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Seminar ITC 3 - The Transimages

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Carlos Fernández demonstrates the so-called Schreiber method used to attempt the recording of transimages. The work of Klaus Schreiber, a German EVP experimenter, was closely followed and studied by Prof Ernst Senkowski and Rainer Holbe. He is the well-known pioneer of the transimages. The method was allegedly transmitted to him by his deceased daughter Karin through EVP messages. The Schreiber method creates a visual feedback loop - the video camera is connected by a cable to the screen of a television or computer. In the present case the video camera was connected to a TV screen. The operator searches for a point of instability on the screen where the images constantly move in different shapes. The operator may position the video camera in different places and angles until he or she finds the ideal position that allows for the unstable images to appear on the monitor. The circuit is formed by the video camera filming the screen and projecting what it films again on the screen in a continuous closed loop. The recording thus obtained must be visualised through dedicated software frame by frame. An example of the software that can be used is Wondershare Filmorabut there are others. The important point is that the images can be stopped one by one in order to be carefully examined. References Senkowski, E. (1995, 2000). Instrumentelle Transkommunikation (first Ed. 1989) Frankfurt: R. G. Fischer. Holbe, R. (1987). Bilderausdem Reich der Toten. Munich: DroemerscheVerlogsanstalt Th. KnaurNachf. Holbe, R. (1989). Immagini dal Regno dei Morti. Roma: Edizioni Mediterranee.
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