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Posts posted by Karyn

  1. As Mães de Chico Xavier - ENGLISH SUBTITLES AVAILABLE. PLEASE CHECK IF THE CAPTIONS ARE ON. To know more, see "Chico Xavier - interview 1985", "CHICO XAVIER - MEDIUMSHIP SERVING THE GOOD", "Premature Death by Divaldo Franco" and "Nosso Lar - Astral City" in this link: http://www.oconsolador.com.br/linkfix...

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    Flavio Venturini


    Noites Com Sol

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  2. Afterlife TV at http://www.AfterlifeTV.com Description of Spirit World Channeled by Chico Xavier – Our Home aka Nosso Lar WAGNER DE ASSIS: “Only a few lucky people have seen this early Afterlife TV episode. Brazilian medium Chico Xavier channeled the story of Dr. Andre Luiz who experienced an enlightening spiritual awakening after his death. Chico Xavier published Andre’s story in his bestselling book, ‘Nosso Lar,’ which is Portuguese for Our Home. “This famous book has been made into a movie by filmmaker Wagner de Assis. Wagner wrote and directed the movie titled ‘Astral City: A Spiritual Journey,’ and he was generous enough to talk with me about the movie, the book, and his extensive knowledge about life after death. This is not your typical interview to promote a movie, but rather an insightful conversation about our spiritual journey back home to the spirit world after our lives have ended. Wagner de Assis and I use the movie as the foundation for our afterlife discussion, which stands alone even if you don’t watch the movie.” ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV Don’t miss Bob Olson’s book: “Answers About The Afterlife: A Private Investigator’s 15-Year Research Unlocks The Mysteries Of Life After Death.” http://www.amazon.com/dp/0965601986/?... SHOW NOTES: Released December 6, 2011 in the United States, Astral City is one of the top selling movies in Brazilian history. It was seen by over 2 million people in the first week alone, and was the most expensive production ever made in Brazil. Among it’s many awards, Astral City won the Cinema Brazil Grande Prize for Best Special Effects. Astral City (and Nosso Lar, the book) is the story of one man’s journey after death throughout the spiritual world. It’s a heartwarming story that teaches about love, peace and forgiveness, and it touches a lot of deep questions about the human condition. Writer and director Wagner de Assis says of the film, “It’s a story that moves you, that makes you think and reflect about our origins. It has provoked intense reactions in many people, presenting concepts such as ‘unconscious suicide,’ the application of the spiritual law of action and reaction, and the new paradigms of living with the knowledge that life goes on, that the grave is not the end.” To rent Astral City from $3.99: https://amzn.to/2HAcgFe To purchase the Astral City: A Spiritual Journey DVD on Amazon.com: http://www.amzn.to/tPu3mC. To visit the Astral City Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/astralcityfilm. ……………………………………………….. AFTERLIFE TV is hosted by Afterlife Investigator & Psychic Medium Researcher Bob Olson http://www.afterlifetv.com. Bob Olson’s other sites include: Bob Olson is also the author of “Answers About The Afterlife: A Private Investigator’s 15-Year Research Unlocks The Mysteries Of Life After Death” – available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle ebook: http://www.amazon.com/dp/0965601986/?... or visit http://www.BobOlson.com to download a free excerpt of the book. Best Psychic Directory: http://www.BestPsychicDirectory.com (a directory of hundreds of psychics & mediums by location with reviews & Instant Readings http://www.bestpsychicdirectory.com/i...) Best Psychic Mediums: http://www.BestPsychicMediums.com (his personal recommended list of tested psychics and mediums) Visit Afterlife TV on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/afterlifetv And don’t miss another Afterlife TV episode. Join our email list where Bob sends out emails to announce Afterlife TV’s new videos: http://afterlifetv.us1.list-manage.co...
  3.  BRILLIANT AFTERLIFE MOVIE 'NOSSO LAR' is based on a book sent from the afterlife by the highly credible Dr Andre Luiz through the direct writing mediumship of Chico Xavier. It traces the afterlife experiences of a materialistic doctor from his death to being caught in the lower regions, being taken to a hospital and then exploring his new home.
    Four minute preview

    Astral City: A Spiritual Journey The film is an adaptation of the 1944 book of the same name, said to be dictated by the spirit Andre Luiz and psychographed by Chico Xavier, Brazil's best-known and respected medium, having channeled more than 400 books. The book is considered a great classic of spiritist literature.[citation needed] Engaging the reader from a first-person narrative, Andre Luiz delivers his impressions of the spirit world he encounters after his death. Detailed drawings of the city "Our Home" as well as the architecture of the buildings, ministries and homes, were created by the medium Heigorina Cunha through her observations made during her alleged travels outside of the body in March 1979, led and guided by the spirit Lucius. These drawings served as inspiration to create the visual architecture of the city, that you can see in the movie. His drawings have been clarified and confirmed by Chico Xavier that this was really the spiritual city of Rio de Janeiro called "Our Home".

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    Unfortunately the movie keeps being taken down, as we who work in the field know happens through the machinations of a dying materialistic society.  However it is well worth getting the book and hunting for the film  which will be called Astral City.

  4. Geraldo Lemos Neto talks about his experience with one of the greatest spiritist medium of the last century - Francisco Candido Xavier (Chico Xavier). Geraldo personally met Chico in 1981 with whom he developed a great friendship. Currently, Geraldo is the president of the "Casa (Home) de Chico Xavier" in the city of Pedro Leopoldo and of the "Vinha de Luz" publisher,in Belo Horizonte, MD, Brazil.


    Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Saybrook University, is a Fellow in four APA divisions, and past-president of two divisions (30 and 32). Formerly, he was director of the Maimonides Medical Center Dream Research Laboratory, in Brooklyn NY. He is co-author of Dream Telepathy, Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them, The Mythic Path, and Haunted by Combat: Understanding PTSD in War Veterans, and co-editor of Debating Psychic Experience: Human Potential or Human Illusion, Healing Tales, Healing Stories, Varieties of Anomalous Experience: Examining the Scientific Evidence, Advances in Parapsychological Research and many other books. He is a Fellow of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, and has published cross-cultural studies on spiritual content in dreams. Here Stanley Krippner discusses the three main spiritist religions of Brazil: Candomblé, Umbanda, and Kardecismo. Candomblé and Umbanda are, essentially, variations of the African Yoruba tradition. The African slaves in Brazil incorporated Catholic Saints into their religion in order to disguise the fact that they were still worshipping the deities of their homeland. The Kardecismo tradition was imported from Europe, based on the spiritist writings of the French pedagogue, Allan Kardec. Krippner describes his own research with spiritist mediums of these traditions, pointing out that when they incorporated spiritual entities measurable changes occurred in their physiology. New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.

  6. Yes, I have seen it now in several different forms, from black to wispy in form.  I have been quite privileged to sit with Kai Muegge (Germany -  interesting seances) his circle is Felix Circle.  Kai's one I saw was quite thin at points but Hans his spirit control was very firm in telling people to leave their attitudes behind if they come to look at the ectoplasm which we could do for a short time.  He mentioned it several times, he would have known that there were people in the group who were intolerant of, or homophobic.   I noted that one or two did not move.  I did and I was rewarded with the most exquisite portrait of Freddie Mercury who was a brilliant man.

    I have just been talking to a knowledgable lady and we were talking about how many unknown mediums are in NZ and Australia because of course we have much water and mediumship seems to flourish around water eg Great Lakes in the US and Scotland.

    Ectoplasm however does have some serious effects many of which we are still learning.  The great Helen Duncan was killed primarily because police raided her in a seance and turned on the lights and the ectoplasm shot back into her stomach.  The composition of ectoplasm is known but I do not know why the variations, I am still learning.


  7. Afterlife Answer - Part 26 (Zoom Talk 6th Dec 2020 - 3)
    Explaining higher states of consciousness to our 3D mind inevitably leads to a lot of misunderstanding and confusion, because it is like nothing we can know.
    Coming home, to your real home and reuniting with the source of your consciousness. What then? Is it not boring? So what do the Saints do with the rest of Eternity? What is it REALLY like to see the Akashic Records? People say it is like a big library, but this was no my experience. It is far more and far more real. It is the perfect virtual world.
    The universe is not dead matter. Everything is consciousness, even ice.
    The experience of time dissolves in higher states. You can experience eternity in a split second and get the whole aspect of eternity in higher consciousness, without interruption anything you may be doing at the time, not even interrupting your sentence.
    Compared to the incredible scope of what can be experienced in higher states of consciousness, everything we experience here, now, will feel pedestrian and second rate, we will quickly lose interest in, once we awaken to the higher states. It is like coming out of a dark cellar into bright summer garden light.
    Roundtable on Ectoplasm and Materialization Continues (Part 3)

    Posted on 21 December 2020, 10:51

    A virtual roundtable involving four pioneers of psychical research on the subjects of ectoplasm and materialization began with my post of November 23, while Part 2 was posted on December 7.  This is the final part.  The roundtable members are Sir Williams Crookes, Professor Charles Richet, Dr. Gustave Geley, and Dr. Albert von Schrenck-Notzing, all identified in the first post. I am serving as moderator.

    As stated in Part 1, the words here are those of the researchers, as extracted from their reports and books, except words in brackets, which are inferred to permit a meaningful flow and link. 

    Moderator: I am pleased to announce that Dr. William J. Crawford is in town and will be joining us for this final session. I know that you are all familiar with his work, but for the benefit of the audience, I will note that Dr. Crawford has done extensive research with mediums. He was a lecturer in mechanical engineering at Queen’s University of Belfast and the Municipal Technical Institute of Belfast.  Beginning in 1914, he had 87 sittings with the Goligher Circle over a period of some two-and-a-half years, resulting in four books – The Reality of Psychic Phenomena (1918), Hints and Observations on the Phenomena of Spiritualism (1918), Experiments in Psychical Science (1919), and The Psychic Structure of the Goligher Circle (1921)  (The other four welcomed Dr. Crawford)

    I’d like to begin by asking Dr. Crawford to summarize his experiences with ectoplasm, although I realize he referred to it simply as plasma.  It is my understanding, Dr. Crawford, that you did not actually visualize the plasma or ectoplasm until the very end of your research.


    Crawford:  “[My pleasure.] On one occasion, while the table was levitated I placed my hand under it near the top.  As in previous tests, I felt no sense of pressure whatever, but I did feel a clammy, cold, almost oily sensation – in fact, an indescribable sensation, as though the air there were mixed with particles of dead and disagreeable matter.  Perhaps the best word to describe the feeling is ‘reptilian.’ I have felt the same substance often – and I think it is substance – in the vicinity of the medium, but there it has appeared to me to be moving outwards from her.  Once felt, the experimenter always recognizes it again.  This was the only occasion on which I have felt it under the levitated table, though perhaps it is always there, but not usually in such intense form.  Its presence under the table and also in the vicinity of the medium shows that it has something to do with the levitation; and in short I think there can be little doubt that it is actual matter temporarily taken from the medium’s body and put back at the end of the séance, and that it is the basic principle underlying the transmission of psychic force.  The table soon dropped when I moved my hand to and fro in amongst this psychic stuff.”

    Moderator: You wrote of observing all this under a red light. However, it is somewhat unclear as to what you actually witnessed.


    Crawford: “The light is usually strong enough – after the eyes get accustomed to its red color – to see quite plainly all the sitters. It is a subdued kind of light, issuing from a large surface of ordinary gas flame.  The only difficulty in the visibility is where a table or other large body casts a shadow over a portion of the floor … The greatest trouble experienced by the experimenter in tracing the outlines of the psychic structures at the Goligher circle lies in the fact they are generally quite invisible under the ordinary conditions of the séance room. They are not always quite invisible, but usually so.”

    Moderator: You mentioned not being able to take photographs until the final stages of your research.



    Crawford: [“True.] Only within the last six months or so has it been found possible to photograph the stuff which issues from the medium’s body – I call it ‘plasma’ for want of a better word – and from which the psychic structures are built up that produce the phenomena of raps, levitations, touchings, etc. … The operators informed me by raps that success would finally come if I would be persistent enough. The chief difficulty seemed to be in preventing injury to the medium. The operators said it was necessary gradually to work her up to withstand the shock of the flashlight upon the plasma; nor is this much to be wondered at when it is considered the plasma is part of her body exteriorized in space.”

    Moderator: Thank you, Dr. Crawford. I would like to devote the remainder of this last session to the concern as to what is behind all this strange activity. Sir William, since your research preceded that of the others here, I’d ask to begin with you.

    Crookes: “Without wishing at present to speak positively on this point, I may say that whilst I have observed many circumstances which appear to show that the will and intelligence of the medium have much to do with the phenomena, I have observed some circumstances which seem conclusively to point to the agency of an outside intelligence, not belonging to any human being in the room.”

    Richet: “[Let’s call it what it is.] We have come to the spiritist hypothesis. It is neither to be desired nor feared. When we devote ourselves to the high task of seeking truth, we ought not to be intimidated by the opinion of the crowd, nor allured by any obscure desire for personal immortality … The hypothesis is frank and clear. By conferring omniscience on spirits it explains most of the facts, but it involves so many improbabilities that, despite its seeming simplicity, I find myself unable to adopt it. Nevertheless I oppose it half-heartedly, for I am quite unable to bring forward any wholly satisfactory counter-theory.”

    Schrenck-Notzing: “[I believe] that the spirit hypothesis not only fails to explain the slightest detail of these occurrences, but it impedes and hinders in every way serious scientific investigation … Nearly all the investigators who have lately studied the phenomena of physical mediumship – which, in view of the psychogenic character of the occurrences, must always retain some connection with psychical phenomena – incline towards a rejection of the spiritistic theory in favour of the psycho-dynamical conception and towards a purely observational attitude.”

    Moderator: Dr. Geley, your thoughts or position?

    Geley: “It should be beyond doubt that the Self both pre-exists, and that it survives the grouping which it directs during one’s earth life; that it more particularly survives its lower objectifaction during this life. This may at least be admitted, if not as a mathematical certainty, at least as a high probability. If so, the manifestation of a ‘discarnate spirit’ on the material plane by the aid of dynamic and organic elements borrowed from the medium then appears an undeniable possibility.”

    Moderator:  Dr. Crawford, in your reports, you refer to “operators” on the other side communicating with you in carrying out your experiments.  Do you see these operators as spirits of the “dead” or some aspect of the subconscious?

    Crawford: “[The subconscious] is the alternative I had in mind all through my investigations.  As months succeeded month, as each new phase of phenomena was presented, as each new experiment was done, I always said to myself, ‘Can this very determined work of seemingly intelligent beings be but a simulation after all?  Can it be all a fraud?  Is it possible that nature holds intelligences belonging to ourselves or otherwise, which could so persistently deceive?  Why should our subliminal consciousness (supposing we possess such a thing) carry out for us phenomenal demonstrations on the lines of reason and intelligence, requiring effort and system, for the object of deceiving us?’  No! It seems most unlikely and repellant to our sense of the fitness of things.  Nobody who has not delved deeply into psychic phenomena can have any conception of its tremendous variety and range.  It includes telekinetic phenomena, apports, materialization, the direct voice, clairvoyance, clairaudience, trance, etc., etc.  There are, in fact, dozens of phases of psychic action, all consistent in the inference to which they lead, namely, that man survives death, and inconsistent on any other hypothesis.”
    Moderator: Some critics have a difficult time believing that spirits would be engaged in what seems to them as tomfoolery.  As I understand it from your reports, they are experimenting, just as you are? What do you say to this?

    Crawford: “I admit that it is very difficult for the ordinary person to bring home to his consciousness the fact that these unseen beings can possibly be like himself in their make-up.  There is an ingrained feeling in humanity that the beings inhabiting the after-death world must be far removed from us in mental qualities and characteristics – we feel that they should a great advance in intellectual equipment over what they possessed here; that they should be, if not quite angels, at any rate not far removed from them.  Of course this instinctive feeling we all possess is due to centuries of religious instruction behind us; we feel that the next state must of necessity be either heaven or hell.  Hence it is rather a shock to us when we find the inhabitants of that other state not to be angels by any manner of means, not to exceed us appreciably in intelligence, but to be, in fact, only good-natured beings of much the same capacity as our familiar selves.”

    Moderator: Did the operators tell you anything about their living conditions?

    Crawford: “The entities communicating say that the next state is not a homogeneous whole, but that it is built up of ‘spheres’ and ‘realms,” and that they themselves do not all belong to one sphere.  Entities belonging to a higher sphere may come down at will to a lower, but not vice versa … The first sphere would seem to be the abode of people whose moral development was somewhat low as they passed from things terrestrial; who need a lot of cleaning up before they can rise into the second and higher spheres; in other words, the spheres next the earth are the abode of the riff-raff of humanity.  The entities tell me that all our experimental circles are guarded very strictly on their side so that no undesirable shall be able to get near.  As a matter of fact I would not care to be in the Belfast séance room if I had any doubt of the beneficent intentions of those behind the scenes.”

    Moderator: Did they ever tell you why they are interested in demonstrating at these séances?

    Crawford: “[Yes.] Their answer to this is that the mere fact of being engaged in producing the phenomena and thus doing useful work helps them in their own development.  For this and for other reasons I have rather come to the conclusion that one of the central ideas underlying the activities of the next state is that of service.” 

    Moderator: Outside of the operators, are other spirits aware of what is going on?
    Crawford:  “According to the operators the people on their side are somewhat curious about psychic phenomena.  I have often asked them if there were many looking on at our séances.  Whenever asked the questions they would begin rapping and keep on rapping until we were tired of hearing them.  They wished to indicate by this that there were great crowds of spirit people looking on.  They told me this was the case at all our séances.  They gave me the impression that the séance room and the sitters were surrounded by a huge invisible audience arranged in an orderly and disciplinary manner, perhaps tier upon tier as in a lecture theater.  The séance to many of them would appear to be as novel as it is to us.”

    Moderator: Dr. Geley, I can see you want to add something.

    Geley: “For my own part, if I may give a personal impression of what I have observed in the domain of mediumship, I should say that even if in a given case spiritist intervention could not be affirmed as a scientific certainty, one is obliged, willingly or unwillingly and on the aggregate of cases, to admit the possibility of such intervention. I think it is probable that there is, in mediumship, an action of intelligent entities distinct from the medium. I base this opinion not only on the alleged proofs of identity given by the communicators, which may be matters of controversy, but on the high and complex phenomena of mediumship. These frequently show direction and intention which cannot, unless very arbitrarily be referred to the medium or the experimenters. We do not find this direction and intelligence either in the normal consciousness of the medium, nor in his somnambulistic consciousness, nor in his impressions, his desires, or his fears, whether direct, indirect, suggested, or voluntary. We can neither produce the phenomena nor modify them. All happens as though the directing intelligence were independent and autonomous.  Even this is not all. This directing intelligence seems to be deeply aware of much that we do not know; it can distinguish between the essence of things and their representations; it knows these sufficiently to be able to modify as its will the relations which normally govern these representations in space and time. In a word, the higher phenomena of mediumship seem to indicate, to necessitate, and to proclaim direction, knowledge and abilities which surpass the powers – even the subconscious powers – of the mediums.”

    Moderator:  Sir William, as the senior person here, would you like to wrap it up?

    Crookes: “In old Egyptian days, a well-known inscription was carved over the portal of the temple of Isis: ‘I am whatever hath been, is, or ever will be; and my veil no man hath yet lifted.’ Not thus do modern seekers after truth confront Nature – the word that stands for the baffling mysteries of the Universe. Steadily, unflinchingly, we strive to pierce the inmost heart of Nature, from what she is to re-construct what she has been, and to prophesy what she yet shall be. Veil after veil we have lifted, and her face grows more beautiful, august, and wonderful, with every barrier that is withdrawn.” 

    Michael Tymn is the author of The Afterlife Revealed: What Happens After We Die, Resurrecting Leonora Piper: How Science Discovered the Afterlife, and Dead Men Talking: Afterlife Communication from World War I.
    His forthcoming book, No One Really Dies: 25 Reasons to Believe in an Afterlife is released on January 26, 2021.


  9. Canadian afterlife researcher Donna Smith is director of Metaphysics Research, an organisation she founded in 2009 to study mental and physical mediumship, OBEs, NDEs, past-life regression, energy healing, past life regresssions, and ITC. In this talk she discusses her book Medium7 which presents the results of a detailed study of mediumship in which she conducted extensive interviews with ten gifted mediums and their clients. You can learn more about Donna's work from her wbsite www.medium7.com and her Youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4do...
  10. The Lost Franklin Expeditionhttps://i0.wp.com/www.spiritualpathspiritualistchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/franklin-expedition-merl.jpg?fit=1200%2C676&ssl=1

    In 1845, Captain Sir John Franklin sailed from England with two ships, the HMS Erebus and HMS Terror, trying to navigate sections of the Arctic Northwest Passage. Their crews totaled 129 officers and men and after no news of them by 1848, they were considered lost

    Lack of communication at that time made it difficult to find the lost ships. Jane Franklin, John’s wife, and her niece, Sophia Cracoft, took it upon themselves to manage the information that was reported. Much of it was rumor and hoaxes. A search was launched for the missing expedition in 1848, but the ships were not located.

    During that time, mesmerism was a new phenomenon under investigation. One of those investigators was Dr. Joseph W. Haddock. He found that by using small doses of ether, he could put his domestic servant, Emma, into a trance-like state. Emma, the “Seeress of Bolton,” was used to demonstrate the trance state during the doctor’s public lectures.

    Over time, the doctor experimented with Emma to see if she had any clairvoyant ability. Although the woman was illiterate, she was able to solve two lost and found cases in their local area. She also described a man in Australia and could see that the seasons were the opposite where the man lived.

    Captain Alexander Maconochie was an associate of Dr. Haddock’s, and when Franklin went missing, he requested that Emma be asked about the ships and crew. In the fall of 1848, she said that Franklin and a few of the crew were still alive. She described Franklin as a bald man, which he was. She also said they were clad in rough skins and their cheeks were sunk in, but the men remained hopeful. When asked to locate the ships, Emma pointed to locations on a map of the Arctic region. At first, she indicated the Barrow’s Straits and then Queen Elizabeth Islands.

    Another clairvoyant, Ellen Dawson, was also employed to locate the ships and crew. She said that the men were still alive and had a few food stores to keep them for a while. She couldn’t give any details about the location of the men. A search ship under the command of James Clark Ross, searched for the missing ships and crew, but they were never found.

    Modern researchers believe the men of the expedition did not die quickly. They could still have been alive in 1848, as Emma suggested. But eventually they would have succumbed to hypothermia, starvation and other deficiencies in the hostile environment.

    In 2014, a Canadian search team, with help from Inuit stories, located the wreck of Erebus in the eastern portion of Queen Maud Gulf. Two years later, the Arctic Research Foundation found the wreck of Terror south of King William Island. These were located about 300 miles south of Emma’s suggested location.

    Additional Reading:

    Mc Corristine, Shane. “Mesmerism, clairvoyance and the search for the lost Franklin expedition.” In Spectral Arctic, UCL Press. www.jstor.org

    Woodman, D.C. (1991) Unravelling the Franklin Mystery: Inuit Testimony. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press.


  11. image.png.de505c0c68fadb0d6cddf083e76cc850.png

    “… if you had perfect faith you could rise above all the troubles of your world. You would turn your faces to the sun, which is but an emblem of the Great Spirit, and say: “I am a part of the Great Spirit. I am indestructible. I am eternal. I am infinite. That which is finite and part of the world of matter cannot touch me”. If you did that, you would not be touched.”
    (Teachings of Silver Birch, 1993, p.52)
    This week's Friday Afterlife Report is now online at www.victorzammit.com/December11th2020
    Photo by Todd Tobey Photography on Getty Images
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