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My thoughts on the scientific explanation of EVP

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In quantum physics, there is a process by which non-material beings could actually convey information in a way that could have eluded scientists until now, due to the subjective predispositions of observers and the differences that make it impossible to subject a phenomenon to a scientific method (independent teams, independent laboratories, double-blind testing, etc.) .

This process is a quantum superposition that creates a conscious experience for the observer on the principle of reduction to a certain state. Quantum theory (for example on the example of Schrodinger's cat) assumes that every unconscious experience (closed box) is in a superposition of all possible states, and its realization through observation (opening the box and looking inside) reduces it to one of these states (the cat is alive or the cat is dead) and the result is to be random and statistically consistent if we repeat the observation many times. Observation (in the sense of quantum mechanics) is not only visual, but also acoustic - that is, listening to various sounds.

So every sound sample before we hear it and realize it - it is also in the superposition of all possible frequencies, amplitudes, durations, etc. possible sound parameters. From the parameters in quantum superposition, in the mind of the listener (as an observer in the understanding of quantum mechanics) one specific course is ultimately reduced. And so in this superposition, in the range of 20-20000 Hz, amplitude 0-100% of the duration from milliseconds to seconds, the shape of the course of each sample - specific values emerge. The theory assumes that the results of quantum reduction from superposition - are objectively purely random and the observer has no influence on them. Okay, the observer has no influence on them, but let's assume (that at least subjectively to a single observer) they are not accidental after all (for example Einstein's famous quote: "God does not play dice") If invisible beings (called ghosts) could have an impact on the world material, to human experience - in my opinion it is precisely through the manipulation of the results of quantum reduction in the observer. With this topic, I mean the acoustic experience in the minds of the observers - so information could be communicated in this way. The selection (by the aforementioned beings from the other world) of appropriate values of the parameters of sound samples (from among superpositions, e.g. radio noise), will create a more or less readable modulation that can be understood e.g. as a human voice.

The same is the case with the recording of such an acoustic background, where the reduction process in the observer's mind takes place during the first listening to the recorded material.

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Hi Robert!

The quantum selection effect could be a mechanism of how spirit influences things (electronics and our physical bodies). If so, one would want to prepare as many metastable states as possible for the spirits to influence. An analogy is the spirit knocking over bowling pins. One could count the number of pins falling over per unit time or the measure direction they fell. 

One of the biggest problems I've noticed, and I've explored not just audio, but images, and digital ITC, is how weak the spirit signal actually is. This means that we need sort of a paradoxical situation. Quietness from the physical environment but also metastability/ease of knocking over. Typically, sensitive sensors pick up everything around them.


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On 11/15/2021 at 8:21 PM, robertcb said:

In quantum physics, there is a process by which non-material beings could actually convey information in a way that could have eluded scientists until now, due to the subjective predispositions of observers and the differences that make it impossible to subject a phenomenon to a scientific method (independent teams, independent laboratories, double-blind testing, etc.) .

This process is a quantum superposition that creates a conscious experience for the observer on the principle of reduction to a certain state. Quantum theory (for example on the example of Schrodinger's cat) assumes that every unconscious experience (closed box) is in a superposition of all possible states, and its realization through observation (opening the box and looking inside) reduces it to one of these states (the cat is alive or the cat is dead) and the result is to be random and statistically consistent if we repeat the observation many times. Observation (in the sense of quantum mechanics) is not only visual, but also acoustic - that is, listening to various sounds.

So every sound sample before we hear it and realize it - it is also in the superposition of all possible frequencies, amplitudes, durations, etc. possible sound parameters. From the parameters in quantum superposition, in the mind of the listener (as an observer in the understanding of quantum mechanics) one specific course is ultimately reduced. And so in this superposition, in the range of 20-20000 Hz, amplitude 0-100% of the duration from milliseconds to seconds, the shape of the course of each sample - specific values emerge. The theory assumes that the results of quantum reduction from superposition - are objectively purely random and the observer has no influence on them. Okay, the observer has no influence on them, but let's assume (that at least subjectively to a single observer) they are not accidental after all (for example Einstein's famous quote: "God does not play dice") If invisible beings (called ghosts) could have an impact on the world material, to human experience - in my opinion it is precisely through the manipulation of the results of quantum reduction in the observer. With this topic, I mean the acoustic experience in the minds of the observers - so information could be communicated in this way. The selection (by the aforementioned beings from the other world) of appropriate values of the parameters of sound samples (from among superpositions, e.g. radio noise), will create a more or less readable modulation that can be understood e.g. as a human voice.

The same is the case with the recording of such an acoustic background, where the reduction process in the observer's mind takes place during the first listening to the recorded material.

Indeed the idea that the "quantum selection process" could be influenced--or driven to a certain extent--by a "consciousness" (spirits + us, in our ITC case) is very popular. It has even been at the time of Bohr when these things were being discovered. 

There was a timeframe at the materialistic peek of the scientific scene, some 10 to 20 years ago by my account, in which these ideas were mostly disregarded, but I believe that we are at the dawn of a postmaterialist era on science (1) and it has quite a lot to do with the so-called "Interpretations of quantum mechanics (QM)", that is, not just what happens but how and even possibly why. And this quantum selection process, what it means and implies, is a hot topic in the formation of such interpretations (there are a few dozen such interpretations these days, which go well beyond the "textbook" Copenhagen interpretation of Bohr et. al.)

Spooky stuff like the modern "Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser" (2) seem to show at the very least that we, observers, might really be entangled with, and influencing, what actually happens (the reduction, or collapse, of the superpositioned possible states into a definitive one).

There is a funny sort of joke in the QM world that asks "if a tree falling down on a forest makes a sound if no one is there to listen."

Whether the collapse, or deduction, or selection, occurs when we ITC experimenters conduct the experiment, or before that (and for instance gets recorded before we listen to it) is an interesting question. I personally prefer the idea that spirits drive the ITC phenomena with our active participation as a form of "hemi-physical energy source", but separately from our observation of the results. But that's just an hypothesis. It could also be as you said I guess.


(1) https://opensciences.org/about/manifesto-for-a-post-materialist-science

(2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delayed-choice_quantum_eraser


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