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Posts posted by sglanz

  1. Have you ever noticed that an experiment goes well at the beginning, and then trails off as you try to replicate it over and over? In Parapsychology, this is called the Decline Effect. It can apply to ITC. 


    Here is just the abstract. The link includes the whole article:
    "The term ‘decline effect’ in parapsychology refers to a decline in experimental performance over time. This can be in the context of a single experimental run or over a series or runs. Declines in effect sizes have also been spotted across the lifetime of a particular mode of research, for example in ESP card guessing experiments. This article reviews various ways in which the decline effect manifests - mainly in the context of experimental psi research, but with some reference to its appearance in spontaneous phenomena - and the reasons that have been proposed to account for them."

  2. Tesla Coil - that's encouraging! Did you keep records? If one were to replicate, do you remember the specs of the coil, and other parameters of the experiments? How long ago was it?  It's probably easier to buy customized coils today than it was years ago. I wonder about others who might have experimented with this too. 

    Orgone accumulators - worth looking into. They can relax and energize the experimenter for better results, theoretically. And maybe some EMF effects that could enhance ITC. 

  3. Could using deep fake voice apps be a way to clarify incoming EVPs? Or to compare and analyze voices? Or maybe to provide a known spirit's real voice as material for them to PK?  After all, they would be more in resonance with their previously embodied earth voice. Here are some links:


  4. Energetic healing devices may be drawing on some of the same principles as ITC so are worth learning about. Here are some references on biofield devices. The first is a quick category list. The second is a commercial site (Etsy) where a lot of representative devices can be found. The third is an academic paper on the topic. 

    Categories include orgone, multi-wave oscillators, sacred geometry, scalar wave, Heironymous, radionics, biophotonics, bioresonance, PEMF, HRV, optogenetics, electroceuticals, torsion field, gas/plasma, neuro-acoustic, ultrasound, biofeedback, gas/plasma, Tesla coils, EMF devices, and more. Not to mention measurement technologies like Rife and equivalents, dark field microscopy, bions (Reich), infrared/heat, Kirlian, etc.



  5. Thinking big has its advantages. We need is a Theory of Everything that includes subtle-realm phenomena, is scientifically provable, and technologically possible. 

    ITC has been around well over 100 years, and yet we still struggle with the same problems. There is progress, for sure, and the brilliant technicians at Varanormal are accelerating it. But there is an X factor missing, and tools that have yet to be developed. Besides tweaking the technology we already know, we need to look for that X factor(s). 

    It probably has something in common with other paranormal phenomena like energy healing, time travel, teleportation, astral travel, apparitions, etc. – all related.

    To do that, we need to look outside the ITC box. For example, what if there are discoveries in quantum physics that could shed light on how information is transduced from one dimension to another? What do we know about quantum physics? We could do a directed inquiry into that science, looking for ITC clues. That task alone could be a full-time job, scanning the literature for clues. (For example, I collect articles on breakthroughs in quantum physics that could apply, and other topics when I find them on random news reading apps). 

    Other interdisciplinary areas to explore, with the same goal in mind:

    Deep spiritual sciences and practices
    Western philosophy
    Eastern philosophy
    Metaphysical reality maps, comparative spiritual cosmology
    Consciousness research
    Biofeedback and mind tech
    Psychedelic drugs
    Mediumship, magic, psychism, remote viewing
    Energetic healing devices
    Morphic resonance, sacred geometry
    OBE’s, NDE’s, ET’s, ghost research
    Channeled materials
    Scalar waves
    Physics generally, and it’s multiple theories of time-space-matter. 
    Even astronomy has clues. 
    Simulation Theory
    Stochastic Resonance
    Reich and Rife
    Computer science
    Many theories circulating in the science-spirit culture
    And this is just a small sampling of a larger, interrelated taxonomy. 

    Information sources include:

    Publications and media in the above-named specialties
    Dozens of ITC websites, books and recordings, many of which need translating
    Magazines and online articles.
    Social media posts. 
    Open-source scientific papers, like at Academia.edu
    Even ostensibly low-level sources like Reddit and Quora. Talent can be found in the most unexpected places. 
    Private correspondences.
    “Anomalous phenomena” media, bibliographies and literature
    New Age circles – conferences, writers and speakers

    If we don’t take a more comprehensive approach, we could overlook that X factor, and be spinning wheels a long time. If we succeed, we contribute not only to ITC, but to other sciences. We could be the keystone. 

    For additional perspectives on this, view my blog here:


  6. A potentially adjunctive technology to ITC is "Free Energy" aka "Over-Unity" devices. These are machines that output more energy than is input. It sounds like this goes against natural law, but it doesn't once you understand. It's the next revolution in energy technology, and I it may draw on the same physics as energy healing and ITC. The physics is worth exploring in relation to how it can be applied to ITC research and development. Here are some links to free energy sites:


  7. Archives of past luminaries of ITC research is important, both for historical reasons, and for clues to further R&D. I had a full set off Bill Weisensale's newsletters, and used them to help Tom Butler put his archive online. Weisensale was a prolific early technical EVP researcher. After he died, his family assigned Butler to make the Spirit Voice newsletters public. Here they are, years of technical ITC newsletters online:


  8. ITC can be used as a biofeedback tool for psychic development, or for proving PK. Neither is going to revolutionize society. PK is already proven. Psycho-spiritual development sounds noble at first, but it can actually widen the gap between the psychic haves and have-nots. Instead, we should aim to equal the playing field by eliminating the operator effect, aka the experimenter effect.  

    What if you could only complete a telephone call if you had strong enough will power to vector in the voice on the other side of the call? Or you could only receive an email if you set your intention to receive it? Those who lacked the “magic” would not be able to communicate. The solid reliability of technology is what equalizes power and opportunity. 

    ITC needs to be just as effortless, clear, consistent, reliable and ubiquitous. This is a technical problem, not a psychological one, though there may be a bridge to cross. How can the subjective be captured in the objective, consciousness condensed into matter, transducing the numinous into the tangible? And how can we make these interdimensional pathways function as seamlessly and reliably as phones, TV’s, radios, computers, and other media? 

    Live or streaming seances, old-school spiritualism in technological wrappings, and the building of contact fields through the use of emotion, resonance and music to create the right “vibration”, are helpful to making contact, and from experts on the other side, learning how to develop the technology (among other things). Alternatively, let’s invite spirit to talk, sing and play music, but not rely on ourselves to make it happen. Let the technology lead the way, not the operator. Only then can it be a universal force for good, opening up the portals for everyone, not just the spiritually gifted. 

  9. Hi Lance, thanks for your feedback, and great story about your tumble dryer! I saw Geller live on stage, late 1970's. Stopped our watches! But it was Hauck that really experimented with and formalized the PK procedure, and introduced PK parties, which anyone can conduct. In my notes, Keith was intrigued by this phrase: 

     "When the mind goes into the future, it observes and temporarily
    collapses the wave function to a possible event. These data are seen within the brain
    with the same clarity as a memory, using the same external sensing. Data is filed on
    the individual's world line and may affect his or her future actions"
  10. I had a speaker's forum at one time. One of my events was a Spoon Bending Party, aka Psychokinesis (PK) Party. Before the party, I gave a presentation, drawing on notes from researchers in the field, mostly Jack Houck. Attached are my notes. You might find it interesting, as ITC draws upon similar mechanisms and theories. 



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