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Dr. Santosh. K. M

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Status Updates posted by Dr. Santosh. K. M

  1. A Chapter from my book:

    Human Perspective of Life and Death

    The vast majority of people think that life comes to an end after death. It's of no surprise, then that mankind enthralled of all things in this world has forgotten the fundamental meaning of life on this planet.

    Humans have a wide range of viewpoints on life. They claim that life begins with this birth and ends with death, then the body decomposes into dust. So some of them decides to enjoy consuming alcohol drink, exult, and perish. Others depart from their right way of sexual pleasure and suffer the agony of life in the grip of fatal diseases and eventually die. It is certain that the pleasure is momentary and that the later moments are full of sorrow.

    Some people live in the world with the goal of achieving physical fulfillment through materialism. It is typical for selfish individuals to look at money, then make their lives miserable and end in agony by leaping over money. Others succumb to superstition and devil worship believing that the pride of having accomplished all in life and reaching God after death.

    A vast majority of people who work hard for a livelihood die without thinking about the future and only remembering their everyday lives. Some people get dissatisfied with life and commit suicide, believing that everything will come to an end with their death. Some people are scared of thinking about death. They are terrified because they think on the mistakes they have committed in life and the punishment they will face after death, according to the scriptures they have read. Only a few people live perfectly by fulfilling their responsibilities in life, remembering only the good, performing good deeds like as charity and living long enough to meet the Afterlife. Thus goes humanity.

    One thing is certain that after a period of time on this earth, we must all die on another day. The span of time lived on our planet differs from person to person. According to the scripture, as soon as God gives birth to a human being, he or she began to commit sins. Finally, in order to achieve peace at the point of death, one must live a fruitful life on this planet. Those who live wisely need not be concerned, they can joyfully invite death. Those who have done wrong can atone, confess, and apologize for their actions and then approach death without dread. The majority of us are here to live as long as possible. Even people who are gravely ill , for example It is common that whose limbs are damaged due to deadly diseases spend a lot of money to have their organs transplanted and so on to live the maximum period. During this time, the average human life span is declining. Jeanne Calment (1875–1997), a French woman who reportedly lived to 122 years, was the longest-lived person whose dates of birth and death were verified according to modern Guinness World Records and the Gerontology Research Group norms (Wikipedia). Think what it would be like if we all live here for more than 100 years, with an aged society suffering from poor memory, disease, and a lack of appropriate hearing and vision. Hence, death is a natural event that should occur at the appropriate time. As a result, humanity will continue to come and go on this earth. Man today is very proud of his inventions, and technology is at its peak. Despite the fact that technological advancements are for the benefit of mankind, they are all geared toward materialism. Scientific discoveries are to be well appreciated. According to spiritualists, technology will never be able to achieve the perfection required to save humanity or to survive them. According to them, super specialty hospitals are on the rise nowadays, yet thousands of individuals with chronic conditions are still walking down the hospital aisle. We can only image how helpless those who have been diagnosed with diseases like Covid'19, HIV, cancer, and so on to suffer. When a medicine is discovered for one ailment, it leads to the emergence of a slew of new diseases.


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