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Status Updates posted by P.A.T

  1. My channel is Paranormal Anomalies Team P.A.T     If anyone would care to check it out I would greatly appreciate it 🙂

  2. These are my first few attempts at visual ITC, I’m not claiming they are all spirit faces but they may very well be. I would greatly appreciate it if people would take a look, I know YouTubers who upload paranormal related content are ten a penny these days, however I’m really not like the others who simply upload for fame and notoriety. My content will never be faked as I truly do think it’s wrong to fool people.

  3. Apologies but not apologies for the post I am about to write. I am so very tired of blatant paranormal fakery. Tired of seeing people actively lie and promote lying. The so called paranormal field/paranormal community is rife with people looking to make a quick buck, seeing who can get the most gullible subscribers. Nobody and I mean nobody cares about genuine evidence. Heck, I could have a full blown conversation with the full bodied apparition of Elvis himself and nobody would give two hoots, but, if I were to post something along the lines of “A conversation with my demonic attachment”, everybody would be watching??? 
    In my opinion, the paranormal/supernatural has become a joke, if you’re not running scared from “the world’s most haunted location” etc etc (or some other nonsense along those lines), then nobody is interested. I mean, like what the actual heck? For 34 years I have believed in the paranormal, believed and known that life goes on, experienced things that cannot be explained, seen, heard and felt things that cannot be poo poo’d away. I am not some person whom has seen some nonsensical faked “paranormal show”, bought a bunch of the equipment they use and then started running around like I’m the reincarnation of a ghostbuster. In my opinion, in today’s so called “paranormal field” if you’re not contacting demons, the devil, evil entities, running screaming from a dark abandoned building, getting “possessed”, attacked, maimed, followed, “releasing” a “lost/trapped/confused” spirit, “investigating” the worlds most “haunted” place, and every other stupid nonsense that people manage to come up with, then nobody is interested. They don’t care if you have captured genuine EVPs, they don’t care if you have been lucky enough to have direct responses from questions asked, they don’t care if you genuine unexplained evidence from potential life forms that are not of this planet, they don’t care if you have had people telling you their names and they certainly don’t care if you have had devices go off (such as emf meter’s, rem pods and motion activated light up cat toys, that only go off when moved or touched.)

    I am and always will be 100% genuine, I do not need to lie nor fake evidence. I will always, always try my hardest to prove that the other side is real, possibly more real than you or I. If people don’t like me, that’s fine, if people think my content is boring, then so be it, if having genuine connections makes someone boring then I’m all for it, if people don’t believe me then have at it. Keep on keeping on with all the stupid nonsense, I’m not claiming to be the all knowing investigator/experimenter, I don’t have all the answers, but I will never, ever be fake. If it weren’t for those on the other side (wherever that may be), I would not be doing what I do, it has and always will be 90% them and 10% me. I am simply someone whom they wish to communicate and reach out to and to that end I will always be truly grateful. 

  4. Hello to everybody ☺️ This is just one of many I have been saving whilst using Perlin Noise. Just another quick experiment that I was attempting. I can clearly see several faces 🙂


  5. Hello to everybody ☺️

    1. Karyn


      Hello P.A.T., welcome to Varanormal.  My apologies for not getting to you sooner to welcome you. Do enjoy the site and of course join in as you have, we love hearing from others, and also discussing some of our many topics.  Blessings Karyn 

    2. P.A.T


      Hello and thank you. No need to apologise 🙂

      I am indeed already enjoying this site. It’s nice to be amongst like minded people. ☺️

  6. Hello, so I’m not sure if anyone can help but I’ll ask anyway. I was wondering if there were any other platforms like YouTube but with more of a serious approach to ITC and all things paranormal, supernatural and the unexplained. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind YouTube, however I feel that given the content that I put on there (and others like me, whom have a serious and genuine approach) tend to get overlooked or people just don’t take you seriously. Given that channels who have paranormal content are ten a penny it seems, a huge majority of them are just too entertainy, “demon” focused. Nobody seems to care about the genuine channels on there, which is hardly surprising given that there are masses of “true” investigations, investigators and the like. I guess I was just hoping to be amongst others who are genuine and not looking for quick fame because they bought something they saw on tv and now think they’re an investigator. It seems most people these days couldn’t give two hoots about real, genuine, honest people who just want to show others that the other side is as real as you or me.

    If I was smart enough and knew what I was doing I think I’d create my own video sharing platform, I wouldn’t even know where to start though and I would probably get overwhelmed. That’s why I’m hoping someone knows of another platform that’s much better and takes a more serious approach. Thank you in advance.

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