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Zoom returns on Jan 15, and below is the progam for the next phase.

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Topic 1 - SLiDS Group Meetings will be back on Jan 15th  2022


  • Karedc’s Books reading meetings
  • Schedule will be the same: on Saturdays’ @ 3 PM CST
  • The idea is to keep our book readings intercalated with lecturers
  • Open to everyone and free of any charge

Link to Zoom Meeting



ID: 570 263 1352

Passcode: 24wfTy


- Topic 2 - New Group Study - In the Domain of Mediumship – Studying the Mediumship Mechanisms


This group will be focused on equipping those interested in forming/ developing  Circle Meetings.

This study will also be based on Kardec’s teachings and tips .

The exact day is yet to be determined, but each module will probably be 2 hours long.

The last Module will be in person (Houston, Tx) and will take about one weekend. First day to revisit concepts and part of the theory. Second day will be reserved for actual Meeting Circles.

Open to 14 people max and will be free of any charge.


  • Module #1 -  Basic Principles from The Medium’s Book – Allan Kardec
    • When: March, 2022
    • Where: Online
  • Module #2 -  The Spirits -  Identifying the Spirit Intentions & Nature
    • When: April, 2022
    • Where: Online
  • Module #3 -  The Medium – Education & Preparation from Physical & Emotional Standpoint; Moral Conduct of the Medium
    • When: May, 2022
    • Where: Online
  • Module #4 -  The Circle Meeting -  Goals, Medium & Channeling Conduct; Real Life Examples from the book In the Domain of Mediumship
    • When: June, 2022
    • Where: Online
  • Final -  Workshop – Theory & Practices
    • When: July, 2022
    • Where: Houston, In person


- Topic 3 - SLiDS is preparing an Audiobook - Emmanuel

This is a book from Chico Xavier that describes facts from Emmanuel, Chico’s spiritual guide, including his past lives.

According to Chico, Emanuel was supposed to reincarnate in Sao Paulo, a few years before his transition to the Spiritual realm. And Chico would then be his Spiritual guide.

Translation being done by Ana, Luis, and Craig Hogan.

This is a free Portuguese to English translation and will be distributed only to SLiDS group members – since we are studying Kardec’s books and Emanuel tackles a lot of topics from Kardec’s teachings.

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