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Ian Lawton -"Death is an Adventure"


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537133725_Deathisanadventure.jpg.c2ffb2facc4ca35f05da17003d214a25.jpgThis little gem of a book with the subtitle "Your Top Ten Questions About the Afterlife Answered" is a must-read. Ian Lawton, who in 2019 released a brilliant 500-page book "Afterlife: A Modern Guide to the Unseen Realms" provides simple but elegant answers based on years of research to the following questions:
1. Can you rely on these answers?
2. Surely when you're dead you're dead?
3. How will I feel when I die?
4. How do I cope with missing a loved one?
5. Is there a heaven?
6. Is it all play and no work in heaven?
7. Is there a hell?
8. How can I best prepare myself?
9. Will I have to come back again?
10. Is there anything beyond heaven?
Buy now on Kindle or in paperback.

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