Operator RT Posted June 21, 2022 Posted June 21, 2022 (edited) ITC - HWY2 OPERS. LUNA & RT 061222 (1 of 7) Upon review we heard these possible ITCs: Q: Peppers’ command of the English language is lacking. (*FOLLOWS APPARENT REPEATING OF OUR WORD*), A: “Lacking” m (04:53). Q: Who’s with us today? A: (“I am”) e (07:40). Q: Are there any people who would like to say hello to Operator Luna? A1: (“Hello”) e (08:28), A2: (“Hello”) e (08:36), A3: “Hi f (08:40). Q: Can you hear us? A: (“Ah-ha”) e (09:28). (*FOLLOWS POSSIBLE FIELD RESPONSE*) A1: “Hello” (or Roland) e (09:36), A2: “Hello” (or Roland) e (09:40), A3: “Hello” (or Roland) m (09:43), Q: Who’s trying to come through to us? Your name please? A: “I’m… Anthony” m (09:48), A: “Remember? Peppers” m (09:50), A: Indistinct voices m (09:53). *END* INITIAL REVIEW 060422 - 060622 by OPER. RT; SESSION OPERATORS: LUNA, RT. NOTES: SB7, NOISE GATE PORTAL, AUX CABLE, 3/8 F TO ¼ MALE ADAPTER, 2 CHANNEL VEHICLE DVR RECORDER. SETTINGS: FM, REV, 150 MSS. ITC - HWY2 OPERS. LUNA & RT 061222 (2 of 7) Upon review we heard these possible ITCs: A: “RT” m (00:00). Q: We’re hearing a lot of voices – Can you maybe speak a little slower so we can hear you? (*FOLLOWS APPARENT REPEATING OF OUR WORD*) Q: Slower, that’s right A: “Slower” f (00:13). Q: Slower, that’s right. Q: Yes. A1: “Yes” m (00:18), A2: “Peppers” f/e (00:20), A3: “Abbie” f (00:20), A4: “Lucas” m (00:23), A5: “Abbie” f (00:24), A6: “Abbie” f (00:28), A7: “Luna” f (00:30), A8: “Right here” (00:33). Q: What’s my name? A: “Roland” e (00:39), A: “Right here” (00:40). Q: Who is here today? How do you like to be called? A1: “Timmy” m (00:43). Q: Would you like us to tell someone something on your behalf? (*FOLLOWS POSSIBLE FIELD RESPONSE*) A1: “Yes” e (01:18), A2: (“I would”) (01:21), A3: (“I would”) m (01:23), A4: (“I would”) m (01:24), A5: (“I would”) f (01:25), Q: Anything we hear … A6: “I would” m (01:29), Q Contd.: …we will write it down for people to read. A7: “I would” (01:33), A8: “I would” (01:35). A1: “Hey” e/f (01:38), A2: “Help” m (01:39). Q: Ok so who’s with us today? A1: “God” m (01:48), A2: “It’s (God)” (or It’s a man) f (01:50). A: “Hey Tommy” m (01:59). A: “Hi” c (02:03). A: “Marisol” (02:33). A: “Hi” (02:35). Q: Does anyone need our help today? A: “No” (02:59), A: “Yes” m (03:03). Q: How can we help you today? A: “Help me” m (03:08) Q: Is there something you need? A: “From you” m/e (03:25). Q: What is your message for Luna? A: “Work” (03:42), A: “Richard” (03:59). Q: Are you OK? A: “Ok” e (04:24). Q: I heard OK. Q: OK that’s good to hear. A: Nice m (04:32). Q: Can you say the name of my son who’s birthday it is today? A: “Need a break” f (05:33). Q: Do you now how old he’s turning today? A number please. A: “How about you?” (06:07), A: “Its 20” f (06:10). Q: Can you say Operator Faraday please? A: “It’s Steven” (06:35). Q: Who does this shrine honor? A: Indistinct phrase m (09:21). *END* INITIAL REVIEW 060422 - 060622 by OPER. RT; SESSION OPERATORS: LUNA, RT. NOTES: SB7, NOISE GATE PORTAL, AUX CABLE, 3/8 F TO ¼ MALE ADAPTER, 2 CHANNEL VEHICLE DVR RECORDER. SETTINGS: FM, REV, 150 MSS. ITC - HWY2 OPERS. LUNA & RT 061222 (3 of 7) Upon review we heard these possible ITCs: Q: Who’s with us? Your name please? A1: “Maddie” m (00:31), A2: “Maddie” m (00:35). Q: Who does this shrine honor? A name please? A: “Flo” m (00:52) (*CORRECT NAME OF PERSON HONORED BY A ROADSIDE SHRINE*) A2: (“Flo”) (01:26). Q: Do you have a message for us? A: (“I would”) (02:03), Q: Do you need help? A: “Help” (02:10), A: “Brenda” (06:42). *END* INITIAL REVIEW 060422 - 060622 by OPER. RT; SESSION OPERATORS: LUNA, RT. NOTES: SB7, NOISE GATE PORTAL, AUX CABLE, 3/8 F TO ¼ MALE ADAPTER, 2 CHANNEL VEHICLE DVR RECORDER. SETTINGS: FM, REV, 150 MSS. ITC - HWY2 OPERS. LUNA & RT 061222 (4 of 7) Upon review we heard these possible ITCs: N/A. *END* INITIAL REVIEW 060422 - 060622 by OPER. RT; SESSION OPERATORS: LUNA, RT. NOTES: SB7, NOISE GATE PORTAL, AUX CABLE, 3/8 F TO ¼ MALE ADAPTER, 2 CHANNEL VEHICLE DVR RECORDER. SETTINGS: FM, REV, 150 MSS. ITC - HWY2 OPERS. LUNA & RT 061222 (5 of 7) Upon review we heard these possible ITCs: A: “Hello’ e (01:39). Q: Are there any people with us today who would like to say Hello? A: “Maybe” m (02:05). Q: If somebody is here today, what is your favorite color? A: (“Purple”) (03:35). Q: Did you say purple? A: (“I did”) m (03:47) . Q: What is your favorite color? (*FOLLOWS APPARENT REPEATING OF OUR WORD*) A: “Purple” e (03:50). Q: I heard purple again. Q: I believe I did too. Q: What is your name please? A: Indistinct f (04:17). (*FOLLOWS POSSIBLE FIELD RESPONSE*) A1: “No-Name” e (09:03), A2: “No-Name” e (09:05), A3: “No-Name” f (09:07), A4: “No-Name” m (09:08), A5: “No-Name” m (09:16), A6: “No-Name” f (09:18), A7: “No-Name” m (09:20), A8: “No-Name” e (09:21. Q: I thought I heard No-Name clearly right there. Q: No-Name – are you here? A: “Yeah” e (09:31). *END* INITIAL REVIEW 060422 - 060622 by OPER. RT; SESSION OPERATORS: LUNA, RT. NOTES: SB7, NOISE GATE PORTAL, AUX CABLE, 3/8 F TO ¼ MALE ADAPTER, 2 CHANNEL VEHICLE DVR RECORDER. SETTINGS: FM, REV, 150 MSS. ITC - HWY2 OPERS. LUNA & RT 061222 (6 of 7) Upon review we heard these possible ITCs: (*FOLLOWS POSSIBLE FIELD RESPONSE*) A1: “Roland” (04:47), A2: “Roland” m (04:50), A3: “Roland” m (04:51) A4: “Roland” (04:55). A: “In his car” f (05:21), A: “I want it” m (05:24). A: Indistinct m(05:30). A: Indistinct m (05:32). A: “Where are we going?” e (05:48) Q: Where are we going? We’re going on a Sunday drive! (*FOLLOWS APPARENT REPEATING OF OUR WORD*) A: “Drive” m (06:02), A: “Roland” (06:14), A: “Hello” (06:29), A: “Frank sent him” (06:32). Q: Can you say aquamarine? A: Indistinct (or Aqua…) (07:18), A: “I did” (07:20). *END* INITIAL REVIEW 060422 - 060622 by OPER. RT; SESSION OPERATORS: LUNA, RT. NOTES: SB7, NOISE GATE PORTAL, AUX CABLE, 3/8 F TO ¼ MALE ADAPTER, 2 CHANNEL VEHICLE DVR RECORDER. SETTINGS: FM, REV, 150 MSS. ITC - HWY2 OPERS. LUNA & RT 061222 (7 of 7) Upon review we heard these possible ITCs: A: “Hello” (00:35). Q: Does someone need help? A: (“I would”) (00:48), *END* INITIAL REVIEW 060422 - 060622 by OPER. RT; SESSION OPERATORS: LUNA, RT. NOTES: SB7, NOISE GATE PORTAL, AUX CABLE, 3/8 F TO ¼ MALE ADAPTER, 2 CHANNEL VEHICLE DVR RECORDER. SETTINGS: FM, REV, 150 MSS. Edited June 21, 2022 by Operator RT 0 Quote
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