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Posts posted by sglanz

  1. Attached is an audio clip and a transcription. Let me explain. My audio clip is approx. 3 minutes using Michael's "ITC Translator." No background noise added. It is just picking up whatever is inside the computer. 

    It was set to default parameters. The program uses AI and is documented on the forum.

    The bumps and hisses are artifacts deriving from the slow processing on my computer. But there are words too. I have been experimenting with speech-to-text, so I ran the recording through Otter.ai . It picks out words when it "hears" them - timestamps not included. The transcript:

    "S S S S S So, so circle circle circle circle circle circle set set set set set for that's AI for a sec by ach ach is our paper paper or paper or paper or cable sounds sorry sorry SORRY Sorry"

    If I wanted to, I could attach relevance to this, but that is a subjective judgment. For example, the word "AI" seems appropriate while using an AI program here! "Cable sounds" could refer to a computer cable making the sounds, since there was no external noise source. I don't know about the other words. 

    I don't know what the speech-to-text algorithm is doing. At least it is not guilty of human pareidolia. Maybe just machine pareidolia :)  Or, it could be genuine. I invite others to experiment with this technique, with ITC Translator or any other EVP recording, processed (or not) in whatever way you like. 

    You are also welcome to listen to the clip, to see if you pick up the same or different words than the algorithm did, ignoring the bumps and hisses. 

  2. I've been playing with Adobe Audition to clarify EVP voices. It works to some extent, but not well enough for me to easily hear words that I know are sitting beneath distortion. So I was wondering if anyone has used Forensic Audio Analysis Software for this purpose. For example:


    Or this one:


    Or this one:


  3. On 12/31/2021 at 2:49 PM, Fernando Luis Cacciola Carballal said:

    I have no idea but I think that on our side, PK is very directly based on whatever special characteristic our hemi-ethereal bodies occasionally have and it's responsible also for physical mediumship (that is, physical mediumship and PK have a common cause)

    On the other side I think that PK is the "normal action mechanism", so normal that it would NOT even be called PK.

    And I think that, in a way, that "normal etheric action mechanism" on the other side, and PK on our side, are basically one and the same.


    How would one go about testing your hypothesis that PK is the same on both sides, and is the sole mechanism by which etheric-physical effects are effectuated? 
    What other mechanisms could be at play, on either side? 
    What is the "special characteristic" of our hemi-ethereal that enables PK?
    We know what PK is, but we don't know how it works. This is an essential question. 

  4. On 12/31/2021 at 2:44 PM, Fernando Luis Cacciola Carballal said:

    Hi Steve,

    For whatever reason, I strongly believe that for a spirit to directly interact with our physical side they need a highly specialized, very complex, biological device such as a human brain. 
    OK, for a simple text message they might not something as elaborate as a brain but it would still need to be something biological and far more advanced than anything we have built so far.

    What that means is that, in my humble opinion, conventional high-SNR EVP can be produced more or less by direct influence from the communicating spirit, but, for as long as there is a sufficiently strong physical medium on our side (the physical medium acting as the device). Anything more elaborated requires ethereal equipment on the other side.

    There are several reports of "ITC stations", from a variety of sources (from Chico's Xavier Nosso Lar to contemporary ITC groups), but they don't seem to be ubiquitous.  I imagine ITC to be, on their side, something like the telegraph in late 18th century. 
    But then, just as we progressed from the early telegraph to the modern cell phones, they can do just the same I imagine.


    That is all the more reason for an interdisciplinary approach to ITC. There has been much progress in understanding how the brain works, yet little of this has been applied to ITC. There are also advances in the detection and mapping of subtle body structures, which has not been applied to ITC. Some quantum physics has been applied to ITC (even among our own team here at Varanormal), but not nearly enough.  

    By focusing our attention on discovering and replicating how our "biological devices" make contact, we won't' need to rely on etheric devices created by engineers on the other side. This is a worthy pursuit, in my opinion, as it puts the ball in our court where we invent, manage and control the outcome. Otherwise, we are forever dependent on mediums and chance technological developments on the other side, which so far have not proven to be consistent. 

  5. Nice idea, and great discussion! I remember seeing ITC images of spirit technicians working at "computers" to collaborate with our side. These spirit computers are the intermediaries. Thus, the speaker would not have to learn this new language. The other-side computer would effect the digital-to-analog translation. 

    But this presents a problem. The average person on the other side might not have access to this specialized translational etheric hardware. Unless it is so successful that it is mass produced and everyone has access. I'm not sure how that is done on the other side. I suspect it's not the same way we replicate things on this side. 

    It would be better if all they had to do is speak, with all the translation done on our side. 

  6. When I attended psychic school in 1981, Jeffrey Mishlove presented to our small class a couple times. He had been visiting South America and learned some stuff from shamans, so he shared their techniques with us. He mentioned a multi-level supplement product, so I visited him a few times to get training to be a downline sales person. But I never stuck with it, and that was the last I saw of Jeff. Then he started on his "Thinking Allowed" series on local TV, and it went national, then global. I'm proud of him for making a successful career, and for winning the contest. I'd love to hit him up for part of that $500K prize for ITC research, but after 40 years, I don't think he would remember me 🙂  

  7. Andres,to your question about the purpose of the contest.

    About BICS

    BICS was founded in June 2020 by aerospace entrepreneur Robert T. Bigelow to support research into both the survival of human consciousness after physical death and, based on data from such studies, the nature of the afterlife. Robert Bigelow is the founder of Bigelow Aerospace. For decades he has also supported serious investigations into consciousness and manifestations of unusual phenomena that are not yet understood by science.

    Despite intriguing evidence, the number of research groups and funding devoted to investigating the survival of human consciousness beyond death is shockingly small in the Western world. Even though all 7.8 billion humans on planet Earth will eventually die, very little high quality research is being conducted on perhaps the most important and fundamental question facing our species.

    There are very few significant conferences or symposia on this question which could appeal to scientists, academics and others with advanced training. This is partly because such research is not taken seriously by the current “scientific” paradigm. This current “scientific” group was seriously shaken by the 2017 New York Times article concerning UFO’s. It is probably time to end this close-minded approach. We at BICS believe that one way to do so is to appeal to qualified professionals who have some power to create change.

    One purpose of the BICS is to raise awareness among the public and within the scientific community of the importance and relevance of such an investigation. BICS hopes to provide a public service by drawing increasing attention to, and encouraging research into, this fundamental and timeless topic. We are seeking hard evidence “beyond a reasonable doubt” that takes us beyond religion or philosophy and provides a body of knowledge to be brought widely into the public arena that could be partially unifying in its impact on human awareness and culture.

    Purpose of BICS Essay Competition
    Another purpose of the BICS essay awards is to raise the public awareness for the Survival of Human Consciousness topic and to stimulate research. One goal of the essay contest is to award contestants for writing papers that summarize the best evidence available for the survival of human consciousness after permanent bodily death.

  8. 29 winners. Essays will be published. Top prize $500K goes to Jeffrey Mishlove.

    His essay is here: https://www.nonlocalmind.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Jeff-Mishlove-Essay-for-Bigelow-Institute.pdf

    Includes a chapter on ITC. 


    Winners: https://www.bigelowinstitute.org/News4.php

    Purpose of BICS Essay Competition
    Another purpose of the BICS essay awards is to raise the public awareness for the Survival of Human Consciousness topic and to stimulate research. One goal of the essay contest is to award contestants for writing papers that summarize the best evidence available for the survival of human consciousness after permanent bodily death.

    BICS intention is to provide a public service by:
    1. Creating and implementing the essay contest
    2. Publishing responsible information to the widest audience possible.
    3. BICS envisions the essays focus to be on scientific evidence as well as objective and subjective supported documentation as gathered
    From special cases, including older cases, from very credible witnesses
    From photographic or electronic data
    From all available literature
    From highly validated and authenticated human experiences
    From other relevant sources
    BICS has assembled a competent board of directors with deep experience in the topic to provide advice on the strategic direction and priorities of the Institute. The board of directors are: acclaimed journalist and author Leslie Kean, forensic neurologist Christopher C. Green MD PhD, theoretical physicist Harold Puthoff PhD, Brian Weiss MD who has lectured worldwide on survival of consciousness and associated topics, Rice University Professor of Philosophy and Religious Thought Jeffrey Kripal PhD, University of California Irvine Professor of Statistics Jessica Utts PhD, Anomalies Researcher, Molecular Biologist and Anomalies Researcher Colm A. Kelleher PhD, and BICS Founder Robert T. Bigelow.

  9. From the paper:

    "A scientist always sees himself in the role of a neutral observer - to keep himself out of
    the experimental context. We ITC researchers know that it is not possible, since we are deeply
    entangled with the phenomenon we scrutinize. Thus we should involve ourselves deliberately. If
    we have completed a setup and it is working, it should be mandatory to train ourselves in
    checking out how much we can influence the phenomenon by ourselves. In the end everything
    is about our personal spiritual evolution. We should never forget this."

    I see this as an important and necessary, but interim phase of technological development. At some point, we need to minimize the operator effect either by shielding against it, or by enfolding it so completely within our devices that they become proxies for the part of the human mind responsible for ITC reception & transmission. When that threshold is reached, and messages become as clear and seamless as telephone calls (etc.), the technology will be universally applicable and will transform humanity. 

  10. The human brain seems to be a transducer of consciousness, including paranormal effects like clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, etc. If we can understand how it accomplishes these feats, we may be able to model ITC devices to do the same. 

    Here is a list of references, including how the brain works through fractals, quantum physics principals and detection in the brain, electromagnetic fields relating to consciousness, wave genetics, and brain-to-brain communication via EMF. There is another article I cannot find about measurement of wave patterns in the brain that form a novel type of genetic structure. (Current Artificial Intelligence models will need to be modified.)







  11. On 8/14/2021 at 11:44 PM, Andres Ramos said:

    When I'm back from vacation by beginning of September I will try to follow the ideas coming from the discussion with Steve in parallel to my other projects.

    Andres, when you are ready to be more active again, let us know if you are still interested in experimenting with cavitation and water conductivity inspired by Emoto.

  12. I noticed that even though this paper was submitted in April, 2020, there are no comments. Other papers by Andres about the Coherer effect have attracted comments, and there are discussions about the effect scattered throughout Varanormal. So I thought I'd make the first comment about this paper. 

    First, Andres, congratulations on an original experiment! It would be nice if you could summarize it briefly for us. Have you done any further experiments with the water coherer that you invented? (Hmm, I guess I should read):


    Your quantum tunneling theory relies on the notion that thought pairs particles to antiparticles in mutual annihilation, releasing a photon that creates a cascading avalanche, giving opportunity for a thought signal to penetrate the resulting noise. You further muse that this photon creation may occur due to the effect of a higher dimension on the 3rd dimension. (Have you read "Flatland" by Edwin Abbott, 1884?). The mechanism of this effect needs to be elaborated, along with an examination of Steiner's "thoughts are equivalent to electrons" comment. I wonder if any experiments have been done by physicists that demonstrate the annihilation - photon effect due to thought, with proper detectors. 

    (With regard to dimensionality, the 2D theory of reality is quite trendy right now. https://www.sciencealert.com/here-s-what-scientists-mean-when-they-say-the-universe-might-be-a-hologram , https://www.sciencealert.com/a-physicist-has-calculated-that-life-really-could-exist-in-a-2d-universe )

    I'm impressed that you were able to hone in on the spectrograph to find an ITC message! I need to read your paper where you document additional ITC results from the coherer effect. 

    I know you have moved onto other experiments. But if you have any update on the coherer effect, please let us know. 

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