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Gary Mannion in trance with spirit Jimmy, hosted by Inge Crosson for the Zammit Global Afterlife Zoom Group.

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Gary Mannion is a gifted healer and a physical medium who works in deep trance with a spirit team. The spokesman for the physical team is Jimmy, who speaks with a broad Irish accent. IN this video he answers questions posted in the chat window from audience members. This is what Neal Rzepkowski writes about him: "Gary Mannion is a world-famous physical medium and healer. He has been thoroughly tested by psychic researchers... probably more than any other physical medium. The results show beyond the shadow of a doubt that the phenomena his spirit team produces are genuine. This came about to counter a biased video that was made and circulated several years ago which insinuated that Gary was a fraud. From great trials come great blessings. Much of the work Gary's spirit team does now is in a lighted condition so that all can see that there is no trickery involved. Gary did 2 seances at my home several years ago, and I am glad to be able to host him again. I will facilitate him sharing his unique talents of seance work, healing, and trance channeling in other locales besides my own. He will be here in "the states" Feb 10 to 22. The outline of the tentative schedule is below. His first seance "on tour" will be at my dome-home in Cassadaga." Those interested in his schedule in the USA can phone Neal on 1 716 665-0768

Gary Mannion's schedule of seances in February:

UPDATED by Neal Rzepkowski Buffalo, New York.
Phone: 1 716 665-0768


        Gary Mannion is a world-famous physical medium and healer.  He has been thoroughly tested by psychic researchers... probably more than any other physical medium.  The results show beyond the shadow of a doubt that the phenomena his spirit team produces are genuine.  This came about to counter a biased video that was made and circulated several years ago, insinuating that Gary was a fraud.  From great trials come great blessings.  Much of the work Gary's spirit team does now is in a lighted condition so that all can see that there is no trickery involved.  
        Gary did two seances at my home several years ago, and I am glad to host him again.  I will facilitate him sharing his unique talents of seance work, healing, and trance channelling in other locales besides my own.  He will be here in "the states" from February 10 to 22.  The outline of the tentative schedule is below.  His first seance "on tour" will be at my dome-home in Cassadaga.
Friday, February 11 at 7 pm, Gary will do a physical seance here at TiOmime'  (my place) 
        The requested donation is $110.  During the seance, he will be bound to the arms and legs of a chair to prove that he is not producing the phenomena you will witness.  The chair is placed inside a "séance tent".  The helpers of his "Spirit Team" will demonstrate the effects they can produce on the physical plane for all to experience.  In subdued light, you will be able to see the tent lift up and spin like a top while being able to see Gary's feet still bound to the legs of the chair as the tent moves around him.  Of course, other amazing things will happen, but each seance is different.  We may have an opportunity to see "ectoplasm" form into a solid representation of an arm, for example.  You may see levitation of the seance trumpet.  There may be sparks of spirit light in the room.  Gary's spirit helpers will also offer you the opportunity to ask them questions about what you see and hear.  There will be a brief 15 to 20-minute orientation before the seance.  The seance itself should last about an hour and a half of amazing manifestations from Gary's Spirit team while Gary will be in a trance state.
        I will be driving Gary to various other venues until he leaves on February 21.


Other venues that Gary will be doing activities.:

-Saturday, February 12.  Gary will be in Erie at "The Hill, " where Rev. Jane and husband Bubba reside.  Contact her for further information.  I have found that the best way to contact her is through Facebook Messenger.  Here is her Facebook address:  https://www.facebook.com/reverand.jane  As of now, the activities may be fully booked, but it doesn't hurt to ask if there is a cancellation.


-Sunday, February 13.  Laure Wilson has Gary at her home in Ridgeway, PA.  Find Laure Wilson on Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/laure.wilson ) and message her for further details.  There may be individual healing sessions open before the evening activity.

-Monday, February 14 to Wednesday, February 16.  Gary will be in Schenectady, NY, doing activities hosted by Mary Burch-Marcherone.  You can contact Mary by email at 
mburmach98@aol.com.  On the 14th is a healing séance with Abraham.  The 15th will be a séance like the one at Neal's on February 11, and the final evening will feature a Q&A session with one or more of Gary's Spirit guides while he is in a trance state.  Other opportunities for individual meetings and healings will be available during the days.

-Thursday, February 17, we'll be returning from the 6 hour trip to Schenectady and stopping by Niagara Falls for a day off.

-Friday, February 18.  Gary will be doing activities at Nancy and Bill's home in Henrietta near Rochester, NY.  Email Bill at 

-Saturday, February 19.  Colleen Marx will host Gary in West Seneca near Buffalo at Great Lakes Therapeutic Massage.  Contact them by calling or texting at 716-725-0264.  There will be healing sessions in the afternoon and the séance in the evening.

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