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Posts posted by CanadaKim

  1. Andres has a great circuit that uses high voltage driving a Neon Flame Flicker Lamp. We have both worked on this to make the circuit as basic as possible, and easy to recreate.

    You can hear the vocalization rhythm within the flicker even before the audio is analyzed by software. The actual design is quite brilliant, and not particularly hard to build.

    As per usual, Andres is Brilliant in the design of this.

    I have always been a believer that high voltage assists "punching thru" the either, into another realm.


  2. I am trying a experiment that has been designed by Andrés Ramos-Jiménez <andres.ramos@hey.com> using front surface mirror and light receiver.

    I have added a audio/video laser transmitter and demodulator/receiver to my design, but I have been so busy and harried that I have yet to actually put it together.

    This circuit has been very positive when Andres built it to transmit and receive audio.

    its the next up on my list to build, so I shall keep in touch with what  receive.


  3. As per usual Andres, AMAZING. The actual construction of the unit is second to none. You really should try just a tiny bit of "echo to extend the voices a bit.

    Did you just use what we in North America as "Saran Wrap" for the Membrane (modulated end of the tube) ?? 

  4. Version 2 has got to be the worlds most complicated Geranium Receiver!  Is he part of the Varinormal  Forum??


    I wonder what the programming unit would sound like with a different receiver plugged into it...something other than a Geranium receiver.

    we need to see schematics foe the units

  5. I remember when I was  child, and receiving Popular Electronics, Electronics Illustrated and my fathers PlayBoy Magazine (strike the latter)...there was an article called something like Listen To Flames, which suggested that flames from different chemical sources, had different definitive sounds. This came back to me when I read one of the articles on the SparkBangBuzz website, in one of his expereiments.

    Is the guy that did all the experiments on this website still living, God only knows what he has come up with since the website was made. Anyone tried to get ahold of him????


    Another of his experiments seems to encorperate a lot of Andres recent expeiments with water and light.


  6. Yes, Particle Coherers can be accused of having a sort of low-lever Microphone capabilities. Andres has published somewhere on here a basic water Coherer that I cannot see as having any sort of Microphone tendencies. I guess Particle Coherers will need to have to be built into a sound proof box, because they do show a lot of usefulness in ITC work.

    In High School, I did build a Microphone using Graphite Rods ripped from huge 3v Dry Cells, that was remarkably sensitive.

  7. Im going to get into trouble suggesting this...BUT,  Im wondering if the gigantic minds here, are sort of shooting in all directions,  therefore may never come to any sort of useful conclusion on Spirit Communications.

    Im wondering if we should set a goal, the one way that we feel is the best way to get to the goal of perfect spirit communication,  and all work towards it.

    I understand that this may not be possible, as people like to work on their own theories, and do it quietly on their own...but what the hell, I like to stir the pot.

  8. 10 minutes ago, CanadaKim said:

    "Interactive communication" would truly be the pinnacle of all EVP work. I think the closest that we have achieved is with Andres Ramos (God Of EVP), and some direct mentioning of his personal current situations. I do understand that you are attempting to redo existing work exactly, as am attempt to verify the original experiments.

    35 minutes ago, GISMO5367 said:

    It would also drag EVP from a Fringe WooWoo Science into somewhat an ACTUAL science. I dont care who does it, or how they do it...I only care when it happens, I get to hear about it, and if Im lucky, participate in it.


  9. I myself, have limited my work away from any Diode-Based receivers. My initial work in them when I was 6 years old, from a Scientific American article on receivers, was rather dodgy. I finally came to believe that the snippets of voices I was hearing came from "Skip reception", that was also present in my Amateur radio work, This "Skip reception" came from transmissions from places that theoretically I shouldn't be able to receive, and usually consisted of snippets of dialogue, being bounced around the atmosphere, when condition was right for it. As I was located in the Canadian North....polar lights would magnify this condition greatly.

  10. "Interactive communication" would truly be the pinnacle of all EVP work. I think the closest that we have achieved is with Andres Ramos (God Of EVP), and some direct mentioning of his personal current situations. I do understand that you are attempting to redo existing work exactly, as am attempt to verify the original experiments.

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