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Status Updates posted by Karyn

  1. Welcome to Varanormal John, look forward to hearing from you.


  2. Welcome to Varanormal Jon.  Happy to see you have joined in and are adding to the information we need to collect to keep our field alive and growing.  I too am a aficionada of evp and ITC.  But as often happens other "work" keeps me from indulging my passions. It sounds as if you also live on a rich terrain for your passion.  Welcome and do keep us informed.   Karyn

    1. Jon Almada

      Jon Almada

      Hi Karyn - Very nice to make your acquaintance! I am enjoying Varanormal and will be glad to learn from all of you. I'm entering into research on other aspects of ITC that go beyond EVP for my second book I am writing and will be pushing the boundaries this coming year. My first book is very close to completion, in final edits, and will be out in early 2023.
      Yes on rich terrain - I live 9 miles from where the 49'er gold rush began in Coloma, California in 1848. El Dorado county is part of the "Mother Lode" country, and I live in some very haunted country.
      Absolutely agree on work, but as I am retired now, writing and investigating are my work! I am so glad to be out of the spacecraft propulsion business. I did my 30 years and it was time to move on. -- Jon

    2. Karyn


      Hi Jon,

      I look forward to your book.  The sad part is that most people have kept this type of information to themselves for fear of ruining their reputation.  Oh by the way I am used to US- centric viewpoints.  I have found in my rather longish life that few from the US travel outside so they tend to have of course only one view. No offense taken, I just wanted to let you know that different countries may have other ways to search.

      Yes, getting back to knowledge of what we accept it is really only tentatively coming out of the woodwork peoples "hidden history".  Mostly it has happened due to high profile people having nde's.

      Few Americans know that Lincoln was a spiritist and one could argue to some degree was a medium.  Few still know that the oration for his funeral was delivered by non other than Emily Hardinge Britten.  People still argue today that they did not have seances in the white house.  Of course most know that Nancy Reagan would do nothing until she daily consulted with "the afterlife".

      Even one of our sayings makes sense when you hear how it came about.  To get into a funk, came about because even though he knew he was being untruthful I think it was about Emily French he lied to keep his reputation.

      I applaud your work not for the faint hearted but oh so needed.  I would advise you to have a look at the works of N. Riley Heagerty or the website of Victor Zammit which is massive and historically based.  https://victorzammit.com/

      Glad to have you on board.



    3. Jon Almada

      Jon Almada

      Hi Karyn - Oh yes on the other ways to search. I've done extensive research on some of these folks, like Raudive, Dion Fortune, and many others who lives have touched aspects of EVP and ITC. Finding details of their final passing and burials could be hard to locate and I found a lot by using Google website translation to search foreign sites as well. It's been a labor of love to find much of this for my research. I'm having a heck of a time finding more on what happened with Marcello Bacci. I know he died recently, but there is nary a word about the circumstances and place of his burial. I do plan to cover him in great detail in my second book.
      LOL on worrying about reputation. I was an information scientist for a lot of years in the aerospace business and I could care less what the conformists think. Being retired makes it all that much easier to say what I really think. The way I see it, the ITC pioneers went through far harder stuff than we ever have, so the least we can do is to be as up-front about our views as we can be and honor their work in doing so.
      I had known about Lincoln and Mary Todd with their Spiritualism connections, but never have looked into in depth. I will likely put some effort into following that up in book 2. Yes on the Reagans... I was a teen when Reagan came into office and remember the field day the Press had with Nancy's metaphysical leanings. Never mind that most of the Press have metaphysical lives as well that they keep secret.
      I will look at N. Riley Heagerty. I have used Victor's site in references for my current book and he is truly one of a kind. I will say this: Even though I've been recording EVP for better than 15 years, when I started this book last year, I had NO idea how little I knew. It has been a humbling experience to dive into all of this.
      Appreciate your kind reply and will be a regular here! - Jon

  3. Welcome to Varanormal Jonathan P.

    1. Jonathan P

      Jonathan P

      Thank you so much! I am honored to be a part of the Varanormal community. Lance Reed is a dear mentor of mine around all things ITC, and he recommended that I join given how active my ITC experimentation has gotten over the last year. 

  4. Welcome to Varanormal Joviality.  Feel free to introduce yourself and share your interests, welcome, Karyn

  5. Welcome to Varanormal jwcyvr.  Please feel free to meander around and introduce yourself and interests when you feel to do.  Karyn

  6. Welcome to Varanormal kirolak.  Thanks for introducing yourself and joining in.  We welcome participation, again welcome.  Karyn

  7. Welcome to Varanormal Libby,when you feel ready dive into your site we would love to hear from you.


  8. Karyn

    Welcome to Varanormal Lola, have a look around and when you feel ready you may care to introduce yourself and tell us your interests, welcome again, Karyn.

  9. Welcome to Varanormal Loulou, Karyn

  10. Welcome to Varanormal Luis.  Feel free to introduce yourself and join in on any area of your interest.  Karyn

    1. Andres Ramos

      Andres Ramos

      Welcome to Varanormal Luís. You will see we also have a lot of native spanish speaking members here.

  11. Welcome to Varanormal lurchworm69.  Please feel free to join into the topics, and when you are ready please feel free to introduce yourself and your interests.  Please join in, have fun and help expand our global consciousness with your contributions.  Blessings Karyn

  12. Welcome to Varanormal lynnePerrott.  Have a look around and when you are ready do introduce yourself to us, feel free to join in and make the site your own,  Karyn

  13. Welcome to Varanormal M1K1_MM.  We hope that there is much to explore and in your interest areas do feel free to join in and help build your community.  Welcome again, Karyn.


  14. Welcome to Varanormal maddestmike.  We are sure you will find much of interest to you and in time perhaps you would like to join in to any of the topics we have.  Feel free to introduce yourself as well and tell us what your interests are.  Again, welcome.  Blessings Karyn

  15. Welcome to Varanormal MantisAwakening.  Please feel free to join in and when you are ready introduce yourself and your interests.  Blessings Karyn


  16. Welcome to Varanormal Marco.  Please feel free to wander the site and if there is something you would us to consider to add please contact us.  Do drop in and introduce yourself in the place to do so, again Welcome.  Karyn

  17. Welcome to Varanormal MariaH.  We hope you will find many items of interest to you  and that when you are ready join in, welcome again.  Karyn

  18. Welcome to Varanormal Marilyn, please feel free to join in on your areas of interest and perhaps you may like to introduce yourself to your community.  Welcome.  Karyn

  19. Welcome to Varanormal markus.fer.neutzer.  Do feel free to join in and tell us your interests.  Karyn

  20. Welcome to Varanormal martine.  Do feel free to join in and contribute, as we encourage active sharing of information.  When you are ready you may like to introduce yourself to others and let us know your interests.  Welcome, again martine.  Karyn

  21. Welcome to Varanormal MEC97, do feel free to join in on any of the topics and if you know of something not yet on the site feel free to contact us, again Welcome.  Karyn

  22. Welcome to Varanormal Mel1970.  Feel free to join in on any topic.  Blessings Karyn

  23. Welcome to Varanormal metempsychosis, after you have had a look around feel free to join in, perhaps introduce yourself. Blessings Karyn.

  24. Welcome to Varanormal Michael.  Please feel free to jump in and let us know your interests, introduce yourself or just do anything you are comfortable with, again welcome.  Karyn

  25. Karyn

    Welcome to Varanormal MJCR.  Please explore and when you are ready please jump in there is much for all persons.  Karyn

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