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Andres Ramos

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Posts posted by Andres Ramos

  1. I came across Dr. Parsons videos rather lately as Keith Clark provided them on the VARANORMAL YT channel. While I still not haven't seen all of his videos I remember how I wondered how he made all of them on his own.

    Dr. Parsons made a series of 50 episodes about the most amazing and disturbing topic mankind faces in modern times where mankind sees death as the end of everything. Dr. Prason not just managed to put a well selected compilation of evidence on the table that death doesn't mean annihilation but transformation, he did it in his typical british soberness paired with a decent trace of humor, leaving away all those elements of upsetting sensation we are used from modern infotainment, while always emphasizing that the subject of afterlife is something he is damn serious about and a mission he is carrying in his heart.

    And it was not just a bunch of information he confronted us with, it was quite more. Dr. Parsons told us a story and this is the only way he could achieve the goal he committed himself to because it's about life and death and transformation which constitute a story themselves.

    In his last video Dr. Parson said he was not sure about the value of his contribution to afterlife science since the forces of self destruction in this world and the unwillingness of mankind to become aware of the truth about their existence are spiraling downwards with increasing speed. However even this sad situation is not diminishing Dr. Parsons work in just a fraction. We are not here to save the world. In the first place we are here to learn from it's mess. And those who have eyes to see and ears to hear have learned from Dr. Parsons masterpiece what is needed to perform the transition into another life well.

    You saved a lot of souls Keith Parsons. The ones you could not save don't wanted to be saved and it's their decision and not your responsibility.

    A lot of people will never forget what you did for the most important insight mankind is about to get. Thank you Dr. Parsons!

  2. 10 hours ago, Jennifer said:

    I just found this group and I am super excited to be here! I find these studies incredibly interesting! I am an intuitive, empath, psychic, card reader and at home, I have recorded many spirits on audio and video.

    Welcome Jennifer! It seems you just found the right place. Maybe you can tell us something about the methods you are using. There are lots of forums here dealing with different methods. Maybe you want to share your results with us.



  3. Hi Jonathan. I can confirm the first half of the first audio and the complete second audio. Your results are outstanding!

    Regarding your questions. I experienced what you told a lot. As you probably remember I do my sessions without addressing anyone. Thus the situation that I literally tap into some ongoing discussion with content that is not related to me, is very familiar to me. In the past I even made transcripts about a man and a woman talking about their love.

    For you this may be a sign that your guiding spirits allowed you to widen your focus not only covering your father but now also other spirits 


  4. I can confirm what you heared to 100% Jonathan! You are getting great results that I did not expect!

    What you experience is a widening of the focus. Earlier you focused on just a single person at a time and you got the respective answer.

    Now let me tell you how I have done my ITC sessions so far. I never asked any questions and I never addressed any person, except from some very rare cases. I just have put myself in a neutral position and listened to what they told me. Often some spirit directly talked to me. By the time I recognized some of them coming in frequently and through different devices. One of them calls himself "Merlin" but I also was greeted by others who introduced themselves as Eckhart, Jürgen, Frank and even from Rudi Carell, the dutch comedian who passed away years ago. So basically the kind of connection I established was to open a channel for everyone, apart from negative forces I clearly disallowed to contact me(with mixed success). In my imagination I see this as if suddenly a microphone appears in the otherworld and spirits passing by become curious and want to say 'Hello'.

    Then, in other sessions I had the feeling I just tapped on an ongoing discussion between some spirits or a monologue of one spirit without them recognizing me.

    What you told me is matching my own experiments. The conclusion could be amazing Jonathan. One explanation could be that the internal structure of the LINGER causes this widened focus.

    However another explanation could be that you are experiencing this change actually because something of 'me', of my experiences, attitude and intentions have condensed in the LINGER device I made for you. Wouldn't that be wonderful if we would imprint our personalities in the things we make and if these really would become visible?

  5. Very good Jonathan! After carefully analyzing and applying slowing down speed and a hp filter I heard "Nothing's left and not yet".

    It's no problem we don't hear exactly the same. There is always some ambiguity in every message. Basically I am amazed about the clarity of your results. I had good messages that were a lot more ambiguous in the past.

    Do you ever thought of making transcripts from your sessions? The evolving quality of frequent ITC-sessions becomes visible only by good documentation.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Karyn said:

    Wow that is  different, but then I did not run through any programs.  I did think there could be an accent but played it over and over and still came back to my original thoughts.  Close though Assist & I fixed .... and space.  The accent to me sounded English as in UK.


    Yes I know this too. We hear what we are used to and accents and even more the often weird wording and semantics the spirits are using makes it hard for us to make a clear decision for what we hear.

  7. The second audio was very fascinating. Maybe it contains different voices telling mixed content. I slowed it down by 50% and applied a bit auto spectral denoising. Here are the results in consecutive order.

    "This is Sandhurst"

    Because I still hear a kind of accent I am not sure. This also could be "Es ist Hans hört" ( This is Hans listening) in german. Hans is the name of one of my friends father who deceased sone months ago.


    "Sohin passt es gut"

    For me this clearly is german. The voice tells that everything works fine now with the connection.

    "Austin warp?" "Osten warb?"

    I could not understand this part. Could be English or German but does not make sense anyway.

    "Do it something"

    This again was very clear 

    Here is the complete processed clip.





  8. Adding a microphone

    First  outcome of Jonathan's tests and Karyns comments is that it would be useful to implement a microphone in the device to provide means to record the experimenter questions alongside with the spirit signal.

    Technically this should be done with an

    • electret condenser microphone capsule built into the frontpanel
    • the usual transistor preamplifier
    • a second OpAmp to mix the noise signal from the phototransistor with the microphone
    • Microphone level adjustment is needed->another potentiometer
  9. Hi Jonathan. This is a good idea and not much of a change. I just need to implement a microphone and a operational amplifiers working as a mixer. I will put this on the list of lessons learned and improvements.

    It's somehow funny to see that in the hereafter good networking plays a role like in our world, as your father recommended you for this job.

    Don't stress the communication. We all need our days off and this accounts also for the spirits maybe 😉

  10. Hey Jonathan,

    these are impressing results! Here is what I hear in your samples.

    • "Father": Confirmed!
    • "Love you": I hear something different but cannot understand
    • "Now confer with us": I rather hear "Your father confer with us"
    • "This is good talking but we have to thank you": Confirmed!
    • "Yes indeed good. one plus one": I hear the same with a second voice in the background saying "father"
    • "He is with us because he is a good student": Confirmed!
    • "Want to ask about me? It's not what we do but a good person": I can confirm, however the part .."It's not what we do.." was not legible for me. 

    The messages show that your father seems to be involved in some works on the other side and that he seems to learning.

  11. Sound samples gained with external modulation

    For this test I used the song "Stranger in Nevada" from the band "Matchbox". It's an old song back from the early 80's. Because it is instrumental there are no voices that could be misinterpreted as spirit signals. Some of these samples again were processed with Micheal Lee's itc-translator. The rest was processed by reverb, voice pitch and 15% denoising.

    "Da kommt er vor dem Leid" -> "He arrives before the suffering"


    "Dann wird Mörder" -> "Then turns into murderer"


    "Deinen Freund kannst nicht beigehen" -> "You cannot attend your friend"


    "Dem sprach der Elch net" -> "The moose did not talk to it"


    "Die leichte Spannung wählt" -> "Choose the low voltage"


    "Landwehr Krieg meine Armee" -> "Defensive dyke, war, my army"



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