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perlin - 2021-11-20T203413.971.png1


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These are really interesting Julie.  Could you please explain more about the technique with the colored smoke and the lighted crystal.  Thank you.



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1 hour ago, ALF said:

These are really interesting Julie.  Could you please explain more about the technique with the colored smoke and the lighted crystal.  Thank you.



Hi Andrea, Thank you for your interest. I used a steam vapouriser that has the option of coloured lights and I placed a crystal on the top to see if this would enhance the energy, and used a dark background and low light. I  recorded using my phone with a set intention. I playback the recording using VLC media player to go through the capture frame by frame. it really was just an experiment to see if it would work as Im between homes and no longer a room set up, but Im happy to say it worked fine. Hope this helps. 

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I think people often overlook intention and the powerful part it plays.  If you don't mind me asking, what was your intention when you captured these?  Do you remember?  Have you ever tried this colored steam method with the intention to bring your loved ones?  

While making an EVP recording recently I stated that I was going to turn on the Krisp microphone now and see what happens.  Before Krisp engaged came the  recorded wisdom, "It's not a vehicle, it's you who open the door".  I've been thinking that there is a recipe that anyone can follow, and intention is the main ingredient.

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1 hour ago, ALF said:

I think people often overlook intention and the powerful part it plays.  If you don't mind me asking, what was your intention when you captured these?  Do you remember?  Have you ever tried this colored steam method with the intention to bring your loved ones?  

While making an EVP recording recently I stated that I was going to turn on the Krisp microphone now and see what happens.  Before Krisp engaged came the  recorded wisdom, "It's not a vehicle, it's you who open the door".  I've been thinking that there is a recipe that anyone can follow, and intention is the main ingredient.

That is wonderful wisdom for you Andrea. I ask for spirit contact and my intention is for the love of spirit. I dont hold any expection for anything at anytime, i just allow what needs to happen happen. I have had a few images of my dad but that was captured in my seance room using smoke and IR camera in total blackout conditions except for 1 small IR light and needing to check the room using my phones light  from time to time. I have been very fortunate to capture many images over the years with some of the images have been recognised. 

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