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Karl JB

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Posts posted by Karl JB

  1. UK medium Leslie Flint - a spirit voice communication from Nellie Klute

    In this recording from Leslie's private home circle, Mickey speaks to everyone first of all, then he reminds Leslie and Bram about the ghost they once met at the theatre.
    As they remember this ghostly figure - who stands and watches, but can sometimes be seen - the whispering voice of the ghost herself, Nellie Klute, makes her appearance...

    Nellie's voice never gains full strength, but she speaks clearly, sharing stories from her life and the London theatre from days gone by - sometimes leaving the sitters in fits of laughter...

    This vintage recording is enhanced for clarity - but includes a full transcript (with optional translation available)






  2. UK medium Leslie Flint - a spirit voice communication from Professor Charles Richet

    Professor Charles Richet was a pioneering French physiologist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1913.
    He was also a successful aviator, novelist and playwright who studied physical mediumship for many years.

    In 1894 he devised the term ‘ectoplasm’ - to describe the substance utilised in the séance room by people from the spirit world.

    Here Richet discusses the technicalities of how spirits communicate and how his understanding of the afterlife helped him after death...
    (The first voice in the recording is an unsuccessful attempt made by another spirit communicator.)

    This vintage recording is enhanced for clarity - but includes a full transcript (with optional translation available)





  3. UK medium Leslie Flint - a spirit voice communication from Brother Boniface

    Centuries ago Brother Boniface was a Benedictine monk in England.
    He did not blindly accept all the teachings of the Catholic Church, and sometimes even doubted its authority - he felt led by a higher power.

    Boniface says that those we have lost are not dead, they are still around us and try to reach out - but we lack the awareness to sense their presence.
    He says ‘links of love’ can never be broken and we all have a guardian angel, so no one is truly alone in their life.

    Mickey speaks briefly at the end of the recording, followed by Anna and then Jock.

    This vintage recording is enhanced for clarity - but includes a full transcript (with optional translation available)






  4. UK medium Leslie Flint - a spirit voice communication from Pierre

    Pierre explains that spirits have to learn how to communicate, and mediums are not like 'slot machines' that can always produce results.

    He suggests that too many people expect mediums to solve all their material problems in life - and information which sometimes seems to come from the spirit world, often only comes from the narrow mind of some mediums themselves...

    Pierre also advises that this type of work must not be commercialised or used to benefit others materially or to exaggerate their own importance.

    This vintage recording is enhanced for clarity - but includes a full transcript (with optional translation available)






  5. UK medium Leslie Flint - a spirit voice communication from Isaac Watson

    Isaac was an 18th century Polish immigrant who suffered poor health at the end of his life.
    He was relieved to finally arrive in the Afterlife - where he was reunited with his parents and the brother he lost as a child.

    Isaac describes witnessing a concert in the spirit world, where an orchestra of hundreds of musicians create a scintillating display of colour with their music.

    He says we are wrong to assume the Earth is the only world and is saddened that we still suffer with war and disease
    - because scientific progress should be bringing the world together...

    This vintage recording is enhanced for clarity - but includes a full transcript (with optional translation available)







  6. UK medium Leslie Flint - a spirit voice communication from Mickey

    In this fascinating and humorous séance recording, Flint's spirit helper Mickey addresses common misunderstandings about the Afterlife
    and why people should not be frightened of dying... then he shares information with one of the sitters about his wife in the spirit world.

    Mickey recalls his own parents and his visits to an old London theatre during his lifetime.
    Then he talks about his connection to Leslie Flint the medium.

    This vintage recording is enhanced for clarity - but includes a full transcript (with optional translation available)





  7. UK medium Leslie Flint - a spirit voice communication by Mickey

    In this informal séance from his private circle of sitters, Leslie Flint's spirit helper, Mickey, tries to answer various questions - such as:
    does news of tragic events spread around the spirit world, the same as it does on Earth? And can the sitters be told about their past lives?

    Mickey is asked about Linda Martel - the British child with the gift of healing the sick - then later, as some classical music is played, the sitters feel the room grow colder.

    At the end, Leslie shares some unexpected clairvoyance, Dr Marshall makes a very brief appearance, and Mickey advises not to invite new members without permission.

    This vintage recording is enhanced for clarity - but includes a full transcript (with optional translation available)






  8. UK medium Leslie Flint - a spirit voice communication by Elizabeth Fry

    Elizabeth Fry chose to visit one of the darkest and most crowded prisons in London, to see for herself the horrific conditions there.
    Inspired to help those incarcerated - especially the children - Elizabeth's life of prison work famously became the foundation for prison reform throughout the UK.

    120 years after her death, Elizabeth Fry returns in this Leslie Flint séance recording, and explains that people who live a very materialistic life on Earth, will find their afterlife experience is an exact replica of that life...

    This vintage recording is enhanced for clarity - but includes a full transcript (with optional translation available)




  9. UK medium Leslie Flint - a spirit voice communication by Percea

    Speaking to George Woods and Betty Greene, this sincerely spiritual communication comes from an aged communicator calling himself Percea.
    The recording begins, however, with Leslie Flint's regular spirit helper Mickey, who seems to be in a very flippant mood...

    This vintage recording is enhanced for clarity - but includes a full transcript (with optional translation available)






  10. UK medium Leslie Flint - a spirit voice communication by Queen Victoria & John Brown

    After Rose Creet had spoken with Benjamin Disraeli, she hears the voice of Queen Victoria of England who makes it quite clear, that she is no longer Queen, but simply 'Victoria'...

    She refers to her husband Albert, with whom she now shares her life 'in paradise' and explains that her royal 'ghillie' - Scotsman John Brown - was also a spirit medium.
    Later, John Brown speaks for himself and recommends that Flint should take a wee drop of whisky for his cold !

    This vintage recording is enhanced for clarity - but includes a full transcript (with optional translation available)






  11. UK medium Leslie Flint - a collection spirit voice séances from Brian Hurst

    Brian Edward Hurst is a retired British medium and author, living in California.

    He has a lifetime of paranormal experiences, including; meeting Sathya Sai Baba, photographing demonstrations of psychic surgery at Stansted Hall, attending the famous Scole Experimental group in Norfolk, and later hosting the group when they demonstrated in America.

    Brian has been inspired by many mediums, including; William Redmond, Nora Blackwood, Joseph Benjamin and physical mediums Anne Copley and William Olsen.
    He also became friends with Leslie Flint and attended his séances, both in London and California.

    Brian recently donated this collection of séance recordings to the Leslie Flint Trust.

    This recordings have been enhanced for clarity.







  12. UK medium Leslie Flint - a spirit voice communication by 'Laughing' Mollie

    Leslie Flint and his sitters are surprised when the laughing voice of a Scots/Irish woman named Mollie is heard.
    Talking of her happiness in the Afterlife, and her lonely, drunken life in Ireland, Mollie does not stop laughing throughout the recording...

    After her departure the voice of Dr Charles Marshall explains that Mollie was brought through as a point of interest, rather than for her philosophy.

    This vintage recording is enhanced for clarity - but includes a full transcript (with optional translation available)





  13. UK medium Leslie Flint - another spirit voice communication by Frédéric Chopin

    Frédéric Chopin returns to share memories of his own death and his first impressions of the Afterlife.
    He talks about his interest in reincarnation, the importance of the piano in his work and the creative power of the spirit.

    Frédéric was already a regular communicator when this séance was recorded. This is his first communication with George Woods and Betty Greene.

    This vintage recording has been enhanced for clarity - but a full transcript (with optional translation) is available.




  14. UK medium Leslie Flint - a spirit voice communication by Arthur Conan Doyle

    The world-famous author Arthur Conan Doyle returns to communicate, 36 years after his death, at this Leslie Flint séance from 1966.

    Speaking to Rose Creet, Doyle discusses how his career and reputation were made to suffer, through his efforts to enlighten the public on the subjects of spirit communication and Spiritualism. Doyle also explains that we all have the opportunity to develop our own spiritual powers, which lie dormant within each of us.

    This vintage recording is enhanced for clarity - but includes a full transcript (with optional translation available)





  15. UK medium Leslie Flint - a spirit voice communication by Captain Michael Fearon

    Captain Michael Rodney Fearon was an officer in the British Army. He died on June 24th 1944 aged twenty-seven.
    25 years later Michael communicated during a Leslie Flint séance and spoke with George Woods and Betty Greene...

    Mike discusses the effect of suicide on the soul after death and his views on those who remain Earthbound.
    George asks him about dreams and Mike talks about the difference between creations of the thinking mind & existence in astral conditions...

    This vintage recording is enhanced for clarity - but includes a full transcript (with optional translation available)





  16. UK medium Leslie Flint - a spirit voice communication by Amy Johnson

    Pioneering aviator Amy Johnson CBE was the first female pilot to fly solo from England to Australia,
    Twenty-nine years after her death she returns, to speak to researcher Betty Greene, at this Leslie Flint séance from 1970.

    In this recording Amy describes her experience as a pilot, then talks about her current interests in the afterlife.
    Amy then answers a question about people with disabilities who arrive in the Spirit World...

    This vintage recording has been enhanced for clarity - but a full transcript (with optional translation) is available.




  17. UK medium Leslie Flint - a spirit voice communication by Frédéric Chopin

    In this 14-minute séance recording, the spirit voice of composer Frédéric Chopin talks with Rose Creet.

    They discuss biographies written about his life and the work of other pianists who have performed his music - including Anton Rubinstein and Arthur Rubinstein.
    Frédéric also refers to his friendship with Felix Mendelssohn.

    This vintage recording has been enhanced for clarity - but a full transcript (with optional translation) is available.




  18. In  2017, the American medium James Van Praagh was approached by the Leslie Flint Trust to ask if he would share his memories of meeting Leslie Flint.
    Mr Van Praagh very kindly took time out of his schedule to create this short video testimonial where he shares his recollections of meeting Leslie Flint and details of the survival evidence he received after attending Flint's séances in the USA.

  19. Betty Greene's introduction to the Independent Direct Voice mediumship of Leslie Flint
    For almost 20 years, researchers George Woods and Betty Greene recorded hundreds of spirit voice communications with UK medium Leslie Flint.
    In this recording from 1964, Betty Greene explains what 'Independent Direct Voice' is for those who are unfamiliar with it.




    "Hello everybody. This is Mrs. Greene speaking.

    Mr. Woods and I thought it would be a good idea that, if before you heard any of these tapes, we gave you an introductory talk. Because, although there may be one or two of you who may know about psychic phenomena, there will be a number of you who have no knowledge whatsoever of this subject, especially of direct voice.

    Now, as in all séances, there is a medium, but in the case of direct voice the mediumship is physical and not mental. Mental mediumship consists primarily of clairvoyance, clairaudience (hearing a spirit voice), impressions and inspirational writing.

    Physical mediumship is responsible for direct voice, transfiguration (a spirit will overshadow the medium and his face will change), spirit photography, materialisation and telekinesis; the latter being the movement of objects without physical contact.

    In everybody there is a substance known as ectoplasm. This substance is a life-force and a physical medium has a great deal of it and therefore, is the chief power-station. From this ectoplasmic substance, we are told, chemists on the ‘other side’ fashion a replica of the vocal organs and reproduce what is known as the voice-box, or in some cases, we have heard it referred to as a mask. Perhaps in this modern age we might refer to it as the etheric microphone.

    If you were to take an infra-red photograph during a direct voice séance, you would see cords of ectoplasm emanating from the solar plexus of each sitter and the medium. The emanation from the latter, of course, being the greatest. And all these cords joining up to form what looks like a ball of mist, or the voice-box.

    The spirit communicator transmits his or her thoughts through this voice-box and, by so doing, a vibration is created which reaches us as sound or the voice. In other words, the spirit communicators have to lower their vibration so that they may enter the Earth's vibration.

    This explains why the voice may not sound quite like the Earth voice - it may be a little distorted. It is rather like when we telephone somebody; we often say we did not recognise so-and-so’s voice. Our voices are being transmitted artificially by the means of an instrument, which at times can distort them. Therefore, how very complicated our spirit friends must find it, when they have to reproduce their voice by thought, and also through an artificially made voice-box. They cannot be expected to reproduce their Earth voice exactly, although I am afraid some sitters do expect it.

    Also, if a spirit has been on the other side for a number of years, they forget what their Earth voice sounded like, as they communicate with each other by thought. I ask those of you who are listening to this to try and produce your voice by thought. It's difficult is it not? Especially if have never heard what your voice sounds like to others.

    Now when you listen to these tapes, there is one very important fact. And that is, that the voice of the spirit communicator does not come through the medium. I'm going to repeat that: the voice of the spirit does not come through the medium, but in mid-air about three feet away from him - or wherever the voice-box has been constructed. So many people have the erroneous idea that the voice comes through the medium; through his own lips. But in direct voice this is not the case. The voice is completely independent of the medium, that is why the phenomenon is called 'direct voice' or 'independent voice'.

    Some direct voice mediums go into trance, but this particular medium does not do so, and is conscious the whole time. He often laughs or makes comments when we do. Also, when you listen to the tapes you may hear the spirit breathing rather heavily, just as they are trying to get through, and you may hear them taking breaths between sentences.

    Now, this business of breathing has puzzled some people quite a lot, and it is a question that is often put to us. First of all, you must remember that our friends on the other side are people, just as much as we are on this side. They are spirits. And we are spirits, here and now, but on a lower vibration.

    Now, when we talk to people we breathe between sentences. The difference is this: when our spirit friends are in their own environment, communication between each other is done by thought. The same process takes place when they communicate with us via the voice-box. The subtle difference being, that they have lowered their vibrations to Earth conditions, and therefore have brought down their memories of those conditions and they will use all its facilities as they did on Earth, except that they are doing it by thought. It has been known for a person who stuttered while on Earth, to stutter while communicating in direct voice; they were back in their old Earth conditions.

    May I try and explain it another way? One often carries on a lecture or a conversation in one's mind. Without realising it we are mentally taking breaths between sentences. But when we are able to use our normal larynx etc., and speak our thoughts aloud, our breathing is apparent to others. That is exactly what is going on with our spirit friends - they are communicating with us by thought, and when those thoughts are lowered to the Earth vibration and we can hear them in sound, those breaths becomes apparent to us.

    The heavy breathing, which is sometimes heard as the spirit is trying to get through, are the conditions just before they passed from their Earth life into the spirit world. And as they try to get through, they are entering those conditions again. The same idea applies to accents. A spirit communicator who had an accent whilst on Earth - say, for argument's sake, a Scots accent - when he vibrates to Earth conditions, this accent will be apparent because his memory has drawn him back to Earth conditions.

    Most physical mediums have a young [spirit] person attached to them. They help to raise the vibrations, and in direct voice, assist the spirit communicators in getting through. This particular medium has a young boy attached to him who, when on Earth, was a paper-boy and was killed in a road accident. He is usually the first one to come through, and gives us a cheery word of greeting, often calling us ‘Woody’ and ‘Auntie Greenie’. But quite often he will call us by our christian names, and at the end of the sitting he always pops back to say goodbye.

    The medium has been through every scientific test, and the genuineness of his mediumship and his integrity have been proved beyond all doubt. Mr Woods has had a great deal of experience in psychic phenomena. In fact, for over 40 years he has been studying it. He has even had the experience of walking around the room with a materialised spirit at a materialisation séance.

    I have had about 11 years experience and have been attending direct voice seances with Mr Woods. But approximately 8 or 9 years ago, a spirit communicator came through to us and said that if just the two of us would sit with the medium at regular intervals, but that we must sit without any personal motive - in other words, not for ourselves or wishing to get any of our relatives through - they, on the other side would try and bring through people from all walks of life, who would tell how they passed over, what they experienced, their reactions on finding themselves on the other side, and their life and work in the spirit world.

    Well, we have made every effort to sit at regular intervals with the medium and gradually, we have collected these tapes. Please do not think that every time that we attend a direct voice séance we record a good tape. Because there have been times when we have had nothing at all - a blank sitting. We never know who, or if anybody at all, will come through.

    People do not understand that a successful séance depends on the conditions; not only of the medium, physically and mentally; the atmospheric conditions; but above all, on the conditions, mentally and physically, given out by the sitters.

    For those of you who are becoming really interested in this subject and would really like to study it and eventually attend séances, I wish to lay great stress upon this point - because so many people will blame the medium for a bad sitting, whether it be for clairvoyance or direct voice; but more often than not, the sitters themselves are to blame, because of the conditions they have introduced into the séance room: one must always attend a séance with the highest motives and not just for entertainment.

    It is useless attending a séance having just been into a public house for a drink, or having looked at a rather nasty play on television, or read something disturbing in a newspaper, or worse still, having just had a row with somebody. Because these thought conditions will go with you into the séance room and will attract a very low order. One sitter with perhaps a nasty or wrong mental attitude, can wreck a séance or bring it down to a very low level. I would like newcomers to this subject to bear this in mind; that your studies and any psychic work you may eventually do, should be carried out with the highest motives and not just for entertainment or material gain.

    Spirits from all walks of life, when on Earth, have come through to talk to us. Some have been cultured, some not so. But they have all given us, in their own way, an interesting description of themselves, their reactions on finding themselves in the spirit world, and their new life. But however humble or however eloquent the spirit communicators have been, throughout all our tapes runs the golden thread of truth and the right way of life. We leave you to judge for yourselves.

    We must apologise for any noises-off you may hear on the tapes; such as a dog barking, a car revving up or an aeroplane going over. The microphone being such a sensitive instrument, will pick up these outside noises and I am sure you will understand that any noise outside the séance room is quite beyond our control. There are times, however, when you may hear the medium coughing or sniffing. This is due to the ectoplasm which sometimes gets in his nose and throat.

    There is one other thing we should like to mention, which is also very important, and that is; that a physical medium feels very tired after a séance. They have had a great deal taken out of them. So that sitters, after a séance, should leave as quickly as possible and not hang around the medium and keep him talking. As it is essential that all physical mediums, whether for direct voice or materialisation or any physical phenomena, should rest immediately after a sitting."

    This transcript was created for the Leslie Flint Trust by K.Jackson-Barnes - January 2019
    Please seek permission from The Leslie Flint Trust before using this text elsewhere.



    UK medium Leslie Flint - a spirit voice communication by Dr Charles Marshall

    During his lifetime Doctor Charles Marshall was an accomplished dermatologist and cancer specialist. 
    After his death in 1940, his wife Blanche attended Leslie Flint séances to communicate with her husband directly.
    Once Blanche had joined him in the spirit world, Dr Marshall continued to communicate at Leslie Flint séances for many years, until Flint's death in 1994.

    Dr Marshall often gave advice on health issues, but he also discussed philosophy and spiritual matters.
    In this recording, Dr Marshall speaks with Rose Creet on the subject of past lives and how some spirit communicators can present themselves as the characters they were in previous lives. He refers in particular to the composer Frédéric Chopin who, Marshall says, was once Akhenaten of Egypt...

    This vintage recording is enhanced for clarity - but includes a full transcript (with optional translation available)



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