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"Bringing light where there is darkness and hope where there is despair."

Last week's report and all previous reports

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October 2nd, 2020

COMMENTARY: WE ARE ALL PRODUCTS OF OUR ENVIRONMENT Sociologists tell us that our beliefs come first directly from our family, then our immediate friends and from our education system, from the media we are exposed to, from our own culture, workplace, tradition, and history. So that, by and large, the country you are born in usually determines your beliefs: if you were born in India, you're likely to be Hindu, in Israel, Jewish, In Iraq or Iran - a Moslem, Western Europe, UK, U.S.A. - you're likely to be Christian. In modern Russia and China - you're very likely to be an atheist.

What is also very interesting is that there are people who would die for their beliefs. Yet, if they were born in a different country that may not happen!

https://victorzammit.com/images/religions cartoon.jpg
When we search for the truth about the afterlife we all have to rise above nationality, history, culture, and tradition.

Fortunately, information about death and the afterlife is moving out of the control of the various religions and people everywhere have access to freely available information on the internet. Also, we now have people who can guide those of us who are open to having personal experiences.

NEW SCIENCE REVEALS THAT WE ARE ALL ONE Modern Science is now beginning to confirm what spirituality, philosophy, sages, ancient teachings and psychedelics have been saying for millennia, that the entire universe is One and that what we think of as "reality" is just an illusion. And the only real thing in the universe is consciousness. "If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet." ~ Niels Bohr

It's Time To Wake Up - We Are All One

https://victorzammit.com/images/kevin-williams-2018.jpgMany people are gaining new insights into universal spirituality as a result of experiencing or reading about near-death experiences. Kevin Williams, the founder and web-master of near-death.com writes: "By studying NDEs, I found peace of mind and freedom from rigid belief systems and a far greater love for people and Jesus than I would ever have found in the Bible. I discovered truth was everywhere including in other religions...Once I discovered the kind of love and spirituality found in NDEs, I realized I was no longer concerned about religious dogma anymore. Just follow the simple principle established by Jesus, John, and Paul when they said, "All you need is love."
Read more.

ROSEMARY'S NDE AND SPONTANEOUS HEALING Rosemary Ringer had been diagnosed with stage 2 cervical cancer when, after a routine medical procedure, she ended up bleeding to "temporary death," during which she had an intense Near-Death Experience or NDE. Assured by angels during her sojourn in the afterlife, Rosemary had a complete remission of cancer and rapidly healed from her medical trauma. She also experienced healing from the grief of her husband's earlier suicide. This profound NDE led her to transform her life completely.

Rosemary's NDE and Spontaneous Healing

https://victorzammit.com/images/lastfrontier.jpg“The percentage of people reporting contact with the dead in surveys ranges anywhere from 42 to 72 percent.

Widows having contact with their deceased husbands can go as high as 92 percent. If the surveys had included children and deathbed encounters, which are extremely common, the percentages would have been even heftier...

It’s hard to believe that a society can deny the validity of an experience shared by so large a proportion of its population". Dr. Julia Assante

"THE LAST FRONTIER EXPLORING THE AFTERLIFE AND TRANSFORMING OUR FEAR OF DEATH" Dr. Julia Assante wants to normalise communication with the afterlife. She has created a book that is both academically rigorous and full of practical advice on after-death communication. She is convinced that all of us can learn to contact our loved ones in spirit and both the book and her website offers tested techniques. With the benefit of more than 40 years of training and experience, she runs workshops on mediumship and after-death communication in Vienna and Graz. She also offers individual sessions in English or German over the internet. Read more.

Julia Assante, Author of The Last Frontier

William Buhlman states he has been having out of body experiences for more than 40 years. He has been teaching courses on how to have an out of body experience in Europe and at the Monroe Institute for many years. His first book Adventures Beyond the Body (1996) explains how to have an OBE. His second book The Secret of the Soul—Using Out-of-Body Experiences to Understand Our True Nature (2001) deals with some of the different kinds of OBEs both positive and unwelcome. He talks about OBEs in children, OBEs caused by combat and trauma, meeting loved ones in the afterlife, and transformational experiences. His book has excellent chapters on the history of OBEs and on how to have an OBE. He also discusses what can be expected from an OBE and what the benefits are. His third book Adventures in the Afterlife explains what happens when you die. His website has extensive information on techniques to generate out-of-body experiences.

Out of Body Experience William Buhlman Documentary

STUNNING 360 DEGREE REPRESENTATION OF HEAVEN You can see Jurgen Ziewe's latest 360 degree representation of one place he has visited in the higher realms during his 40 + years of extended out-of-body experiences here: Daswan Dwar.
CLICK ONCE on the 360 circle in the center of the screen, then move the mouse to see the scene from any angle.
f you have an Oculus Quest virtual reality headset you can download apps for it here.

The latest in out-of-body explorer Jurgen Ziewe's series of answers to questions about the afterlife. He talks about his latest 360 degree video of heaven (see previous item) and explains the difficulties of capturing the incredible feeling of the place and of representing the animals and people there which will be represented in future versions. Read more about Jurgen's work on his websites MultidimensionalMan and The Astral Overview Effect Project.

Jurgen Ziewe More about Heaven

There is a fascinating postscript to the work of Dr. Glen Hamilton, his wife, Lilian, and daughter, Margaret (see previous two reports). Dr. Hamilton died suddenly from a heart attack in 1935. His first thought on opening his eyes there was to have Walter Stinson, the leader of his circle in spirit, take him to see what his seance room looked like from the spirit-side. Dr. Hamilton's wife Lillian claimed that she heard the voices of two people coming through a speaker in the locked seance room less than an hour after Dr. Hamilton had died. He continued to communicate regularly with his circle members in the years that followed.

Between 1999 and 2004 (some 64 years after his death) Dr. Hamilton communicated through four different physical mediums in twenty seances over five years. One of those attending was Walter Falk, a retired teacher who had begun participating in physical circles in Winnipeg following the death of his wife. Intrigued by the communications, in 2004 Falk made his way to the University of Manitoba and asked to see the Hamilton files. He was astonished at what he found. Over the next six years, he photographed the entire collection (about 5,000 images), transferred them onto CD, and transcribed the notes into a document more than a thousand pages long. He also created videos which can now be found on Youtube.

DR. GLEN HAMILTON'S POST-DEATH COMMUNICATIONS In Parts 7 and 8 of his videos, Walter Falk reads from the diaries of Lilian and Margaret Hamilton on how Dr. Glen Hamilton communicated after death and described conditions on the other side.

Dr. T. G. Hamilton's psychic researches - Part 7

Continued in Part 8


Coming soon
ETs? Who are they? Where are they from? Why are they here? Are they going to harm us or help us? Paul Hamden is the medium who spent many hours transferring information from the Zeta race into the books called a “Primer of the Zeta Race“ and “ The Zeta Interviews". Paul estimates that there are countless races but the books deal with four races: Zeta, Anunnaki, Sirius, and Pleiadian.
Paul will be doing a FREE Q and A session for us about his perspective on Zoom on Saturday 10th October 2020 at 5 p.m. Pacific time / Sunday 11th October at 11 am Sydney/Brisbane time.


Coming soon
QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION FOR DEVELOPING MEDIUMS Christine Morgan CSNU is an https://victorzammit.com/images/christinemorganwebsite.jpginternational medium and a current tutor at the Arthur Findlay College. She has agreed to do a series of FREE sessions for us where she will answer your questions and explain exactly how to take your mediumship to the next level.
The first session will be held on
Tuesday 13th October at 5.30 p.m. Pacific time/
Wednesday 14th October at 11.30 am Sydney time
Check time in other cities.


Saturday 3rd October 2020

Experimenting with Trance States
1st Saturday of the month
10.30 a.m. New York time.
London 3.30 p.m.
Sydney 12.30 am Sunday
See time in your city
Are you interested in experimenting with trance for various purposes, for example communicating with a loved one, accessing your inner guidance, healing? Karen Frances McCarthy, author of Till Death Don't Us Part, will be running a free session on Zoom once a month, initially on Saturdays at 10.30 a.m. New York (Eastern) time. Karen is an experienced medium and teacher, trained at the AFC. If you would like to be involved, REGISTER HERE.

Sunday 4th October 2020

Global Gathering: Community building.
 People will share interactive conversations about their experiences in small groups with like-minded people using zoom breakout rooms. Please bring an object (or a photo, a book or a pet) for a "show and tell" that will allow people to learn a little more about you. Because of the nature of these activities, the session will not be recorded.

Check the time in your city
Los Angeles 2 p.m. Sunday
Phoenix 2 p.m. Sunday
Chicago 4 p.m. Sunday
New York 5 p.m. Sunday
London 10 p.m. Sunday
Rome 11 p.m. Sunday
Sydney 7 a.m. Monday

Spiritualism Today
Every Sunday
A combination of a presentation of some aspects of Spiritualism and spirituality followed by open discussion. If you have questions about Spiritualism or spirituality or religion, bring them here. Sundays, beginning
Time: 5:00-6:00 p.m. Pacific Time (Phoenix) 
Contact: njturner@earthlink.net
Norma’s Room: https://zoom.us/j/3499782616 

Monday 5th October 2020

Dream Circle with Kim Parker
A small group of 15 meets every two weeks - to share and explore the meaning of their dreams.
Los Angeles 2 p.m. Monday
Phoenix 2 p.m. Monday
Chicago 4 p.m. Monday
New York 5 p.m. Monday
London 10 p.m. Monday
Rome 11 p.m. Monday
Sydney 7 a.m. Tuesday
Email: Kim at kmrainbow57@yahoo.com

Tuesday 6th October 2020

Practice, Practice, Practice

When: Every First & Third Tuesday/Wednesday. 5 pm Pacific; 8 pm New York; 11 am Sydney (Wednesday)
Check your time here
Next Meeting Tuesday 6th October 2020
Whether you have done a psychic or mediumship course, are just embarking on the discovery of your latest “skill”, not sure what you are doing, need support, need willing people to be there for you then this group maybe for you.  Any skill level catered for.  Come along help shape the group this week.
Coordinator:  Karyn Jarvie  karynjarvie@ozemail.com.au
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/7595442928

Wednesday 7th October 2020

Automatic Writing and Mediumship Discussion
Share resources and discuss what participants are experiencing
1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time

Coordinator: Sheila Lowe sheila@sheilalowe.com

Physical mediumship development group
with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan

7 p.m. Central time; 8 p.m. New York; 5 p.m. Pacific Time;
The group is now admitting new members.
Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes; the group has been going for some time and members are experiencing phenomena.
Contact Rob Blackburn (rkblack@mtco.com) or Craig Hogan (r.craig.hogan@afterlifeinstitute.org) before joining the group.

More details of meetings

Videos of past Global Gatherings

CHARITY WATER Access to clean water should be the most basic human right. Sadly, more than 785 million people lack even a basic drinking-water service (read more). In 2006 former nightclub promoter Scott Harrison set out to do something about this situation. Today, more than one million people, including 9-year-old Rachel Beckwith, have made it their mission too. Read more about Charity Water today.

The Spring: The Charity: Water story

https://victorzammit.com/images/Guidancefromsilverbirch.jpg“In all [Earth’s] countries a mighty force of the spirit will be felt, for there is a great work to be done to counteract the selfishness and the ignorance of your world. … Plenty of workers have come to take their stand at your side. … When you think of those whose names you know, try to realise the countless host of the unknown, who serve without any desire to be known or recognised but who give their power to be used.” (p. 21)

JACK KORNFIELD: 12 PRINCIPLES OF FORGIVENESS Jack Kornfield argues that the world would be unbearable without forgiveness. Here he explains the principles that are integral to the process of forgiving, according to Buddhist philosophy.

Jack Cornfield: The 12 Principles of Forgiveness

https://victorzammit.com/images/louisehermann.jpgLouise Hermann is well known in Australia for the more than 800 fun-filled live demonstrations she has held weekly. While the live meetings are on hold because of the health concerns, the good news is that after 14 years she is now available for a limited number of individual private readings (Phone or Skype) as well as spiritual mentoring/assessments. Read more.

A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife (Paperback)
https://victorzammit.com/images/frontcover30.jpg"This is more than a book. For me the contents of it also serve as guidelines. It tells me how to investigate it myself. It leads me to read other convincing books. It led me to see the right people such as genuine mediums, psychics, spiritual circles, investigators, etc. I even went to attend many seances that this book recommended.

It takes more than just reading books to convince you of the afterlife. You have to be more proactive, you have to spend a lot of time researching, you have to see it for yourself and you have to experience it for yourself. And I think this is also what this book is trying to tell us. I went from doubting to believing to knowing! Thank you Victor and Wendy Zammit, for the most wonderful book". Emmanuel.

See Victor on Video
* Subscribe to Victor's Youtube Channel:
* What Happens When you Die
Afterlife and Science

* Near Death Experiences- Evidence of the Afterlife?
* What You Must Know Before You Die
* David Thompson's Materialization
* Million Dollar Challenge
* The Afterlife on Trial
* A Lawyer on the Afterlife
* Suicide is not the answer
* Religion and the Afterlife

* Ghosts- Randi and closed-minded skeptics when they die
* Zwinge Randi's Challenge Exposed ... Lawyer Explains

* Why Professor Richard Dawkins is Wrong
* God--the Evidence (Without Religion)
* Afterlife Without Religion

* Skeptics Demolished
* Afterlife Objections Demolished

* Ghosts- Randi and closed-minded skeptics when they die
* Victor Zammit speaking at Speakers Corner
* Materialized Houdini speaks to Victor



INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC: UNTIL WE'RE TOGETHER AGAIN - VERY SWEET! Kathy Cochran claims that this song came to her from spiritual inspiration. "The melody came, words came and extreme emotion accompanied it all. I couldn't focus on anything else for the next four months. I would wake from a sound sleep around 2 a.m., tears streaming down my face because I could feel what was being conveyed."

Until We're Together Again.



Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and reports by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of all claims. We accept the imputed claim that the afterlife and paranormal research done by the researchers is done in good faith. ALL WORK IS COPYRIGHT BY THE CONDITIONS SET AT THE GENEVA CONFERENCE ON COPYRIGHT.


  • Karyn changed the title to 2-10-2020 Friday Weekly Afterlife Report

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