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Posts posted by Mike

  1. Some good captures, Tom!

    I have an EVP which sounded like a deep mechanical growl type noise.  It took months before I thought to play with the pitch.  When I raised the pitch, it was a mans voice saying "No Viva". 

    I wonder if it is a matter of experience, talent or skill on the other side in order for them to relay a message in normal human pitch and speed?  Anabela Cardoso has received many messages saying that they exist "outside of time".  If that is the case, than I would image sounding out a word or phrase in the correct order would be difficult.  Maybe that's why some messages and words are backwards?  

  2. I have recorded using multiple phones at the same time.  Results are as follows:

    Disembodied voices - Locational.  Two phones approximately 10 -15 feet away from each other.  The voice, which seemed to emanate from the location between our two phones in real time, sounded on playback that it was clearly closer to one phone than the other.

    EVP - We used three phones, one on the ground, one held in hand (3 feet away), the third held by a second party approximately five feet away.  All three phones captured the same EVP response at about the same volume level during a windy day in a graveyard.  


    Make of those results what you will.  I am curious to experiment with multiple 'types' of microphones at once, to see if there is much of a difference.  I am still curious though, if the other side can speak out loud (at times), than why don't they do it all the time, instead of EVP's?  Such a mystery.

  3. Thanks for having me.  I've been involved in voice phenomena research since 2020.  I've captured full disembodied voices intelligently answering me, as well as many EVP's.  After reading books by Anabela Cardoso and Constatin Raudive, I have been intrigued with spirit group communications.

    I am an audio engineer and have used various software programs to aid in hearing some of the more difficult EVP's.  (Sound Forge Pro, SpectraLayers 8, ProTools HD etc).   With that said, I find a trained ear is more valuable than software. 

    I am hoping to learn from those who have come before me and offer whatever knowledge I can to the community.  I would also like to find collaborative efforts with like-minded people.

    Thank you


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