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Theodore Rudolph's EVP Theory

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Anybody got a Gravity Oscillator I can borrow  😉

If you're ready to get your Mathlete on, Here is Electronics Engineer Theodore Rudolph's theory from the 1970's on how EVP Voices are formed.

Back in the day, Mr. Rudolph worked with Konstantin Raudive and invented the Goniometer for Dr. Raudive.


Here's the link:



Happy Number Crunching ~ Ron

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Thanks for the document. Distilled to what I understand, gravity can have measurable effects on even quantum-scale systems like atoms. Non-paranormal researchers have been using the phenomenon to detect things like underground oil fields.

So are spirits interacting with our systems via gravity? Maybe?

I've imagined that whatever the spirits are doing, it's very subtle, and if researchers weren't looking for it, they would chalk it up to "noise," which is a catch-all term for everything they don't have time to find the cause for.


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5 hours ago, Arizona EVP said:

Anybody got a Gravity Oscillator I can borrow  😉

If you're ready to get your Mathlete on, Here is Electronics Engineer Theodore Rudolph's theory from the 1970's on how EVP Voices are formed.

Back in the day, Mr. Rudolph worked with Konstantin Raudive and invented the Goniometer for Dr. Raudive.


Here's the link:



Happy Number Crunching ~ Ron

Thank you Ron!

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22 hours ago, Arizona EVP said:

Anybody got a Gravity Oscillator I can borrow  😉

If you're ready to get your Mathlete on, Here is Electronics Engineer Theodore Rudolph's theory from the 1970's on how EVP Voices are formed.

Back in the day, Mr. Rudolph worked with Konstantin Raudive and invented the Goniometer for Dr. Raudive.


Here's the link:



Happy Number Crunching ~ Ron


OK, I've been studying the paper in detail. 
With all due respect, and in my humble (but informed) opinion, the paper fails to properly connect the dots.
The most important connection that is missing is between the electron various spins and gravity. At the very least I don't see that, and I've read it many times. 

What I know as a fact, at least as far as I can tell, is that spin waves and gravitational waves are not the same at all, yet the paper seems to confound the two concepts to draw the connection.

The paper seems to show that a micro-perturbation in the gravitational field, producing a gravitational wave, could in effect induce a spin-wave, which in turn could manipulate a magnetic recording. But as I said, I don't think it does that correctly. Of course, I could have just missed the point.

In any case, even if the paper had correctly shown a correlation between gravitational waves and spin waves (which could provide a mechanism for the EVP case of magnetic recordings), it needs the postulate that spirits can, and do, produce or tap into, gravitational waves to begin with, which is clearly not doing.



I always thought that any attempt to explain ITC phenomena should include the fundamental fact that, as all evidence seems to indicate, at least as far as I can tell, physical mediumship is an integral part of the process. That is, the instruments are only a part of the equation.

If, in turn, physical mediumship is seen as a necessary component, then we need to understand the details of that as much as the details of sub-atomic behavior. As far as I know, however, there is not much that we know about it. Or that I know about it, perhaps. 

There is one thing, however, that I believe in, and which might shed some light on both physical mediumship and ITC mechanisms.
The following is a "belief-level description" (for lack of a proper word), built from a variety of sources. I'll write in a sort of categorical-tense for exposition's sake, but keep in mind that this is just something I think.


It is not really the case that everything is either physical or ethereal. Instead, there would be a kind of super-general, primordial, ethereal "stuff, or substance" (for lack of a better word).
Everything, from spirits to rocks would be, ultimately, "made of" that super-general substance.

What happens would be that such a "base ether", to put a name to it, seems to be able to exists in a spectrum of states, apparently depending on their vibrational nature, whatever that means.
"Physical matter", then, would the case of things made of this "base ether" but in the lower end of the vibrational spectrum.
In this view, all of reality, at the "substance" (or ontological) level, would be the composition of several layers of this such an ether, but on different states
That is, even physical stuff is not exclusively physical, is just that the "para-physical" components are made of an ether in a higher vibrational state. 

Furthermore, the composition of "layered ethers" differ significantly depending on the object. Not just comparing a rock with a human being, but even among physical objects. 
In particular, a human being, for example, would be a multi-layered complex, and not just a rather disconnected, Cartesian-like dual entity. That is, we are made of atoms but also, even in parallel, of "hemi-ethereal" stuff. It would be that hemi-ethereal stuff the so-called "spark of life" but, more importantly to our topic here, the subtle-energy source in physical-mediumship. And, in particular, the stuff that I believe mediates in all ITC phenomena.

I would really like to share with you all the various sources from which I built these ideas. I'll be doing that in time, so you can construct your own.
Keep in mind, however, that these sources, in isolation, might not make a lot of sense.

And I'll start right away, putting one such source in the "books section", which I think comes rather close to what I just written. 
Look for a paper called "Occult Chemistry"


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Thanks for your insights and sharing sources. Louis and I also have a theoretical science background, and of course Andres is an electronics whiz. Between all of us and others, maybe we can begin to make sense of the more ethereal take on things and find the connections between physical and spirit.

All physical objects have some amount of dual in spirit. But, physical humans also happen to be one of the most complex systems that we know of so far in this universe. There must be at least a few ways our human system subtly but firmly interacts with spirit, so I'm interested to learn more.

In addition some of us in the forum can collect more advice from spirit. I astral travel, however, unless Im in the higher planes, Im not going to get illuminating results like the sources you are sharing.


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A very good analysis Fernando! I'd like to add one empirical finding. The theory of Mr. Rudolph tries to explain the manifestation of spirit voice on magnetic tape. However we encountered various manifestations with different methods of receiving and recording. All of us are using digital recording in various way. The voices we found in pure noise, gated audio, chaotic processes and simple sounds like dripping water, crumpled plastic foil or even wind. Those voices have the same quality as the early magnetic tape recordings of Jürgenson, Raudive and Senkowski. So there must be a working principle behind it that is not confined to magnetic tape recording.

Moreover i observed that now i gain voices from setups that did not yield any results in the past. Thus for me it is clear that the driving force is entangled with the human energy field.

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