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Im going to get into trouble suggesting this...BUT,  Im wondering if the gigantic minds here, are sort of shooting in all directions,  therefore may never come to any sort of useful conclusion on Spirit Communications.

Im wondering if we should set a goal, the one way that we feel is the best way to get to the goal of perfect spirit communication,  and all work towards it.

I understand that this may not be possible, as people like to work on their own theories, and do it quietly on their own...but what the hell, I like to stir the pot.


Im going to get into trouble suggesting this...BUT,  Im wondering if the gigantic minds here, are sort of shooting in all directions,  therefore may never come to any sort of useful conclusion on Spirit Communications.

Im wondering if we should set a goal, the one way that we feel is the best way to get to the goal of perfect spirit communication,  and all work towards it.

I understand that this may not be possible, as people like to work on their own theories, and do it quietly on their own...but what the hell, I like to stir the pot.



This is a good idea in principle Kim, but Im not sure it would be possible to develop a single dedicated device that would work well in everyone's hands (not considering the skeptic factor). From what Ive seen, the dedicated devices and systems people use or discover are attuned to their owner, and hence work well for them. But if put into other hands, they probably would not work well. or would still output messages intended for the original owner. I think this sensitivity is to do with the users unique spiritual development and energies which create specific entanglement fields, so in this everyone is at a different level and frequency. As the experimenter is intrinsically entangled with a certain type of device, it becomes somewhat difficult to create a "one device that fits all".

I'm saying this however in the context of specialist hardware equipment. With conventional evp techniques, they seem easily picked up by most open minded experimenters, so I think its a challenge therefore to improve some traditional technique so it becomes an efficient spirit voice receiver (put the technique in a box), that can either be replicated or used by such people. So I think in essence, the goal can be achieved, if the perspective is correct.

Looking at modern developments, I guess an app, or program linked to a central server could be a go, but it seems external hardware added to such programs (such as evp maker for example) does add degrees of pk modulation that does not seem achievable with purely software solutions. Hardware is I think, a mandatory part of the equation, however hard we might not want it to be.

The real initial effort needs to be in understanding how traditional and advanced methods actually work, so a science of transcommunication can be assembled, and models developed. The initial steps for this are already happening on the forum.

Closed minded people will have little or no success, and hence rubbish the whole concept, so the path ahead is not going to be easy.

We are so lucky to have members of such high caliber here in this community.

It will be good to hear others views on this.




I fully agee what you both say, no problem. I feel ashamed because I am just doing ”my own thing” which is questioned  – assembling the ”original ” Germanium receptor” in a self-centerd way according to my own ”belief systems”. But I  hope only to repeat (as an outsider) a scientific experiment , which has already been implemented under an umbrella nominated ”The Scole Experiment”. Actually , at the moment I don’t have any specific fixed belief systems – only a hope that my  true self is immortal, conscious, sentient and receptive and continues its journey towards an unknown destination according to the laws of evolution. It doesn't matter if "on the other side" I have an astral body which also appears to be subject to change  and some day I must also leave this body behind during my journey...

At the moment we have very few ”experts” as far as the specifications of the T.D.C-device is concerned: All the scientists who participated the scole sessions and witnessed the phenomena,  have already passed away:

Professor Arthur Ellison (U)



Professor David Fontana (U)



SPR Historian Montague Keen (U)



It also appeared that Jane and Grant Solomon (publishers of the book ”The Scole Experiment)”, never joined the Scole sessions. Regardless of that,  the information they provide in their book is accurate and  in harmony with the other reports concerning the sessions /seances (available in Robin Foy’s book ”Witnessing the impossible”). I have neither been able to reach Robin Foy and his wife Sandra by email in order to ask questions.

Last week  I purchased the ”Scole Report” (which I don’t have yet) from Amazon.com. This is probably the only (scientific) source which might bring additional information to the whole scenario.


 I  have all my life investigated esoteric truths, far-eastern religions, Christianity and occult sciences as well among other similar topics. I can confirm, that all these paths definitely also  lead  to something. For example, if you seriously follow the most advanced Eastern spiritual traditions like Hindu Yoga system, Tantric Buddhism or The Way of Zen or Tao, you don’t any more differentiate the traditions because your world view is not any more dualistic. You probably at some stage realize, that your ”scientific observations” are the same thing as your ”personal experiences” ( for example, the taste of lemon,  a specific scent of flower or your Ayahuasca –visions,  are  always  personal experiences and as real as whatever phenomenon emerging from our own mind ( or from a parallel world !) . It is impossible to transmit these experiences  to other persons and actually everything is linked to your own mind, its sensations and comprehension. But I don’t believe that the fundamental  reality is only projection of our own mind. There might be realities, dimensions and worlds without our contribution, presence or personal existence. I have also came to that conclusion,  that  the philosophy of logical analysis is a very good tool in order to differentiate facts from fiction and illusions.   Bertrand Russel’s says ( in his book ”History of Western philosophy”): ” The materia of physics must be ”events”, not elementary particles. That what we consider as an elemental particle, must be series of events. The ”materia” is actually  only a conventional way to assemble events as a bundle and quantum theory is  supporting this idea.

I think - as Canada Kid brought into question - we should work more as a team so that everybody tries to develop his or her specific knowledge area, learn more  and then  combine personal experiences and pooled data  to the other information available on the forum. I have learnt,  that in our days  - especially thinking  scientific research work as a rule - team work is often much more productive and useful than working as a ”lonely wolf” only., because we need to collect information from different levels and sources  in order to understand the nature of paranormal communication and EVP messages. Specialization in different areas of ITC helps in this respect.  I am 100 % sure that people who have joined this web site, have only one goal: They  want to ”open the gate or portal” to other dimensions or parallel worlds, learn how this happens and finally try  that independently  using the best possible method proved to be useful. However, I think, it is not wise for anybody to visit the web site only as an unknown visitor, collect the pearls and golden eggs and then disappear on the quiet. Otherwise,  the forum should be open for everybody who is searching the truth without any negative or selfish  intentions.

The main problem in research work related to EVP and ITC is,  that a lot of phenomena have been produced during the history of occultism, spiritism, ufology and TDC , but very little real information and facts have been  collected.  Moreover, real phenomena are rare and  trance mediums are very  difficult to reach. According to my opinion,  the method used in our research work, should repeatedly bring similar results than the original test did also for  impartial investigators.  The development of technology and electronics (including new softwares) might help to clarify the EVP messages intercepted as well as statistical methods.  Thus,  I still prefer to keep analytical empiricism as the basic research method, stay open mined trying to avoid one-eyed thought patterns or belief systems and accept every reasonable theory as long as it has turned out to be wrong.






Posted (edited)

Thank you for your post Jeff. I will investigate the material presented in "The Scole Report" (when I get that) and try to contact Robin Foy using some detour or different email address or whatever I develop in my mind. Meanwhile, when waiting some feedback from his side, I try to build my copy of the T.D.C. device and will present the construction later on our forum. The amplifier is still a problem and I ask your opinion " what is the best existing model /construction for this purpose ? It seems that receiving paranormal messages / voices is possible also when connecting the Germanium receptor dirctly to that battery powered Panasonic model of a tape recorder which we can see on the  well known YouTube video. I am also interested in hearing if Salvi has had any progress when using his new equipment / construction . I have not been in contact with him since last month.


Edited by GISMO5367

Hi Jeff,

Thank you for your suggestions and help ! Unfortunately I am very busy with "normal work"  at the beginning of the coming week but try to reach Robin Foy.  When following Robin' s diary related to The Scole Experiment ("Witnessing the impossible"), in one comment he mentioned,  that the Scole team excluding professor Arthur Ellison was not very familiar with electronics . If Robin is not reachable or he  feels that he is not competent to give an answer, one idea came into my mind: When following the Scole  reports, I canclearly see, that communication between the Scole group and their "spirit team/scientists" was carried out using two (trance) mediums Alan and Diana and the conversation and instructions how to build the germanium receptor  was interactive and easy using this method. Using mediums as an aid to collect information was very common earlier and actually most of that information which is provided even in Allan Kardec' s "spirit book"  has been received through mediums. Why not to discuss with Professor Ellison himself and ask the questions (although he has already passed away)? Maybe he is interested in helping us. If nothing works, the last plan might be  to discuss with Alan and Diana, if they are still alive and reachable. Alternatively,  we might  find out some other practising trance mediums either inside our own forum or elsewhere.

When building a copy of the germanium receptor, I try to design  the coils so that they are movable (rotating) in order to test Stefan Bion's theory concerning the "polarity" of the coils, their placement and effect of these changes on the audio signal formation.



This evening I sent an email ( the same as earlier without images and other attachments, only plain text) using that 1st URL you gave me :


and also through the following web site:

Physical Mediumship 4U - Physical Mediumship 4U (ning.com)

Both messages went uneventfully.

I had problems with the 2nd URL you gave me and finally gave up.

I hope to get some feedback from Robin .... and will inform you accordingly.


Posted (edited)

Version 2 has got to be the worlds most complicated Geranium Receiver!  Is he part of the Varinormal  Forum??


I wonder what the programming unit would sound like with a different receiver plugged into it...something other than a Geranium receiver.

we need to see schematics foe the units

Edited by CanadaKim

The video was quite interesting. A gorgeous device he built! Very cool. Obviously he switches 4 different diodes by hand and they are completely enclosed in an aluminium box, well protected against stray radio waves. He uses a very high reverse bias voltage up to 200V but normally operates the diodes with 60V-80V. That means the diodes are running in avalanche mode. Similar to the coherer effect. He has a lot of dials on the frontpanel. From the audio in the video it seems that one knob is a dial for noise gating. The rest seem to be filters and the DSP settings. Nothing new in general but a  cool "everything in a box" system.

The sound of his device is the typical germanium crackling noise I know very well.


Hi Jeff. I have also now the basic building blocks for the Germanium receptor V1 type version. It took time to get germanium crystals from Italy. They are irregular, very clear and light and I am considering now  how to process them in order to get an oblong small block according to the diagram presented in Solomon's book. ( in a jewelery shop or at home using a small grinder - only your opinion)? Robin Foy seems to be silent at the moment and is not responding. Maybe I still try to reach some other people in his team....



I try to be careful. I will show you the result when I am ready. I am just reading "The Scole Report". There is very little information about the Germanium receptor itself in the report - not even the circuit diagram. Otherwise it is a critical and scientific evaluation about the phenomena. Very good and interesting and worth reading. 

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