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Stanislav Ermakov reprints his work on UFO's through Isaac Koi


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Friday, June 11, 2021

A big one : Russia's main UFO/fortean magazine ("Anomalija") is now added

Stanislav Ermakov has very kindly agreed to let me make scans of Russia's main UFO/Fortean magazine ("Anomalija" - sometimes referred to in the West under its translated title of "Anomaly" or "Anomalies") freely available online.

This permission was obtained during an interesting discussion accompanied by considerable quantities of Stanislav Ermakov's very tasty (and rather strong...) home-made apple brandy.

Stanislav Ermakov also kindly provided me with scans of a full set of "Anomalija".

"Anomalija" was originally published with the support of ITAR-TASS (the Russian state news agency) from 1990 to 1998. It was continued by Stanislav Ermakov and the Association of Ecology of the Unknown. A supplement to the main magazine, "Anomaly+", was also subsequently introduced.

In 2016, publication of "Anomalija" ended.

One of Russia's best informed researchers of the history of UFOs/parapsychology, George  Fedorovskiy kindly facilitated my discussions with Stanislav Ermakov. George has commented to me that "Anomalija" was, for a long time, Russia's "main popular scientific journal regularly published completely devoted to the study of anomalous phenomena". George added that the main focus was on UFOs, but that parapsychological topics were also included in each issue. He mentioned that the magazine "covered the life of a large post-Soviet community of researchers of unusual phenomena, talked about past conferences, the results of expeditions and research conducted".
Given how little of the history of Soviet/Russian UFO sightings and studies has been published in the West, I was rather pleased to get permission to share this publication online.    

["Anomalija" was not freely available online at the time of my discussions with Stanislav Ermakov, but it has subsequently been also been added to the website of the association "Ecology of the Unknown" - presumably further to his agreement to make it freely available online].

Click on the image below for the copies of "Anomalija" now on the AFU's website.


In 2020, in honour of the 30th anniversary of the project, the book "Аномальное мироздание" was published. The title of the book can be roughly translated as "Anomalous Universe". It contains a collection of selected articles published in the period from 2007-2015. If anyone wishes to buy a copy of that new book signed by Stanislav Ermakov (or not) they can contact Stanislav Ermakov or George Fedorovskiy via email. (George's email address is: para-invest@ya.ru)
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Very interesting. The only problem (for me) is Russian language which I don't master at all  (although Finland and Russia are neighbouring countries ) . Very sad -  but I can ask Stanislav Ermakov or George Fedorovskiy  about the "scientific evidence" of that video "grey Alien filmed by KGB", which I uploaded on Varanormal web site (UFOLOGY section) earlier (6.3.2021)


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