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0. Abstract

I did some scrying experiments in the past even I did not know the exact meaning of "scrying" yet. It was a photo of the surface of a lake where I got my first visual ITC images from and they put me on the track I am still driving on.


Fig.1: ITC Water image "The bearded man wearing a poncho"

Although my main quest was upon EVP's I frequently came back to visit the awe and magic of images in water as I did for example in my article "The magicians chamber" you can find here.

My latest approach in this field was an experiment with a rotating glass ball on the stream of an indoor fountain. It gave me some very impressing results like this picture here.


Fig.2: A face

A video from this first experiment with a rotating glass ball will be published in the VARANORMAL YT channel soon. It is full of structures, persons, symbols, topology, buildings a.s.o.


1. The mechanical design

I am creating my designs from a purely phenomenological point of view on ITC. I take what was given to me as knowledge and experience but I cannot explain why it works. Most of this comes out of intuition. So I was pondering how to utilize the underlying principles I discovered in my experiment. I decided to create a device that would work as closely to the setup I had tested with the glass ball as possible. As always my intuition gave me a stream of construction details for this device and it was more or less already elaborated before I picked up the first screw.


Fig.3: The first working prototype

I had a nice wooden case that I took from another ITC device that proved not to work very well. Usually I cannibalize those old designs to save money time und unnecessary waste.

The base of the design is a motor with a shaft covered with foam and surrounded by a set of 4 orange color LED's as you can see in the following image.


Fig.4: Motor shaft and LED's

As you can see also there is a circular shaped cutout in the middle of the case lid. It takes in the heart of the device, a ball made of rock crystal with a diameter of 45mm. In its position the ball can be set into rotation by the motor and also illuminated by the LED's.

I designed two electronic components that I will describe in the following chapter. For now you can see the inside of the device in the following picture.


Fig.5: View on the inside


2. The electronic components

I designed two electronic components. The first one I made because I knew I would need something to control the speed of the motor. I realized a simple pulse width modulation with the famous NE555 timer circuit.



Fig.6: The motor control unit.

The potentiometer R4 sets the PWM duty cycle and so controls the amount of energy applied at the motor. A nice side effect was that the motor generated a sound that partially mimicked human speech. Maybe this will be a spin-off for another EVP device. I will keep you posted on that.

The second unit I created was just an adaption of a previous design. You maybe know that I created the SpiCa unit months ago. An electronic circuit based on the NE555 that creates very complex chaotic patterns. As I thought about the scrying device I immediatly came upon using this circuit for driving the LED's with that complex pattern. I felt very strongly that this flickering pattern in conjunction with the rotating ball would interfere with the shutter frequency of a digital camera filming the ball.


Fig.7: The SpiCa control unit

To facilitate my test runs I employed a DIL switch to make the divided output of the SpiCa signal selectable and thus looking for the most interesting interference patterns. Currently I run the device with S2 closed and all other switches opened.


4. Test results

I did some pre-tests where I found some flaws that needed fixing. Sadly the motor shaft was running with a substantial amount of eccentricity making the ball jump up and down. In the first design I had used a piece of rubber tube around the shat to give it more friction and making the ball rotating. I replaced it by foam that was dampening the eccentricity sufficiently. Still the ball makes a lot of noise while rotating but I expected this.

From my first tests I got a lot of pictures like this.


Fig.8: Test picture looking like planet Jupiter

It was this impression that made me name the device after the biggest of all planets. The "Jupiter" scrying device was born.

The first test I made with the digital camera mounted on a small tripod. The digicam had a macro lens to improve the images. I took a short video of the running ball while playing with the speed and the SpiCa patterns. Later I split the video into single frames in my NCH Videopad program and went through them bit by bit.

Fig.9: Jupiter device video sequence

In the video you can see some amazing details. i just played with the SpiCa pattern adjust and you can see light pumping effects and that the rotating direction of the ball seems to jump between clockwise and counter-clockwise forth and back. This is a result of the interference between shutter freuqwncy of the camera and the SpiCa patterns.

I quickly realized that the camera position should be fixed to improve the images that had to be taken with manual focus and aperture setting because otherwise the autofocus algorithm would go crazy by trying to focus on the rotating ball.

Then I got the idea to reactivate my old Samsung smartphone, installed a manual focus camera app and created a kind of table that could be attached to the Jupiter device like shown in the next image.


Fig.9: Attachment with smartphone on it



Fig.10: Look under the table attachment

As you can see the camera lens is located directly above the rotating ball and thus is in the optimized position to take pictures. In the follwing you can see a gallery of some images I gained from the movie I made. Sadly I had set the camera to low resolution and the pictures are lacking sharpness. In the next experiment I will take a HDR video.

What is also worth mentioning is that my theory of the SpiCa patterns interfering with the shutter frequency of the camera proved right. The resulting were dark zones in the ball like this one here.


Fig.10: Dark zones caused by interference

Now here the examples are coming.


Fig.11: A face in the upper left area


Fig.12: A dark face hovering in empty space


Fig.13: More faces


Fig.14: A light pyramide


Fig.15: Deep space with a dark face


Fig.16: A rectangular structure like a building in the upper area


Fig.17: Multiple faces in overlay


Fig.18: The face again from the beginning


Fig.19: More faces


Fig.17: A black hole in deep space


Fig.17: Moon face


5. Conclusion

I think it is obvious that this construction has some potential. For me it was important to prove that the scrying results could also be obtained without the use of water. Actually I think that the inclusions in the quartz ball are playing a mayor role in the image creation process because they are points of light precipitation. However I would like to conduct a comparitative test with a clear glass ball to be sure.

A video from Jupiter device will be published soon at VARANORMAL YT channel. The results of the ongoing experiments will be published here: https://www.varanormal.com/forums/forum/60-visual-photography-anomalies/


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