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Posts posted by Courtney1983

  1. On 7/1/2021 at 11:10 AM, Arizona EVP said:


    I am replying to this topic and the only option it gave me was to erase Arizona EVPs comment to I could comment as well.  I have been experimenting with EVP for 3 years now.  You can read my story, I posted it on the introduce me thread.  Ghosts definitely use audio to speak theres no doubt about that.  I figured out the best way to do it and my recordings are unbelievable and unprecedented.  The louder the noise the louder their voices get.  I am trying to find someone with some pull in the paranormal community so I get noticed because I really do have the holy grail of EVP.  NOBODY on the planet has recordings like mine.  It's unbelievable when you hear it....... But yes they somehow use or manipulate audio to speak.  Steve Huff from Huff Paranormal says the same thing.  

  2. Hello.  My name is Courtney Witham.  I am 39 years old and  I am from NH, USA.  I've always been interested in the unknown, especially ghosts.  I was intrigued as a child, and always watched paranormal investigators on TV.  (Still do).  Three years ago in 2020 I decided I was going to go for a walk in the cemetery near my house in Massachusetts and take a recording to see if I could pick up any EVPs.  Well to my surprise I did.  I came home and listened and I got a few whispers of voices that were definitely not living people in the cemetery.  After listening carefully to the recording I took in the cemetery I decided to try to record in my bedroom.  So I took my galaxy S9 plus, clicked on the Samsung voice recorder and pressed record.  I sat in my room just asking basic questions like is there anyone here, can you tell me your name etc.  I got up and left the room to use the bathroom and kept it recording.  When I came back I stopped it and played it back. I got my first loud EVP of a man saying "open, I'm not nice".  I couldn't believe it!  I was so excited! So after taking a few more recordings I started to get more voices.   I noticed that they only spoke when there was a noise, I started to realize that they need noise to speak!  There is a channel on YouTube called Huff Paranormal.  His name is Steve Huff and he is a ITC researcher.  He invented the wonder box.  It uses a word bank and human voice reverb to give spirits a voice.  Now Steve Huff says that spirits manipulate audio to speak.  So I realized that I was right about the noise.  They need noise to speak.  So anyway after taking a bunch of recordings with my fan running for noise I was getting amazing results.  A few days into it I was recording in my room and all of a sudden I heard someone say "Courtney?" I freaked out a little because there was nobody home but me so I stopped the recorder and listened and to my astonishment I caught it on recording.  After my name was said I say "oh my God Courtney something let me listen to this". It was the voice of a friend of mine that died of a drug overdose in 2015.  I couldn't believe it.  That recording was 100% validation for me.  There was no question about what was happening.  That was the first time I heard spirits with my ears.  So after that day it started.  I started literally being able to hear spirits with my ears.  I ended up meeting evil spirits and hearing them with my ears.  I used to lie in bed petrified hearing spirits with my ears.   One night I was talking to my girlfriend the one that died in 2015, the one I got on recording saying my name.  Her name is Dixie.  So one night I was sitting on my couch in my bedroom and I was talking to her and having a conversation back and forth.  All of a sudden her voice got extremely loud like she was sitting right next to me. It was so crazy, it actually scared the shit out of me.  She said "Courtney I don't have much time but I need to tell you that there is a demon in your closet" so immediately my heart started beating out of my chest in fear and I said "what? Are u kidding me what do I do???!!".  Then she said "no no Courtney its not what you think don't be afraid just pray it away". I was so frightened after that I jumped up and ran into my roommates bed and slept with him the rest of the night.  I was so freaked out because what I knew about demons is that they are just not good, and I had to get rid of it.  To make a looooong story short I ended up praying and saging my house, I always recorded while doing it.  I thought up a way to bind the demon to a piece of paper that I drew a cross and a pentagram on and I would burn the paper at the end.  I have recordings of demons screaming and cussing me out when I would do this ritual that I made up.  Anyways so yeah I battled with demons or evil spirits for a few months and after a while they gave up and stopped terrorizing me.  So, I kept experimenting with the recordings playing different background noses for 3 years.  I have some amazing EVPS.  Ok so 3 days ago something crazy happened.  All of a sudden the recordings I was taking got WICKED LOUD.  I think I finally after 3 years got the right background noise and the right audio settings on my computer to hear them loud.  Because before that not everyone could hear what I could here.  (Besides a few louder EVPs I captured especially when Dixie said my name that was unmistakable) 3 days ago I figured out how to get the recordings to where anyone ON THE PLANET can hear them.  3 days ago my recordings are unbelievable.  They are unprecedented.  I don't think anyone on THE PLANET has got what I got.  I believe I opened up a new frontier when it comes to spirit communication.  The recordings I took 3 days ago up until now are unbelievable.  My roommates are terrified they cannot believe what they are hearing.  I've watched paranormal investigators for years and years and when they take EVP they only end up getting a few whispers or a few words here and there.  I HAVE PARAGRAPHS OF VOICES.  Like I said I have unprecedented evidence.  Now I joined this forum because I am desperately trying to find someone to listen to me and come to my house so I can show them what I have and so I can record right in front of them to prove that this is REAL.  I totally believe that if I can get noticed for this I could be rich.  This is no joke.  I literally have the holy grail when it comes to EVP.  So what do I do now? Who should I call??? I'm asking you guys to possibly help me.  Give me some advice.  I will not disclose the background noise I use because I don't want someone stealing my idea.  Like I said this is no joke.  Anyone have any advice??? And I am willing to go under any psychological testing anything.  But I won't even have to once someone comes here and sees and hears what I have.  Please help.  My phone number is 1 (413) 404-0777.  Text me first before calling so I know who u are. Please somebody listen to me!!!!! 

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