" which stated "The material presented in this video is consistent with what I have learned in my close encounter experience over the past 30 years". GISMO5367
  4. Thank you Adres very much for your samples and comments. Thinking EVP research, I see that you and some other Varanormal members have tirelessly tried develop useful and practical methods long time in order to to communicate with our beloved deceased relatives and unknown spirit entities as well. I have learnt, when reading EVP -reports, that communication is often very difficult both sides and that the spirit entities are also very keen to contact us. Sometimes traditional methods ( white noise from an old radio or microphone method) have given extremely good results, especially if we think reports from Friedrich Jürgenson, Konstatin Raudive and also from Anabela Cardoso, who is still actively practising. Many of their recordings fulfil at least the criteria in my category 3.- or even more. It seems, that very much depends on the co-operation of the ”spirit teams” .This principle was highlighted especially in The Scole Experimet. I really don’t know at the moment what are the optimal conditions for ” communication”. Are we as humans able to improve that - as far as our own attitudes, emotions or state of mood are concerned? It has been proved in parapsychologicy that sceptism, over-critcism, fixed belief systems, atheism, doubt, disappointment, frustration, depression or even pure hate are all negative factors, which hamper communication. Unfortunately, very often these feelings are spontaneous and difficult to control. Otherwise we should be calm, neutral, positive, co-operative and receptive but also critical at the same time in order to avoid superstition or being misled. I fully agree your comment concerning requirement #2. The art of listening of the voices is difficult but a larnable skill. I listened your samples very carefully repeatedly: For me the most fascinating are: ”Andres leider abschalten” is quite clear, especially the last word ”abschalten”. ” Ich bin Swenja Bürre” is very good and I am sure the name ”Swenja Bürre” is audible for everybody ”Weil ich sie liebte” sounds a little bit distinct for me for some reason. but when listening that many times it bstarts to sound more clear as well as ”Und ich bin Darko” . ”01-aa is not mp3” is not clear thinking its meaning. Very good result !!! Are these samples ”original voices” or is it possible still improve their quality using filtration or some other method of signal processing ? Which methods and which kind of setup you used when producing these samples ? ”Nature” follows certain rules ( like in physics, chemistry and molecular biology) and I believe that in ITC and EVP there are also specific self-evident rules which we don’t know yet or only konow a few of them. At the moment I accept the rules used in The Scole Experiment only as ”a working hypothesis” as long as they are proved or refuted. According to the instructions of that ”non-human interdimensional entity” who revealed the idea of The Germanium Receptor as an aid to facilitate communication, argued that germanium has specific propertes to facilitate transmission and preferred that as compared to silicon. I take that seriously. That is why I think your strivings to develop the ”optimal” receptor for EVP transmission is still worth trying ad waiting a breakthrough ! Finally I have one question related to communication. In the literature there are mentions about different ”stations” in the next world : ”Portals for interdimensional beings” (-> Acces to us), Jürgenson’s and Rudive’s ”ITC Bridge”, ”Rio do Tempo Station”, Concepts ”Radar and Spaceship /spirit ship” and ”Lifeline” among others…. What are they, how do they work and facilitate communication and what is their meaning? GISMO6367
  5. ELECTRONIC VOICES: THEIR CHARACTERISTICS AND INFORMATION VALUE In order to learn more about the electronic voice phenomenon I would like to ask the following questions ( all Varanormal members, teams and circles) : If I classify the ”paranormal ”voices as presented below, has anybody of you - using whatever available method - been able to reach any of these gategories 1-4 in this setup: 1. The signal is classified as a ”direct voice” and Interactive communication and discussion with the entity or force who is producing the voice is easy. Using normal human speech, mutual change of ideas and thought forms is productive and gives new information 2. The voices are clearly audible after filtration and procession ( using whatever software like audacity for signal processing), so that everybody in the room can understand the meaning of the words and sentences (supposed s/he masters the used language) independently but communication with the unknown intelligence (from the other side) is difficult or impossible for technical or other reasons. 3. EVP produces separate words or short sentences which might transmit an intelligent message. The message might be multilingual or its meaning might come aut using voice transformation of a reverse speech. The words are thereafter understandable. 4. The unknown itelligence (Electronic voice) ”introduces” itself as a separate entity for example trying to contact you, repeating your name etc… 5. Even after signal processing the electronic voice is not clear. It might have a certain rhytm of human speech, but it is difficult to identify the meaning of separate words or sentences 6. The EVP signal is composed of different clicks, puffs, hissing sound etc but doesn’t contain any intelligent characteristics regardless of careful filtrating and signal processing using sophisticated softwares. Please provide at least one clear sample (in MP3 format), if you can, - especially if you have been able to reach categories 1-4. This would certainly benefit everybody. Kindly also mention which kind method and protocol you have used. Thinking critical evaluation of the signals, it is important , that the ”radio station signals” are not mixed with the white noise so that the message is incorrectly interpreted as ”EVP”. GISMO5367
  6. Hi Dr. Jeffers, I am retired too, since 2016, doing part-time work at the moment and spending the rest of my time here on your web site and with my family. Luckily, I have now a little bit more free time to concentrate on my hobbies and real interests including independent scientific research work, parapsychology, astrobiology, ITC, occult sciences and spiritism among others ....
  7. Dr Jeffers and Andres, I am really grateful for your both for the attached circuit diagrams and illustrating photographs. Before commenting anything, I must read, study and contemplate the whole topic and scenario and make comparisons. Your help and support is highly appreciated ! Definitely I will come back to you when I am ready (= after learning a little bit more about signal processing, especially audio signals and those "receptors" which have been described in detail on this web site. ). And as Dr Jeffers said -being a newcomer here - I really missed that fact that Andres has earlier posted information about his work concerning Zinctite and Germanuim evp receivers. I found the information/file now and go through the text carefully. Andres - my idea about the PSI experiment -> I will make a short study plan, ask your suggestions and additional comments and then publish the whole plan here on Varanormal web site.. Hopefully our members are interested ... ?
  8. Hi, Thank you very much Dr Jeffer and Andres for your kind and interesting feedback. I would like to ask Dr. Jeffers first a little bit more about the construction of the device, possibly provide the diagram of connections, in order to learn the basic idea of this equipment. How it is working?: -> ..."I use a device that I have built myself. It uses voice synthesis to provide a source of primordial voice sound that is modulated into messages ..." <- Andres, your idea is very good. For example, I can try to meditate a specific image, which I have created in my mind ( no one knows anything about the image excluding myself). I recall the details of the image on daily basis and make that a fixed idea for me. I also make a drawing about the image and concentrate on that repeatedly. If this image manifests on your screen/computer by itself ( without sending that by email or any other method), this is instrumental transcommunication and physical mediumship. If you can recognize that image using your intuition, vision, automatic writing , Ouja board or with the help of a medium, this is mental mediumship. In theory, all Varanormal members are welcome. Time difference between Finland and the recipient country should not be a problem, because the reception is not linked with time. After a certain time interval ( or when I have enough answers) , I would collect and analyze the data and publish a summary of the results on Varanormal platform. This is only one example and it is easy to modify this kind of experiment in many ways.
  9. Thank you very much for this detailed information which is probably not available anywhere else. I need to contemplate that.
  10. Hi JEFF Related to your previous feedback I have some comments and questions: - "The energy involved in ITC transcends time and this might explain reversed messages." In my previous message /attached file "diagrams" there is an image (plate 33) from The Scole Experiment which represents a Mirror image. I understand that also the voices might behave in a similar way and have some other specific "anomalies" ( Please see the attached file/copy from A. Cardoso's book Electronic voices, pp. 194-195.). - Intelligencies behind the "voices": I think they might be non-physical human-like entities from other dimensions, souls of dead people (or entities who are imitating their voice), extraterrestrials (aliens) or then we are discussing with our own mind or group soul (audio data transmitted in a paraanormal way from our own subconsciousness ( subliminal self / crypto conscious mind etc.) - I think the nature of EVP is in some way related to PSI ( see attached file "theories of PSI) and ESP (see file: "ESP-summary of conclusions) Both of them might operate in the Scole Germanium receptor in some still unknown way. The first one is a quotation from Dean Radin's book "Entangled minds - Extrasenspory Experiences in a Quantum Reality ( ISBN: -13. 978-1-4165-1677-4) and the last one is a chapter from J.B. Rhine's well known book "Extrasensory Perception", ISBN 0-8283-1464-0. As far as I can remember, some Russian researchers have been able to measure - using EEG signal- the exact time when PSI message hits the brains of the recipient in seconds when the distance between the "sender" and "recipient" was thousands of kilometers. I went trough also some older messages on Varanormal web site. Your answer to Rachel today related to the preferred background noise for EVP recordings was very useful. I have a minor EVP study project going on where I use white noise from the radio and the voice of Bermuda tree frogs ( = original nature sound: repeating chinking sound created by a choir of several small tree frogs) as a background voice ( audio CD). I record the radio signal ( white noise) and background noise ( surrounding noise) using two separate digital audio recorders. What do you think about this type of background noise ? I read also your text "Thomas Edison's TDC- built one and it works ! - ITC Bridge". My question is: Which type of device you are using in your normal practice when recording the paranormal voices (Germanium receptor /TDC device for interdimensional communication (?) or more traditional methods for EVP-studies (?) ( Microphone / radio method etc.). How the construction of that TDC- device looks like what you are using at the moment and what is according to your opinion the preferred model/construction of that. I ask this question only in hope to purchase a ready made device from somewhere ( if that exists) and then start the research work ( in science and scientific articles it is always better- thinking "methods section" - if the author is able to refer to some specific commercially available model which is easily verifiable instead of the self-made model) GISMO5367 Theories-of-PSI.pdf ESP-SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS.pdf Cardoso- 2010-EVP- pp.194-195.pdf
  11. Hi Dr JEFF I think some ideas you present in your message (above) are very important and I really have questions and might need advice and change ideas.. In order to respond effectively and in order to exchange the necessay data (including images), I need more space (file size more than 1.95 MB). Is it possible to get your email address for this purpose? You can find my own email address (info@nidaba.fi) when checking my profile. It would be nice to communicate with Andres Ramos also directly for the same reason. GISMO5367
  12. Hi JEFF, Thank you very much for your thorough explanation and valuable background information before I build anything. I think I try to make an exact copy of the original Scole germanium device. If it doesn't work, I try something different. Meanwhile, I try to study the quality and properties of that signal which might work in the energy process of The Scole Experiment. According to some researcers, the spirit entities are able to directly modify the signal (voice, electromagnetic waves / radio waves and our own energy fields as well ) using their thought forms. According to ancient and occult teachings, Prana (psychophysical or life force) follows the thought, and this signal is free from the limitations of space, time and distance and can even penetrate Faraday's cage and other similar obstacles. I try to provide some evidence related to this later. GISMO5367
  13. Hi JEFF, (1) Related to your message (above) I have some answers: - At the moment I don't have suitable people to start the experiments with TDC receptor even if it is available, because I am working alone at the moment. But definitely I will build one (basic) version soon. If this device works with a small group of like minded people, possibly will continue experimenting with them longer time. - I copied for you all the diagrams presented in Grant and Jane Solomon's book including those you mentioned (Figure 2 on page 120 and figure 3 on page 124) <-> Please see the attached file . The basic information related to The Scole Experiment and methods they used in ITC/EVP is presented in the following documets: (1) The Scole Report: scientific evaluation of the results by scientists)(2) Grant & Jane Solomon's book "The Scole Experiment" (3) Robin Foy's books: Witnessing the Impossible (see my previous mails), Robin Foy's book: In Pursuit of Physical Mediumship (ISBN 1 85756 248) and the booklet: A Basic Guide to the development of Physical Psychic Phenomena- The New Spiritual Science Foundation / Educational Booklet No. 1 ; The New Spiritual Science Foundation Scole, Norfolk, England 1996. -> Most of these documents are available from Amazon.com and I think you can order them also through The Scole Experiment web site or contact Robin Foy himself. (2) Some time ago I purchased an old crystal radio from 1920s. A specific type of "receptor" is an essential part of this device (please see the attached image) This receptor resembles that which is used in The Scole TDC-device: There is a glass tube and a scerw attached to a pointed flexible metal wire. When rotating the screw you can shorten and extend the distance of the tip of the wire from the bottom of the glass tube where some greyish material ( possibly a metal chip) is located. In this construction there is also a ball joint so that you can change the direction of the screw and wire and in this way touch/contact different areas of the bottom (chip/metal etc.). My crystal radio arrived with old headphones (Beteco 2000 ohms). I had a short conversation recently with Salvatore Rizzo and asked his opinion about this "receptor" and it's connections to ITC. His answer was as follows: “….Regarding your question about the germanium receptor, I can also say that it really looks very similar to the one from the Scole experiment. I have also modeled it after the Scole experiment. With your detector in the crystal radio I see certain similarities. With the receptor of the Scole Experiment, and also with my Germanium Receptor V1.0, a tip of a screw is pressed on a Germanium plate. With your old radio receiver, radio waves are received by means of a detector. With the Germanium Receptors, I don’t know what type of waves are received. So, no real idea what kind of waves we are talking about here. But definitely not Hertzian radio waves. The Galena cat whisker detector and the Precision crystal detector work on a similar principle, but mainly these systems were used for radio reception. The Germanium Receptors use at least two coils and if you study this construction more closely, you don't really find a logic behind it. What I found out is that this is a very simple microphone principle. But in what way these systems interact with another " level " is not clear to me until today…” What is your opinion about this receptor and its suitability as a The Germanium receptor when modified ? It is not so heavily built than the Scole germanium receptor, but the the construction is quite similar ? DIAGRAMS-SOLOMON-SCOLEXP.pdf
  14. Yes, I think you are right. The principle is probably exactly the same than when working with Ouja boards. People (like me) who have tried Ouja boards only alone, very probably fail. According to the instructions of use of this device, at least two people (best of all male and female) should attend. More people create even more psychophysical energy ( in hindu - and buddhist tradition that is called "prana") - and the results are better. These energy fields are verifiable in Kirlian photographs or using a video signal. In all Scole sessions minimum four people were sitting together. Maybe this is one factor which effects on the function of the TDC device in some paranormal way ?
  15. I comment your email yesterday 10:23 PM: - Please open this idea a little bit more (related to the "parallels") : I keep it in mind and look for parallels, and the scole tape recorder method I mentioned perhaps could be genuine, as I know that the use of that exact method at crop circles was indeed genuine. Therefore if this has validity, then the use of coils and amplifier by the scole people may also be valid by association (excluding the germanium). - The best method for transdimensional communication? -> Do you know any people or groups in our days who are able to show/demonstrate that trandimensional communication and mutual exchange of ideas and questions with the "spirit -or transdoimensional entities" is possible using instrumental transcommunication? Their support and advice might be priceless. I don't trust very much on mental mediumship because it is more "subjective" and human mind and subconscious forces might create many tricks and hide the truth. The beginning of The Scole Experiment and the discovey of The TDC device was a breakthrough, but the end of this experiment was even more hectic -> Please read my quotation from Robin Foy's book "Witnessing the Impossible" ; ( ISBN 978-0-9560651-0-0), where he recorded every single session and event since the beginning of this experiment. The last days of The Scole Experiment.pdf
  16. Hi Jeff, Those two links you posted above (yesterday 10:12 PM local time) I have seen previously in The Internet, but the attached PDF dociument (Edison TDC) is really interesting. As we know , according to the legend -before Edison died, he tried to develop "a chost machine" -the same thing that we are trying to do just now. But he didn't succeed ( or did he ?) <-> I collected some information from the internet (please see the attached file). I quoted an email from Salvatore Rizzo only because I didn't know anyone else how is nowadays developing a more sophisticated "Germaniun receptor /TDC model" based on the idea of the original device. Actually, I don't know Salvatore very well. I learnt to know him only in the beginning of this year. Moreover, I am not very familiar with electronics and signal processing. During my army service I participated the basic mandatory lessons related to electrical engineering. The rest of the service I spent on the radar screen during those long nights when being on-call there and trying to locate aeroplanes and differentiate them from weather obsertvation balls and other flying objecfts - Unfortunately I did't see any UFOs . I am more familiar with life sciences including biochemistry, neurochemistry and human consciousness studies. As a hobby and as a method to expand my world view, at the moment I am mainly interested in astrobiology and physical mediumship. GISMO5367 EDISON AND THE GHOST MACHINE.docx
  17. Hi Jeff and Andres, Thank you for the link to your old forum. There is a lot of first hand information how to build a TDC device. But as i can understand, the final results were not satisfactory and convining. When building more sophisticated devices (like Salvatore Rizzo's Germanium receptor V2), the original signal is still unsatisfactory without any real communication ( at the moment) and the result is the same... These your comments above would clarify the mystery of the voices even more: " ...I did not understand the function of the coils... " <-> [It is our of our comprehension] "...these devices as such may not always be creating voice content, but only serve as sound sources, and paranormal conversion into voice content may happen in the amplifier or subsequent devices connected to it..." Wen being absolutely honest, it looks for me that the The Germanium receptor might be like some kind of "gismo" or "favourite subject" for the spirit entities - if they exist - in order to fool us or play with us or alternatively demonstrate something very important to the mankind. Maybe the germanium receptor itself it is not the central area, where the voices are produced. If interdimensional beings are able to produce direct voice and pictures, text and drawings on plain photography film in full darkness (what happened during the Scole sessions) - for sure they are also competent to communicate with us without any problems and devices. When reading The Scole Report, do you believe on it or not ? Is it a breakthrough in the history of physical mediumship or a big hoax? If you think it is not a hoax, where are the tricks and how would you guide people who are searching the truth ( -> the philosophy of logical analysis, developing sophisticated electronic devices, studying our own cryptoconscious / subconscious mind or concentrating on alien encounters and parallel worlds in order to confront them some day etc...) GISMO5367
  18. Hi Dr. Jeffers and Andres! Thank you when responding! Salvatore Rizzo in his email to me (2/2021) wrote: Concerning the Germanium Receptor and the experiments of the SCOLE group, I have not read very much on the internet. In particular, I would have been very interested in the technical part of the device arrangement, but you don't find much. Except that the Receptor and the structure of it were transmitted by entities. But I am very skeptical if any "mediums" are involved. I have therefore built two such germanium receptors. The first version was a test (this one with the wooden frame). In the middle of the device is a germanium plate. The electrical connection to the preamplifier goes through the relay coils and is made by the long, pointed screw. Actually, this is a "primitive", simple microphone system. The fascinating thing is, when I had everything assembled and the system connected to a preamplifier, I could receive very loud "pops" depending on how hard (or weak) the metal tip of the screw was pressed on the germanium plate. A strong hissing noise was also audible. The crackling then stabilized with time. Less loud noise was received and suddenly, without anything being changed, the crackling and noise increased and I could hear speech-like sounds. In addition, I built in four different germanium diodes in an aluminum case. These diodes are mounted in a plastic tube and between them are two Neodyn magnets with opposite polarity. In the middle of the tube, where the diode and the magnets are clamped, a "communication bubble" could possibly develop. In the attachment you can find some pictures of the germanium chamber. Unfortunately, I couldn't do many experiments yet due to lack of time, but the few tests I did were promising. You can hear many voices, unfortunately not well understandable. They interact and address me by my first name many times. Please also check the following links: http://www.transkommunikation.ch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg2ICMyrECE It seems that "the entities - whatever they are - create the contct ! Thus, it might be wise to accept the "hypothesis" that we might be fully dependent on "the spirit team(s)" in our strivings to built the contact. How to develop this kind of friendship and co-operation is not yet clear for me . For example, how this happened in The Scole Experiment, please read the attached PDF-document < Instructions from the scole group>( Grant & Jane Solomon: The Scole Experiment; ISBN: 0-7499-2032-7 / pages 117-128). Although this "story" sounds unreal - like in fairytales or science fiction - it might also be true, witnessed by prominent scientists and members of SPR and thus a portal to the parallel worlds. Anabela Cardoso highlights this principle also in her book Electronic voices - Contact with Another Dimension (ISBN: 978 1 84694 368 ) Instructions from The Scole Group.pdf
  19. Hi eveybody! My question is: How to build this (original) TDC device used in The Scole Experiment (Detailed and meticulous instructions including all electronic components - especially the coils -, their parameters, dimensions and distances from each others, code numbers and availability in case they are for sale or parts of some antique crystal radios) ? Copy of the image representing this original model is uploaded below: https://content.invisioncic.com/n303486/monthly_2021_03/GR-Scole.png.2262076167037a796514da32c3fe66e1.png https://robinsphysicalphenomena.webs.com/thetdcdevice.htm Cheers, GISMO5367 https://content.invisioncic.com/n303486/monthly_2021_03/JTK.thumb.jpg.e761530d732957b54c2b14e7a16055b5.jpg GISMO5367 This image above has been copied from the Internet, and I am not sure how the original version of the TDC-device they used in the Scole Experiment lookes like? Maybe that image represents just the original version of the device? I don't have first-hand information and I have had difficulties reaching Robin Foy and other people in the Scole group who are involved. If we build a replica of The Germanium Receptor - according to my opinion - everything matters: Placement of the coils, their size, resistance, amplifier, conversion of the signal from analog to digital format (if this is possible) etc. My plan is to build a replica of the TDC device following the "instructions" as carefully and meticulously and I hope to find relevant, accurate and true information for that ( not suppositions). Modern technologies are also under construction, but as far as I know, those technologies help mainly in signal processing and filtering ( not improving the quality of the original signal). Please see: https://transkommunikation.ch/dateien/germanium_receptor_v2/ 10 minutes ago
  20. Hi eveybody! My question is: How to build this (original) TDC device used in The Scole Experiment  (Detailed and meticulous instructions including all electronic components - especially the coils -, their parameters, dimensions and distances from each others, code numbers and availability in case they are for sale or parts of some antique crystal radios) ?Copy of the image representing this original model is uploaded below:



     Cheers, GISMO5367


    1. Dr Jeffers

      Dr Jeffers


      I dont think there are any specific details of this device existing except the basic wiring diagram and pics that you have linked to. There have been reproductions of this device, and the people concerned would have made guesses as to how to build it in relation to spacing of the crystal to the coils, the inductance of each coil, etc. Pieces of germanium can be bought off ebay, and the coils can be wound or existing coils used. The germanium chip is under pressure via the screw, and this is an important point of its operation, I believe. The coil specifications may not be that critical. So its a case of using intuition to build it, so it has best chance of working for you, and therefore you become entangled with it, and it its operation.


    2. GISMO5367


      This image above has been copied from the Internet, and I am not sure how the original version of the TDC-device they used in the Scole Experiment lookes like?  Maybe that image represents just the original version of the device?  I don't have first-hand information and I have had difficulties reaching Robin Foy and other people in the Scole group who are involved. If we build a replica of The Germanium Receptor -  according to my opinion - everything matters: Placemnet of the coils, their size, resistance, amplifier, conversion of the signal from analog to digital format (if this is possible)   etc.  My plan is  to build a replica of  the TDC device following the "instructions" as carefully and meticulously and I hope to find relevant, accurate and true information for that ( not suppositions). Modern technologies are also under construction, but as far as I know, those technologies  help mainly in signal processing and filtering  ( not improving the quality of the original signal).  Please see:  


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