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Christine Brooks

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Posts posted by Christine Brooks

  1. Thank you Fernando for showing us how the technique is done. I almost feel energized in the process of watching it being done!. I have jars of holy water in my meditation room that have been there for 2-3 months . I will try the technique on one of them. I am thinking this will recharge the water with the assistance of higher spiritual energy. Will the technique help heal living tissue in individuals?

  2. When I think of sound vibration traveling long distances I think of the whales...I wonder if the laser could be passed through water while listening for sound, and if water could enhance the signals as a conductor, especially of a higher pitch. I know that electricity and water are not a good mix, lol, but perhaps some magic could be invented for isolating the water and laser without losing the sound. Then again, electricity and water make for astounding lightshows and sound waves in thunderstorms!

  3. I found over the years that the tone C has always resonated deeply within my soul. A  musician friend found in his exploration of sound frequency  that the earth's nature resonance is relative to  432 hertz.  We might think since 432 is earthly that it might not apply to spirit. But what if all existence was relative to 432 hertz?  Also..the tones most beneficial to the soul would provide access to higher vibrational beings in my mind.

  4. I agree. It is my understanding that we are all individually and cohesively as evolving humans growing to understand our true nature. I believe our origins are universal, and perhaps experimental. Spirit essence has long been, perhaps from inception, a part of our makeup. Therefore it stands to reason that our universal conscious mind is constantly attempting to reunite itself with itself, to be cognizant. Awakening from birth even so too the present moment. As there is polarization in evey form of energy, positive and negative ions, ( components of positive and negative energies- one causes awareness of the other) darkness and light, hot and cold, mirror opposites..it is like...we are mirroring each other at the same time spinning in correlation to one another. Like a vortex we spin, rising until we attain that unity with which we began.

  5. A lawyer is not needed to create a disclaimer...we are hereforthwith not liable for anything anyone reading this forum thinks,acts, or wills on their own accord. All precautions are to be initiated by the viewer regarding content. All viewing this website are indicating they have the maturity and wisdom to hold themselves responsible for any and all actions independently.

    Any suggestions to add?

  6. Thank you Andres. I was the only person  around, and I tried to shoot at angle where my reflection did not come into play. Sometime I will try to use the dish as a scrying dish, though I have no experience  doing so. 

  7. Karyn,

    Thank you for posting such a wealth of information. I have friends who have had experiences with with et's  and now their experiences are validated.  When I first arrived on scene of interweb commnication I came across a young man, if I remember correctly, who claimed to be getting information from seven beings about how we came to be on this planet. Until now Ive never found acceptance or validation, and here it is! 

    How very wonderful, thank you. Just as we are diverse and many here, it nakes sense that it would be so "up there".  🙂


  8. When I watch paranormal shows (which are few that are not BS), I watch it with the sound off so that my emotions and mind are not manipulated into fear. I find that I understand what is happening on a cognizant and spiritual level ...it helps when I remember a term a medium friend used in a discussion once, that she thinks of spirits as "clear people", people just like us who grieve and get mad or annoyed just like we do, as well as love and laugh and plea for help sometimes when they are confused, or just want to stop in and say Hi!. Then there are a different level of spirit who operate on a lower level  and do try to manipulate us if they are able...and that is the crux. We build up our awareness and dont allow ourselves to be fooled...and yet doing so with the power, love and grace of God and his protective and loving unseen forces that watch over and assist us. I never doubt the power. That is my personal experience and understanding. 


  9. On 11/18/2020 at 1:17 AM, Andres Ramos said:

    A very touching story Chris. I think that those events likely are the reason why people start to walk on a spiritual path. How it was with you? Have you been already spiritually before this incident in 2006?

    Andres, I think began my spiritual journey very young, ....when I swear to this day I heard angels sing....when I would walk in the rain in a rivlet barefoot along a neighborhood street...when I looked up at a sky filled with thunder ad lightnening and felt one with it all...I began actively searching for what and who God was and the meaning behind our relationship with him and a clear spiritual view when I was around 17-18. My mother was a spiritual person in Catholicism and as such I was introduced to church at a young age. But making a conscious decision on my own began around 17 when I could not reconcile what I had learned thus far with love. Thank you Andres.

  10. I wonder if the boiling water worked well because it was a natural transition or of an energy from one form to another, the water to steam. As we transition from flesh to spirit, such transformation or transference occurs. And in ITC....transition or transfer from one dimension to another. Emotions and physical pain can be transfered from spirit to flesh in the physical.  It is all so interesting.

  11. And then they can tell us if we were on the right track at all Andres!  The deep tone vibrated it seemed. Perhaps they can manipulate waves of some kind over there to pass through the ether and come through to our plane. It is a reality that they can manipulate material objects, with apports., So we just need to figure out how they are manipulating sound waves, right Keith? 🙂  And that is exactly the discovery of what your and others' research and experiments are leading to.   🙂 


    Oh! And failures are only stepping stones building a path to discovery.  🙂


  12. If the needle moves according to the earth's magnetic field, then it is so.

    1. There exists a theory and opinion that the earth has and will experience polar shifts. Now if the shift takes place on an infinitesimally minute scale over a thousand years or two, perhaps it has begun.  I swear the placement of the sunset and sunrise is not the same as it was even 10-12 years ago in my memory. Do I imagine this?

    2. Do all compasses have this movement, perhaps some more apparent than others?

    3. Oh, and one more thought- the end of the needle is red. Could there be a trace of iron element that causes an increased magnetic constant pulling to one of the metal nodes?

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