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Ms Gladys Osborne Leonard - Trance medium

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https://www.victorzammit.com/images/GLADYSOSBORNE.jpgIn 1917 a father in the spirit world began to cooperate with his living son in a series of 348 psychic experiments to provide knowledge from the spirit world that was not in any earthly mind. This was done through the mediumship of Mrs. Gladys Osborne Leonard, one of the most thoroughly investigated mediums of the twentieth century. The father agreed to tell the son what word could be found on a particular page in a particular book in the son's library or the library of his friend.

Over two years, the father and son researchers carried out 348 tests. Of those, 242 were deemed good, 46 indefinite, and 60 were failures. This was a success rate of 69.5%. A control experiment was carried out by the Society for Psychical Research in which a number of people turned to stated locations in given books in an attempt to find certain messages which might apply to them personally. Out of 1800 separate book items the percentage of complete and partial successes was 4.7%

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