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Arizona EVP

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  1. L A N C E !!!!!!!!!!! How you doing? I like those clips a lot. Very Clear. Funny - As I played the clips Charlene looked up and asked Is That Lance? We would know your accent anywhere Cheers
  2. That would be kinda sad to think we reboot right away. I got plans to do some traveling when I get to the other side I've heard things to suggest in times of sudden tragedy with multiple transitions - instead of a loved one to greet them...they've been brought together as a group in a central location where "attendants" get them pointed in the right direction. So would a "piece of ourselves" still hang back for whatever reason? Peeps like Konstatin Raudive have made audio appearances decades after their deaths. I'd tend to agree time and space are different for them. I've found the length of precognition limited to about a week. Yeah - lots and lots of layers within an audio clip. I've had a great time swimming through the layers over the years. Even without a high dollar audio program, our friends will accommodate your abilities when they establish a neural ink. Ron
  3. You are correct about hearing us as well as receptions of thoughts and emotions. Your recording also demonstrates that our friends know what are about to say or ask. My observations are only of the "surface voice(s)" of your file. The pic shows the responses and their location within the file. You ask the question: Is This Amy The response is immediate - basically starting the nano-second you stopped talking. The File YES IT IS.wav is mildly enhanced to help draw out the response. And yes....at the end of the file you are correct in hearing Amy say her Name. The file amy at end.wav is also slightly enhanced to draw out the word Amy. Keep in mind that there is a 36 second lag from the time it leaves my stream computer till it hits your ears. So on the one hand - your response could have left my computer 36 seconds before you asked your question (unlikely)... or the response was generated IMMEDIATELY in real time because they sensed the question you were about to ask. YES IT IS.wav amy at end.wav
  4. Me again Yes - I hear as you do with regard to the titles of each file. Ron
  5. Greetings, Amy sounds like a child. I'll stream her now for a couple of days. Ron
  6. Greetings DanSmith, I personally do not know of anyone who has tried this or a similar experiment. You would be the first The idea seems very interesting. Thanks for your input, Ron
  7. Hi Michael. Thank you for your comments and for using SpiriTron back in the day. Keith and I were talking about using one of his open stream channels for this very reason. I have to resolve an issue with my broadcast config file to shake hands with Keith's servers. Hopefully we'll get it going soon Ron
  8. Howdy, For the next week I will be streaming a file originally created by one of our own researchers - Andres Ramos. Mr. Ramos recorded audio from one of his graphite goo experiments. I took his recording and made a couple of tweeks and Presto-Change-O...an interactive file worthy of Two Way Real-Time Communication. Please use the link in the first post or find the SpiriTron link in the Streams Page. Enjoy!! Ron
  9. Greetings Lavici, There is a 3 part article on Jules and Maggy Harsch – Fischbach on our sister site iDigitalMedium.com Here's the link: https://idigitalmedium.com/euro-signal-bridge-jules-maggy-harsch-fischbach-part-1/ https://idigitalmedium.com/the-euro-signal-bridge-of-jules-and-maggy-harsch-fischbach-part-2/ https://idigitalmedium.com/euro-signal-bridge-jules-maggy-harsch-fischbach-part-3/ Enjoy ~ Ron
  10. For more background info and examples of SpiriTron - you can check out the following thread: That thread exists to solicit ideas to improve the output clarity of SpiriTron. I know it can be improved. I just can't figure it out on my own Ron
  11. Hi Folks, Shortly after the release of the original SpiriTron stream at IdigitalMedium.Com - SpiriTron was made into at least 2 different free android apps. One of these aps - which has been downloaded over 10,000 times - can still be found at the Google App Store. SpiriTron was also integrated into ExtremeSenses Spektrocom program which is offered here on this site as a free download: So if you find the SpiriTron stream useful - please consider downloading the Spektrocom program to run on your home computer. You're likely to have a far more personalized experience Ron
  12. After a 5 year hiatus SpiriTron is streaming Live. If you decide to give it a try follow these simple guidelines: Start the stream and just let it run in the background for a short while to give yourself time to get used to the sound. When your ready - begin to interact with the sound - saying hello...etc. SpiriTron is capable of responding in your native language. SpiriTron comes in 2 flavors and will alternate between the original SpiriTron file and SpiriTron-C which is a child named Amy. Feedback and your experiment results are welcome Here's the link: http://cp12.shoutcheap.com:8198/stream
  13. Hello Again, Apologies for the late response. A huge thanks to Karyn for posting the info. There is a Pre-Mixed solution called Pearl Swirl Rheoscopic Concentrate. It is already tinted blue. I'm not sure if its readily available where you are but it can be purchased on Amazon. Karyn is also correct about using certain shampoos with water. The stuff I had used in the above video is a food-grade mica that comes pre-tinted in Blue - Green and Silver. Part of the experiments involved using a small aquarium pump to slowly circulate the water in a large pan. Other times I just agitated the water by moving the tray from side to side. Experiments that did not work so good was using a small aquarium and the pump. There seemed to be too much reflection from the glass of the aquarium...even when I used back lighting. One experiment I never did was to use a magnetic stirrer to create a vortex. I still like the idea.
  14. Here's examples using different types of texture: https://idigitalmedium.com/peek-a-boo-itc-you/
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