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What ITC Groups Could Learn From the Ancients (8.3)

Posted on 2016 April 10 by Mark Macy

To get a better understanding of the “Ancients” who shaped the human heritage, I think we have to trace much further back in time than what seems reasonable today.


Science today is pretty sure that something big happened long, long ago. Moonrocks brought back by Apollo astronauts were dated to determine that there was a massive bombardment of asteroids some 4 billion (4,000,000,000) years ago, which caused most of the craters on the moon (and, presumably, on all the other moons and planets circling the sun).

I think we probably have to trace back at least that far to solve the puzzle of our ancient human ancestry.  And the first puzzle pieces might be those moonrocks themselves, along with the 2 million or so asteroids spread throughout our solar system.

This video by Scott Manley shows the many asteroids recognized and located by science in a 30-year span, from 1980 to 2010:



So the first question we should probably ask ourselves is this:

Why are all those asteroids cluttering up our solar system?

Well, there’s a complicated explanation, and then there’s a simple explanation.

It’s Complicated…

For the complicated explanation, we turn to science:

  • Mainstream science currently believes that asteroids have been a natural part of our solar system almost from the beginning.
  • Asteroid belts are the “junkyards of solar systems” like ours, say scientists… leftover debris from the natural formation of planets.
  • So how did the planets and asteroids form?
  • The popular theory today suggests that a large cloud of gas and dust (a nebula) floating through space some 4.5 billion years ago began to collapse as a result of gravity, forming rocks, asteroids, planets, and the sun itself.
  • Then, a short while later (in cosmic terms), there was a Late Heavy Bombardment (LHB) some 4 billion years ago, when a “gravitational surge” involving Jupiter and Saturn sent Neptune plunging out into a ring of comets (the Kuiper belt), sending debris throughout the solar system, pummeling all of the planets and moons.
  • Various scientific theories like these (the nebula hypothesis and the LHB), sometimes don’t play together nicely, and they make things seem awfully complicated, almost contrived… reminiscent, perhaps, of the old Epicycles hypothesis that was prevalent among scientists in the time of Ptolemy, around 100 A.D.

2,000 years ago, the prevailing map of the solar system (left) was really complicated because scientists at the time (such as Ptolemy) assumed that the Earth was at the center of the universe, and so the other planets and moons seemed to be doing loop-de-loops, or epicycles, as they moved through space. When scientists finally realized that the Earth is NOT the center of the universe, but is just one small planet circling the sun, a simpler, more elegant map was created (right).


Asking Ptolemy 2,000 years ago how the solar system is structured—how the planets and moons move in relation to each other—he probably would have replied, “It’s complicated.”

Asking scientists today how the solar system and its many asteroids were actually formed, many of them would probably say the same thing:

“It’s complicated.”

… Or Is It?

Now the simple, more elegant explanation for asteroids:

  • A planet circling the sun between Mars and Jupiter exploded 4 billion years ago, and the asteroids cluttering up our solar system today are just shrapnel left over from the explosion.

Granted, this simple scenario gets a little complicated, too, as we dig into the backstory… as we look at more than just asteroids… as we begin to piece together what was happening here in our solar system before and after the explosion.

  • Before that explosion, I suspect the solar system was much like it is today, but neat and tidy. There was a large planet called Eden, or Marduk, between Mars and Jupiter, and there were no asteroids cluttering up the place.
  • Eden was a watery paradise world inhabited by super human beings who were busy colonizing other, nearby planets such as Mars and Earth… until the cataclysm caused total chaos.
  • The asteroids and comets resulting from the explosion went everywhere, many of them pummeling the other planets and moons throughout the solar system, leaving craters. Most of the asteroids and comets were probably flung far into space, beyond our solar system, while a couple million of them settled in, forming the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, the rings around Saturn, the Kuiper belt out beyond Neptune, and the massive Oort cloud of rock-ice that totally engulfs our solar system… like a fish in the belly of a whale.
  • Colonists on Earth were the only Edenites to survive the explosion… and the human heritage on Earth developed from them. Those superhuman castaways are the original Ancients, the forerunners of Atlantis and modern civilization.

That’s a fairly cohesive outline of the human story that I’ve deduced from a series of ITC computer contacts received in the mid-1990s by INIT member Maggy Fischbach, in which The Seven ethereals gave us some clues about our ancient past. Here are a couple of key excerpts from those contacts:

Long, long ago… humans came to Earth from Eden (or Marduk)….

Legends (about the fall of man) are based on a factual incident: the downfall of the civilization you often call Atlantis (also known by other names). This downfall was brought about by the descendants of the last inhabitants of Marduk who became marooned on planet Terra. This downfall came through reliance and blind trust in a massive technology.

(Read more about those ITC contacts… )

Based on these and other ITC contacts, in addition to lots of research across the Internet, I’ve deduced the following:

  • The stranded Edenites were on Earth a long time before their descendants established the civilization of Atlantis. They lived through the age of dinosaurs and the many ice ages and epochs that shaped our troubled planet over several billion years.
  • The Atlanteans probably inherited advanced technologies from their Edenite ancestors.
  • The Atlantean descendants of the Edenites were probably what we would call superhumans (giants, gods, titans… ), in which case the Edenites themselves were probably super duper humans.   https://s0.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-smileys/twemoji/2/svg/1f642.svg
  • The Atlantean superhumans probably lived for thousands of years, revitalizing their carnal bodies periodically with advanced technologies.
  • The Edenites themselves might have lived for many millions of years using similar revitalizing technologies.

More About the Edenites

The Edenites were probably multidimensional beings, living both on the physical planet Eden and in the astral world Eden, which was a sort of spiritual template of the physical planet. (This is based on the premise that every physical thing in our physical universe has a spiritual template.)

The Edenites could move back and forth between physical (temporal) and spiritual (timeless) existence, so they were not locked into short, physical lifespans the way we are today. They could constantly revitalize their carnal bodies across the years, the centuries, the millennia, and the eons.

We, too, are multidimensional beings, but over the millennia, for whatever reason, our conscious self (or carnal mind) has lost touch with its higher self (or spiritual mind).  For most of us alive today, in the course of a lifetime the spiritual part of us remains hidden from our carnal, conscious mind and five senses. Unless we’re psychically gifted, we only get occasional glimpses of our spiritual lives in dreams, meditations, and near-death experiences.

Until we normal humans can restore our conscious understanding of our spiritual nature, the Edenite scenario will probably seem like good science fiction at best… or outlandish.

Looking for Answers on Mars

If I’m right about the general scenario I’ve described above, then maybe the best place to look for evidence of Edenite presence is on Mars, which was probably being colonized before the explosion.

There probably would have been superhuman colonies on Mars, just as there were on Earth.  While colonies on Earth somehow survived the cataclysm, colonies on Mars were apparently wiped out… in which case there could be evidence of human construction partially buried in the dust, debris, and desolation that covers the surface of Mars.

A collection of high-resolution photographs were taken of the Mars surface in 2008 by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). As soon as the photos were made public, lots of curious people started to study them closely for evidence of life.

Countless interesting anomalies were found.

  • Geometric shapes that suggest intelligent design of cities, canals, and reservoirs.
  • Faces and bodies that suggest massive sculptures formed by artistic hands.

How reliable are the detailed Mars pictures found on the Internet?

  • Some of the pictures have been photographically enhanced to bring out details of the anomalies.
  • Others have been photoshopped to create jokes and hoaxes.

Jokes and hoaxes

  • Most of the faces and geometric shapes in the original NASA photos could be dismissed as “pareidolia,” which is like finding a face on a spackled wall or the shape of a dog in a cloud. While examining photos of the debris on the surface of Mars, the mind is bound to be attracted to familiar patterns… rocks that look like human faces… formations that resemble canals or circles or rectangles or pyramids….
  • Still, some of the anomalies are rather compelling.

Here’s a collage of several of the more compelling images.


Some of the interesting geometric patterns and faces found in the debris on the Martian surface can be found across the Internet. Some have been photographically enhanced, some have been hoaxed, and some are presented just as they appeared in the original NASA photos. On one hand, then, the safest course for truth-seekers is to avoid hoaxes by sticking with original photos by NASA and the scientists. On the other hand, scientists believe firmly that there was no human life, anywhere, 4 billion years ago, and they’ll be inclined to discount very good, solid evidence to the contrary. So, as always, truth-seekers need to tread carefully between science and the bigger picture… where greater truths coexist uneasily with jokes and hoaxes.


This video by Mike Singh seems to be pretty clean (no hoaxing or sensational enhancements), and some of the images are compelling… to me, at least.

video no longer available

Based on the devastation that typifies the Martian landscapes, it’s likely that we won’t get any good, solid evidence of an Edenite presence on Mars 4 billion years ago… not until we humans have been able to colonize Mars ourselves, with a team of archaeologists and other scientists… who do some serious digging.


With the next article about the “Ancients” I’ll start to explore what seems to have happened on Earth since the explosion of Eden, based on the evidence introduced in earlier articles (Part 1…  and  Part 2… )




  • Karyn changed the title to What ITC Groups could learn from the Ancients(8.3)

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