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Christine Brooks

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Status Replies posted by Christine Brooks

  1. Hello Christine:

    I have just published in Spanish language a novel (The next world) whose plot is based on transcommunication. My interest is to put a grain of sand to arouse the interest of non-experts, the civil society in general, about the exciting subject of life after death. I have registered this publication in the corresponding Intellectual Property Registry in Madrid (Spain).

    I have prepared the same text in English version, with the help of an on-line translator, since I do not have advanced knowledge of that language. I cannot afford the services of a specialist interpreter and, therefore, I am writing to the Forum to find out if any member would be willing, for free, to revise the text from the point of view of a native English speaker, to make the text more understandable, provided that its quality is worth the effort.

    This is a resume:

    Is there a new life after physical death? This is probably the question that has most interested human beings throughout the ages. The two main protagonists of this novel, Daniel and Miguel, decide, each in their own time, at their own risk, personally and without intermediaries, through instrumental transcommunication procedures, to experiment until they are certain that, once the body stops functioning, the consciousness is capable of transcending and can exist in another plane or dimension different from the one in which we develop our present life. And what is even more complex: that this spirit, soul, energy or whatever we want to call it, is capable of communicating with living people, through different means.

    You can have a look here:

    EL MUNDO SIGUIENTE https://www.amazon.es/dp/B0BMLS71CF?ref_=cm_sw_r_apann_dp_G1Z2THY5JRXS6F34T85F

    Thank you very much for your attention and best regards.


    1. Christine Brooks

      Christine Brooks

      Hello Cabrerizo,

      It is wonderful to offer hope to Spanish fluent individuals, and reaffirm the faith of many that life continues after the  earth plane.

  2. Welcome to Varanormal Cabreizo, we are heartened to learn that you wish to join in, and please feel very free to do so,  You may even like to introduce yourself a bit.


    Bienvenido a Varanormal Cabreizo, nos alienta saber que desea unirse, y siéntase libre de hacerlo, incluso puede presentarse un poco.
    1. Christine Brooks

      Christine Brooks

      Greetings Cabrerizo,


      Mucho gusto!

      (Im just learning Spanish 🙂 )

      There is so much good information here!

      I have found it quite fascinating.


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Thank you Christine for all the work you have done, blessings Karyn

    1. Christine Brooks

      Christine Brooks

      I am happy to be of service Karyn, it is a pleasure to work with all of you.


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