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Seminar ITC 2 on line (The importance of the work of the pioneers)

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Anabela Cardoso starts by recommending an attitude of utmost seriousness and self-criticism to all those interested in embarking in the extraordinary adventure of attempting to record the anomalous electronic voices. Pareidolia and self-deception represent eminent dangers when we get into this practice and EVP and ITC operators must avoid them at all costs. Anabela again highlights the importance of the work of the pioneers. In this video she focuses primarily on the figure of the German writer and great transcommunicator, Hildegard Schäfer . She wrote an excellent book about EVP and ITC practice which is a valuable and very serious guide to beginners and more advanced students of ITC. The original was published in German and there are printout translations into French and Portuguese. A free download translation into English, Bridge between the Terrestrial and the Beyond- Theory and Practice of Transcommunication can be found at www.worlditc.org In the same line, she highly recommends the book by Maggy Harsch-Fischbach and Dr Theo Locher, the president of the Swiss Parapsychological Association, which reports on the extraordinary ITC events that occurred in Luxembourg. The original was published in German but it has been translated and published in Portuguese and French. All serious EVP and ITC researchers who would like additional information can contact Anabela Cardoso at: cuadernostci@itcjournal.org References: Schäfer, H. (1989). Brücke Zwischen Diesseits und Jenseits. Freiburg: Verlag Hermann Bauer KG. Schäfer, H. Théorie et Pratique de la Transcommunication and in Portuguese, Ponte entre o Aqui e o Além - Teoria e Prática da Transcomunicação. Locher, T. and Harsch, M. (1992). Transcomunicação. São Paulo: Editora Pensamento. (Portuguese Ed.). Locher, T. and Harsch, M. (1989). Les Contacts vers l’Au-delà à l’aide de moyens techniques existent ! Association Suisse de Parapsychologie et Cercle d’Etudes sur la Transcommunication du Luxembourg. (1995, French ed. Agnières: Parasciences).
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