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July 2021

Dear Readers,

It’s time for some FUN! And nothing spells fun more than “playing in the clay” and creating something with your own hands. Summertime is playtime here in the Midwest where we savor the days we can get outside and play, or go to a play, or visit the local art galleries and be inspired by what others are creating. 

If you're not feeling creative, let this issue be an inspiration! And whatever you do this summer, my wish is that you have fun doing it. Then tell me about what you’re making and perhaps it will find its way into a future issue of The Inner Voice ~ a figment of my own imagination. 🙂



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Iside this issue… Inspirations for Healing Body, Mind, Spirit, Heart & Home 3 Events at Golden Light Healing Retreat Center

4 Angel Talk: It’s Never too Late to Create

5 Get A Reading from the Angels

6 Book Overview: The Afterlife Therapist

8 A Matter of Some Importance by Jurgen Ziewe

10 Creative By Nature: How Einstein Saw the World

12 Potpourri: A Collection of Inspirational Goodness

13 Astro-Outlook for July 2021 by Barry Kerr 14 Creative Corner by Pat Gullett “How to be 12 again!”

15 Practicing Mindfulness with Beverly Brunelle 16 “Let Out The Child” ~ A poem by JA Dioguardi

17 Lori Andrus: Crystal Shaman School

18 Becoming Minimalist by Joshua Becker

19 Be Your Own Unique Self by Kathleen Jacoby

20 Bookstore: From The Inner Voice Library

21 Ann Ruane: Lux Eterna Healing 22 Feng Shui for Kids’ Rooms by Terah Kathryn Collins

23 Essential Feng Shui® Consultations

24 Animals Raise Our Vibration by Lynn Schuster 25 Lynn Schuster: Animal Communicator 26 Free Spirit Crystals: The Benefits of Turquoise

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To read this value packed magazine go to:  

The Inner Voice ISSN #1073-1814 ©1992-2001 e-version ©2012-2021 All rights reserved. Submission Deadline: is the 25 https://99b9539c-64f9-47a6-9274-fc973566db8d.filesusr.com/ugd/98a1fe_8f0a1751e34c4a6785a000af7324466e.pdfh of the previous month. Writer’s


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