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Posts posted by Karyn

  1. Gosh, if I did not pinch myself as they say, to find out I am alive,  from the bottom up, the 3rd is one that looks remarkably like myself.  Of course I do not know what your computer ones look like to compare but there are some amazing faces animal and "humanoid" captures in here well done.   Being a lover of owls I am pleased to see one of them clearly in one snapshot.  All are wonderful captures.

    No 3 from the top down looks like a great pair of eyes, of a man in a hat, shame there is an equally wonderful face covering his mouth area.  My guess is that he has facial hair, moustache and beard.




    “My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?” Bob Hope.


    This week's Friday Afterlife Report, now online at https://victorzammit.com/December23rd2022/

    comes with our warmest wish that you will have a happy, safe and loving Christmas!


    Wendy and Victor XXX


    Photo by Elena Shumilova

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    "Spirit, not matter, is the reality. You may not be able to see it, or touch it, or feel it. You may not be able to experience its reality in the manner in which you obtain material sensations, but it is still the master of all. Realise that you belong to eternity, You are but pilgrims treading a temporary passage through life". Silver Birch.


    This week's Friday Afterlife Report is now online at https://www.victorzammit.com/December16th2022

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    “As far as service goes, it can take the form of a million things. To do service, you don’t have to be a doctor working in the slums for free, or become a social worker. Your position in life and what you do doesn’t matter as much as how you do what you do.”


    Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross


    This week's Friday Afterlife Report is now online at https://www.victorzammit.com/December9th2022


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    How to Read the Flipbook version:
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    A Metaphysical Magazine Featuring Angelic Communications



  6. When the U. S. Senate Jested Over Spirits

    Posted on 05 December 2022, 8:53

    In April 1854, a petition by some 15,000 people calling themselves “memorialists”  requested the United States Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives to appoint a scientific commission to conduct an investigation into the strange “occult force” that had been witnessed by so many of them and others in recent years. The petition was spearheaded by Nathaniel P. Tallmadge, who had served the State of New York in the U.S. Senate for 10 years and then the Territory of Wisconsin as its governor before his retirement from public office.

    Tallmadge             tallmadge.jpg.f0ec411e16ba6234de663d0cc54bc7e3.jpg

    As Tallmadge saw it, the petition involved the most serious subject facing humans – whether or not consciousness survives death in a larger reality. What can me more serious a subject than that? Not even the question of God’s existence can be more serious, as a God without that “larger reality” adds little to life’s meaning.  And, yet, the United States Senate rejected the petition with vainglorious jest.

    The occult force was, according to the petition, “exhibited in sliding, raising, arresting, holding, suspending, and otherwise disturbing numerous ponderable bodies, apparently in direct opposition to the acknowledged laws of matter, and altogether transcending the accredited powers of the human mind.”  It had been “manifested to thousands of intelligent and discriminating persons, while the human senses have hitherto failed to detect, to the satisfaction of the public, either the primary or proximate causes of these phenomena.”

    The petition further mentioned a variety of sounds, including mysterious rappings which appear to indicate the presence of an invisible intelligence, along with harmonic sounds, as of human voices, but more frequently resembling the tones of various musical instruments, and other strange phenomena.

    The petitioners admitted that there were two schools of thought among them relative to the phenomena. “The one ascribes them to the power and intelligence of departed spirits, operating on and through the subtle and imponderable elements which pervade and permeate all material forms; and this, it should be observed, accords with the ostensible claims and pretensions of the manifestations themselves.” Other petitioners rejected this hypothesis and “entertain the opinion that the acknowledged principles of physics and metaphysics will enable scientific inquirers to account for all the facts in a rational and satisfactory manner.” 

    In spite of the disagreement relative to cause, both sides concurred in the opinion that “the alleged phenomena do really occur, and that their mysterious origin, peculiar nature and important bearing on the interests of mankind, demand from them a patient, thorough, and scientific investigation.”

    Tallmadge was clearly among those subscribing to the spirit hypothesis. He had become interested in the subject after hearing Judge John Edmonds’s report of his investigations of various phenomena. Soon thereafter, his 13-year-old daughter began displaying mediumistic abilities, including playing the piano like an experienced pianist. “She knows nothing of notes or music, and never played the piano before in her life,” he wrote in a letter to Edmonds, whom he had known during his political career. “The first time she played was Beethoven’s Grand Waltz, and then several others with which we were familiar.  After that, she played many we had never heard before, and improvised words suited to the airs, beautiful, and of the highest tone of religious and moral sentiment.”

    Beginning sometime in 1852, Tallmadge sat with a number of mediums.  “I have seen rapping mediums, writing mediums, and speaking mediums, and have received communications through all of them,” he wrote.  “I have witnessed physical manifestations, such as the movement of tables, without any visible agency.  These physical manifestations are more satisfactory to the mass of mankind, because they appeal directly to the senses.  I am better pleased myself with the moral, if I may so call them, than the physical manifestations.”

    Tallmadge concluded that the “intelligence” behind the phenomena did not come from the objects involved but from a spiritual source.  “I have frequently received such communications of an elevated character, and far above the capacity of the medium,” he further reported. “I conclude, therefore, they do not come from the medium, nor from the mind of the interrogator.”

    Tallmadge claimed hearing from several distinguished friends in the spirit world, including John C. Calhoun, (below) former Vice-President of the United States, Daniel Webster, a former U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, and Henry Clay, a former U. S. Senator from Kentucky, all of whom he had known while serving in the Senate. “These communications, too, are perfectly characteristic of the individuals from whom they purport to come,” he stated, mentioning that the style and language of the communication purportedly coming from Webster was “perfectly ‘Websterian,’ from the pure Saxon English which runs throughout the whole of it.”

    Calhoun        calhoun.jpg.899323b19cf6f2572437bade5007e8fa.jpg

    In a letter dated September 12, 1852, Tallmadge informed Edmonds of communication coming from Calhoun, who had died March 31, 1850, through a medium referred to as “Mrs. S.”  Calhoun informed the circle that because of his inexperience on that side of the veil, he was limited in his ability to communicate.  “I deeply feel the barrenness of my soul, the lack of wisdom, the dread of ridicule, the loss of friends, the thought of enemies which debarred me from participating, from being experienced, from a want of knowledge of this holy privilege,” Calhoun communicated, going on to say, “How very dim life on earth seems to me now!  I look upon it as a troubled dream, wherein were indeed some bright spots, some kind feelings shed around my path to make it brighter.  I was but the germ placed in a casket of clay, whose inner unfoldings, whose heaven-sent aspirations, should have begun to develop themselves sooner while placed there.”

    Calhoun continued to communicate with Tallmadge in succeeding months, and then in April of 1853 he asked Calhoun the purpose of the communications.  The question was put to Calhoun mentally so that the medium would not know the question (unless, of course, she could read his mind).  “My friend,” Calhoun replied, “the question is often put to you, ‘What good can result from these manifestations?’  I will answer it:  It is to draw mankind together in harmony, and convince skeptics of the immortality of the soul.”

    Tallmadge explained that these communications from Calhoun came through a large, heavy, round table, one at which 10-12 people could sit, by the tilting method (the alphabet recited by the sitters and the table would tilt at the correct letter). He observed the table move as much as three to four feet with nobody near it. During all these movements no person touched it, nor was any one near it,” Tallmadge explained.

    In one sitting, Calhoun is said to have taken control of a pencil and wrote, “I’m with you still.”  Tallmadge later showed the paper to a number of Calhoun’s friends, as well as Calhoun’s son, and all found it to be a perfect facsimile of the Calhoun’s writing.  Moreover, they took special note of the contraction “I’m,” which apparently was very unusual at that time, nearly everyone else writing “I am.”  It was pointed out by several of the friends that Calhoun was in the habit of writing “I’m” for “I am.”  (More detail on the communication from Calhoun, Webster, and Clay is offered in my 2011 book, The Afterlife Explorers)

    While preferring to avoid public observation, Tallmadge said that he found it necessary to speak out in his defense and in the defense of others who had the moral courage to make their investigations known.  “It seems that when this monomania seizes any of these anti-spiritual denouncers, it is accompanied by a sort of proclivity for slander from which their sanity on other subjects is exempt,” he wrote. “I do not, therefore, incline to hold the gentleman responsible for this retailed slander on Judge Edmonds, or his libelous charge of ‘rank blasphemy’ on me…I can make great allowances for these monomaniacs, and would advise them, in their lucid intervals, to argue this question without denouncing those who investigate it.”

    Tallmadge asked Senator James Shields of Illinois to present the petition to the Senate. Shields agreed and began his April 1854 presentation on a serious note; however, he ended it by criticizing it, clearly in self-defense. “I make it a rule to present any petition to the Senate which is respectful in its terms, but, having discharged this duty, I may be permitted to say, that the prevalence of this delusion at this age of the world, among any considerable portion of our citizens, must originate, in my opinion, in a defective system of education, or in a partial derangement of mental faculties, produced by a diseased condition of the physical organization.,” he began his defense. “I cannot, therefore, believe that it prevails to the extent indicated in this petition. Different ages of the world have had their peculiar delusions…” The speech continued with examples from earlier ages and was frequently interrupted by laughter. 

    Other senators then asked questions.  Senator Weller asked what Shields proposes to do with the petition. Senator Pettit opined that it should be referred to three-thousand clergymen, to which there was much laughter. Senator Weller then suggested it be referred to the committee on foreign relations, to which there was more laughter. Senator Weller added that it would have to be determined whether the spirits were Americans when they left this world. Senator Mason jested that it would be better handled by the committee on military affairs, of which he was chairman. Clearly, the reception was a waggish one and it was finally moved by Senator Mason that it be tabled, which was agreed to.

    Tallmadge was furious and responded with a letter in the National Intelligencer on the 18th of April, writing, in part:  “General Shields has given a very good synopsis of this memorial; and had he stopped there, I should not have felt myself called upon for any remarks. But, contrary to my expectations, the general has attempted to ridicule a subject which appealed to his better judgment, and which, according to my understanding, was to receive a very different treatment at his hands.”  Tallmadge further stated that Shields treated it with great courtesy and initially explained to him and agreed that it was worthy of investigation. Shields responded the following day by saying he was never a believer and that Tallmadge misunderstood him. 

    In a lengthy letter of April 20, Tallmadge stressed that the understanding was that Shields would refer it to a select committee as there was no standing committee prepared to consider it. “The honorable gentleman, therefore, must be laboring under some strange hallucination on this subject; more strange, indeed, than the ‘delusion’ under which he, with so much delicacy and self-complacency, supposed these memorialists were laboring, because they had come to a conclusion different from his own on a subject which, from thorough investigation, they were presumed to understand, and which, for want of investigation, he was presumed to know nothing about!”

    Now, some 168 years later, nothing has really changed.  How sad!

    Michael Tymn is the author of The Afterlife Revealed: What Happens After We Die, Resurrecting Leonora Piper: How Science Discovered the Afterlife, and Dead Men Talking: Afterlife Communication from World War I.
    His latest book, No One Really Dies: 25 Reasons to Believe in an Afterlife is published by White Crow books.

  7. I find this topic quite interesting as there are many thoughts alleged to have come from higher beings that state that the spirit-soul does not enter the body always at conception.  Indeed it is considered that it is more common for the entity to come and go through out the pregnancy and as time increases in the prenatal state the spirit is inclined to spend more and more time within the womb, although will still have the ability to come and go.

    It is reported that many spirits are uncomfortable in the pregnant state and I have read at least one version that says the soul can take up to three days post birth to join the mother. Although those who choose not to go through with the pregnancy may opt to be born sleeping, and or exit at any point in the pregnancy.

    I wonder if being so heavily impressed and surrounded with catholicism prior to his works Kardec was influenced in this matter.  Chico too was a pious man.  I find it hard separating the religion from the question.  

    I guess for me that is one of the questions I would like to learn about when I depart this planet.

    By the way, great work Alberto as per usual. 

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    What a year it has been at the Shared Crossing Research Initiative (SCRI)! I am humbled by the many lives that our work has impacted. In January, I released a best-selling book called At Heaven’s Door, published by Simon & Schuster; SCRI published the first article in medical science on the shared death experience in the American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine; we published our Shared Crossing Spectrum of End-of-Life Experiences in the Omega Journal of Death and Dying (the top academic journal in the field); I’ve disseminated our work in interviews on nearly 100 podcasts/radio and print media outlets; and I recently had the privilege of co-hosting The Shift Network’s Beyond the Veil Summit, which was viewed by over 30,000 people.


     Our SCRI team has purposefully been documenting end-of-life experiences (aka shared crossings) so that we may shift our cultural perception of the final chapter of life and transform end-of-life care. Our work is focused on a two-pronged approach to affecting positive change:

    • Grass Roots Impact: SCRI's research-based programs create the intimate space for you, our community, to share your hopes and desires for end of life while also providing the means to prepare for a conscious, connected, and loving end of life. For many, it was their participation in the Shared Crossing Pathways seminar, our flagship program, that transformed their remaining time with aging parents and loved ones. And that has made all the difference in how they feel about their lives now, as well as their ongoing relationships.
    • Provider Level Impact: After seeing our research in hospice and end-of-life publications, healthcare providers tell us that our research confirms what they already knew: that the end of life is a prime time for miracles to occur in the form of meaningful communication between loved ones across the veil. By conducting the research and disseminating our findings to the public and to end of life practitioners (hospice workers, spiritual counselors, mental health practitioners, etc.), we have been instrumental in affecting positive change


    Your support is essential in continuing the momentum of our transformative work! Please donate so that we can continue our vital mission of transforming our society's relationship to end of life. On behalf of our SCRI team, I thank you in advance for joining us in manifesting this bold vision.

    With great gratitude,


    William Peters 

    & The Shared Crossing Research Initiative Team


    Donate Here


    Gordon Phinn has been experiencing & writing about the afterlife and reincarnation since about 1999, with his first book "Eternal Life And How To Enjoy It". From his home in Oakville, Ontario, Gordon continues to offer services, including distance energy work, spirit communication, past and between life regression, and guidance on psychic and spiritual matters. His blog is found at http://anotherwordofgord.wordpress.com
    Gordon will be our guest on the Zoom Global Gathering this week - see calendar for details.

  10. Ginette Biro was recently on the Zammit Global Zoom Group a free group offered to anyone with speakers from all aspects of the afterlife.

    GINETTE BIRO LEARNED THE VALUE OF HER LIFE When Ginette Biro had her near-death experience on August 30th, 2019 she was shown the blueprint of her life and came to understand the incredible value of an earth-life for soul development. She realised that she was at a planned exit point, but that she still had things she wanted to accomplish. She was allowed to make minor changes to the remainder of her plan, removing things that would no longer serve her such as continuing ill-health. She recorded her fascinating experiences in her book "Avalon to Aurora | Lessons From The Other Side To Guide Your Life On Earth: A Medium's Near-Death Experience".
    See the "Ginette Biro Podcast" and her Youtube channel "Ginette Biro Medium". 



    "All that makes people crave position, wealth, authority, and power, we regard as unimportant. When the body dies they all die with it. But the service that has been rendered cannot die because in doing it you increase your own spiritual growth. The service that is given out of love and affection and devotion helps to increase the character, and so makes an eternal hall-mark on the soul."

    "Guidance from Silver Birch" p. 72.


    This week's Friday Afterlife Report is now online at https://www.victorzammit.com/December2nd2022

  12.   "It's also used in shampoo"

    I put some water in a bowl and then poured in some shampoo - since water is colourless the shampoo stands out.  I did the same with water and hair conditioner and obtained another interesting effect. 

    In both cases since I had no food colouring I could not test that part of colouring the water.  


    Hi Karyn,

    I hope this email finds you well 🙂

    Welcome to the November newsletter for Global Grey!

    I think most of us can agree that times are hard right now. Like a lot of people, I've had to take a second job so I can pay my bills, etc, which does mean I don't have as much time to add new books. So from now on, the newsletter will be sent out every two months instead of every month.

    For all of you wishing to load up your e-readers over the festive season, you might like to know that right now the entire collection of over 2,400 ebooks is on sale for only £10. There are only a few left that are available at this price before it goes back up, so hurry up if you are interested!

    Because the next newsletter won't be until the end of January, I will take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



    Below is a list of all the new books that have been added to the site since the last newsletter:

    New Books

    Principles of Nature by Elihu Palmer

    The Waning of the Middle Ages by Johan Huizinga

    In the Outer Court by Annie Besant

    The Wisdom of the Egyptians by Brian Brown

    The Witch-Cult in Western Europe by Margaret Alice Murray

    The Animal Story Book by Andrew Lang

    The House of the Dead by Fyodor Dostoevsky

    The Voice of Eros by Ernest L. Norman

    Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 by Havelock Ellis

    The Hymns of Hermes by George Robert Stowe Mead

    Animism by George William Gilmore

    Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Volume 1 by Elbert Hubbard

    Heu-Heu by H. Rider Haggard

    Oil! by Upton Sinclair

    Benjamin Franklin, Self-Revealed by William Cabell Bruce

    Sane Occultism by Dion Fortune

    The Yoruba Speaking Peoples by A. B. Ellis

    The March Up Country by Xenophon

    César Cascabel by Jules Verne

    The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio

    Women of all Nations by T. Athol Joyce



    The next newsletter will be sent out at the end of January.

    Finally - if you haven't already, please do consider supporting the site with a small donation of £1/$1 - your financial help will ensure that the site can continue running and that I can carry on creating and offering these ebooks for free.

    All the best,
    Global Grey - Nothing But eBooks






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    Terra 08 — Physics on Earth and in Spirit Are Worlds Apart


    Note: Let’s look at what might be called “perfect physics,” in which the entire cosmos seems to be run by a few simple principles that are embodied in the source. Then, the principles become more complicated and illusory as life-energy (or what we loosely term “consciousness”) leaves the source and spreads and devolves into denser and denser realms… all the way out to material universes like ours. Once we understand the simplicity of perfect physics, the complexities of our own physics here on Earth will start to unravel. Anyway, that’s the working theory. Let’s see how it plays out.

    As depicted in this pulled-apart diagram, life-energy leaves the source as perfect, nonvibrating light with the intention to spread vitality, purpose, and good motivations to everyone and everything throughout the cosmos. As soon as it leaves the source, though, it starts to vibrate very fast, then slower and slower as it devolves to create and nourish the cosmos. Everything in every world in countless universes (represented by the fine, white circles) gets more illusory and complicated as the life-energy streams out-beyond from the source. To keep it all simple, the cosmos can be divided into arbitrary levels—in this case, seven levels—that from our perspective are all superimposed over each other beyond time and space.

    Our physics here on Earth is built largely around matter, energy, space, time, and gravity… and how they affect and comprise everything we can perceive in our material universe, from the very small (subatomic particles) to the very large (galaxies). (Read more about basic physics here, here, and here. In a moment we’ll take a peek at the frontiers of physics.)

    A subtler “perfect physics” throughout the living cosmos seems to operate on simpler principles that are based largely on life-energy (or consciousness) and resonance. As I see it…

    • Life-energy is the essence of the source that creates and nourishes everything everywhere with vitality, purpose, truth, love and other motivating forces that we might call “perfect consciousness.”
    • As it leaves the source, the life-energy begins to devolve as it moves into denser realms that become increasingly complicated and illusory. In other words, the perfect consciousness of the source becomes imperfect as living things adapt to their worlds and universes.
    • Again, life-energy (or consciousness), whether perfect or imperfect, is the primary force that creates, shapes, and nourishes everything throughout the cosmos, for better or worse.
    • Resonance occurs among entities when they vibrate in harmony with each other’s consciousness, wherever they happen to be in the cosmos, whatever attitudes happen to be wrapped up in the consciousness in that particular world at that level.
    • Everything in the cosmos knows innately—somewhere deep within—that the more we can resonate with perfect consciousness of the source, the more we’ll enjoy vitality, purpose, truth, and love. Everything yearns to realize its oneness with the source and to forge a conscious connection.
    • Meanwhile, Terra has diverged from perfection, especially once life started evolving here in our world with predatory, parasitic, and competitive inclinations, by which living things struggle and harm each other. As a result, we’re far removed from the “perfect consciousness” of the source, which seems to flourish on win-win (mutualistic), live-and-let-live (commensalistic) relationships. (More about this “perfect physics” at the end of the article.)

      Modern Physics at the Edge

      But thanks to recent advances in frontier science (as well as to long, dedicated efforts of religion that are beyond the scope of this article), I believe we’re starting to get a glimpse of that perfect physics that operates at the center of everything.

      Scientific principles at the edge of the frontier include:

    •    Quantum physics,
    •    String theory,
    •    Emergence,
    •    Entanglement,
    •    Non-locality,
    •    Dark matter and dark energy,
    •    Gravity (the perennial mystery), and
    •    Black holes.

    Quantum physics: As technology lets us explore deeper and deeper inward into the structure of nature, we find that matter (particles) and energy (fields) start to blend together… taking us to the brink of other-worldly realities. Maybe through quantum physics we’ll get a better understanding of structures and forces of the universe—not just the effects of gravity in relation to time and space, but also the presence of many worlds and universes flourishing alongside us.

    Quantum physics is leading us to the unsettling possibility that our beliefs in matter, energy, time, and space as basic realities of the cosmos might in fact be fleeting illusions… that we’re just one of many physical and spiritual worlds that are all superimposed over each other, sharing the same “space” at this particular “time.”

    String theory. The cosmos isn’t made up of particles, but of strings of particles, each particle with its own unique frequency or vibration. The strings extend through as many as seven multiple dimensions.

    String theory introduces us to parallel universes that are superimposed over each other, as depicted in the diagram above. (The seven levels in the diagram don’t correlate with the seven or so dimensions of string theory. The diagram shows arbitrary levels of existence throughout the cosmos, each level presumably containing many dimensions and many universes. I suspect that the dimensions postulated by string theorists [and also by our spirit friends, as we’ll see in a moment] are dimensions within the physical realm, at level 1.)



    Emergence: The familiar behavior of something (say, a hydrogen atom or a muscle cell or a person) doesn’t always determine the behavior of the collective (water or a muscle or a society). The collective behavior is often radically different and impossible to predict, based on what we know about the behavior of the member parts.

    Emergence suggests that stuff throughout the cosmos—anything from quarks and viruses to galaxies and galactic civilizations (if there are any, and I suspect there are many)—might all be subject to higher levels of consciousness, a sort of cosmic version of groupthink.

    Entanglement: When two quantum particles become entangled, they remain connected, even when separated by vast distances. They share certain physical properties and behaviors even when far apart from each other.

    Entanglement suggests that space or location might be illusory—just a misperception of our material universe. Things that are entangled remain connected even if they’re not together in the same location. Maybe things are naturally entangled when they resonate with each other (as we’ll consider in a moment).

    Non-locality: Measuring the properties of a quantum particle in one location can instantly affect the properties not just of that particle but also of an entangled particle, even when the two particles are far apart from each other.

    Non-locality suggests that life-energy (the consciousness of the observer) is a creative force. If two entangled particles resonate in harmony, the sudden presence of a third party (a curious human observing their relationship, for example) can disrupt or alter their harmony.

    Dark matter and dark energy: When we look out into space at night it looks as black as coal. Scientists believe that some 95 percent of our material universe consists of dark energy and dark matter. It’s not really “dark” (black as coal), but is simply beyond the range of our senses and sciences. Scientists know that something vast and incomprehensible is out there filling our universe, but they just can’t perceive it. Hence the word “dark.”

    The sheer magnitude of dark matter and dark energy suggests that most of our reality exists beyond our perception. Something big is going on out there, but science doesn’t yet know what it is.

    Gravity: Unlike the other three basic forces of earthly physics (electromagnetism, weak nuclear forces, and strong nuclear forces), gravity seems to defy certain natural laws. 

    The other three forces are measurable, gravity is not. The other three forces all have opposite forces (e.g. positive and negative electrical charges); gravity has no known opposite force (centripetal force and dark energy only seem to work in opposition to gravity).

    Gravity as a force seems to originate from somewhere beyond our material universe, a place where the laws of earthly physics don’t apply.


    Black holes: Here on Earth, gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental forces, but gravity in black holes is so unimaginably powerful that space and time get noticeably distorted at the borders of a black hole. If you got close to a black hole you’d get sucked in. It’d be a one-way ticket out out of this universe. There’s apparently a black hole at the center of every spiral galaxy, holding everything together in a whorled cluster. Again, “black” doesn’t mean black as coal; it means we just don’t know what the black hole is made of. We can’t yet perceive or understand it with our senses and sciences.

    Black holes suggest that there’s a vast cosmos of other universes (which probably exist beyond time and space in subtle, superimposed realms), and those parallel universes exert a constant pull on the structures and energies of our universe, beckoning them in-beyond toward those realms.

    So, as mentioned, science seems to be on the verge of showing humanity where we really live… how the cosmos works and how we fit into it.

    A Perfect Physics

    Most of what I understand (or believe?) about the cosmos comes courtesy of a team of fine and brilliant souls—Maggy Fischbach of Luxembourg and her spirit friends. Maggy and I worked together for a while in the 1990s as founding members of INIT, a team of afterlife researchers from various countries, all dedicated to opening up high-tech communications with the other side. Our intent was to establish a communication bridge based on science and technology, rather than faith and belief.

    The knowledge that our spirit friends shared with us through that rare and fragile communication bridge across dimensions was potentially world-changing. Here’s how it forged my understanding of the cosmos, especially:

    •     The source,
    •     Life-energy or consciousness,
    •     Resonance,
    •     Many dimensions, and
    •     Afterlife.

    The Source

    The Seven finer beings*, who facilitated the ITC bridge from the other side, often mentioned the principle, another name for God, or what I’ve come to call the source. On one occasion they said:

    The contacts of spirit beings with Earth are only a partial aspect of ITC (instrumental transcommunication). They should serve as proof that you will live forever and have a higher calling. Higher beings are not particularly interested in contacts between dimensions, but they support it because they can bring man closer to the realization of eternal life and the principle or being that you call God, Yahweh or Nirvana.

    That’s how I came to understand that there’s a source at the center of everything that emits a life-energy to supports the creation, evolution, and sustenance of all that is.

    *I believe these are the same seven finer beings whom the Bible refers to as “the 7 spirits of God,” the ancient Egyptians called the 7 Hathors, the Hindus call the 7 shaktis and the 7 rishis, and Native Americans refer to as the rainbow warriors associated with the 7 fires. But that’s just conjecture on my part. In any case, The Seven told us they’ve been accompanying humanity across the ages, so it makes sense that many cultures have been aware of them.

    Life-Energy (Consciousness)

    Konstantin Raudive* called me twice on the phone in May 1996 (that was 22 years after his death in 1974). His spirit group, headed by Swejen Salter, carefully planned and controlled the two phone calls, even though Konstantin and I were able to chat amicably like a couple of old friends. ITC phone calls like this one require a lot of life-energy, which in this case was provided by The Seven finer beings who facilitated our ITC bridge. The life-energy used in our ITC contacts might best be described as the powerful, resonant consciousness of those seven beings.

    To the best of my understanding, these are some of the ways that life-energy of The Seven was used during the phone calls:

    • It merged with the life-energies of Konstantin, his spirit group, myself, and probably Maggy Fischbach in Luxembourg (who was the main experimenter of our INIT group).
    • It established a connection between my telephone (with its electromagnetic energies) and the spirit group’s communication devices (with their life-energies).
    • It stabilized the call to make sure it didn’t break down.
    • It guided the conversation through the minds of Konstantin and me. In fact, during our conversation, I suspect that Konstantin was sort of channeling information from the spirit group, especially The Seven.
    • A certain amount of The Seven’s life-energy was allocated for the phone calls, and the spirit group carefully planned for the second phone call to use all of the allotted life-energy, as the following excerpt from that phone call suggests. Konstantin’s voice simply “ran out of steam.”



    *Konstantin Raudive was a Latvian psychologist who dedicated the last years of his life to EVP, or electronic voice phenomenon, the use of recording devices to capture spirit voices. The spirit voices are typically 2 to 4 seconds in duration and often come through as a mere whisper. That suggests that the life-energy used in “normal” technical spirit communications like EVP is very limited in comparison to the life-energy that is allocated for ITC contacts through telephone, computer, radio, TV, and other devices.


    The one thing that would have destabilized that phone call with Konstantin was discord. If I’d been under a lot of stress that day, or angry or fearful or skeptical or in some other way emotionally bristling, the phone call probably would have terminated prematurely.

    Two years earlier I’d visited Maggy Fischbach in Luxembourg, when Konstantin Raudive contacted us with a long message through one of Maggy’s radios. Konstantin’s message that warm summer day began with this important statement, which quickly builds in strength through the radio static:

    It can only work when the vibrations of those present are in complete harmony and when their aims and intentions are pure….


    That statement summed up, I believe, the key to communications throughout most of the cosmos: The life-energies of the communicators have to be resonant.

    Many Dimensions

    Our spirit friends made it clear that there are many worlds and universes and dimensions in the cosmos, and they said the incomprehensible nature of reality could be better understood when dividing it all up into seven arbitrary levels, as shown in the earlier diagram. Our spirit friends (those who’d once lived on Earth, which is at level 1) now live in a world called Eden or Marduk that’s at level 3. Eden is associated (entangled?) with Earth. The Seven have a home frequency probably around level 5, but they often “down-modulate” to visit our spirit friends at level 3. They have been “assigned to Planet Earth,” apparently to help and support humanity.

    Within each of those levels there are numerous dimensions and universes. At this point I’m not sure if the terms “dimension” and “universe” are interchangeable, or if there’s some distinction between the two.

    In any case, Swejen Salter said she had been a scientist on one of Earth’s parallel worlds called Varid before she died in 1984, and then became the head of the Timestream spirit group that’s composed mostly of former Earth dwellers. Multi-dimensional sciences on Varid are more advanced than on Earth, she says, so she was already familiar with ITC before she died. In one contact (1992) she told us:

    There are no space and time separations here. When we come together (from different parts of our world) it will be in an area, and under climatic conditions that can do justice to everybody. When we want to meet dwarfs or giants we must go into their dimensions. That does not mean I shall leave my dimension. The dimensions cross each other.

    On another occasion (1996) Swejen told us via computer text:

    Space-time consists of eleven dimensions, of which only four can directly be perceived by you. The other seven (compact) dimensions exist and are present in a vanishingly small scale in your universe. They are rolled together to the topological equivalent of light tubes whose diameter lies within quantum limits to determine the size of Planck’s length…. When these tubes “unroll” a little or open (during ITC contacts) the constants are momentarily changed. Also, time ceases to exist. This can occasionally be dangerous.

    So, according to Swejen, our physical realm at level 1 (what she calls “space-time”) consists of 11 material dimensions that can unravel to allow direct interactions among discrete dimensions, such as ITC contacts. Experimenting with time and space has potential problems, though (for example, waking up in a parallel universe, she once told us). Working with time and space is probably a bit like having electricity and gas lines in our homes; the rewards are great, but there are also some serious dangers to be aware of.


    When we die and leave the physical body behind, most of us awaken at level 3 (in Eden—a world without predators, parasites or competitors) in a spirit body that closely resembles the physical body. Most of us then enjoy a paradise existence for a while, and eventually return to Earth in another incarnation, another lifetime. Some of us might choose instead to ascend to finer realms and leave Earth behind forever. It’s a decision we can only make once we’re back in spirit, once we refamiliarize ourself with our soul plan… something that’s usually forgotten and neglected during a lifetime on rugged Planet Earth.


    I suspect that the “perfect physics” embodied in the source and its pure life-energy is too complicated to be put into words. But I hope this information (courtesy of ITC) might give us at least a glimpse… maybe get us a small step closer to becoming more resonant with the source. Not just in terms of scientific understanding, but also in our personal lives.

    # # #

    In the article I mentioned two consecutive spirit phone calls that I’d received in May of 1996. Here’s the first of those phone calls, which lasts about 12 minutes. Konstantin chats patiently with me through my hems and haws… and lots of “dead air space” 🙂 as I try to think of things to talk about. It’ll give you an idea of the amazing possibilities presented by ITC once we’re mentally and emotionally ready to open communication bridges with finer levels of reality that are superimposed over our world.

    (It begins with a sort of private joke. Konstantin had earlier called EVP researcher Sarah Estep, who’d asked delightedly, “Dr Raudive! How are you?”… and he replied with humor, “I’m as fine as a dead one can be. Dear Sarah, thank you very much for all the work….”

    So, when Konstantin Raudive asked me how I was, I turned on the recording device on the phone line and said, “I’m fine… and you?”




    Unfortunately the above recording cannot be hosted on this page because it exceeds the limit by a couple of MB.  It is not long and can be accessed via the link above.




    Dr. Kenneth Ring and Raymond Moody transformed the conversation about death and dying. Hear Raymond describe their early work together that led to their creating a whole new vocabulary for talking about life's great mysteries.

    Together they embarked on a scientific investigation of death and near death...and changed people's ideas forever.

    Raymond shares a few memories of how he and Ken met, what drew Ken to give up Social Psychology for near death studies, and how Ken's sense of humor cemented a lifelong friendship. 


    Learn more about the man and the thinking that led to a powerful shift in the conversation.

    In Blogging Towards Infinity the irrepressible Dr. Ken Ring share his wit and insight on a wide range of topics from his experiences growing up with an absent father, to his increasing admiration for the love and soul connection provided by animals, musings on the life of Helen Keller, and of course, what he's learned from a lifetime of near death research as a leading-edge researcher and thought leader.




    "Ring calls for the reader to bend their view and look at life as flowing on from this earthly existence.
    Scientific study tells us so, and the esteemed author has contributed a great deal to the overwhelming amount of evidence of life beyond life."
    ― David L. Leonard


    This is Ken Ring's last book, and though he claims to spend most of his days whimpering, his farewell to writing, as his final essays will demonstrate, certainly goes out with a bang. As he veers unsteadily toward eighty-seven, Ring has lost none of his verve or literary panache. As always, his essays sparkle with his usual wit, but mainly reflect Ring's more serious concern to address some of the topics that have engaged him during this last phase of his life.

    Still, the book begins in a more lighthearted way with his reminiscing about his early life with his absent father ("my father, once removed," he calls him) and about some of the other things that shaped his character, such as the greatest movie ever made that few people have heard of. He also devotes several essays to largely unknown facets of Helen Keller's extraordinary career, including "The Sex Life of a Saint." But most of the rest of the book is devoted to Ring's careful study of the lives of animals and considerations of animal welfare and the movement for animal rights. And it concludes, fittingly enough, with a number of essays that distill what Ring believes are the most important lessons that people should take from his many years of researching near-death experiences—all of which was foreshadowed by that film he saw as a youth that changed his life and foretold his destiny.


    We hope you will enjoy this wonderful book!

    Raymond Moody & Lisa Smartt




  16. https://www.instructables.com/Making-Rheoscopic-Fluid/


    Towards the end of this article which I found excellent is  "After my long search, one video had 'mica powder' in the description. My wife was over my shoulder and said nonchalantly that it is used in makeup to give that sparkly appearance. It's also used in shampoo to give it that distinct shiny goo look. It's non-soluble with water which is why it doesn't mix. So I face-palmed myself for thinking it was some exotic substance and ordered white cosmetic mica powder from amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Shimmer-Powder-Cosmetic-Slice-Moon/dp/B008H3NJ4G/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1397076546&sr=8-3&keywords=mica+powder

    that link is still current and leads to the mica powder.  I knew I knew the name as in I should have remembered it is used in women's make up.  This one product can be purchased in many colours.



  17. Rheoscopic fluid means "current showing" fluid. Such liquids are effective in visualizing dynamic currents in fluids, such as convection and laminar flow. They are microscopic crystalline platelets such as mica, metallic flakes, or fish scales in suspension in a fluid such as water or glycol stearate.

    When the fluid is put in motion, the suspended particles orient themselves in localized, preferential alignment, larger parts of the fluid moving sheer parallel to other parts of the fluid. With appropriate illumination, the particle-filled fluid will reflect differing intensities of light.

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